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Example 56 with Name

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Name in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class UIManager method initFirstTheme.

 * This is a shorthand notation for boilerplate code for initializing the first theme in the given resource file
 * and catching/doing nothing with the IOException since this would be invoked too early in the program
 * where we would be out of options if something like that happens. Effectively this is the same as writing:
 * <pre>
 *        try {
 *            theme = Resources.openLayered(resourceFile);
 *            UIManager.getInstance().setThemeProps(theme.getTheme(theme.getThemeResourceNames()[0]));
 *        } catch(IOException e){
 *            e.printStackTrace();
 *        }
 * </pre>
 * @param resourceFile the name of the resource file starting with / and without the res extension
 * @return the resource file or null in case of a failure
public static Resources initFirstTheme(String resourceFile) {
    try {
        Resources theme = Resources.openLayered(resourceFile);
        return theme;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return null;
Also used : Resources(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources) IOException(

Example 57 with Name

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Name in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class BorderLayout method addLayoutComponent.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void addLayoutComponent(Object name, Component comp, Container c) {
    // helper check for a common mistake...
    if (name == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add component to BorderLayout Container without constraint parameter");
    // allows us to work with Component constraints too which makes some code simpler
    if (name instanceof Integer) {
        switch(((Integer) name).intValue()) {
            case Component.TOP:
                name = NORTH;
            case Component.BOTTOM:
                name = SOUTH;
            case Component.LEFT:
                name = WEST;
            case Component.RIGHT:
                name = EAST;
            case Component.CENTER:
                name = CENTER;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("BorderLayout Container expects one of the constraints BorderLayout.NORTH/SOUTH/EAST/WEST/CENTER");
    Component previous = null;
    /* Assign the component to one of the known regions of the layout.
    if (CENTER.equals(name)) {
        previous = portraitCenter;
        portraitCenter = comp;
    } else if (NORTH.equals(name)) {
        previous = portraitNorth;
        portraitNorth = comp;
    } else if (SOUTH.equals(name)) {
        previous = portraitSouth;
        portraitSouth = comp;
    } else if (EAST.equals(name)) {
        previous = portraitEast;
        portraitEast = comp;
    } else if (WEST.equals(name)) {
        previous = portraitWest;
        portraitWest = comp;
    } else if (OVERLAY.equals(name)) {
        previous = overlay;
        overlay = comp;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot add to layout: unknown constraint: " + name);
    if (previous != null && previous != comp) {
Also used : Component(com.codename1.ui.Component)

Example 58 with Name

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Name in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class ListFilesTest method start.

public void start() {
    if (current != null) {;
    Form hi = new Form("Hi World", new BorderLayout());
    Button add = new Button("Add Directory");
    add.addActionListener(e -> {
        callSerially(() -> {
            Command ok = new Command("OK");
            Command cancel = new Command("Cancel");
            TextField fileName = new TextField("", "File Path", 20, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE);
            if (ok =="File Path", fileName, new Command[] { ok, cancel })) {
                File f = new File(fileName.getText());
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Failed to create directory");
    Button rename = new Button("Rename File");
    rename.addActionListener(e -> {
        callSerially(() -> {
            Command ok = new Command("OK");
            Command cancel = new Command("Cancel");
            TextField fileName = new TextField("", "File Path", 20, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE);
            TextField newName = new TextField("", "New Name", 20, TextField.NON_PREDICTIVE);
            if (ok =="File Path", BoxLayout.encloseY(fileName, newName), new Command[] { ok, cancel })) {
                File f = new File(fileName.getText());
                FileSystemStorage fs = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
                fs.rename(f.getPath(), newName.getText());
    TextArea listing = new TextArea();
    Button refresh = new Button("Refresh");
    refresh.addActionListener(e -> {
        File f = new File(FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getAppHomePath());
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        appendChildren(sb, f, 0);
    hi.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, FlowLayout.encloseCenter(add, rename)).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, listing).add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, refresh);;
Also used : BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) Command(com.codename1.ui.Command) TextArea(com.codename1.ui.TextArea) FileSystemStorage( TextField(com.codename1.ui.TextField) File(

Example 59 with Name

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Name in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class TestRecorder method eventPointerReleased.

void eventPointerReleased(int x, int y) {
    if (isRecording()) {
        com.codename1.ui.Component cmp = Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getComponentAt(x, y);
        if (isListComponent(cmp)) {
        if (dragged) {
            if (dragToScroll.isSelected()) {
                com.codename1.ui.Component scrollTo;
                if (y > pointerPressedY) {
                    scrollTo = findLowestVisibleComponent();
                } else {
                    scrollTo = findHighestVisibleComponent();
                if (scrollTo != null && scrollTo != Display.getInstance().getCurrent() && scrollTo != Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getContentPane()) {
                    String name = scrollTo.getName();
                    if (name != null) {
                        generatedCode += "        ensureVisible(\"" + name + "\");\n";
                    } else {
                        String pp = getPathToComponent(scrollTo);
                        if (pp == null) {
                        generatedCode += "        ensureVisible(" + pp + ");\n";
            } else {
                generatedCode += "        pointerRelease" + generatePointerEventArguments(x, y);
        } else {
            if (isToolbarComponent(cmp)) {
                if (cmp instanceof com.codename1.ui.Button) {
                    Command cmd = ((com.codename1.ui.Button) cmp).getCommand();
                    if (cmd != null) {
                        int offset = 0;
                        Command[] commands = TestUtils.getToolbarCommands();
                        for (Command c : commands) {
                            if (c == cmd) {
                                generatedCode += "        assertEqual(getToolbarCommands().length, " + commands.length + ");\n";
                                generatedCode += "        executeToolbarCommandAtOffset(" + offset + ");\n";
                    } else {
                        if (cmp.getUIID().equals("MenuButton")) {
                            // side menu button
                            generatedCode += "        showSidemenu();\n";
            if (cmp instanceof com.codename1.ui.Button) {
                com.codename1.ui.Button btn = (com.codename1.ui.Button) cmp;
                // special case for back command on iOS
                if (btn.getCommand() != null && btn.getCommand() == Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getBackCommand()) {
                    generatedCode += "        goBack();\n";
                } else {
                    if (btn.getName() != null && btn.getName().length() > 0) {
                        generatedCode += "        clickButtonByName(\"" + btn.getName() + "\");\n";
                    } else {
                        if (btn.getText() != null && btn.getText().length() > 0) {
                            generatedCode += "        clickButtonByLabel(\"" + btn.getText() + "\");\n";
                        } else {
                            String pp = getPathToComponent(cmp);
                            if (pp == null || pp.equals("(String)null")) {
                            generatedCode += "        clickButtonByPath(" + pp + ");\n";
            if (cmp instanceof com.codename1.ui.TextArea) {
                // ignore this, its probably initiating edit which we will capture soon
            generatedCode += "        pointerPress" + generatePointerEventArguments(pointerPressedX, pointerPressedY);
            generatedCode += "        pointerRelease" + generatePointerEventArguments(x, y);
Also used : Command(com.codename1.ui.Command) Component(com.codename1.ui.Component)

Example 60 with Name

use of com.codename1.rad.models.Property.Name in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class TestUtils method assertLabel.

 * Asserts that we have a label with the given text baring the given name
 * @param path the path of the label
 * @param text the text of the label
public static void assertLabel(int[] path, String text) {
    if (verbose) {
        log("assertLabel(" + toString(path) + ", " + text + ")");
    Label l = (Label) getComponentByPath(path);
    assertBool(l != null, "Null label" + text);
    assertBool(text == l.getText() || text.equals(l.getText()), ("" + l.getText()) + " != " + text);
Also used : Label(com.codename1.ui.Label)


IOException ( Component (com.codename1.ui.Component)17 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 AnimationObject (com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject)15 File ( Form (com.codename1.ui.Form)13 ByteArrayInputStream ( FileInputStream ( InputStream ( Label (com.codename1.ui.Label)11 Button (com.codename1.ui.Button)10 Container (com.codename1.ui.Container)10 EncodedImage (com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage)10 TextArea (com.codename1.ui.TextArea)10 BorderLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout)10 Point (java.awt.Point)10 FileOutputStream ( Paint ( BufferedInputStream (