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Example 41 with Dialog

use of com.codename1.ui.Dialog in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class InteractionDialog method show.

 * This method shows the form as a modal alert allowing us to produce a behavior
 * of an alert/dialog box. This method will block the calling thread even if the
 * calling thread is the EDT. Notice that this method will not release the block
 * until dispose is called even if show() from another form is called!
 * <p>Modal dialogs Allow the forms "content" to "hang in mid air" this is especially useful for
 * dialogs where you would want the underlying form to "peek" from behind the
 * form.
 * @param top space in pixels between the top of the screen and the form
 * @param bottom space in pixels between the bottom of the screen and the form
 * @param left space in pixels between the left of the screen and the form
 * @param right space in pixels between the right of the screen and the form
public void show(int top, int bottom, int left, int right) {
    disposed = false;
    Form f = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
    getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(TOP, top);
    getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(BOTTOM, bottom);
    getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(LEFT, left);
    getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(RIGHT, right);
    getUnselectedStyle().setMarginUnit(new byte[] { Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS });
    // might occur when showing the dialog twice...
    if (animateShow) {
        int x = left + (f.getWidth() - right - left) / 2;
        int y = top + (f.getHeight() - bottom - top) / 2;
        if (repositionAnimation) {
        } else {
    } else {
        Form f = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
        f.getLayeredPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(TOP, top);
        getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(BOTTOM, bottom);
        getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(LEFT, left);
        getUnselectedStyle().setMargin(RIGHT, right);
        getUnselectedStyle().setMarginUnit(new byte[] {Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS, Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS});
        f.getLayeredPane().addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, this);
        if(animateShow) {
            int x = left + (f.getWidth() - right - left) / 2;
            int y = top + (f.getHeight() - bottom - top) / 2;
        } else {
Also used : Form(com.codename1.ui.Form)

Example 42 with Dialog

use of com.codename1.ui.Dialog in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class FaceBookAccess method createOAuth.

public Oauth2 createOAuth() {
    String scope = "";
    if (permissions != null && permissions.length > 0) {
        int plen = permissions.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < plen; i++) {
            String permission = permissions[i];
            scope += permission + ",";
        scope = scope.substring(0, scope.length() - 1);
    Hashtable additionalParams = new Hashtable();
    String p = Display.getInstance().getPlatformName();
    // on simulator BB and J2ME use the popup display (no need for javascript)
    if (Display.getInstance().getProperty("OS", "SE").equals("SE") || p.equals("rim") || p.equals("me")) {
        additionalParams.put("display", "popup");
    } else {
        additionalParams.put("display", "touch");
    return new Oauth2("", clientId, redirectURI, scope, "", clientSecret, additionalParams);
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Oauth2(

Example 43 with Dialog

use of com.codename1.ui.Dialog in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class LiveDemo method start.

public void start() {
    Form previewForm = new Form("Preview Theme");
    Toolbar tb = new Toolbar();
    tb.setTitle("Preview Theme");
    tb.addMaterialCommandToSideMenu("Side Command", FontImage.MATERIAL_HELP, new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    tb.addMaterialCommandToOverflowMenu("Overflow Command", FontImage.MATERIAL_HELP, new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    tb.addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", FontImage.MATERIAL_HELP, new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    previewForm.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    Container first = new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    first.addComponent(new Label("This is a Label"));
    first.addComponent(new Button("This is a Button"));
    MultiButton mb = new MultiButton("This is a MultiButton");
    mb.setTextLine2("Second line of text");
    FontImage.setMaterialIcon(mb, FontImage.MATERIAL_HELP);
    TextField txt = new TextField();
    txt.setHint("This is a TextField");
    first.addComponent(new CheckBox("This is a CheckBox"));
    RadioButton rb1 = new RadioButton("This is a Radio Button 1");
    RadioButton rb2 = new RadioButton("This is a Radio Button 2");
    final Slider s = new Slider();
    Button b1 = new Button("Show a Dialog");
    b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
  "Dialog Title", "Dialog Body", "Ok", "Cancel");
    previewForm.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, first);;
Also used : Slider(com.codename1.ui.Slider) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) ActionEvent( BoxLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout) Label(com.codename1.ui.Label) RadioButton(com.codename1.ui.RadioButton) Container(com.codename1.ui.Container) ActionListener( BorderLayout(com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout) RadioButton(com.codename1.ui.RadioButton) Button(com.codename1.ui.Button) MultiButton(com.codename1.components.MultiButton) CheckBox(com.codename1.ui.CheckBox) TextField(com.codename1.ui.TextField) MultiButton(com.codename1.components.MultiButton) Toolbar(com.codename1.ui.Toolbar)

Example 44 with Dialog

use of com.codename1.ui.Dialog in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class ResourceEditorView method addNewFontWizard.

 * Invoked by the "..." button in the add theme entry dialog, allows us to add
 * a font on the fly while working on a theme
public void addNewFontWizard() {
    AddResourceDialog addResource = new AddResourceDialog(loadedResources, AddResourceDialog.FONT);
    if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(mainPanel, addResource, "Add Font", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE)) {
        if (addResource.checkName(loadedResources)) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainPanel, "A resource with that name already exists", "Add Font", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        // show the image editing dialog...
        FontEditor font = new FontEditor(loadedResources, new EditorFont(com.codename1.ui.Font.createSystemFont(com.codename1.ui.Font.FACE_SYSTEM, com.codename1.ui.Font.STYLE_PLAIN, com.codename1.ui.Font.SIZE_MEDIUM), null, "Arial-plain-12", true, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;:!/\\*()[]{}|#$%^&<>?'\"+- "), addResource.getResourceName());
        if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(mainPanel, font, "Add Font", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE)) {
            loadedResources.setFont(addResource.getResourceName(), font.createFont());
Also used : EditorFont(com.codename1.ui.EditorFont)

Example 45 with Dialog

use of com.codename1.ui.Dialog in project CodenameOne by codenameone.

the class IOSImplementation method editString.

public void editString(final Component cmp, final int maxSize, final int constraint, final String text, final int i) {
    // The very first time we try to edit a string, let's determine if the
    // system default is to do async editing.  If the system default
    // is not yet set, we set it here, and it will be used as the default from now on
    // We do this because the nativeInstance.isAsyncEditMode() value changes
    // to reflect the currently edited field so it isn't a good way to keep a
    // system default.
    pendingEditingText = false;
    String defaultAsyncEditingSetting = Display.getInstance().getProperty("ios.VKBAlwaysOpen", null);
    if (defaultAsyncEditingSetting == null) {
        defaultAsyncEditingSetting = nativeInstance.isAsyncEditMode() ? "true" : "false";
        Display.getInstance().setProperty("ios.VKBAlwaysOpen", defaultAsyncEditingSetting);
    boolean asyncEdit = "true".equals(defaultAsyncEditingSetting) ? true : false;
    try {
        if (currentEditing != cmp && currentEditing != null && currentEditing instanceof TextArea) {
            Display.getInstance().onEditingComplete(currentEditing, ((TextArea) currentEditing).getText());
            currentEditing = null;
            if (nativeInstance.isAsyncEditMode()) {
            synchronized (EDITING_LOCK) {
            Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    pendingEditingText = true;
                    Display.getInstance().editString(cmp, maxSize, constraint, text, i);
        if (cmp.isFocusable() && !cmp.hasFocus()) {
            try {
            } finally {
            // of our upcoming field.
            if (isAsyncEditMode()) {
                // flush the EDT so the focus will work...
                Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        pendingEditingText = true;
                        Display.getInstance().editString(cmp, maxSize, constraint, text, i);
        // Check if the form has any setting for asyncEditing that should override
        // the application defaults.
        Form parentForm = cmp.getComponentForm();
        if (parentForm == null) {
            // Log.p("Attempt to edit text area that is not on a form.  This is not supported");
        if (parentForm.getClientProperty("asyncEditing") != null) {
            Object async = parentForm.getClientProperty("asyncEditing");
            if (async instanceof Boolean) {
                asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
            // Log.p("Form overriding asyncEdit due to asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
        if (parentForm.getClientProperty("ios.asyncEditing") != null) {
            Object async = parentForm.getClientProperty("ios.asyncEditing");
            if (async instanceof Boolean) {
                asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
            // Log.p("Form overriding asyncEdit due to ios.asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
        // editing - and should instead revert to legacy editing mode.
        if (asyncEdit && !parentForm.isFormBottomPaddingEditingMode()) {
            Container p = cmp.getParent();
            // A crude estimate of how far the component needs to be able to scroll to make
            // async editing viable.  We start with half-way down the screen.
            int keyboardClippingThresholdY = Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth() / 2;
            while (p != null) {
                if (Accessor.scrollableYFlag(p) && p.getAbsoluteY() < keyboardClippingThresholdY) {
                p = p.getParent();
            // no scrollabel parent automatically configure the text field for legacy mode
            // nativeInstance.setAsyncEditMode(p != null);
            asyncEdit = p != null;
        // Log.p("Overriding asyncEdit due to form scrollability: "+asyncEdit);
        } else if (parentForm.isFormBottomPaddingEditingMode()) {
            // If form uses bottom padding mode, then we will always
            // use async edit (unless the field explicitly overrides it).
            asyncEdit = true;
        // Log.p("Overriding asyncEdit due to form bottom padding edit mode: "+asyncEdit);
        // then this will override all other settings.
        if (cmp.getClientProperty("asyncEditing") != null) {
            Object async = cmp.getClientProperty("asyncEditing");
            if (async instanceof Boolean) {
                asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
            // Log.p("Overriding asyncEdit due to field asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
        if (cmp.getClientProperty("ios.asyncEditing") != null) {
            Object async = cmp.getClientProperty("ios.asyncEditing");
            if (async instanceof Boolean) {
                asyncEdit = ((Boolean) async).booleanValue();
            // Log.p("Overriding asyncEdit due to field ios.asyncEditing client property: "+asyncEdit);
        // Finally we set the async edit mode for this field.
        // System.out.println("Async edit mode is "+asyncEdit);
        textEditorHidden = false;
        currentEditing = (TextArea) cmp;
        // register the edited TextArea to support moving to the next field
        final NativeFont fnt = f(cmp.getStyle().getFont().getNativeFont());
        boolean forceSlideUpTmp = false;
        final Form current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
        if (current instanceof Dialog && !isTablet()) {
            // special case, if we are editing a small dialog we want to move it
            // so the bottom of the dialog shows within the screen. This is
            // described in issue 505
            Dialog dlg = (Dialog) current;
            Component c = dlg.getDialogComponent();
            if (c.getHeight() < Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() / 2 && c.getAbsoluteY() + c.getHeight() > Display.getInstance().getDisplayHeight() / 2) {
                forceSlideUpTmp = true;
        final boolean forceSlideUp = forceSlideUpTmp;
        // give the repaint one cycle to "do its magic...
        final Style stl = currentEditing.getStyle();
        final boolean rtl = UIManager.getInstance().getLookAndFeel().isRTL();
        Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                int x = cmp.getAbsoluteX() + cmp.getScrollX();
                int y = cmp.getAbsoluteY() + cmp.getScrollY();
                int w = cmp.getWidth();
                int h = cmp.getHeight();
                int pt = stl.getPaddingTop();
                int pb = stl.getPaddingBottom();
                int pl = stl.getPaddingLeft(rtl);
                int pr = stl.getPaddingRight(rtl);
                    if(currentEditing != null && currentEditing.isSingleLineTextArea()) {
                        switch(currentEditing.getVerticalAlignment()) {
                            case TextArea.CENTER:
                                if(h > cmp.getPreferredH()) {
                                    y += (h / 2 - cmp.getPreferredH() / 2);
                            case TextArea.BOTTOM:
                                if(h > cmp.getPreferredH()) {
                                    y += (h - cmp.getPreferredH());
                String hint = null;
                if (currentEditing != null && currentEditing.getUIManager().isThemeConstant("nativeHintBool", true) && currentEditing.getHint() != null) {
                    hint = currentEditing.getHint();
                if (isAsyncEditMode()) {
                    // request focus triggers a scroll which flicks the textEditorHidden flag
                    try {
                    } finally {
                    textEditorHidden = false;
                boolean showToolbar = cmp.getClientProperty("iosHideToolbar") == null;
                if (showToolbar && Display.getInstance().getProperty("iosHideToolbar", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                    showToolbar = false;
                if (currentEditing != null) {
                    nativeInstance.editStringAt(x, y, w, h, fnt.peer, currentEditing.isSingleLineTextArea(), currentEditing.getRows(), maxSize, constraint, text, forceSlideUp, // peer,
                    stl.getFgColor(), // peer,
                    0, pt, pb, pl, pr, hint, showToolbar, Boolean.TRUE.equals(cmp.getClientProperty("blockCopyPaste")), currentEditing.getStyle().getAlignment(), currentEditing.getVerticalAlignment());
        if (isAsyncEditMode()) {
        editNext = false;
        Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                synchronized (EDITING_LOCK) {
                    while (instance.currentEditing == cmp) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        if (cmp instanceof TextArea && !((TextArea) cmp).isSingleLineTextArea()) {
            Form form = cmp.getComponentForm();
            if (form != null) {
        if (editNext) {
            editNext = false;
    } finally {
Also used : TextArea(com.codename1.ui.TextArea) Form(com.codename1.ui.Form) Container(com.codename1.ui.Container) Dialog(com.codename1.ui.Dialog) Style(com.codename1.ui.plaf.Style) BrowserComponent(com.codename1.ui.BrowserComponent) Component(com.codename1.ui.Component) PeerComponent(com.codename1.ui.PeerComponent)


Dialog (com.codename1.ui.Dialog)28 Form (com.codename1.ui.Form)23 BorderLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout)17 Component (com.codename1.ui.Component)16 ActionEvent ( Container (com.codename1.ui.Container)13 Style (com.codename1.ui.plaf.Style)12 ActionListener ( GridLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout)8 UIManager (com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager)7 IOException ( InfiniteProgress (com.codename1.components.InfiniteProgress)6 Command (com.codename1.ui.Command)6 Label (com.codename1.ui.Label)6 BoxLayout (com.codename1.ui.layouts.BoxLayout)6 ConnectionRequest ( Button (com.codename1.ui.Button)4 CheckBox (com.codename1.ui.CheckBox)4 Painter (com.codename1.ui.Painter)4 TextArea (com.codename1.ui.TextArea)4