Search in sources :

Example 11 with Description

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Description in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class RSSService method readResponse.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException {
    results = new Vector();
    class FinishParsing extends RuntimeException {
    XMLParser p = new XMLParser() {

        private String lastTag;

        private Hashtable current;

        private String url;

        protected boolean startTag(String tag) {
            if ("item".equalsIgnoreCase(tag) || "entry".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
                if (startOffset > 0) {
                    return true;
                current = new Hashtable();
                if (iconPlaceholder != null) {
                    current.put("icon", iconPlaceholder);
            lastTag = tag;
            return true;

        protected void attribute(String tag, String attributeName, String value) {
            if (current != null) {
                if ("media:thumbnail".equalsIgnoreCase(tag) && "url".equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName)) {
                    current.put("thumb", value);
                } else {
                    if ("media:player".equalsIgnoreCase(tag) && "url".equalsIgnoreCase(attributeName)) {
                        current.put("player", value);

        protected void textElement(String text) {
            if (lastTag != null && current != null) {
                // make "ATOM" seem like RSS
                if ("summary".equals(lastTag)) {
                    current.put("details", text);
                } else {
                    if ("content".equals(lastTag)) {
                        current.put("description", text);
                    } else {
                        current.put(lastTag, text);

        protected void endTag(String tag) {
            if ("item".equalsIgnoreCase(tag) || "entry".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
                if (startOffset > 0) {
                current = null;
                if (limit > -1 && results.size() >= limit) {
                    throw new FinishParsing();
            if (tag.equals(lastTag)) {
                lastTag = null;
    // Skip the bom marking UTF-8 in some streams
    while ( != '<') {
    // input.mark(4);
    int question =;
    String cType = "UTF-8";
    if (question == '?') {
        // we are in an XML header, check if the encoding section exists
        StringBuilder cs = new StringBuilder();
        question =;
        while (question != '>') {
            cs.append((char) question);
            question =;
        String str = cs.toString();
        int index = str.indexOf("encoding=\"") + 10;
        if (index > -1) {
            cType = str.substring(index, Math.max(str.indexOf("\"", index), str.indexOf("'", index)));
    } else {
        // oops, continue as usual
    String resultType = getResponseContentType();
    if (resultType != null && resultType.indexOf("charset=") > -1) {
        cType = resultType.substring(resultType.indexOf("charset=") + 8);
    try {
        int pos2 = cType.indexOf(';');
        if (pos2 > 0) {
            cType = cType.substring(0, pos2);
        p.eventParser(new InputStreamReader(input, cType));
    } catch (FinishParsing ignor) {
        hasMore = true;
    if (isCreatePlainTextDetails()) {
        int elementCount = results.size();
        for (int iter = 0; iter < elementCount; iter++) {
            Hashtable h = (Hashtable) results.elementAt(iter);
            String s = (String) h.get("description");
            if (s != null && !h.containsKey("details")) {
                XMLParser x = new XMLParser();
                Element e = x.parse(new CharArrayReader(("<xml>" + s + "</xml>").toCharArray()));
                Vector results = e.getTextDescendants(null, false);
                StringBuilder endResult = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
                    endResult.append(((Element) results.elementAt(i)).getText());
                h.put("details", endResult.toString());
    fireResponseListener(new NetworkEvent(this, results));
Also used : CharArrayReader( InputStreamReader( Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Element(com.codename1.xml.Element) NetworkEvent( XMLParser(com.codename1.xml.XMLParser) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 12 with Description

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Description in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class AndroidImplementation method setNotificationChannel.

 * Sets the notification channel on a notification builder.  Uses service properties to
 * set properties of channel.
 * @param nm The notification manager.
 * @param mNotifyBuilder The notify builder
 * @param context The context
 * @param soundName The name of the sound to use for notifications on this channel.  E.g. mysound.mp3.  This feature is not yet implemented, but
 *  parameter is added now to scaffold compatibility with build daemon until implementation is complete.
 * @since 8.0
public static void setNotificationChannel(NotificationManager nm, NotificationCompat.Builder mNotifyBuilder, Context context, String soundName) {
    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
        try {
            NotificationManager mNotificationManager = nm;
            String id = getServiceProperty("", "cn1-channel", context);
            CharSequence name = getServiceProperty("", "Notifications", context);
            String description = getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.description", "Remote notifications", context);
            // NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW = 2
            // NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH = 4  // <-- Minimum level to produce sound.
            int importance = Integer.parseInt(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.importance", "4", context));
            // Note: Currently we use a single notification channel for the app, but if the app uses different kinds of
            // push notifications, then this may not be sufficient.   E.g. The app may send both silent push notifications
            // and regular notifications - but their settings (e.g. sound) are all managed through one channel with
            // same settings.
            // TODO Add support for multiple channels.
            // See
            Class clsNotificationChannel = Class.forName("");
            // mChannel = new, name, importance);
            Constructor constructor = clsNotificationChannel.getConstructor(java.lang.String.class, java.lang.CharSequence.class, int.class);
            Object mChannel = constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { id, name, importance });
            Method method = clsNotificationChannel.getMethod("setDescription", java.lang.String.class);
            method.invoke(mChannel, new Object[] { description });
            // mChannel.setDescription(description);
            method = clsNotificationChannel.getMethod("enableLights", boolean.class);
            method.invoke(mChannel, new Object[] { Boolean.parseBoolean(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.enableLights", "true", context)) });
            // mChannel.enableLights(Boolean.parseBoolean(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.enableLights", "true", context)));
            method = clsNotificationChannel.getMethod("setLightColor", int.class);
            method.invoke(mChannel, new Object[] { Integer.parseInt(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.lightColor", "" +, context)) });
            // mChannel.setLightColor(Integer.parseInt(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.lightColor", "" +, context)));
            method = clsNotificationChannel.getMethod("enableVibration", boolean.class);
            method.invoke(mChannel, new Object[] { Boolean.parseBoolean(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.enableVibration", "false", context)) });
            // mChannel.enableVibration(Boolean.parseBoolean(getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.enableVibration", "false", context)));
            String vibrationPatternStr = getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.vibrationPattern", null, context);
            if (vibrationPatternStr != null) {
                String[] parts = vibrationPatternStr.split(",");
                int len = parts.length;
                long[] pattern = new long[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    pattern[i] = Long.parseLong(parts[i].trim());
                method = clsNotificationChannel.getMethod("setVibrationPattern", long[].class);
                method.invoke(mChannel, new Object[] { pattern });
            // mChannel.setVibrationPattern(pattern);
            String soundUri = getServiceProperty("android.NotificationChannel.soundUri", null, context);
            if (soundUri != null) {
                Uri uri =;
       audioAttributes = new;
                method = clsNotificationChannel.getMethod("setSound",,;
                method.invoke(mChannel, new Object[] { uri, audioAttributes });
            method = NotificationManager.class.getMethod("createNotificationChannel", clsNotificationChannel);
            method.invoke(mNotificationManager, new Object[] { mChannel });
            // mNotificationManager.createNotificationChannel(mChannel);
            try {
                // For some reason I can't find the app-support-v4.jar for
                // API 26 that includes this method so that I can compile in netbeans.
                // So we use reflection...  If someone coming after can find a newer version
                // that has setChannelId(), please rip out this ugly reflection hack and
                // replace it with a proper call to mNotifyBuilder.setChannelId(id)
                mNotifyBuilder.getClass().getMethod("setChannelId", new Class[] { String.class }).invoke(mNotifyBuilder, new Object[] { id });
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        // mNotifyBuilder.setChannelId(id);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(AndroidImplementation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    // mNotifyBuilder.setChannelId(id);
Also used : Uri( Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) Paint( JSONException(org.json.JSONException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) IOException( URISyntaxException( MediaException( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) NameNotFoundException( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject)

Example 13 with Description

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Description in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class PushNotificationService method push.

public void push(final String value) {
    final PushCallback callback = getPushCallbackInstance();
    if (callback != null) {
        Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
    } else {
        NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        Intent newIntent = new Intent(this, getStubClass());
        PendingIntent contentIntent = AndroidImplementation.createPendingIntent(this, 0, newIntent);
        Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(this).setContentIntent(contentIntent).setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_notify_sync).setTicker(value).setAutoCancel(true).setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()).setContentTitle(value).setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_ALL);
        // The following section is commented out so that builds against SDKs below 26
        // won't fail.
            if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21){
            if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
                NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

                String id = getProperty("", "cn1-channel");

                CharSequence name = getProperty("", "Notifications");

                String description = getProperty("android.NotificationChannel.description", "Remote notifications");

                int importance = Integer.parseInt(getProperty("android.NotificationChannel.importance", ""+NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH));

       mChannel = new, name,importance);


                mChannel.enableLights(Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("android.NotificationChannel.enableLights", "true")));

                mChannel.setLightColor(Integer.parseInt(getProperty("android.NotificationChannel.lightColor", "";

                mChannel.enableVibration(Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("android.NotificationChannel.enableVibration", "false")));
                String vibrationPatternStr = getProperty("android.NotificationChannel.vibrationPattern", null);
                if (vibrationPatternStr != null) {
                    String[] parts = vibrationPatternStr.split(",");
                    int len = parts.length;
                    long[] pattern = new long[len];
                    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
                        pattern[i] = Long.parseLong(parts[i].trim());

                System.out.println("Setting push channel to "+id);
        Notification notif =;
        // (int)System.currentTimeMillis();
        int notifId = getNotifyId();
        // notif.extras.putInt("notificationId", notifId);
        nm.notify(notifId, notif);
Also used : NotificationManager( PushCallback(com.codename1.push.PushCallback) Intent(android.content.Intent) PendingIntent( PendingIntent( Notification(

Example 14 with Description

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Description in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class AutocompleteOverrideFilterSample method searchLocations.

String[] searchLocations(String text) {
    try {
        if (text.length() > 0) {
            if (currRequest != null) {
            // currRequest.kill();
            ConnectionRequest r = new ConnectionRequest();
            currRequest = r;
            r.addArgument("key", apiKey.getText());
            r.addArgument("input", text);
            Map<String, Object> result = new JSONParser().parseJSON(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(r.getResponseData()), "UTF-8"));
            String[] res = Result.fromContent(result).getAsStringArray("//description");
            return res;
    } catch (Exception err) {
    return null;
Also used : ConnectionRequest( InputStreamReader( ByteArrayInputStream( JSONParser( IOException(

Example 15 with Description

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Description in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class ResultParserTest method manualExampleTest.

private void manualExampleTest() throws Exception {
    String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + "<catalog>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk101\">\n" + "      <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>\n" + "      <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>\n" + "      <genre>Computer</genre>\n" + "      <price>44.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>An in-depth look at creating applications \n" + "      with XML.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk102\">\n" + "      <author>Ralls, Kim</author>\n" + "      <title>Midnight Rain</title>\n" + "      <genre>Fantasy</genre>\n" + "      <price>5.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-12-16</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies, \n" + "      an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen \n" + "      of the world.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk103\">\n" + "      <author>Corets, Eva</author>\n" + "      <title>Maeve Ascendant</title>\n" + "      <genre>Fantasy</genre>\n" + "      <price>5.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-11-17</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology \n" + "      society in England, the young survivors lay the \n" + "      foundation for a new society.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk104\">\n" + "      <author>Corets, Eva</author>\n" + "      <title>Oberon's Legacy</title>\n" + "      <genre>Fantasy</genre>\n" + "      <price>5.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2001-03-10</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious \n" + "      agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life \n" + "      for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve \n" + "      Ascendant.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk105\">\n" + "      <author>Corets, Eva</author>\n" + "      <title>The Sundered Grail</title>\n" + "      <genre>Fantasy</genre>\n" + "      <price>5.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2001-09-10</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, \n" + "      battle one another for control of England. Sequel to \n" + "      Oberon's Legacy.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk106\">\n" + "      <author>Randall, Cynthia</author>\n" + "      <title>Lover Birds</title>\n" + "      <genre>Romance</genre>\n" + "      <price>4.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-09-02</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>When Carla meets Paul at an ornithology \n" + "      conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk107\">\n" + "      <author>Thurman, Paula</author>\n" + "      <title>Splish Splash</title>\n" + "      <genre>Romance</genre>\n" + "      <price>4.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>A deep sea diver finds true love twenty \n" + "      thousand leagues beneath the sea.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk108\">\n" + "      <author>Knorr, Stefan</author>\n" + "      <title>Creepy Crawlies</title>\n" + "      <genre>Horror</genre>\n" + "      <price>4.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-12-06</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>An anthology of horror stories about roaches,\n" + "      centipedes, scorpions  and other insects.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk109\">\n" + "      <author>Kress, Peter</author>\n" + "      <title>Paradox Lost</title>\n" + "      <genre>Science Fiction</genre>\n" + "      <price>6.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg\n" + "      Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems \n" + "      of being quantum.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk110\">\n" + "      <author>O'Brien, Tim</author>\n" + "      <title>Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible</title>\n" + "      <genre>Computer</genre>\n" + "      <price>36.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-12-09</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>Microsoft's .NET initiative is explored in \n" + "      detail in this deep programmer's reference.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk111\">\n" + "      <author>O'Brien, Tim</author>\n" + "      <title>MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide</title>\n" + "      <genre>Computer</genre>\n" + "      <price>36.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2000-12-01</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>The Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in \n" + "      detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing, \n" + "      SAX and more.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "   <book id=\"bk112\">\n" + "      <author>Galos, Mike</author>\n" + "      <title>Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide</title>\n" + "      <genre>Computer</genre>\n" + "      <price>49.95</price>\n" + "      <publish_date>2001-04-16</publish_date>\n" + "      <description>Microsoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth,\n" + "      looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are \n" + "      integrated into a comprehensive development \n" + "      environment.</description>\n" + "   </book>\n" + "</catalog>";
    EntityType bookType = new EntityTypeBuilder().string(Thing.identifier).string(;
    class Book extends BaseEntity {
    EntityType.register(Book.class, bookType, cls -> {
        return new Book();
    class Books extends EntityList<Book> {
    EntityType.registerList(Books.class, Book.class, cls -> {
        return new Books();
    Tag BOOKS = new Tag("Books");
    EntityType catalogType = new EntityTypeBuilder().list(Books.class, BOOKS).build();
    class Catalog extends BaseEntity {

    EntityType.register(Catalog.class, cls -> {
        return new Catalog();
    ResultParser parser = new ResultParser(catalogType).property("./book", BOOKS).entityType(bookType).property("@id", Thing.identifier).property("title","description", Thing.description);
    Catalog catalog = (Catalog) parser.parseXML(xml, new Catalog());
    Books books = (Books) catalog.get(BOOKS);
    assertEqual("bk101", books.get(0).get(Thing.identifier));
    assertEqual("bk112", books.get(books.size() - 1).get(Thing.identifier));
    assertEqual("XML Developer's Guide", books.get(0).get(;
Also used : ResultParser(


IOException ( BorderLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout)5 Container (com.codename1.ui.Container)4 Cursor (com.codename1.db.Cursor)3 Row (com.codename1.db.Row)3 ResultParser ( Form (com.codename1.ui.Form)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 SpanLabel (com.codename1.components.SpanLabel)2 Button (com.codename1.ui.Button)2 Element (com.codename1.xml.Element)2 XMLParser (com.codename1.xml.XMLParser)2 InputStreamReader ( Notification ( NotificationManager ( PendingIntent ( Intent (android.content.Intent)1 NameNotFoundException ( Paint ( Uri (