use of com.codename1.ui.Component in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class InteractionDialog method showPopupDialog.
* A popup dialog is shown with the context of a component and its selection, it is disposed seamlessly if the back button is pressed
* or if the user touches outside its bounds. It can optionally provide an arrow in the theme to point at the context component. The popup
* dialog has the PopupDialog style by default.
* @param rect the screen rectangle to which the popup should point
public void showPopupDialog(Rectangle rect) {
disposed = false;
if (getUIID().equals("Dialog")) {
if (getTitleComponent().getUIID().equals("DialogTitle")) {
Component contentPane = getContentPane();
Label title = getTitleComponent();
UIManager manager = getUIManager();
String dialogTitle = title.getText();
// preferred size logic of the dialog won't work with large title borders
if ((dialogTitle != null || dialogTitle.length() == 0) && manager.isThemeConstant("hideEmptyTitleBool", false)) {
boolean b = getTitle().length() > 0;
if (!b && manager.isThemeConstant("shrinkPopupTitleBool", true)) {
getTitleComponent().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
titleArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
if (getContentPane().getClientProperty("$ENLARGED_POP") == null) {
getContentPane().putClientProperty("$ENLARGED_POP", Boolean.TRUE);
int cpPaddingTop = getContentPane().getStyle().getPaddingTop();
int titlePT = getTitleComponent().getStyle().getPaddingTop();
byte[] pu = getContentPane().getStyle().getPaddingUnit();
if (pu == null) {
pu = new byte[4];
pu[0] = Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS;
int pop = Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(manager.getThemeConstant("popupNoTitleAddPaddingInt", 1), false);
getContentPane().getStyle().setPadding(TOP, pop + cpPaddingTop + titlePT);
// allows a text area to recalculate its preferred size if embedded within a dialog
Style contentPaneStyle = getStyle();
boolean restoreArrow = false;
if (manager.isThemeConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowBool", false)) {
Image t = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowTopImage");
Image b = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowBottomImage");
Image l = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowLeftImage");
Image r = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowRightImage");
Border border = contentPaneStyle.getBorder();
if (border != null) {
border.setImageBorderSpecialTile(t, b, l, r, rect);
restoreArrow = true;
int prefHeight = getPreferredH();
int prefWidth = getPreferredW();
if (contentPaneStyle.getBorder() != null) {
prefWidth = Math.max(contentPaneStyle.getBorder().getMinimumWidth(), prefWidth);
prefHeight = Math.max(contentPaneStyle.getBorder().getMinimumHeight(), prefHeight);
Form f = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
int availableHeight = getLayeredPane(f).getParent().getHeight();
int availableWidth = getLayeredPane(f).getParent().getWidth();
int width = Math.min(availableWidth, prefWidth);
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
boolean showPortrait = Display.getInstance().isPortrait();
// if we don't have enough space then disregard device orientation
if (showPortrait) {
if (availableHeight < (availableWidth - rect.getWidth()) / 2) {
showPortrait = false;
} else {
if (availableHeight / 2 > availableWidth - rect.getWidth()) {
showPortrait = true;
if (showPortrait) {
if (width < availableWidth) {
int idealX = rect.getX() - width / 2 + rect.getSize().getWidth() / 2;
// if the ideal position is less than 0 just use 0
if (idealX > 0) {
// if the idealX is too far to the right just align to the right
if (idealX + width > availableWidth) {
x = availableWidth - width;
} else {
x = idealX;
if (rect.getY() < availableHeight / 2) {
// popup downwards
y = rect.getY();
int height = Math.min(prefHeight, availableHeight - y);
show(y, Math.max(0, availableHeight - height - y), x, Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
} else {
// popup upwards
int height = Math.min(prefHeight, rect.getY() - getLayeredPane(f).getAbsoluteY());
y = rect.getY() - height - getLayeredPane(f).getAbsoluteY();
show(y, Math.max(0, getLayeredPane(f).getComponentForm().getHeight() - rect.getY()), x, Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
} else {
int height = Math.min(prefHeight, availableHeight);
if (height < availableHeight) {
int idealY = rect.getY() - height / 2 + rect.getSize().getHeight() / 2;
// if the ideal position is less than 0 just use 0
if (idealY > 0) {
// if the idealY is too far up just align to the top
if (idealY + height > availableHeight) {
y = availableHeight - height;
} else {
y = idealY;
if (prefWidth > rect.getX()) {
// popup right
x = rect.getX() + rect.getSize().getWidth();
if (x + prefWidth > availableWidth) {
x = availableWidth - prefWidth;
width = Math.min(prefWidth, availableWidth - x);
show(y, availableHeight - height - y, Math.max(0, x), Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
} else {
// popup left
width = Math.min(prefWidth, availableWidth - (availableWidth - rect.getX()));
x = rect.getX() - width;
show(y, availableHeight - height - y, Math.max(0, x), Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
/*if(restoreArrow) {
use of com.codename1.ui.Component in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class InteractionDialog method showPopupDialog.
* A popup dialog is shown with the context of a component and its selection, it is disposed seamlessly if the back button is pressed
* or if the user touches outside its bounds. It can optionally provide an arrow in the theme to point at the context component. The popup
* dialog has the PopupDialog style by default.
* @param c the context component which is used to position the dialog and can also be pointed at
public void showPopupDialog(Component c) {
disposed = false;
Rectangle componentPos = c.getSelectedRect();
componentPos.setX(componentPos.getX() - c.getScrollX());
componentPos.setY(componentPos.getY() - c.getScrollY());
use of com.codename1.ui.Component in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class RSSReader method updateComponentValues.
void updateComponentValues(Container root, Hashtable h) {
int c = root.getComponentCount();
for (int iter = 0; iter < c; iter++) {
Component current = root.getComponentAt(iter);
// subclasses
if (current.getClass() == com.codename1.ui.Container.class || current.getClass() == com.codename1.ui.Tabs.class) {
updateComponentValues((Container) current, h);
String n = current.getName();
if (n != null) {
String val = (String) h.get(n);
if (val != null) {
if (current instanceof Button) {
final String url = (String) val;
((Button) current).addActionListener(new Listener(url));
if (current instanceof Label) {
((Label) current).setText(val);
if (current instanceof TextArea) {
((TextArea) current).setText(val);
if (current instanceof WebBrowser) {
((WebBrowser) current).setPage(val, null);
use of com.codename1.ui.Component in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class CloudObject method unbindTree.
* Clears the binding to this component tree
* @param ui the container whose children might be bound
public void unbindTree(Container ui) {
int componentCount = ui.getComponentCount();
for (int iter = 0; iter < componentCount; iter++) {
Component c = ui.getComponentAt(iter);
if (c instanceof Container) {
unbindTree((Container) c);
String bind = c.getCloudBoundProperty();
if (bind != null && bind.length() > 0) {
String attributeName = c.getCloudDestinationProperty();
if (attributeName != null) {
unbindProperty(c, bind);
use of com.codename1.ui.Component in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class ClearableTextField method removeCmpBackground.
private static void removeCmpBackground(Component cmp) {
Style s = cmp.getAllStyles();