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Example 6 with BoundingBox

use of com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class LayerWithZoomLevels method screenTile.

 * {@inheritDoc}
private Tile screenTile() {
    Dimension componentDimension = new Dimension(getWidth(), getHeight());
    Coord southWest = _map.translate(_center, _zoom, -getWidth() / 2, -getHeight() / 2);
    Coord northEast = _map.translate(_center, _zoom, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
    BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox(southWest, northEast);
    return new Tile(componentDimension, bbox, null);
Also used : Dimension(com.codename1.ui.geom.Dimension)

Example 7 with BoundingBox

use of com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class LinesLayer method boundingBox.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public BoundingBox boundingBox() {
    BoundingBox bbox = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < _lineSegments.size(); i++) {
        Coord[] coords = (Coord[]) _lineSegments.elementAt(i);
        BoundingBox cBbox = BoundingBox.create(coords);
        if (bbox == null) {
            bbox = cBbox;
        } else {
            bbox = bbox.extend(cBbox);
    return bbox;
Also used : Coord(com.codename1.maps.Coord) BoundingBox(com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox) Point(com.codename1.ui.geom.Point)

Example 8 with BoundingBox

use of com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox in project codenameone-google-maps by codenameone.

the class MapContainer method getBoundingBox.

public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
    Coord sw = this.getCoordAtPosition(0, getHeight());
    Coord ne = this.getCoordAtPosition(getWidth(), 0);
    return new BoundingBox(sw, ne);
Also used : Coord(com.codename1.maps.Coord) BoundingBox(com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox)

Example 9 with BoundingBox

use of com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox in project codenameone-google-maps by codenameone.

the class MapContainer method getScreenCoordinates.

 * Returns the screen points for a list of coordinates.  This is likely more efficient
 * than calling {@link #getScreenCoordinate(com.codename1.maps.Coord) } for each coordinate
 * in the list because this only involves a single call to the native layer.
 * @param coords The coordinates to convert to points.
 * @return A list of points relative to (0,0) of the map container.
public List<Point> getScreenCoordinates(List<Coord> coords) {
    List<Point> out = new ArrayList<Point>(coords.size());
    BoundingBox bbox = getBoundingBox();
    Mercator proj = new Mercator();
    BoundingBox projectedBox = proj.fromWGS84(bbox);
    for (Coord crd : coords) {
        Coord projectedCrd = proj.fromWGS84(crd);
        Point p;
        if (getWidth() <= 0 || getHeight() <= 0) {
            p = new Point(-100, -100);
        } else {
            // Point p = map.getScreenCoordinate(crd);
            double projectedWidth = projectedBox.longitudeDifference();
            double projectedHeight = projectedBox.latitudeDifference();
            double xCoord = (projectedCrd.getLongitude() - projectedBox.getSouthWest().getLongitude()) / projectedWidth * getWidth();
            double yCoord = (projectedBox.getNorthEast().getLatitude() - projectedCrd.getLatitude()) / projectedHeight * getHeight();
            p = new Point((int) xCoord, (int) yCoord);
    return out;
Also used : Coord(com.codename1.maps.Coord) Mercator(com.codename1.maps.Mercator) BoundingBox(com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Point(com.codename1.ui.geom.Point)

Example 10 with BoundingBox

use of com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox in project codenameone-google-maps by codenameone.

the class GoogleMapsTestApp method start.

public void start() {
    if (current != null) {;
    Form hi = new Form("Native Maps Test");
    hi.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    final MapContainer cnt = new MapContainer(HTML_API_KEY);
    // final MapContainer cnt = new MapContainer();
    // this breaks the code //because the Google map is not loaded yet
    cnt.setCameraPosition(new Coord(-26.1486233, 28.67401229999996));
    cnt.addMapListener(new MapListener() {

        public void mapPositionUpdated(Component source, int zoom, Coord center) {
            System.out.println("Map position updated: zoom=" + zoom + ", Center=" + center);
    cnt.addLongPressListener(e -> {
        System.out.println("Long press");
        ToastBar.showMessage("Received longPress at " + e.getX() + ", " + e.getY(), FontImage.MATERIAL_3D_ROTATION);
    cnt.addTapListener(e -> {
        ToastBar.showMessage("Received tap at " + e.getX() + ", " + e.getY(), FontImage.MATERIAL_3D_ROTATION);
    int maxZoom = cnt.getMaxZoom();
    System.out.println("Max zoom is " + maxZoom);
    Button btnMoveCamera = new Button("Move Camera");
    btnMoveCamera.addActionListener(e -> {
        cnt.setCameraPosition(new Coord(-33.867, 151.206));
    Style s = new Style();
    FontImage markerImg = FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_PLACE, s, 3);
    Button btnAddMarker = new Button("Add Marker");
    btnAddMarker.addActionListener(e -> {
        cnt.setCameraPosition(new Coord(41.889, -87.622));
        cnt.addMarker(EncodedImage.createFromImage(markerImg, false), cnt.getCameraPosition(), "Hi marker", "Optional long description", new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                System.out.println("Bounding box is " + cnt.getBoundingBox());
                ToastBar.showMessage("You clicked the marker", FontImage.MATERIAL_PLACE);
    Button btnAddPath = new Button("Add Path");
    btnAddPath.addActionListener(e -> {
        cnt.addPath(cnt.getCameraPosition(), // Sydney
        new Coord(-33.866, 151.195), // Fiji
        new Coord(-18.142, 178.431), // Hawaii
        new Coord(21.291, -157.821), // Mountain View
        new Coord(37.423, -122.091));
    Button panTo = new Button("Pan To");
    panTo.addActionListener(e -> {
        // bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng('66.057878', '-22.579047')); // Iceland
        // bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng('37.961952', '43.878878')); // Turkey
        Coord c1 = new Coord(49.0986192, -122.6764454);
        Coord c2 = new Coord(49.2577142, -123.1941149);
        // Coord center = new Coord(c1.getLatitude()/2 +  c2.getLatitude() / 2, c1.getLongitude()/2 + c2.getLongitude()/2 );
        Coord center = new Coord(49.1110928, -122.9414646);
        float zoom = cnt.getZoom();
        boolean[] finished = new boolean[1];
        cnt.addMapListener(new MapListener() {

            public void mapPositionUpdated(Component source, int zoom, Coord c) {
                if (Math.abs(c.getLatitude() - center.getLatitude()) > .001 || Math.abs(c.getLongitude() - center.getLongitude()) > .001) {
                finished[0] = true;
                synchronized (finished) {
                    final MapListener fthis = this;
                    Display.getInstance().callSerially(() -> {
        cnt.zoom(center, (int) zoom);
        while (!finished[0]) {
            Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> {
                while (!finished[0]) {
                    Util.wait(finished, 100);
        BoundingBox box = cnt.getBoundingBox();
        if (!box.contains(c1) || !box.contains(c2)) {
            while (!box.contains(c1) || !box.contains(c2)) {
                if (!box.contains(c1)) {
                    System.out.println("Box " + box + " doesn't contain " + c1);
                if (!box.contains(c1)) {
                    System.out.println("Box " + box + " doesn't contain " + c2);
                zoom -= 1;
                final boolean[] done = new boolean[1];
                final int fzoom = (int) zoom;
                cnt.addMapListener(new MapListener() {

                    public void mapPositionUpdated(Component source, int zm, Coord center) {
                        if (zm == fzoom) {
                            final MapListener fthis = this;
                            Display.getInstance().callSerially(() -> {
                            done[0] = true;
                            synchronized (done) {
                cnt.zoom(center, (int) zoom);
                while (!done[0]) {
                    Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> {
                        while (!done[0]) {
                            Util.wait(done, 100);
                box = cnt.getBoundingBox();
                System.out.println("Zoom now " + zoom);
        } else if (box.contains(c1) && box.contains(c2)) {
            while (box.contains(c1) && box.contains(c2)) {
                zoom += 1;
                final boolean[] done = new boolean[1];
                final int fzoom = (int) zoom;
                cnt.addMapListener(new MapListener() {

                    public void mapPositionUpdated(Component source, int zm, Coord center) {
                        if (zm == fzoom) {
                            final MapListener fthis = this;
                            Display.getInstance().callSerially(() -> {
                            done[0] = true;
                            synchronized (done) {
                cnt.zoom(center, (int) zoom);
                while (!done[0]) {
                    Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> {
                        while (!done[0]) {
                            Util.wait(done, 100);
                box = cnt.getBoundingBox();
            zoom -= 1;
            cnt.zoom(center, (int) zoom);
    Button testCoordPositions = $(new Button("Test Coords")).addActionListener(e -> {
        Coord topLeft = cnt.getCoordAtPosition(0, 0);
        System.out.println("Top Left is " + topLeft + " -> " + cnt.getScreenCoordinate(topLeft) + " Should be (0,0)");
        Coord bottomRight = cnt.getCoordAtPosition(cnt.getWidth(), cnt.getHeight());
        System.out.println("Bottom right is " + bottomRight + " -> " + cnt.getScreenCoordinate(bottomRight) + " Should be " + cnt.getWidth() + ", " + cnt.getHeight());
        Coord bottomLeft = cnt.getCoordAtPosition(0, cnt.getHeight());
        System.out.println("Bottom Left is " + bottomLeft + " -> " + cnt.getScreenCoordinate(bottomLeft) + " Should be 0, " + cnt.getHeight());
        Coord topRight = cnt.getCoordAtPosition(cnt.getWidth(), 0);
        System.out.println("Top right is " + topRight + " -> " + cnt.getScreenCoordinate(topRight) + " Should be " + cnt.getWidth() + ", 0");
        Coord center = cnt.getCoordAtPosition(cnt.getWidth() / 2, cnt.getHeight() / 2);
        System.out.println("Center is " + center + " -> " + cnt.getScreenCoordinate(center) + ", should be " + (cnt.getWidth() / 2) + ", " + (cnt.getHeight() / 2));
        EncodedImage encImg = EncodedImage.createFromImage(markerImg, false);
        cnt.addMarker(encImg, topLeft, "Top Left", "Top Left", null);
        cnt.addMarker(encImg, topRight, "Top Right", "Top Right", null);
        cnt.addMarker(encImg, bottomRight, "Bottom Right", "Bottom Right", null);
        cnt.addMarker(encImg, bottomLeft, "Bottom Left", "Bottom Left", null);
        cnt.addMarker(encImg, center, "Center", "Center", null);
    Button toggleTopMargin = $(new Button("Toggle Margin")).addActionListener(e -> {
        int marginTop = $(cnt).getStyle().getMarginTop();
        if (marginTop < Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() / 3) {
            $(cnt).selectAllStyles().setMargin(Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() / 3, 0, 0, 0);
        } else {
            $(cnt).selectAllStyles().setMargin(0, 0, 0, 0);
    Button btnClearAll = new Button("Clear All");
    btnClearAll.addActionListener(e -> {
    MapObject mo = cnt.addMarker(EncodedImage.createFromImage(markerImg, false), new Coord(-33.866, 151.195), "test", "test", e -> {
        System.out.println("Marker clicked");
    sydney = mo;
    System.out.println("MO is " + mo);
    mo = cnt.addMarker(EncodedImage.createFromImage(markerImg, false), new Coord(-18.142, 178.431), "test", "test", e -> {
        System.out.println("Marker clicked");
    System.out.println("MO is " + mo);
    cnt.addTapListener(e -> {
        if (tapDisabled) {
        tapDisabled = true;
        TextField enterName = new TextField();
        Container wrapper = BoxLayout.encloseY(new Label("Name:"), enterName);
        InteractionDialog dlg = new InteractionDialog("Add Marker");
        enterName.setDoneListener(e2 -> {
            String txt = enterName.getText();
            cnt.addMarker(EncodedImage.createFromImage(markerImg, false), cnt.getCoordAtPosition(e.getX(), e.getY()), enterName.getText(), "", e3 -> {
                ToastBar.showMessage("You clicked " + txt, FontImage.MATERIAL_PLACE);
            tapDisabled = false;
        dlg.showPopupDialog(new Rectangle(e.getX(), e.getY(), 10, 10));
    Button showNextForm = $(new Button("Next Form")).addActionListener(e -> {
        Form form = new Form("Hello World");
        Button b1 = $(new Button("B1")).addActionListener(e2 -> {
            ToastBar.showMessage("B1 was pressed", FontImage.MATERIAL_3D_ROTATION);
        Button back = $(new Button("Back")).addActionListener(e2 -> {
    FloatingActionButton nextForm = FloatingActionButton.createFAB(FontImage.MATERIAL_ACCESS_ALARM);
    nextForm.addActionListener(e -> {
        Form form = new Form("Hello World");
        Button b1 = $(new Button("B1")).addActionListener(e2 -> {
            ToastBar.showMessage("B1 was pressed", FontImage.MATERIAL_3D_ROTATION);
        Button back = $(new Button("Back")).addActionListener(e2 -> {
    Container root = LayeredLayout.encloseIn(, BorderLayout.south(FlowLayout.encloseBottom(panTo, testCoordPositions, toggleTopMargin, btnMoveCamera, btnAddMarker, btnAddPath, btnClearAll)));
    hi.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, root);;
Also used : Util( BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) ActionEvent( LayeredLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.LayeredLayout) MapObject(com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer.MapObject) MapListener(com.codename1.maps.MapListener) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) Container(com.codename1.ui.Container) BoundingBox(com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox) ComponentSelector.$(com.codename1.ui.ComponentSelector.$) TextField(com.codename1.ui.TextField) Display(com.codename1.ui.Display) FontImage(com.codename1.ui.FontImage) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) Component(com.codename1.ui.Component) Rectangle(com.codename1.ui.geom.Rectangle) EncodedImage(com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage) MapContainer(com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer) FlowLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.FlowLayout) Resources(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources) IOException( ActionListener( BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) Style(com.codename1.ui.plaf.Style) Coord(com.codename1.maps.Coord) UIManager(com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager) ToastBar(com.codename1.components.ToastBar) FloatingActionButton(com.codename1.components.FloatingActionButton) SideMenuBar(com.codename1.ui.SideMenuBar) InteractionDialog(com.codename1.components.InteractionDialog) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) ActionEvent( Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) Rectangle(com.codename1.ui.geom.Rectangle) MapContainer(com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer) InteractionDialog(com.codename1.components.InteractionDialog) Container(com.codename1.ui.Container) MapContainer(com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) FloatingActionButton(com.codename1.components.FloatingActionButton) BoundingBox(com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox) Style(com.codename1.ui.plaf.Style) TextField(com.codename1.ui.TextField) FloatingActionButton(com.codename1.components.FloatingActionButton) Component(com.codename1.ui.Component) FontImage(com.codename1.ui.FontImage) MapObject(com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer.MapObject) EncodedImage(com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage) Coord(com.codename1.maps.Coord) ActionListener( MapListener(com.codename1.maps.MapListener)


BoundingBox (com.codename1.maps.BoundingBox)7 Coord (com.codename1.maps.Coord)7 Dimension (com.codename1.ui.geom.Dimension)3 Point (com.codename1.ui.geom.Point)3 Mercator (com.codename1.maps.Mercator)2 FloatingActionButton (com.codename1.components.FloatingActionButton)1 InteractionDialog (com.codename1.components.InteractionDialog)1 ToastBar (com.codename1.components.ToastBar)1 MapContainer (com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer)1 MapObject (com.codename1.googlemaps.MapContainer.MapObject)1 Util ( MapListener (com.codename1.maps.MapListener)1 ProxyHttpTile (com.codename1.maps.ProxyHttpTile)1 PointsLayer (com.codename1.maps.layers.PointsLayer)1 Button (com.codename1.ui.Button)1 Component (com.codename1.ui.Component)1 ComponentSelector.$ (com.codename1.ui.ComponentSelector.$)1 Container (com.codename1.ui.Container)1 Display (com.codename1.ui.Display)1 EncodedImage (com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage)1