use of com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class SolrMetricManager method registerAll.
* Register all metrics in the provided {@link MetricSet}, optionally skipping those that
* already exist.
* @param registry registry name
* @param metrics metric set to register
* @param force if true then already existing metrics with the same name will be replaced.
* When false and a metric with the same name already exists an exception
* will be thrown.
* @param metricPath (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
* @throws Exception if a metric with this name already exists.
public void registerAll(String registry, MetricSet metrics, boolean force, String... metricPath) throws Exception {
MetricRegistry metricRegistry = registry(registry);
synchronized (metricRegistry) {
Map<String, Metric> existingMetrics = metricRegistry.getMetrics();
for (Map.Entry<String, Metric> entry : metrics.getMetrics().entrySet()) {
String fullName = mkName(entry.getKey(), metricPath);
if (force && existingMetrics.containsKey(fullName)) {
metricRegistry.register(fullName, entry.getValue());
use of com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class MetricsHandler method handleRequestBody.
public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws Exception {
if (container == null) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.INVALID_STATE, "Core container instance not initialized");
boolean compact = req.getParams().getBool(COMPACT_PARAM, true);
MetricFilter mustMatchFilter = parseMustMatchFilter(req);
MetricUtils.PropertyFilter propertyFilter = parsePropertyFilter(req);
List<MetricType> metricTypes = parseMetricTypes(req);
List<MetricFilter> metricFilters =;
Set<String> requestedRegistries = parseRegistries(req);
NamedList response = new SimpleOrderedMap();
for (String registryName : requestedRegistries) {
MetricRegistry registry = metricManager.registry(registryName);
SimpleOrderedMap result = new SimpleOrderedMap();
MetricUtils.toMaps(registry, metricFilters, mustMatchFilter, propertyFilter, false, false, compact, false, (k, v) -> result.add(k, v));
if (result.size() > 0) {
response.add(registryName, result);
rsp.getValues().add("metrics", response);
use of com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class MetricUtils method toMaps.
* Convert selected metrics to maps or to flattened objects.
* @param registry source of metrics
* @param shouldMatchFilters metrics must match any of these filters
* @param mustMatchFilter metrics must match this filter
* @param propertyFilter limit what properties of a metric are returned
* @param skipHistograms discard any {@link Histogram}-s and histogram parts of {@link Timer}-s.
* @param skipAggregateValues discard internal values of {@link AggregateMetric}-s.
* @param compact use compact representation for counters and gauges.
* @param simple use simplified representation for complex metrics - instead of a (name, map)
* only the selected (name "." key, value) pairs will be produced.
* @param consumer consumer that accepts produced objects
public static void toMaps(MetricRegistry registry, List<MetricFilter> shouldMatchFilters, MetricFilter mustMatchFilter, PropertyFilter propertyFilter, boolean skipHistograms, boolean skipAggregateValues, boolean compact, boolean simple, BiConsumer<String, Object> consumer) {
final Map<String, Metric> metrics = registry.getMetrics();
final SortedSet<String> names = registry.getNames(); -> -> metricFilter.matches(s, metrics.get(s)))).filter(s -> mustMatchFilter.matches(s, metrics.get(s))).forEach(n -> {
Metric metric = metrics.get(n);
convertMetric(n, metric, propertyFilter, skipHistograms, skipAggregateValues, compact, simple, consumer);
use of com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestRecovery method getMetrics.
private Map<String, Metric> getMetrics() {
SolrMetricManager manager = h.getCoreContainer().getMetricManager();
MetricRegistry registry = manager.registry(h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistryName());
return registry.getMetrics();
use of com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestCoreAdmin method testCoreSwap.
public void testCoreSwap() throws Exception {
// index marker docs to core0
SolrClient cli0 = getSolrCore0();
SolrInputDocument d = new SolrInputDocument("id", "core0-0");
d = new SolrInputDocument("id", "core0-1");
// index a marker doc to core1
SolrClient cli1 = getSolrCore1();
d = new SolrInputDocument("id", "core1-0");
// initial state assertions
SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery("*:*");
QueryResponse rsp = cli0.query(q);
SolrDocumentList docs = rsp.getResults();
assertEquals(2, docs.size());
docs.forEach(doc -> {
assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("id").toString().startsWith("core0-"));
rsp = cli1.query(q);
docs = rsp.getResults();
assertEquals(1, docs.size());
docs.forEach(doc -> {
assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("id").toString().startsWith("core1-"));
// assert initial metrics
SolrMetricManager metricManager = cores.getMetricManager();
String core0RegistryName = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(false, null, null, null, "core0");
String core1RegistryName = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(false, null, null, null, "core1");
MetricRegistry core0Registry = metricManager.registry(core0RegistryName);
MetricRegistry core1Registry = metricManager.registry(core1RegistryName);
// 2 docs + 1 commit
assertEquals(3, core0Registry.counter("UPDATE./update.requests").getCount());
// 1 doc + 1 commit
assertEquals(2, core1Registry.counter("UPDATE./update.requests").getCount());
// swap
CoreAdminRequest.swapCore("core0", "core1", getSolrAdmin());
// assert state after swap
cli0 = getSolrCore0();
cli1 = getSolrCore1();
rsp = cli0.query(q);
docs = rsp.getResults();
assertEquals(1, docs.size());
docs.forEach(doc -> {
assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("id").toString().startsWith("core1-"));
rsp = cli1.query(q);
docs = rsp.getResults();
assertEquals(2, docs.size());
docs.forEach(doc -> {
assertTrue(doc.toString(), doc.getFieldValue("id").toString().startsWith("core0-"));
core0Registry = metricManager.registry(core0RegistryName);
core1Registry = metricManager.registry(core1RegistryName);
assertEquals(2, core0Registry.counter("UPDATE./update.requests").getCount());
assertEquals(3, core1Registry.counter("UPDATE./update.requests").getCount());