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Example 81 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class PrimaryDataStoreHelper method createPrimaryDataStore.

public DataStore createPrimaryDataStore(final PrimaryDataStoreParameters params) {
    if (params == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("createPrimaryDataStore: Input params is null, please check");
    StoragePoolVO dataStoreVO = dataStoreDao.findPoolByUUID(params.getUuid());
    if (dataStoreVO != null) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("duplicate uuid: " + params.getUuid());
    dataStoreVO = new StoragePoolVO();
    final Map<String, String> details = params.getDetails();
    if (params.getType() == StoragePoolType.SMB && details != null) {
        final String user = details.get("user");
        String password = details.get("password");
        final String domain = details.get("domain");
        String updatedPath = params.getPath();
        if (user == null || password == null) {
            final String errMsg = "Missing cifs user and password details. Add them as details parameter.";
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(errMsg);
        } else {
            try {
                password = DBEncryptionUtil.encrypt(URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8"));
                details.put("password", password);
                updatedPath += "?user=" + user + "&password=" + password + "&domain=" + domain;
            } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while generating the cifs url. " + e.getMessage());
    final String tags = params.getTags();
    if (tags != null) {
        final String[] tokens = tags.split(",");
        for (String tag : tokens) {
            tag = tag.trim();
            if (tag.length() == 0) {
            details.put(tag, "true");
    dataStoreVO = dataStoreDao.persist(dataStoreVO, details);
    return dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(dataStoreVO.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
Also used : InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( StoragePoolVO( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 82 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class XenserverSnapshotStrategy method deleteSnapshot.

public boolean deleteSnapshot(final Long snapshotId) {
    final SnapshotVO snapshotVO = snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
    if (snapshotVO.getState() == Snapshot.State.Allocated) {
        return true;
    if (snapshotVO.getState() == Snapshot.State.Destroyed) {
        return true;
    if (Snapshot.State.Error.equals(snapshotVO.getState())) {
        final List<SnapshotDataStoreVO> storeRefs = snapshotStoreDao.findBySnapshotId(snapshotId);
        for (final SnapshotDataStoreVO ref : storeRefs) {
        return true;
    if (snapshotVO.getState() == Snapshot.State.CreatedOnPrimary) {
        s_logger.debug("delete snapshot on primary storage:");
        snapshotDao.update(snapshotId, snapshotVO);
        return true;
    if (!Snapshot.State.BackedUp.equals(snapshotVO.getState()) && !Snapshot.State.Error.equals(snapshotVO.getState())) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't delete snapshotshot " + snapshotId + " due to it is in " + snapshotVO.getState() + " Status");
    // first mark the snapshot as destroyed, so that ui can't see it, but we
    // may not destroy the snapshot on the storage, as other snapshots may
    // depend on it.
    final SnapshotInfo snapshotOnImage = snapshotDataFactory.getSnapshot(snapshotId, DataStoreRole.Image);
    if (snapshotOnImage == null) {
        s_logger.debug("Can't find snapshot on backup storage, delete it in db");
        return true;
    final SnapshotObject obj = (SnapshotObject) snapshotOnImage;
    try {
    } catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
        s_logger.debug("Failed to set the state to destroying: ", e);
        return false;
    try {
        final boolean result = deleteSnapshotChain(snapshotOnImage);
        if (result) {
            // snapshot is deleted on backup storage, need to delete it on primary storage
            final SnapshotDataStoreVO snapshotOnPrimary = snapshotStoreDao.findBySnapshot(snapshotId, DataStoreRole.Primary);
            if (snapshotOnPrimary != null) {
                snapshotStoreDao.update(snapshotOnPrimary.getId(), snapshotOnPrimary);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        s_logger.debug("Failed to delete snapshot: ", e);
        try {
        } catch (final NoTransitionException e1) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to change snapshot state: " + e.toString());
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : SnapshotInfo( SnapshotVO( InvalidParameterValueException( NoTransitionException( SnapshotDataStoreVO( InvalidParameterValueException( NoTransitionException( CloudRuntimeException(

Example 83 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class LDAPConfigCmd method execute.

public void execute() throws ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException, ServerApiException, ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceAllocationException {
    if (getListAll()) {
        // return the existing conf
        final LdapListConfigurationCmd listConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(_ldapManager);
        final Pair<List<? extends LdapConfigurationVO>, Integer> result = _ldapManager.listConfigurations(listConfigurationCmd);
        final ListResponse<LDAPConfigResponse> response = new ListResponse<>();
        final List<LDAPConfigResponse> responses = new ArrayList<>();
        if (result.second() > 0) {
            final boolean useSSlConfig = _ldapConfiguration.getSSLStatus();
            final String searchBaseConfig = _ldapConfiguration.getBaseDn();
            final String bindDnConfig = _ldapConfiguration.getBindPrincipal();
            for (final LdapConfigurationVO ldapConfigurationVO : result.first()) {
                responses.add(createLDAPConfigResponse(ldapConfigurationVO.getHostname(), ldapConfigurationVO.getPort(), useSSlConfig, null, searchBaseConfig, bindDnConfig));
    } else if (getHostname() == null || getPort() == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("You need to provide hostname, port to configure your LDAP server");
    } else {
        final boolean result = updateLDAP();
        if (result) {
            final LDAPConfigResponse lr = createLDAPConfigResponse(getHostname(), getPort(), getUseSSL(), getQueryFilter(), getSearchBase(), getBindDN());
Also used : ListResponse( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LdapConfigurationVO( InvalidParameterValueException( LDAPConfigResponse( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 84 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class DedicatedResourceManagerImpl method dedicateZone.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_DEDICATE_RESOURCE, eventDescription = "dedicating a Zone")
public List<DedicatedResourceVO> dedicateZone(final Long zoneId, final Long domainId, final String accountName) {
    Long accountId = null;
    List<HostVO> hosts = null;
    if (accountName != null) {
        final Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
        final Account owner = _accountMgr.finalizeOwner(caller, accountName, domainId, null);
        accountId = owner.getId();
    final List<Long> childDomainIds = getDomainChildIds(domainId);
    checkAccountAndDomain(accountId, domainId);
    final Zone zone = zoneRepository.findOne(zoneId);
    if (zone == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find zone by id " + zoneId);
    } else {
        final DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedZone = _dedicatedDao.findByZoneId(zoneId);
        // check if zone is dedicated
        if (dedicatedZone != null) {
            s_logger.error("Zone " + zone.getName() + " is already dedicated");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Zone  " + zone.getName() + " is already dedicated");
        // check if any resource under this zone is dedicated to different account or sub-domain
        final List<HostPodVO> pods = _podDao.listByDataCenterId(zone.getId());
        final List<DedicatedResourceVO> podsToRelease = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<DedicatedResourceVO> clustersToRelease = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<DedicatedResourceVO> hostsToRelease = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final HostPodVO pod : pods) {
            final DedicatedResourceVO dPod = _dedicatedDao.findByPodId(pod.getId());
            if (dPod != null) {
                if (!(childDomainIds.contains(dPod.getDomainId()))) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pod " + pod.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                if (accountId != null) {
                    if (dPod.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {
                    } else {
                        s_logger.error("Pod " + pod.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pod " + pod.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                } else {
                    if (dPod.getAccountId() == null && dPod.getDomainId().equals(domainId)) {
        for (final DedicatedResourceVO dr : podsToRelease) {
            releaseDedicatedResource(null, dr.getPodId(), null, null);
        final List<ClusterVO> clusters = _clusterDao.listClustersByDcId(zone.getId());
        for (final ClusterVO cluster : clusters) {
            final DedicatedResourceVO dCluster = _dedicatedDao.findByClusterId(cluster.getId());
            if (dCluster != null) {
                if (!(childDomainIds.contains(dCluster.getDomainId()))) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cluster " + cluster.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                if (accountId != null) {
                    if (dCluster.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {
                    } else {
                        s_logger.error("Cluster " + cluster.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cluster " + cluster.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                } else {
                    if (dCluster.getAccountId() == null && dCluster.getDomainId().equals(domainId)) {
        for (final DedicatedResourceVO dr : clustersToRelease) {
            releaseDedicatedResource(null, null, dr.getClusterId(), null);
        hosts = _hostDao.listByDataCenterId(zone.getId());
        for (final HostVO host : hosts) {
            final DedicatedResourceVO dHost = _dedicatedDao.findByHostId(host.getId());
            if (dHost != null) {
                if (!(childDomainIds.contains(dHost.getDomainId()))) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Host " + host.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                if (accountId != null) {
                    if (dHost.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {
                    } else {
                        s_logger.error("Host " + host.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Host " + host.getName() + " under this Zone " + zone.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
                } else {
                    if (dHost.getAccountId() == null && dHost.getDomainId().equals(domainId)) {
        for (final DedicatedResourceVO dr : hostsToRelease) {
            releaseDedicatedResource(null, null, null, dr.getHostId());
    checkHostsSuitabilityForExplicitDedication(accountId, childDomainIds, hosts);
    final Long accountIdFinal = accountId;
    return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<List<DedicatedResourceVO>>() {

        public List<DedicatedResourceVO> doInTransaction(final TransactionStatus status) {
            // find or create the affinity group by name under this account/domain
            final AffinityGroup group = findOrCreateDedicatedAffinityGroup(domainId, accountIdFinal);
            if (group == null) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to dedicate zone due to, failed to create dedication affinity group");
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to dedicate zone. Please contact Cloud Support.");
            DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedResource = new DedicatedResourceVO(zoneId, null, null, null, null, null, group.getId());
            try {
                if (accountIdFinal != null) {
                dedicatedResource = _dedicatedDao.persist(dedicatedResource);
                // save the domainId in the zone
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to dedicate zone due to " + e.getMessage(), e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to dedicate zone. Please contact Cloud Support.");
            final List<DedicatedResourceVO> result = new ArrayList<>();
            return result;
Also used : Account( ClusterVO( Zone( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TransactionStatus( HostPodVO( HostVO( AffinityGroup( InvalidParameterValueException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) CloudRuntimeException( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DedicatedResourceVO( ActionEvent( DB(

Example 85 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class DedicatedResourceManagerImpl method listDedicatedClusters.

public Pair<List<? extends DedicatedResourceVO>, Integer> listDedicatedClusters(final ListDedicatedClustersCmd cmd) {
    final Long clusterId = cmd.getClusterId();
    final Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId();
    final String accountName = cmd.getAccountName();
    Long accountId = null;
    final Long affinityGroupId = cmd.getAffinityGroupId();
    if (accountName != null) {
        if (domainId != null) {
            final Account account = _accountDao.findActiveAccount(accountName, domainId);
            if (account != null) {
                accountId = account.getId();
        } else {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please specify the domain id of the account: " + accountName);
    final Pair<List<DedicatedResourceVO>, Integer> result = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedClusters(clusterId, domainId, accountId, affinityGroupId);
    return new Pair<>(result.first(), result.second());
Also used : Account( InvalidParameterValueException( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Pair(


InvalidParameterValueException ( Account ( ActionEvent ( CloudRuntimeException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)104 DB ( PermissionDeniedException ( List (java.util.List)61 TransactionStatus ( ResourceUnavailableException ( ServerApiException ( ConcurrentOperationException ( Network ( Pair ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)36 ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)36 ResourceAllocationException ( NetworkVO ( HostVO ( TransactionCallbackNoReturn (