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Example 6 with ActionNode

use of com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class Controller method addActions.

 * Adds a set of actions to this controller, registered to a given category.
 * @param category The category to register the actions under.
 * @param actions The actions to register.
 * @see #extendAction(ActionNode.Category, SuccessCallback) To extend an existing action
 * from a parent controller, and register the extended action on this controller.
 * @since 2.0
public void addActions(ActionNode.Category category, ActionNode... actions) {
    if (actionMap == null) {
        actionMap = new HashMap();
    Actions acts = null;
    if (!actionMap.containsKey(category)) {
        acts = new Actions();
        actionMap.put(category, acts);
    } else {
        acts = actionMap.get(category);
Also used : Actions(com.codename1.rad.ui.Actions)

Example 7 with ActionNode

use of com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class Controller method extendAction.

 * Extends an action from a parent controller, and registers it as an action on this controller.
 * @param category The category to register the action to.
 * @param callback Callback which is executed immediately on the action, which is used to configure
 *                 the action.
 * @return The action node that was added/extended.
 * @see #extendAction(ActionNode.Category, boolean, Attribute[])
public ActionNode extendAction(ActionNode.Category category, SuccessCallback<ActionNode> callback) {
    ActionNode extendedAction = extendAction(category, false);
    return extendedAction;
Also used : ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode)

Example 8 with ActionNode

use of com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode in project CodeRAD by shannah.

the class ActionsNode method setAttributes.

public void setAttributes(Attribute... atts) {
    // super.setAttributes(atts);
    for (Attribute att : atts) {
        if (att == null)
        if (att.getClass() == ActionNode.class) {
            ActionNode n = (ActionNode) att;
            if (actions == null) {
                actions = new ArrayList<ActionNode>();
            n = (ActionNode) n.createProxy(this);
        } else {
Also used : Attribute(com.codename1.rad.models.Attribute)

Example 9 with ActionNode

use of com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class RADActionBoundUIIDSample method start.

public void start() {
    if (current != null) {;
    Form hi = new Form("Toggled Actions Sample", new BorderLayout());
    // Create a tag fo the online status property.
    Tag TAG_ONLINE = new Tag("online");
    // Create an action that will indicte the online/offline status
    ActionNode status = UI.action(// on state of TAG_ONLINE property.
    UI.label(person -> {
        if (person.isFalsey(TAG_ONLINE)) {
            return "Offline";
        } else {
            return "Online";
    }), // Depending on state of TAG_ONLINE property
    UI.uiid(person -> {
        if (person.isFalsey(TAG_ONLINE)) {
            return "LoggedOutStatusButton";
        } else {
            return "LoggedInStatusButton";
    }), // Icon for the action
    UI.icon(FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON), // define it to always return true so action is always visible.
    UI.condition(person -> {
        return true;
    // A User entity we use for the models.
    class User extends Entity {
    entityTypeBuilder(User.class).Boolean(TAG_ONLINE).string( -> {
        return new User();
    // Create an entity list that will hold several users.
    EntityList el = new EntityList();
    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
        User u = new User();
        u.set(, "User " + i);
        u.set(TAG_ONLINE, i % 2 == 0);
    // The ListNode is a wrapper that will be passed to our View so that
    // they can access our action.
    ListNode node = new ListNode(// for each row.
    UI.actions(ProfileListView.ACCOUNT_LIST_ROW_ACTIONS, status));
    // Use a ProfileListView to display all of the users
    ProfileListView plv = new ProfileListView(el, node, 8);
    // In order to respond to events raised by the action, our view needs to be wrapped
    // in a controller.  Normally our form would have a FormViewController so we could
    // just use FormController, but this sample is compressed to be inside
    // a single method here so we'll create a dedicated ViewController for the list
    ViewController ctrl = new ViewController(null);
    ctrl.addActionListener(status, evt -> {
        // The action was pressed by the user
        // Update the model's online status
        User u = (User) evt.getEntity();
        u.set(TAG_ONLINE, u.isFalsey(TAG_ONLINE));
    // This will trigger a property change in the model which will update the view.
    hi.add(CENTER, plv);;
Also used : ViewNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ViewNode) Toolbar(com.codename1.ui.Toolbar) BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) NetworkEvent( ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode) Display(com.codename1.ui.Display) FontImage(com.codename1.ui.FontImage) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) CN(com.codename1.ui.CN) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) UI(com.codename1.rad.ui.UI) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) Tag(com.codename1.rad.models.Tag) Resources(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) IOException( ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) Log( BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) UIManager(com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager) Dialog(com.codename1.ui.Dialog) Thing(com.codename1.rad.schemas.Thing) EntityListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.EntityListView) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) Tag(com.codename1.rad.models.Tag) ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode)

Example 10 with ActionNode

use of com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class RADEntityListAddRemoveInvalidateSample method start.

public void start() {
    if (current != null) {;
    // An entity for the rows our our list view.
    class Person extends Entity {
    entityTypeBuilder(Person.class).string( -> {
        return new Person();
    // A remove row action that will be added to each row
    ActionNode removeRow = UI.action(UI.icon(FontImage.MATERIAL_DELETE));
    // An internal list we will use to store the rows of the entitylist
    ArrayList internalList = new ArrayList();
    EntityList profileList = new EntityList() {

         * Override createInternalList() so that we can use our own data structure
         * for storing this list.  This is contrived to allow us to test the
         * invalidate() method.
        protected List createInternalList() {
            return internalList;
    // A list node to wrap our action and pass it to our view
    ListNode node = new ListNode(// of the list.
    UI.actions(ProfileListView.ACCOUNT_LIST_ROW_ACTIONS, removeRow));
    // A ProfileListView to render the list.
    // See
    ProfileListView listView = new ProfileListView(profileList, node, 10);
    // Create a controller for the ProfileListView so that we can handle actions fired by the view.
    // Normally we'd do this in the FormController but since this sample doesn't have one
    // we create a ViewController for the ProfileListView directly.
    ViewController controller = new ViewController(null);
    // Button to add rows to the list
    Button addRow = new Button(FontImage.MATERIAL_ADD);
    // Button to clear the list
    Button clear = new Button("Clear");
    addRow.addActionListener(evt -> {
        // "Add" button clicked.
        // Create new person and add to the list
        Person p = new Person();
        p.set(, "Row " + profileList.size());
    // This will trigger an EntityAddedEvent which will allow
    // the ProfileListView to synchronize
    clear.addActionListener(evt -> {
        // "Clear" button clicked
        // We could have called profileList.clear()
        // but this would send EntityRemoved events for each row removed
        // which is inefficient.  Instead we'll clear the elements in
        // the internal list directly, and then call invalidate()
        // so that the ProfileListView knows to resynchronize its state.
    controller.addActionListener(removeRow, evt -> {
        // The "Remove" button was clicked on a row.
    Form hi = new Form("Hi World", new BorderLayout());
    hi.add(NORTH, GridLayout.encloseIn(2, clear, addRow));
    hi.add(CENTER, listView);;
Also used : Toolbar(com.codename1.ui.Toolbar) BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityTypeBuilder.entityTypeBuilder) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) NetworkEvent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode) GridLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout) Display(com.codename1.ui.Display) FontImage(com.codename1.ui.FontImage) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) CN(com.codename1.ui.CN) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) UI(com.codename1.rad.ui.UI) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) Resources(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) IOException( ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) Log( BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) UIManager(com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager) List(java.util.List) Dialog(com.codename1.ui.Dialog) Thing(com.codename1.rad.schemas.Thing) Entity(com.codename1.rad.models.Entity) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) ViewController(com.codename1.rad.controllers.ViewController) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) ActionNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EntityList(com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList) ProfileListView(com.codename1.rad.ui.entityviews.ProfileListView) ListNode(com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode)


ActionNode (com.codename1.rad.nodes.ActionNode)16 Form (com.codename1.ui.Form)6 EntityList (com.codename1.rad.models.EntityList)5 ListNode (com.codename1.rad.nodes.ListNode)5 Container (com.codename1.ui.Container)5 BadgeUIID (com.codename1.rad.attributes.BadgeUIID)4 UIID (com.codename1.rad.attributes.UIID)4 Entity (com.codename1.rad.models.Entity)4 Button (com.codename1.ui.Button)4 BorderLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout)4 GridLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout)4 ControllerEvent (com.codename1.rad.controllers.ControllerEvent)3 EntityListProvider (com.codename1.rad.models.EntityListProvider)3 BoxLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 ComponentImage (ca.weblite.shared.components.ComponentImage)2 MultiButton (com.codename1.components.MultiButton)2 Log ( NetworkEvent ( IconUIID (com.codename1.rad.attributes.IconUIID)2