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Example 41 with com.codename1.rad.ui

use of com.codename1.rad.ui in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class EditableResources method setImage.

public void setImage(final String name, final com.codename1.ui.Image value) {
    if (overrideResource != null) {
        overrideResource.setImage(name, value);
    // we need to replace the image in all the themes...
    final com.codename1.ui.Image oldValue = getImage(name);
    byte type;
    if (value instanceof Timeline) {
        type = MAGIC_TIMELINE;
    } else {
        type = MAGIC_IMAGE;
    final byte finalType = type;
    pushUndoable(new UndoableEdit() {

        protected String performAction() {
            replaceThemeValue(oldValue, value);
            setResource(name, finalType, value);
            return name;

        protected String performUndo() {
            replaceThemeValue(value, oldValue);
            setResource(name, finalType, oldValue);
            return name;
Also used : Timeline(com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline) Image(com.codename1.ui.Image)

Example 42 with com.codename1.rad.ui

use of com.codename1.rad.ui in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class EditableResources method refreshThemeMultiImages.

public void refreshThemeMultiImages() {
    EditableResources ed = (EditableResources) JavaSEPortWithSVGSupport.getNativeTheme();
    if (ed != null && ed != this) {
    for (String themeName : getThemeResourceNames()) {
        Hashtable theme = getTheme(themeName);
        for (Object key : theme.keySet()) {
            Object currentValue = theme.get(key);
            if (currentValue instanceof EditorTTFFont) {
                ((EditorTTFFont) currentValue).refresh();
            if (currentValue instanceof com.codename1.ui.Image) {
                String id = findId(currentValue);
                if (isMultiImage(id)) {
                    theme.put(key, ((MultiImage) getResourceObject(id)).getBest());
            if (currentValue instanceof com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border) {
                com.codename1.ui.Image[] images = Accessor.getImages((com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border) currentValue);
                if (images != null) {
                    for (int iter = 0; iter < images.length; iter++) {
                        com.codename1.ui.Image img = images[iter];
                        if (img != null) {
                            String id = findId(img);
                            if (id == null) {
                                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(java.awt.Frame.getFrames()[0], "Missing image from border: " + key, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                            if (isMultiImage(id)) {
                                images[iter] = ((MultiImage) getResourceObject(id)).getBest();
    com.codename1.ui.Form f = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
    if (f != null) {
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Image(com.codename1.ui.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) EncodedImage(com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage) Image(com.codename1.ui.Image) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) EditorTTFFont(com.codename1.ui.EditorTTFFont) AnimationObject(com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject) RoundRectBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundRectBorder) CSSBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.CSSBorder) RoundBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundBorder) Border(com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border)

Example 43 with com.codename1.rad.ui

use of com.codename1.rad.ui in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class EditableResources method saveXMLFile.

private void saveXMLFile(File xml, File resourcesDir) throws IOException {
    // disable override for the duration of the save so stuff from the override doesn't
    // get into the main resource file
    File overrideFileBackup = overrideFile;
    EditableResources overrideResourceBackup = overrideResource;
    overrideResource = null;
    overrideFile = null;
    try {
        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(xml), "UTF-8"));
        String[] resourceNames = getResourceNames();
        Arrays.sort(resourceNames, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
        bw.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n");
        bw.write("<resource majorVersion=\"" + MAJOR_VERSION + "\" minorVersion=\"" + MINOR_VERSION + "\" useXmlUI=\"" + xmlUI + "\">\n");
        for (int iter = 0; iter < resourceNames.length; iter++) {
            String xResourceName = xmlize(resourceNames[iter]);
            // write the magic number
            byte magic = getResourceType(resourceNames[iter]);
            switch(magic) {
                case MAGIC_TIMELINE:
                case MAGIC_ANIMATION_LEGACY:
                case MAGIC_IMAGE_LEGACY:
                case MAGIC_INDEXED_IMAGE_LEGACY:
                    magic = MAGIC_IMAGE;
                case MAGIC_THEME_LEGACY:
                    magic = MAGIC_THEME;
                case MAGIC_FONT_LEGACY:
                    magic = MAGIC_FONT;
            switch(magic) {
                case MAGIC_IMAGE:
                    Object o = getResourceObject(resourceNames[iter]);
                    if (!(o instanceof MultiImage)) {
                        o = null;
                    bw.write("    <image name=\"" + xResourceName + "\" ");
                    com.codename1.ui.Image image = getImage(resourceNames[iter]);
                    MultiImage mi = (MultiImage) o;
                    int rType = getImageType(image, mi);
                    switch(rType) {
                        // PNG file
                        case 0xf1:
                        // JPEG File
                        case 0xf2:
                            if (image instanceof EncodedImage) {
                                byte[] data = ((EncodedImage) image).getImageData();
                                writeToFile(data, new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter])));
                            } else {
                                FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter])));
                                BufferedImage buffer = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
                                buffer.setRGB(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getRGB(), 0, image.getWidth());
                                ImageIO.write(buffer, "png", fo);
                        // SVG
                        case 0xf5:
                        // multiimage with SVG
                        case 0xf7:
                            SVG s = (SVG) image.getSVGDocument();
                            writeToFile(s.getSvgData(), new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter])));
                            if (s.getBaseURL() != null && s.getBaseURL().length() > 0) {
                                bw.write("baseUrl=\"" + s.getBaseURL() + "\" ");
                            bw.write("type=\"svg\" ");
                        case 0xF6:
                            File multiImageDir = new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter]));
                            for (int imageIter = 0; imageIter < mi.getDpi().length; imageIter++) {
                                File f = null;
                                switch(mi.getDpi()[imageIter]) {
                                    case Display.DENSITY_4K:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "4k.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_2HD:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "2hd.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_560:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "560.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_HD:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "hd.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_VERY_HIGH:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "veryhigh.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_HIGH:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "high.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_MEDIUM:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "medium.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_LOW:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "low.png");
                                    case Display.DENSITY_VERY_LOW:
                                        f = new File(multiImageDir, "verylow.png");
                                writeToFile(mi.getInternalImages()[imageIter].getImageData(), f);
                            bw.write("type=\"multi\" ");
                        // Timeline
                        case MAGIC_TIMELINE:
                            File timeline = new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter]));
                            DataOutputStream timelineOut = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(timeline));
                            writeTimeline(timelineOut, (Timeline) image);
                            bw.write("type=\"timeline\" ");
                        // Fail this is the wrong data type
                            throw new IOException("Illegal type while creating image: " + Integer.toHexString(rType));
                    bw.write(" />\n");
                case MAGIC_THEME:
                    Hashtable<String, Object> theme = getTheme(resourceNames[iter]);
                    bw.write("    <theme name=\"" + xResourceName + "\">\n");
                    ArrayList<String> setOfKeys = new ArrayList<String>(theme.keySet());
                    for (String key : setOfKeys) {
                        if (key.startsWith("@")) {
                            if (key.endsWith("Image")) {
                                bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + findId(theme.get(key), true) + "\" />\n");
                            } else {
                                bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        // if this is a simple numeric value
                        if (key.endsWith("Color")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        if (key.endsWith("align") || key.endsWith("textDecoration")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + ((Number) theme.get(key)).shortValue() + "\" />\n");
                        // if this is a short numeric value
                        if (key.endsWith("transparency")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        if (key.endsWith("opacity")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        // if this is a padding or margin then we will have the 4 values as bytes
                        if (key.endsWith("padding") || key.endsWith("margin")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        // padding and or margin type
                        if (key.endsWith("Unit")) {
                            byte[] b = (byte[]) theme.get(key);
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + b[0] + "," + b[1] + "," + b[2] + "," + b[3] + "\" />\n");
                        if (key.endsWith("border")) {
                            Border border = (Border) theme.get(key);
                            if (border instanceof RoundBorder) {
                                RoundBorder rb = (RoundBorder) border;
                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"round\" " + "roundBorderColor=\"" + rb.getColor() + "\" " + "opacity=\"" + rb.getOpacity() + "\" " + "strokeColor=\"" + rb.getStrokeColor() + "\" " + "strokeOpacity=\"" + rb.getStrokeOpacity() + "\" " + "strokeThickness=\"" + rb.getStrokeThickness() + "\" " + "strokeMM=\"" + rb.isStrokeMM() + "\" " + "shadowSpread=\"" + rb.getShadowSpread() + "\" " + "shadowOpacity=\"" + rb.getShadowOpacity() + "\" " + "shadowX=\"" + rb.getShadowX() + "\" " + "shadowY=\"" + rb.getShadowY() + "\" " + "shadowBlur=\"" + rb.getShadowBlur() + "\" " + "shadowMM=\"" + rb.isShadowMM() + "\" " + "rectangle=\"" + rb.isRectangle() + "\" />\n");
                            if (border instanceof CSSBorder) {
                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"css\" " + "css=\"" + encodeXML(((CSSBorder) border).toCSSString()) + "\"/>\n");
                            if (border instanceof RoundRectBorder) {
                                RoundRectBorder rb = (RoundRectBorder) border;
                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"roundRect\" " + "strokeColor=\"" + rb.getStrokeColor() + "\" " + "strokeOpacity=\"" + rb.getStrokeOpacity() + "\" " + "strokeThickness=\"" + rb.getStrokeThickness() + "\" " + "strokeMM=\"" + rb.isStrokeMM() + "\" " + "shadowSpread=\"" + rb.getShadowSpread() + "\" " + "shadowOpacity=\"" + rb.getShadowOpacity() + "\" " + "shadowX=\"" + rb.getShadowX() + "\" " + "shadowY=\"" + rb.getShadowY() + "\" " + "shadowBlur=\"" + rb.getShadowBlur() + "\" " + "topOnlyMode=\"" + rb.isTopOnlyMode() + "\" " + "bottomOnlyMode=\"" + rb.isBottomOnlyMode() + "\" " + "cornerRadius=\"" + rb.getCornerRadius() + "\" " + "bezierCorners=\"" + rb.isBezierCorners() + "\" />\n");
                            int type = Accessor.getType(border);
                            switch(type) {
                                case BORDER_TYPE_EMPTY:
                                    bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"empty\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_LINE:
                                    // use theme colors?
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"line\" millimeters=\"" + Accessor.isMillimeters(border) + "\" thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"line\" millimeters=\"" + Accessor.isMillimeters(border) + "\" thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_UNDERLINE:
                                    // use theme colors?
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"underline\" millimeters=\"" + Accessor.isMillimeters(border) + "\" thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"underline\"  millimeters=\"" + Accessor.isMillimeters(border) + "\" thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_ROUNDED:
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"rounded\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" arcW=\"" + Accessor.getArcWidth(border) + "\" arcH=\"" + Accessor.getArcHeight(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"rounded\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" arcW=\"" + Accessor.getArcWidth(border) + "\" arcH=\"" + Accessor.getArcHeight(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_ETCHED_RAISED:
                                    // use theme colors?
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"etchedRaised\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"etchedRaised\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" colorB=\"" + Accessor.getColorB(border) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_ETCHED_LOWERED:
                                    // use theme colors?
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"etchedLowered\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"etchedLowered\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" colorB=\"" + Accessor.getColorB(border) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_BEVEL_LOWERED:
                                    // use theme colors?
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"bevelLowered\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"bevelLowered\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" colorB=\"" + Accessor.getColorB(border) + "\" colorC=\"" + Accessor.getColorC(border) + "\" colorD=\"" + Accessor.getColorD(border) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_BEVEL_RAISED:
                                    if (Accessor.isThemeColors(border)) {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"bevelRaised\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" />\n");
                                    } else {
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"bevelRaised\" " + "thickness=\"" + Accessor.getThickness(border) + "\" color=\"" + Accessor.getColorA(border) + "\" colorB=\"" + Accessor.getColorB(border) + "\" colorC=\"" + Accessor.getColorC(border) + "\" colorD=\"" + Accessor.getColorD(border) + "\" />\n");
                                // case BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE_SCALED:
                                case BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE:
                                        Image[] images = Accessor.getImages(border);
                                        int resourceCount = 0;
                                        for (int counter = 0; counter < images.length; counter++) {
                                            if (images[counter] != null && findId(images[counter], true) != null) {
                                        if (resourceCount != 2 && resourceCount != 3 && resourceCount != 8 && resourceCount != 9) {
                                            System.out.println("Odd resource count for image border: " + resourceCount);
                                            resourceCount = 2;
                                        switch(resourceCount) {
                                            case 2:
                                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"image\" " + "i1=\"" + findId(images[0], true) + "\" " + "i2=\"" + findId(images[4], true) + "\" />\n");
                                            case 3:
                                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"image\" " + "i1=\"" + findId(images[0], true) + "\" " + "i2=\"" + findId(images[4], true) + "\" " + "i3=\"" + findId(images[8], true) + "\" />\n");
                                            case 8:
                                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"image\" " + "i1=\"" + findId(images[0], true) + "\" " + "i2=\"" + findId(images[1], true) + "\" " + "i3=\"" + findId(images[2], true) + "\" " + "i4=\"" + findId(images[3], true) + "\" " + "i5=\"" + findId(images[4], true) + "\" " + "i6=\"" + findId(images[5], true) + "\" " + "i7=\"" + findId(images[6], true) + "\" " + "i8=\"" + findId(images[7], true) + "\" />\n");
                                            case 9:
                                                bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"image\" " + "i1=\"" + findId(images[0], true) + "\" " + "i2=\"" + findId(images[1], true) + "\" " + "i3=\"" + findId(images[2], true) + "\" " + "i4=\"" + findId(images[3], true) + "\" " + "i5=\"" + findId(images[4], true) + "\" " + "i6=\"" + findId(images[5], true) + "\" " + "i7=\"" + findId(images[6], true) + "\" " + "i8=\"" + findId(images[7], true) + "\" " + "i9=\"" + findId(images[8], true) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE_HORIZONTAL:
                                        Image[] images = Accessor.getImages(border);
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"imageH\" " + "i1=\"" + findId(images[0], true) + "\" " + "i2=\"" + findId(images[1], true) + "\" " + "i3=\"" + findId(images[2], true) + "\" />\n");
                                case BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE_VERTICAL:
                                        Image[] images = Accessor.getImages(border);
                                        bw.write("        <border key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"imageV\" " + "i1=\"" + findId(images[0], true) + "\" " + "i2=\"" + findId(images[1], true) + "\" " + "i3=\"" + findId(images[2], true) + "\" />\n");
                        // if this is a font
                        if (key.endsWith("font")) {
                            com.codename1.ui.Font f = (com.codename1.ui.Font) theme.get(key);
                            // is this a new font?
                            boolean newFont = f instanceof EditorFont;
                            if (newFont) {
                                bw.write("        <font key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"named\" " + "name=\"" + findId(f) + "\" />\n");
                            } else {
                                if (f instanceof EditorTTFFont && (((EditorTTFFont) f).getFontFile() != null || ((EditorTTFFont) f).getNativeFontName() != null)) {
                                    EditorTTFFont ed = (EditorTTFFont) f;
                                    String fname;
                                    String ffName;
                                    if (((EditorTTFFont) f).getNativeFontName() != null) {
                                        fname = ((EditorTTFFont) f).getNativeFontName();
                                        ffName = fname;
                                    } else {
                                        fname = ed.getFontFile().getName();
                                        ffName = ((java.awt.Font) ed.getNativeFont()).getPSName();
                                    bw.write("        <font key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"ttf\" " + "face=\"" + f.getFace() + "\" " + "style=\"" + f.getStyle() + "\" " + "size=\"" + f.getSize() + "\" " + "name=\"" + fname + "\" " + "family=\"" + ffName + "\" " + "sizeSettings=\"" + ed.getSizeSetting() + "\" " + "actualSize=\"" + ed.getActualSize() + "\" />\n");
                                } else {
                                    bw.write("        <font key=\"" + key + "\" type=\"system\" " + "face=\"" + f.getFace() + "\" " + "style=\"" + f.getStyle() + "\" " + "size=\"" + f.getSize() + "\" />\n");
                        // if this is a background image
                        if (key.endsWith("bgImage")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + findId(theme.get(key), true) + "\" />\n");
                        if (key.endsWith("scaledImage")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        if (key.endsWith("derive")) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        // if this is a background gradient
                        if (key.endsWith("bgGradient")) {
                            Object[] gradient = (Object[]) theme.get(key);
                            bw.write("        <gradient key=\"" + key + "\" color1=\"" + gradient[0] + "\"" + " color2=\"" + gradient[1] + "\"" + " posX=\"" + gradient[2] + "\"" + " posY=\"" + gradient[3] + "\"" + " radius=\"" + gradient[4] + "\" />\n");
                        if (key.endsWith(Style.BACKGROUND_TYPE) || key.endsWith(Style.BACKGROUND_ALIGNMENT)) {
                            bw.write("        <val key=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + theme.get(key) + "\" />\n");
                        // thow an exception no idea what this is
                        throw new IOException("Error while trying to read theme property: " + key);
                    bw.write("    </theme>\n");
                case MAGIC_FONT:
                    File legacyFont = new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter]));
                    DataOutputStream legacyFontOut = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(legacyFont));
                    saveFont(legacyFontOut, false, resourceNames[iter]);
                    bw.write("    <legacyFont name=\"" + xResourceName + "\" />\n");
                case MAGIC_DATA:
                        File dataFile = new File(resourcesDir, normalizeFileName(resourceNames[iter]));
                        DataOutputStream dataFileOut = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dataFile));
                        InputStream i = getData(resourceNames[iter]);
                        ByteArrayOutputStream outArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        int val =;
                        while (val != -1) {
                            val =;
                        byte[] data = outArray.toByteArray();
                        bw.write("    <data name=\"" + xResourceName + "\" />\n");
                case MAGIC_UI:
                        File uiXML = new File(resourcesDir, resourceNames[iter] + ".ui");
                        UIBuilderOverride u = new UIBuilderOverride();
                        com.codename1.ui.Container cnt = u.createContainer(this, resourceNames[iter]);
                        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(uiXML);
                        writeUIXml(cnt, fos);
                        File ui = new File(resourcesDir, resourceNames[iter]);
                        DataOutputStream uiOut = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(ui));
                        InputStream i = getUi(resourceNames[iter]);
                        ByteArrayOutputStream outArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        int val =;
                        while (val != -1) {
                            val =;
                        byte[] data = outArray.toByteArray();
                        bw.write("    <ui name=\"" + xResourceName + "\" />\n");
                case MAGIC_L10N:
                    // we are getting the theme which allows us to acces the l10n data
                    bw.write("    <l10n name=\"" + xResourceName + "\">\n");
                    Hashtable<String, Object> l10n = getTheme(resourceNames[iter]);
                    for (String locale : l10n.keySet()) {
                        bw.write("        <lang name=\"" + locale + "\">\n");
                        Hashtable<String, String> current = (Hashtable<String, String>) l10n.get(locale);
                        for (String key : current.keySet()) {
                            String val = current.get(key);
                            bw.write("            <entry key=\"" + xmlize(key) + "\" value=\"" + xmlize(val) + "\" />\n");
                        bw.write("        </lang>\n");
                    bw.write("    </l10n>\n");
                    throw new IOException("Corrupt theme file unrecognized magic number: " + Integer.toHexString(magic & 0xff));
    } finally {
        overrideFile = overrideFileBackup;
        overrideResource = overrideResourceBackup;
Also used : SVG(com.codename1.impl.javase.SVG) DataOutputStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) LegacyFont(com.codename1.ui.util.xml.LegacyFont) EditorTTFFont(com.codename1.ui.EditorTTFFont) EditorFont(com.codename1.ui.EditorFont) BufferedWriter( EditorTTFFont(com.codename1.ui.EditorTTFFont) RoundRectBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundRectBorder) Image(com.codename1.ui.Image) DataInputStream( FileInputStream( InputStream( Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) IOException( ByteArrayOutputStream( EncodedImage(com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage) CSSBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.CSSBorder) FileOutputStream( OutputStreamWriter( AnimationObject(com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject) EditorFont(com.codename1.ui.EditorFont) RoundBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundBorder) File( RoundRectBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundRectBorder) CSSBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.CSSBorder) RoundBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundBorder) Border(com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border)

Example 44 with com.codename1.rad.ui

use of com.codename1.rad.ui in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class EditableResources method replaceThemeValue.

 * Used when changing a font or an image to update the theme
private void replaceThemeValue(Object oldValue, Object value) {
    if (oldValue != null && value != null) {
        if (oldValue instanceof MultiImage) {
            MultiImage m = (MultiImage) oldValue;
            Object newValue = value;
            if (newValue instanceof MultiImage) {
                newValue = ((MultiImage) newValue).getBest();
            for (com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage e : m.getInternalImages()) {
                replaceThemeValue(e, newValue);
        for (String themeName : getThemeResourceNames()) {
            Hashtable theme = getTheme(themeName);
            for (Object key : theme.keySet()) {
                Object currentValue = theme.get(key);
                if (currentValue == oldValue) {
                    theme.put(key, value);
        // we need to check the existance of image borders to replace images there...
        if (value instanceof Image) {
            for (String themeName : getThemeResourceNames()) {
                Hashtable theme = getTheme(themeName);
                for (Object v : theme.values()) {
                    if (v instanceof Border) {
                        Border b = (Border) v;
                        if (Accessor.getType(b) == BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE || Accessor.getType(b) == BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE_VERTICAL || Accessor.getType(b) == BORDER_TYPE_IMAGE_HORIZONTAL) {
                            Image[] images = Accessor.getImages(b);
                            for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
                                if (images[i] == oldValue) {
                                    images[i] = (Image) value;
        // check if a timeline is making use of said image and replace it
        for (String image : getImageResourceNames()) {
            com.codename1.ui.Image current = getImage(image);
            if (current instanceof com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline) {
                com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline time = (com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline) current;
                for (int iter = 0; iter < time.getAnimationCount(); iter++) {
                    com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject o = time.getAnimation(iter);
                    if (AnimationAccessor.getImage(o) == oldValue) {
                        AnimationAccessor.setImage(o, (com.codename1.ui.Image) value);
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Image(com.codename1.ui.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) EncodedImage(com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage) Image(com.codename1.ui.Image) Timeline(com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline) Timeline(com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline) AnimationObject(com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject) AnimationObject(com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject) EncodedImage(com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage) RoundRectBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundRectBorder) CSSBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.CSSBorder) RoundBorder(com.codename1.ui.plaf.RoundBorder) Border(com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border)

Example 45 with com.codename1.rad.ui

use of com.codename1.rad.ui in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class UIBuilderOverride method createInstance.

 * Create a component instance from XML
private Component createInstance(final ComponentEntry root, final EditableResources res, Container rootCnt, final Container parentContainer, final ArrayList<Runnable> postCreateTasks) {
    try {
        final Component c = createComponentType(root.getType());
        if (rootCnt == null) {
            rootCnt = (Container) c;
        final Container rootContainer = rootCnt;
        if (root.getBaseForm() != null) {
            c.putClientProperty("%base_form%", root.getBaseForm());
        c.putClientProperty(TYPE_KEY, root.getType());
        String clientProps = root.getClientProperties();
        if (clientProps != null && clientProps.length() > 0) {
            String[] props = clientProps.split(",");
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
            for (String p : props) {
                String[] keyVal = p.split("=");
                c.putClientProperty(keyVal[0], keyVal[1]);
                if (b.length() > 0) {
            c.putClientProperty("cn1$Properties", b.toString());
        rootContainer.putClientProperty("%" + root.getName() + "%", c);
        // layout must be first since we might need to rely on it later on with things such as constraints
        if (root.getLayout() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LAYOUT);
            Layout l;
            if (root.getLayout().equals("BorderLayout")) {
                l = new BorderLayout();
                if (root.isBorderLayoutAbsoluteCenter() != null) {
                    ((BorderLayout) l).setAbsoluteCenter(root.isBorderLayoutAbsoluteCenter().booleanValue());
                if (root.getBorderLayoutSwapCenter() != null) {
                    ((BorderLayout) l).defineLandscapeSwap(BorderLayout.CENTER, root.getBorderLayoutSwapCenter());
                if (root.getBorderLayoutSwapNorth() != null) {
                    ((BorderLayout) l).defineLandscapeSwap(BorderLayout.NORTH, root.getBorderLayoutSwapNorth());
                if (root.getBorderLayoutSwapSouth() != null) {
                    ((BorderLayout) l).defineLandscapeSwap(BorderLayout.SOUTH, root.getBorderLayoutSwapSouth());
                if (root.getBorderLayoutSwapEast() != null) {
                    ((BorderLayout) l).defineLandscapeSwap(BorderLayout.EAST, root.getBorderLayoutSwapEast());
                if (root.getBorderLayoutSwapWest() != null) {
                    ((BorderLayout) l).defineLandscapeSwap(BorderLayout.WEST, root.getBorderLayoutSwapWest());
            } else {
                if (root.getLayout().equals("FlowLayout")) {
                    l = new FlowLayout();
                    ((FlowLayout) l).setFillRows(root.isFlowLayoutFillRows());
                    ((FlowLayout) l).setAlign(root.getFlowLayoutAlign());
                    ((FlowLayout) l).setValign(root.getFlowLayoutValign());
                } else {
                    if (root.getLayout().equals("GridLayout")) {
                        l = new GridLayout(root.getGridLayoutRows().intValue(), root.getGridLayoutColumns().intValue());
                    } else {
                        if (root.getLayout().equals("BoxLayout")) {
                            if (root.getBoxLayoutAxis().equals("X")) {
                                l = new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.X_AXIS);
                            } else {
                                l = new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
                        } else {
                            if (root.getLayout().equals("TableLayout")) {
                                l = new TableLayout(root.getTableLayoutRows(), root.getTableLayoutColumns());
                            } else {
                                l = new LayeredLayout();
            ((Container) c).setLayout(l);
        if (parentContainer != null && root.getLayoutConstraint() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT);
            if (parentContainer.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout) {
                c.putClientProperty("layoutConstraint", root.getLayoutConstraint().getValue());
            } else {
                TableLayout tl = (TableLayout) parentContainer.getLayout();
                TableLayout.Constraint con = tl.createConstraint(root.getLayoutConstraint().getRow(), root.getLayoutConstraint().getColumn());
                c.putClientProperty("layoutConstraint", con);
        if (root.getEmbed() != null && root.getEmbed().length() > 0) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_EMBED);
            rootContainer.putClientProperty(EMBEDDED_FORM_FLAG, "");
            ((EmbeddedContainer) c).setEmbed(root.getEmbed());
            Container embed = createContainer(res, root.getEmbed(), (EmbeddedContainer) c);
            if (embed != null) {
                if (embed instanceof Form) {
                    embed = formToContainer((Form) embed);
                ((EmbeddedContainer) c).addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, embed);
                // this isn't exactly the "right thing" but its the best we can do to make all
                // use cases work
        if (root.isToggle() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TOGGLE_BUTTON);
            ((Button) c).setToggle(root.isToggle().booleanValue());
        if (root.getGroup() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_RADIO_GROUP);
            ((RadioButton) c).setGroup(root.getGroup());
        if (root.isSelected() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_SELECTED);
            if (c instanceof RadioButton) {
                ((RadioButton) c).setSelected(root.isSelected().booleanValue());
            } else {
                ((CheckBox) c).setSelected(root.isSelected().booleanValue());
        if (root.isScrollableX() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_SCROLLABLE_X);
            ((Container) c).setScrollableX(root.isScrollableX().booleanValue());
        if (root.isScrollableY() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_SCROLLABLE_Y);
            ((Container) c).setScrollableY(root.isScrollableY().booleanValue());
        if (root.isTensileDragEnabled() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TENSILE_DRAG_ENABLED);
        if (root.isTactileTouch() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TACTILE_TOUCH);
        if (root.isSnapToGrid() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_SNAP_TO_GRID);
        if (root.isFlatten() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_FLATTEN);
        if (root.getText() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TEXT);
            if (c instanceof Label) {
                ((Label) c).setText(root.getText());
            } else {
                ((TextArea) c).setText(root.getText());
        if (root.getMaxSize() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH);
            ((TextArea) c).setMaxSize(root.getMaxSize().intValue());
        if (root.getConstraint() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TEXT_CONSTRAINT);
            ((TextArea) c).setConstraint(root.getConstraint().intValue());
        if (root.getAlignment() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_ALIGNMENT);
            if (c instanceof Label) {
                ((Label) c).setAlignment(root.getAlignment().intValue());
            } else {
                ((TextArea) c).setAlignment(root.getAlignment().intValue());
        if (root.isGrowByContent() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TEXT_AREA_GROW);
            ((TextArea) c).setGrowByContent(root.isGrowByContent().booleanValue());
        if (root.getTabPlacement() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TAB_PLACEMENT);
            ((Tabs) c).setTabPlacement(root.getTabPlacement().intValue());
        if (root.getTabTextPosition() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TAB_TEXT_POSITION);
            ((Tabs) c).setTabTextPosition(root.getTabTextPosition().intValue());
        if (root.getUiid() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_UIID);
        if (root.getDialogUIID() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_DIALOG_UIID);
            ((Dialog) c).setDialogUIID(root.getDialogUIID());
        if (root.isDisposeWhenPointerOutOfBounds() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_DISPOSE_WHEN_POINTER_OUT);
            ((Dialog) c).setDisposeWhenPointerOutOfBounds(root.isDisposeWhenPointerOutOfBounds());
        if (root.getCloudBoundProperty() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_CLOUD_BOUND_PROPERTY);
        if (root.getCloudDestinationProperty() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_CLOUD_DESTINATION_PROPERTY);
        if (root.getDialogPosition() != null && root.getDialogPosition().length() > 0) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_DIALOG_POSITION);
            ((Dialog) c).setDialogPosition(root.getDialogPosition());
        if (root.isFocusable() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_FOCUSABLE);
        if (root.isEnabled() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_ENABLED);
        if (root.isScrollVisible() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_SCROLL_VISIBLE);
        if (root.getIcon() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_ICON);
            ((Label) c).setIcon(res.getImage(root.getIcon()));
        if (root.getRolloverIcon() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_ROLLOVER_ICON);
            ((Button) c).setRolloverIcon(res.getImage(root.getRolloverIcon()));
        if (root.getPressedIcon() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_PRESSED_ICON);
            ((Button) c).setPressedIcon(res.getImage(root.getPressedIcon()));
        if (root.getDisabledIcon() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_DISABLED_ICON);
            ((Button) c).setDisabledIcon(res.getImage(root.getDisabledIcon()));
        if (root.getGap() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_GAP);
            ((Label) c).setGap(root.getGap().intValue());
        if (root.getVerticalAlignment() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT);
            if (c instanceof Label) {
                ((Label) c).setVerticalAlignment(root.getVerticalAlignment().intValue());
            } else {
                ((TextArea) c).setVerticalAlignment(root.getVerticalAlignment().intValue());
        if (root.getTextPosition() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TEXT_POSITION);
            ((Label) c).setTextPosition(root.getTextPosition().intValue());
        if (root.getTitle() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_TITLE);
            ((Form) c).setTitle(root.getTitle());
        // components should be added when we've set everything else up
        if (root.getComponent() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_COMPONENTS);
            if (c instanceof Tabs) {
                for (ComponentEntry ent : root.getComponent()) {
                    Component newCmp = createInstance(ent, res, rootContainer, (Container) c, postCreateTasks);
                    ((Tabs) c).addTab(ent.getTabTitle(), newCmp);
            } else {
                for (ComponentEntry ent : root.getComponent()) {
                    Component newCmp = createInstance(ent, res, rootContainer, (Container) c, postCreateTasks);
                    Object cons = newCmp.getClientProperty("layoutConstraint");
                    if (cons != null) {
                        modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT);
                        ((Container) c).addComponent(cons, newCmp);
                    } else {
                        ((Container) c).addComponent(newCmp);
        if (root.getColumns() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_COLUMNS);
            ((TextArea) c).setColumns(root.getColumns().intValue());
        if (root.getRows() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_ROWS);
            ((TextArea) c).setRows(root.getRows().intValue());
        if (root.getHint() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_HINT);
            if (c instanceof List) {
                ((List) c).setHint(root.getHint());
            } else {
                ((TextArea) c).setHint(root.getHint());
        if (root.getHintIcon() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_HINT_ICON);
            if (c instanceof List) {
                ((List) c).setHintIcon(res.getImage(root.getHint()));
            } else {
                ((TextArea) c).setHintIcon(res.getImage(root.getHint()));
        if (root.getItemGap() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_ITEM_GAP);
            ((List) c).setItemGap(root.getItemGap().intValue());
        if (root.getFixedSelection() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LIST_FIXED);
            ((List) c).setFixedSelection(root.getFixedSelection().intValue());
        if (root.getOrientation() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LIST_ORIENTATION);
            ((List) c).setOrientation(root.getOrientation().intValue());
        if (c instanceof com.codename1.ui.List && !(c instanceof com.codename1.components.RSSReader)) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LIST_ITEMS);
            if (root.getStringItem() != null && root.getStringItem().length > 0) {
                String[] arr = new String[root.getStringItem().length];
                for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                    arr[iter] = root.getStringItem()[iter].getValue();
                ((List) c).setModel(new DefaultListModel<String>(arr));
            } else {
                if (root.getMapItems() != null && root.getMapItems().length > 0) {
                    Hashtable[] arr = new Hashtable[root.getMapItems().length];
                    for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                        arr[iter] = new Hashtable();
                        if (root.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem() != null) {
                            for (Val v : root.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem()) {
                                Command cmd = createCommandImpl((String) v.getValue(), null, -1, v.getValue(), false, "");
                                cmd.putClientProperty(COMMAND_ACTION, (String) v.getValue());
                                arr[iter].put(v.getKey(), cmd);
                        if (root.getMapItems()[iter].getStringItem() != null) {
                            for (Val v : root.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem()) {
                                arr[iter].put(v.getKey(), v.getValue());
                        if (root.getMapItems()[iter].getImageItem() != null) {
                            for (Val v : root.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem()) {
                                arr[iter].put(v.getKey(), res.getImage(v.getValue()));
                    ((List) c).setModel(new DefaultListModel<java.util.Map>(arr));
        if (root.getSelectedRenderer() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LIST_RENDERER);
            GenericListCellRenderer g;
            if (root.getSelectedRendererEven() == null) {
                Component selected = createContainer(res, root.getSelectedRenderer());
                Component unselected = createContainer(res, root.getUnselectedRenderer());
                g = new GenericListCellRenderer(selected, unselected);
            } else {
                Component selected = createContainer(res, root.getSelectedRenderer());
                Component unselected = createContainer(res, root.getUnselectedRenderer());
                Component even = createContainer(res, root.getSelectedRendererEven());
                Component evenU = createContainer(res, root.getUnselectedRendererEven());
                g = new GenericListCellRenderer(selected, unselected, even, evenU);
            if (c instanceof ContainerList) {
                ((ContainerList) c).setRenderer(g);
            } else {
                ((List) c).setRenderer(g);
        if (root.getNextForm() != null && root.getNextForm().length() > 0) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_NEXT_FORM);
            setNextForm(c, root.getNextForm(), res, rootContainer);
        if (root.getCommand() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_COMMANDS);
            for (CommandEntry cmd : root.getCommand()) {
                Command currentCommand = createCommandImpl(cmd.getName(), res.getImage(cmd.getIcon()), cmd.getId(), cmd.getAction(), cmd.isBackCommand(), cmd.getArgument());
                if (cmd.getRolloverIcon() != null && cmd.getRolloverIcon().length() > 0) {
                if (cmd.getPressedIcon() != null && cmd.getPressedIcon().length() > 0) {
                if (cmd.getDisabledIcon() != null && cmd.getDisabledIcon().length() > 0) {
                if (cmd.isBackCommand()) {
                    ((Form) c).setBackCommand(currentCommand);
                ((Form) c).addCommand(currentCommand);
                currentCommand.putClientProperty(COMMAND_ARGUMENTS, cmd.getArgument());
                currentCommand.putClientProperty(COMMAND_ACTION, cmd.getAction());
        if (root.isCyclicFocus() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_CYCLIC_FOCUS);
            ((Form) c).setCyclicFocus(root.isCyclicFocus().booleanValue());
        if (root.isRtl() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_RTL);
        if (root.getThumbImage() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_SLIDER_THUMB);
            ((Slider) c).setThumbImage(res.getImage(root.getThumbImage()));
        if (root.isInfinite() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_INFINITE);
            ((Slider) c).setInfinite(root.isInfinite().booleanValue());
        if (root.getProgress() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_PROGRESS);
            ((Slider) c).setProgress(root.getProgress().intValue());
        if (root.isVertical() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_VERTICAL);
            ((Slider) c).setVertical(root.isVertical().booleanValue());
        if (root.isEditable() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_EDITABLE);
            if (c instanceof TextArea) {
                ((TextArea) c).setEditable(root.isEditable().booleanValue());
            } else {
                ((Slider) c).setEditable(root.isEditable().booleanValue());
        if (root.getIncrements() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_INCREMENTS);
            ((Slider) c).setIncrements(root.getIncrements().intValue());
        if (root.isRenderPercentageOnTop() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_RENDER_PERCENTAGE_ON_TOP);
            ((Slider) c).setRenderPercentageOnTop(root.isRenderPercentageOnTop().booleanValue());
        if (root.getMaxValue() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_MAX_VALUE);
            ((Slider) c).setMaxValue(root.getMaxValue().intValue());
        if (root.getMinValue() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_MIN_VALUE);
            ((Slider) c).setMinValue(root.getMinValue().intValue());
        if (root.getCommandName() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_COMMAND);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    Command cmd = createCommandImpl(root.getCommandName(), res.getImage(root.getCommandIcon()), root.getCommandId().intValue(), root.getCommandAction(), root.isCommandBack().booleanValue(), root.getCommandArgument());
                    if (c instanceof Container) {
                        Button b = (Button) ((Container) c).getLeadComponent();
                    ((Button) c).setCommand(cmd);
        if (root.getLabelFor() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LABEL_FOR);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    ((Label) c).setLabelForComponent((Label) findByName(root.getLabelFor(), rootContainer));
        if (root.getLeadComponent() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_LEAD_COMPONENT);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    ((Container) c).setLeadComponent(findByName(root.getLeadComponent(), rootContainer));
        if (root.getNextFocusUp() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_NEXT_FOCUS_UP);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    c.setNextFocusUp(findByName(root.getNextFocusUp(), rootContainer));
        if (root.getNextFocusDown() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_NEXT_FOCUS_DOWN);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    c.setNextFocusDown(findByName(root.getNextFocusDown(), rootContainer));
        if (root.getNextFocusLeft() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_NEXT_FOCUS_LEFT);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    c.setNextFocusLeft(findByName(root.getNextFocusLeft(), rootContainer));
        if (root.getNextFocusRight() != null) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_NEXT_FOCUS_RIGHT);
            postCreateTasks.add(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    c.setNextFocusRight(findByName(root.getNextFocusRight(), rootContainer));
        // custom settings are always last after all other properties
        if (root.getCustom() != null && root.getCustom().length > 0) {
            modifyingProperty(c, PROPERTY_CUSTOM);
            for (Custom cust : root.getCustom()) {
                modifyingCustomProperty(c, cust.getName());
                Object value = null;
                Class customType = UserInterfaceEditor.getPropertyCustomType(c, cust.getName());
                if (customType.isArray()) {
                    if (customType == String[].class) {
                        if (cust.getStr() != null) {
                            String[] arr = new String[cust.getStr().length];
                            for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                                arr[iter] = cust.getStr()[iter].getValue();
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), arr);
                        } else {
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                    if (customType == String[][].class) {
                        if (cust.getArr() != null) {
                            String[][] arr = new String[cust.getArr().length][];
                            for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                                if (cust.getArr()[iter] != null && cust.getArr()[iter].getValue() != null) {
                                    arr[iter] = new String[cust.getArr()[iter].getValue().length];
                                    for (int inter = 0; inter < arr[iter].length; inter++) {
                                        arr[iter][inter] = cust.getArr()[iter].getValue()[inter].getValue();
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), arr);
                        } else {
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                    if (customType == com.codename1.ui.Image[].class) {
                        if (cust.getStr() != null) {
                            com.codename1.ui.Image[] arr = new com.codename1.ui.Image[cust.getStr().length];
                            for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                                arr[iter] = res.getImage(cust.getStr()[iter].getValue());
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), arr);
                        } else {
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                    if (customType == Object[].class) {
                        if (cust.getStringItem() != null) {
                            String[] arr = new String[cust.getStringItem().length];
                            for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                                arr[iter] = cust.getStringItem()[iter].getValue();
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), arr);
                        } else {
                            if (cust.getMapItems() != null) {
                                Hashtable[] arr = new Hashtable[cust.getMapItems().length];
                                for (int iter = 0; iter < arr.length; iter++) {
                                    arr[iter] = new Hashtable();
                                    if (cust.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem() != null) {
                                        for (Val v : cust.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem()) {
                                            Command cmd = createCommandImpl(v.getValue(), null, -1, v.getValue(), false, "");
                                            cmd.putClientProperty(COMMAND_ACTION, v.getValue());
                                            value = cmd;
                                            arr[iter].put(v.getKey(), cmd);
                                    if (cust.getMapItems()[iter].getStringItem() != null) {
                                        for (Val v : cust.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem()) {
                                            arr[iter].put(v.getKey(), v.getValue());
                                    if (cust.getMapItems()[iter].getImageItem() != null) {
                                        for (Val v : cust.getMapItems()[iter].getActionItem()) {
                                            arr[iter].put(v.getKey(), res.getImage(v.getValue()));
                                c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), arr);
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == String.class) {
                    c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), cust.getValue());
                if (customType == Integer.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), Integer.valueOf(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Long.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), Long.valueOf(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Double.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), Double.valueOf(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Date.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), new Date(Long.parseLong(cust.getValue())));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Float.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), Float.valueOf(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Byte.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), Byte.valueOf(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Character.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null && ((String) cust.getValue()).length() > 0) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), new Character(((String) cust.getValue()).charAt(0)));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == Boolean.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), Boolean.valueOf(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == com.codename1.ui.Image.class) {
                    if (cust.getValue() != null) {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), res.getImage(cust.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == com.codename1.ui.Container.class) {
                    // resource might have been removed we need to fail gracefully
                    String[] uiNames = res.getUIResourceNames();
                    for (int iter = 0; iter < uiNames.length; iter++) {
                        if (uiNames[iter].equals(cust.getName())) {
                            c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), createContainer(res, cust.getName()));
                    c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
                if (customType == com.codename1.ui.list.CellRenderer.class) {
                    if (cust.getUnselectedRenderer() != null) {
                        GenericListCellRenderer g;
                        if (cust.getSelectedRendererEven() == null) {
                            Component selected = createContainer(res, cust.getSelectedRenderer());
                            Component unselected = createContainer(res, cust.getUnselectedRenderer());
                            g = new GenericListCellRenderer(selected, unselected);
                        } else {
                            Component selected = createContainer(res, cust.getSelectedRenderer());
                            Component unselected = createContainer(res, cust.getUnselectedRenderer());
                            Component even = createContainer(res, cust.getSelectedRendererEven());
                            Component evenU = createContainer(res, cust.getUnselectedRendererEven());
                            g = new GenericListCellRenderer(selected, unselected, even, evenU);
                        c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), g);
                    c.setPropertyValue(cust.getName(), null);
        return c;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(java.awt.Frame.getFrames()[0], "Error creating component: " + root.getName() + "\n" + t.toString() + "\ntrying to recover...", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return null;
Also used : Val(com.codename1.ui.util.xml.Val) TextArea(com.codename1.ui.TextArea) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) Container(com.codename1.ui.Container) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) RadioButton(com.codename1.ui.RadioButton) Dialog(com.codename1.ui.Dialog) ComponentEntry(com.codename1.ui.util.xml.comps.ComponentEntry) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ContainerList(com.codename1.ui.list.ContainerList) List(com.codename1.ui.List) LayeredLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.LayeredLayout) List(com.codename1.ui.List) RadioButton(com.codename1.ui.RadioButton) CheckBox(com.codename1.ui.CheckBox) Tabs(com.codename1.ui.Tabs) FlowLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.FlowLayout) Slider(com.codename1.ui.Slider) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) ContainerList(com.codename1.ui.list.ContainerList) GridLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout) Component(com.codename1.ui.Component) TableLayout(com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout) GenericListCellRenderer(com.codename1.ui.list.GenericListCellRenderer) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Custom(com.codename1.ui.util.xml.comps.Custom) Date(java.util.Date) CommandEntry(com.codename1.ui.util.xml.comps.CommandEntry) BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) LayeredLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.LayeredLayout) GridLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout) Layout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.Layout) FlowLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.FlowLayout) BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) TableLayout(com.codename1.ui.table.TableLayout) ActionCommand(com.codename1.designer.ActionCommand) Command(com.codename1.ui.Command)


IOException ( EncodedImage (com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage)28 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)27 Point (java.awt.Point)25 File ( AnimationObject (com.codename1.ui.animations.AnimationObject)22 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)22 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)19 Component (com.codename1.ui.Component)18 Form (com.codename1.ui.Form)18 Image (com.codename1.ui.Image)16 EditableResources (com.codename1.ui.util.EditableResources)16 FileInputStream ( Timeline (com.codename1.ui.animations.Timeline)15 BorderLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout)14 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)12 UIBuilderOverride (com.codename1.ui.util.UIBuilderOverride)11 FileOutputStream ( AttributedString (java.text.AttributedString)10 EditorFont (com.codename1.ui.EditorFont)9