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Example 6 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ScaleSystemVMCmd method execute.

public void execute() {
    CallContext.current().setEventDetails("SystemVm Id: " + getId());
    final ServiceOffering serviceOffering = _entityMgr.findById(ServiceOffering.class, serviceOfferingId);
    if (serviceOffering == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find service offering: " + serviceOfferingId);
    VirtualMachine result = null;
    try {
        result = _mgr.upgradeSystemVM(this);
    } catch (final ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final ConcurrentOperationException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final ManagementServerException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final VirtualMachineMigrationException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    if (result != null) {
        final SystemVmResponse response = _responseGenerator.createSystemVmResponse(result);
    } else {
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to upgrade system vm");
Also used : SystemVmResponse( ServerApiException( ManagementServerException( ServiceOffering( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceUnavailableException( VirtualMachineMigrationException( ConcurrentOperationException( VirtualMachine(

Example 7 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class MigrateSystemVMCmd method execute.

public void execute() {
    final Host destinationHost = _resourceService.getHost(getHostId());
    if (destinationHost == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find the host to migrate the VM, host id=" + getHostId());
    try {
        CallContext.current().setEventDetails("VM Id: " + getVirtualMachineId() + " to host Id: " + getHostId());
        // FIXME : Should not be calling UserVmService to migrate all types of VMs - need a generic VM layer
        final VirtualMachine migratedVm = _userVmService.migrateVirtualMachine(getVirtualMachineId(), destinationHost);
        if (migratedVm != null) {
            // return the generic system VM instance response
            final SystemVmResponse response = _responseGenerator.createSystemVmResponse(migratedVm);
        } else {
            throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to migrate the system vm");
    } catch (final ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
    } catch (final ConcurrentOperationException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", e);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage());
    } catch (final ManagementServerException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", e);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage());
    } catch (final VirtualMachineMigrationException e) {
        s_logger.warn("Exception: ", e);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage());
Also used : SystemVmResponse( ServerApiException( ManagementServerException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceUnavailableException( Host( VirtualMachineMigrationException( ConcurrentOperationException( VirtualMachine(

Example 8 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class GetUserCmd method execute.

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////// Accessors ///////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
public void execute() {
    final UserAccount result = _accountService.getUserByApiKey(getApiKey());
    if (result != null) {
        final UserResponse response = _responseGenerator.createUserResponse(result);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(response.getSecretKey())) {
            response.setSecretKey("SecretKey only visible when generating a new key");
    } else {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("User with specified API key does not exist");
Also used : UserResponse( InvalidParameterValueException( UserAccount(

Example 9 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class StartRouterCmd method execute.

public void execute() throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
    CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Router Id: " + getId());
    VirtualRouter result = null;
    final VirtualRouter router = _routerService.findRouter(getId());
    if (router == null || router.getRole() != Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't find router by id");
    } else {
        result = _routerService.startRouter(getId());
    if (result != null) {
        final DomainRouterResponse routerResponse = _responseGenerator.createDomainRouterResponse(result);
    } else {
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to start router");
Also used : ServerApiException( InvalidParameterValueException( DomainRouterResponse( VirtualRouter(

Example 10 with InvalidParameterValueException

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class StopRouterCmd method execute.

public void execute() throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Router Id: " + getId());
    VirtualRouter result = null;
    final VirtualRouter router = _routerService.findRouter(getId());
    if (router == null || router.getRole() != Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't find router by id");
    } else {
        result = _routerService.stopRouter(getId(), isForced());
    if (result != null) {
        final DomainRouterResponse response = _responseGenerator.createDomainRouterResponse(result);
    } else {
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to stop router");
Also used : ServerApiException( InvalidParameterValueException( DomainRouterResponse( VirtualRouter(


InvalidParameterValueException ( Account ( ActionEvent ( CloudRuntimeException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)104 DB ( PermissionDeniedException ( List (java.util.List)61 TransactionStatus ( ResourceUnavailableException ( ServerApiException ( ConcurrentOperationException ( Network ( Pair ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)36 ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)36 ResourceAllocationException ( NetworkVO ( HostVO ( TransactionCallbackNoReturn (