use of com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class Import9Patch method create9Patch.
// GEN-LAST:event_okButtonActionPerformed
private void create9Patch(List<BufferedImage> biList, List<Integer> densities) {
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> topLeftCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> topRightCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> bottomLeftCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> bottomRightCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> centerCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> topImageCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> bottomImageCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> leftImageCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
List<com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage> rightImageCodenameOne = new ArrayList<EncodedImage>();
for (BufferedImage bi : biList) {
int left = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < bi.getWidth(); x++) {
int pixel = bi.getRGB(x, 0);
if ((pixel & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000) {
int right = 0;
for (int x = bi.getWidth() - 1; x > 0; x--) {
int pixel = bi.getRGB(x, 0);
if ((pixel & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000) {
int top = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < bi.getHeight(); y++) {
int pixel = bi.getRGB(0, y);
if ((pixel & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000) {
int bottom = 0;
for (int y = bi.getHeight() - 1; y > 0; y--) {
int pixel = bi.getRGB(0, y);
if ((pixel & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000) {
bi = bi.getSubimage(1, 1, bi.getWidth() - 2, bi.getHeight() - 2);
BufferedImage topLeft = bi.getSubimage(0, 0, left, top);
BufferedImage topRight = bi.getSubimage(bi.getWidth() - right, 0, right, top);
BufferedImage bottomLeft = bi.getSubimage(0, bi.getHeight() - bottom, left, bottom);
BufferedImage bottomRight = bi.getSubimage(bi.getWidth() - right, bi.getHeight() - bottom, right, bottom);
BufferedImage center = bi.getSubimage(left, top, bi.getWidth() - right - left, bi.getHeight() - bottom - top);
BufferedImage topImage = bi.getSubimage(left, 0, bi.getWidth() - left - right, top);
BufferedImage bottomImage = bi.getSubimage(left, bi.getHeight() - bottom, bi.getWidth() - left - right, bottom);
BufferedImage leftImage = bi.getSubimage(0, top, left, bi.getHeight() - top - bottom);
BufferedImage rightImage = bi.getSubimage(bi.getWidth() - right, top, right, bi.getHeight() - top - bottom);
String prefix = (String) uiidCombo.getSelectedItem() + ".";
switch(styleState.getSelectedIndex()) {
case 1:
prefix += "sel#";
case 2:
prefix += "press#";
case 3:
prefix += "dis#";
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage topLeftCodenameOneE = storeImage(topLeftCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage topRightCodenameOneE = storeImage(topRightCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage bottomLeftCodenameOneE = storeImage(bottomLeftCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage bottomRightCodenameOneE = storeImage(bottomRightCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage centerCodenameOneE = storeImage(centerCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage topImageCodenameOneE = storeImage(topImageCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage bottomImageCodenameOneE = storeImage(bottomImageCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage leftImageCodenameOneE = storeImage(leftImageCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage rightImageCodenameOneE = storeImage(rightImageCodenameOne, densities, prefix + " ");
com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border b = com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border.createImageScaledBorder(topImageCodenameOneE, bottomImageCodenameOneE, leftImageCodenameOneE, rightImageCodenameOneE, topLeftCodenameOneE, topRightCodenameOneE, bottomLeftCodenameOneE, bottomRightCodenameOneE, centerCodenameOneE);
Hashtable newTheme = new Hashtable(res.getTheme(theme));
newTheme.put(prefix + "border", b);
res.setTheme(theme, newTheme);
use of com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class ImageBorderCuttingWizard method generate.
// GEN-LAST:event_multiImageComboActionPerformed
public void generate() {
if (applies.getAppliesTo().getModel().getSize() == 0) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You haven't selected components to apply this border to!\nPlease go to the apply tab and ADD component types/styles", "No Components Selected", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
BufferedImage img = wiz.getImage();
BufferedImage buff = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D bg2d = buff.createGraphics();
bg2d.drawImage(img.getSubimage(get(cropLeft), get(cropTop), img.getWidth() - get(cropLeft) - get(cropRight), img.getHeight() - get(cropTop) - get(cropBottom)), get(cropLeft), get(cropTop), null);
img = buff;
BufferedImage topLeft = img.getSubimage(0, 0, get(left), get(top));
BufferedImage topRight = img.getSubimage(img.getWidth() - get(right), 0, get(right), get(top));
BufferedImage bottomLeft = img.getSubimage(0, img.getHeight() - get(bottom), get(left), get(bottom));
BufferedImage bottomRight = img.getSubimage(img.getWidth() - get(right), img.getHeight() - get(bottom), get(right), get(bottom));
BufferedImage center = img.getSubimage(get(left), get(top), img.getWidth() - get(right) - get(left), img.getHeight() - get(bottom) - get(top));
BufferedImage topImage = img.getSubimage(get(left), 0, img.getWidth() - get(left) - get(right), get(top));
BufferedImage bottomImage = img.getSubimage(get(left), img.getHeight() - get(bottom), img.getWidth() - get(left) - get(right), get(bottom));
BufferedImage leftImage = img.getSubimage(0, get(top), get(left), img.getHeight() - get(top) - get(bottom));
BufferedImage rightImage = img.getSubimage(img.getWidth() - get(right), get(top), get(right), img.getHeight() - get(top) - get(bottom));
// optimize the size of the center/top/left/bottom/right images which is a HUGE performance deterant
if (center.getWidth() < 10 || center.getHeight() < 10) {
center = ImageTools.getScaledInstance(center, Math.max(20, center.getWidth()), Math.max(20, center.getHeight()));
topImage = ImageTools.getScaledInstance(topImage, Math.max(20, topImage.getWidth()), topImage.getHeight());
leftImage = ImageTools.getScaledInstance(leftImage, leftImage.getWidth(), Math.max(20, leftImage.getHeight()));
rightImage = ImageTools.getScaledInstance(rightImage, rightImage.getWidth(), Math.max(20, rightImage.getHeight()));
bottomImage = ImageTools.getScaledInstance(bottomImage, Math.max(20, bottomImage.getWidth()), bottomImage.getHeight());
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage topLeftCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(topLeft));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage topRightCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(topRight));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage bottomLeftCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(bottomLeft));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage bottomRightCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(bottomRight));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage centerCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(center));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage topImageCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(topImage));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage bottomImageCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(bottomImage));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage leftImageCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(leftImage));
com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage rightImageCodenameOne = com.codename1.ui.EncodedImage.create(toPng(rightImage));
String prefix = (String) applies.getAppliesTo().getModel().getElementAt(0);
topLeftCodenameOne = storeImage(topLeftCodenameOne, prefix + "TopL");
topRightCodenameOne = storeImage(topRightCodenameOne, prefix + "TopR");
bottomLeftCodenameOne = storeImage(bottomLeftCodenameOne, prefix + "BottomL");
bottomRightCodenameOne = storeImage(bottomRightCodenameOne, prefix + "BottomR");
centerCodenameOne = storeImage(centerCodenameOne, prefix + "Center");
topImageCodenameOne = storeImage(topImageCodenameOne, prefix + "Top");
bottomImageCodenameOne = storeImage(bottomImageCodenameOne, prefix + "Bottom");
leftImageCodenameOne = storeImage(leftImageCodenameOne, prefix + "Left");
rightImageCodenameOne = storeImage(rightImageCodenameOne, prefix + "Right");
com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border b = com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border.createImageBorder(topImageCodenameOne, bottomImageCodenameOne, leftImageCodenameOne, rightImageCodenameOne, topLeftCodenameOne, topRightCodenameOne, bottomLeftCodenameOne, bottomRightCodenameOne, centerCodenameOne);
Hashtable newTheme = new Hashtable(res.getTheme(theme));
for (int i = 0; i < applies.getAppliesTo().getModel().getSize(); i++) {
newTheme.put(applies.getAppliesTo().getModel().getElementAt(i), b);
((DefaultListModel) applies.getAppliesTo().getModel()).removeAllElements();
res.setTheme(theme, newTheme);
use of com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class BorderEditor method updateBorder.
private void updateBorder(boolean updateEnabled) {
if (updateEnabled) {
for (JComponent c : comboSelectionEnabled[0]) {
if (borderType.getSelectedIndex() > 1) {
List<JComponent> colorElements = colorComponents;
if (borderType.getSelectedIndex() == 6 && !imageMode.isSelected()) {
colorElements = new ArrayList<JComponent>();
} else {
if (borderType.getSelectedIndex() < 6 && !themeColors.isSelected()) {
colorElements = new ArrayList<JComponent>();
} else {
if (borderType.getSelectedIndex() > 6) {
colorElements = new ArrayList<JComponent>();
for (JComponent c : comboSelectionEnabled[borderType.getSelectedIndex()]) {
// if colors arrive from the theme then don't enable any color related element
if (borderType.getSelectedIndex() == borderType.getItemCount() - 2) {
// we need to use a special case because a theme with no images will have a different offset for the border
currentBorder = RoundBorder.create().color(getColor(backgroundColor)).opacity(((Number) opacity.getValue()).intValue()).rectangle(isRectangle.isSelected()).shadowBlur(((Number) shadowBlur.getValue()).floatValue()).shadowOpacity(((Number) shadowOpacity.getValue()).intValue()).shadowSpread(((Number) shadowSpread.getValue()).intValue()).shadowX(((Number) shadowX.getValue()).floatValue()).shadowY(((Number) shadowY.getValue()).floatValue()).stroke(((Number) strokeThickness.getValue()).floatValue(), strokeMillimeter.isSelected()).strokeColor(getColor(strokeColor)).strokeOpacity(((Number) strokeOpacity.getValue()).intValue());
} else {
if (borderType.getSelectedIndex() == borderType.getItemCount() - 1) {
// we need to use a special case because a theme with no images will have a different offset for the border
currentBorder = RoundRectBorder.create().shadowBlur(((Number) rrShadowBlur.getValue()).floatValue()).shadowOpacity(((Number) rrShadowOpacity.getValue()).intValue()).shadowSpread(((Number) rrShadowSpread.getValue()).floatValue()).shadowX(((Number) rrShadowX.getValue()).floatValue()).shadowY(((Number) rrShadowY.getValue()).floatValue()).stroke(((Number) rrStrokeThickness.getValue()).floatValue(), rrStrokeMillimeter.isSelected()).strokeColor(getColor(rrStrokeColor)).strokeOpacity(((Number) rrStrokeOpacity.getValue()).intValue()).bezierCorners(rrBezier.isSelected()).cornerRadius(((Number) rrRadius.getValue()).floatValue()).bottomOnlyMode(rrMode.getSelectedIndex() == 1).topOnlyMode(rrMode.getSelectedIndex() == 2);
} else {
switch(borderType.getSelectedIndex()) {
case 0:
// null border
currentBorder = null;
case 1:
// empty border
currentBorder = Border.getEmpty();
case 2:
// bevel border
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
if (raisedBorder.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createBevelRaised();
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createBevelLowered();
} else {
if (raisedBorder.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createBevelRaised(getColor(highlightColor), getColor(secondaryHighlightColor), getColor(shadowColor), getColor(secondaryShadowColor));
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createBevelLowered(getColor(highlightColor), getColor(secondaryHighlightColor), getColor(shadowColor), getColor(secondaryShadowColor));
case 3:
// etched border
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
if (raisedBorder.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createEtchedRaised();
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createEtchedLowered();
} else {
if (raisedBorder.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createEtchedRaised(getColor(highlightColor), getColor(shadowColor));
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createEtchedLowered(getColor(highlightColor), getColor(shadowColor));
case 7:
// this is a theme with no images
if (borderType.getItemCount() < 8) {
// image border
Image c = getButtonImageBorderIcon(;
if (imageMode.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createImageBorder(getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(top), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(topLeft), c);
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createImageBorder(getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(top), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(bottom), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(left), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(right), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(topLeft), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(topRight), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(bottomLeft), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(bottomRight), c);
case 8:
Image c = getButtonImageBorderIcon(;
currentBorder = Border.createHorizonalImageBorder(getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(left), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(right), c);
case 9:
Image c = getButtonImageBorderIcon(;
currentBorder = Border.createVerticalImageBorder(getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(top), getButtonImageBorderIconNotNull(bottom), c);
case 4:
// line border
if (thicknessMillimeters.isSelected()) {
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createLineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).floatValue());
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createLineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).floatValue(), getColor(lineColor));
} else {
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createLineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).intValue());
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createLineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).intValue(), getColor(lineColor));
case 5:
// underline border
if (thicknessMillimeters.isSelected()) {
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createUndelineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).floatValue());
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createUnderlineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).floatValue(), getColor(lineColor));
} else {
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createUndelineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).intValue());
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createUnderlineBorder(((Number) thickness.getValue()).intValue(), getColor(lineColor));
case 6:
// rounded border
if (themeColors.isSelected()) {
currentBorder = Border.createRoundBorder(((Number) arcWidth.getValue()).intValue(), ((Number) arcHeight.getValue()).intValue());
} else {
currentBorder = Border.createRoundBorder(((Number) arcWidth.getValue()).intValue(), ((Number) arcHeight.getValue()).intValue(), getColor(lineColor));
final CodenameOneComponentWrapper w = (CodenameOneComponentWrapper) imageBorderPreview;
final Border finalBorder = currentBorder;
final Button b = (Button) w.getCodenameOneComponent();
Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
b.setPreferredSize(new com.codename1.ui.geom.Dimension(200, 100));
b.getAllStyles().setPadding(20, 20, 20, 20);
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
use of com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class InteractionDialog method showPopupDialog.
* A popup dialog is shown with the context of a component and its selection, it is disposed seamlessly if the back button is pressed
* or if the user touches outside its bounds. It can optionally provide an arrow in the theme to point at the context component. The popup
* dialog has the PopupDialog style by default.
* @param rect the screen rectangle to which the popup should point
public void showPopupDialog(Rectangle rect) {
disposed = false;
if (getUIID().equals("Dialog")) {
if (getTitleComponent().getUIID().equals("DialogTitle")) {
Component contentPane = getContentPane();
Label title = getTitleComponent();
UIManager manager = getUIManager();
String dialogTitle = title.getText();
// preferred size logic of the dialog won't work with large title borders
if ((dialogTitle != null || dialogTitle.length() == 0) && manager.isThemeConstant("hideEmptyTitleBool", false)) {
boolean b = getTitle().length() > 0;
if (!b && manager.isThemeConstant("shrinkPopupTitleBool", true)) {
getTitleComponent().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
titleArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
if (getContentPane().getClientProperty("$ENLARGED_POP") == null) {
getContentPane().putClientProperty("$ENLARGED_POP", Boolean.TRUE);
int cpPaddingTop = getContentPane().getStyle().getPaddingTop();
int titlePT = getTitleComponent().getStyle().getPaddingTop();
byte[] pu = getContentPane().getStyle().getPaddingUnit();
if (pu == null) {
pu = new byte[4];
pu[0] = Style.UNIT_TYPE_PIXELS;
int pop = Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(manager.getThemeConstant("popupNoTitleAddPaddingInt", 1), false);
getContentPane().getStyle().setPadding(TOP, pop + cpPaddingTop + titlePT);
// allows a text area to recalculate its preferred size if embedded within a dialog
Style contentPaneStyle = getStyle();
boolean restoreArrow = false;
if (manager.isThemeConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowBool", false)) {
Image t = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowTopImage");
Image b = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowBottomImage");
Image l = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowLeftImage");
Image r = manager.getThemeImageConstant(getUIID() + "ArrowRightImage");
Border border = contentPaneStyle.getBorder();
if (border != null) {
border.setImageBorderSpecialTile(t, b, l, r, rect);
restoreArrow = true;
int prefHeight = getPreferredH();
int prefWidth = getPreferredW();
if (contentPaneStyle.getBorder() != null) {
prefWidth = Math.max(contentPaneStyle.getBorder().getMinimumWidth(), prefWidth);
prefHeight = Math.max(contentPaneStyle.getBorder().getMinimumHeight(), prefHeight);
Form f = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
int availableHeight = getLayeredPane(f).getParent().getHeight();
int availableWidth = getLayeredPane(f).getParent().getWidth();
int width = Math.min(availableWidth, prefWidth);
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
boolean showPortrait = Display.getInstance().isPortrait();
// if we don't have enough space then disregard device orientation
if (showPortrait) {
if (availableHeight < (availableWidth - rect.getWidth()) / 2) {
showPortrait = false;
} else {
if (availableHeight / 2 > availableWidth - rect.getWidth()) {
showPortrait = true;
if (showPortrait) {
if (width < availableWidth) {
int idealX = rect.getX() - width / 2 + rect.getSize().getWidth() / 2;
// if the ideal position is less than 0 just use 0
if (idealX > 0) {
// if the idealX is too far to the right just align to the right
if (idealX + width > availableWidth) {
x = availableWidth - width;
} else {
x = idealX;
if (rect.getY() < availableHeight / 2) {
// popup downwards
y = rect.getY();
int height = Math.min(prefHeight, availableHeight - y);
show(y, Math.max(0, availableHeight - height - y), x, Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
} else {
// popup upwards
int height = Math.min(prefHeight, rect.getY() - getLayeredPane(f).getAbsoluteY());
y = rect.getY() - height - getLayeredPane(f).getAbsoluteY();
show(y, Math.max(0, getLayeredPane(f).getComponentForm().getHeight() - rect.getY()), x, Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
} else {
int height = Math.min(prefHeight, availableHeight);
if (height < availableHeight) {
int idealY = rect.getY() - height / 2 + rect.getSize().getHeight() / 2;
// if the ideal position is less than 0 just use 0
if (idealY > 0) {
// if the idealY is too far up just align to the top
if (idealY + height > availableHeight) {
y = availableHeight - height;
} else {
y = idealY;
if (prefWidth > rect.getX()) {
// popup right
x = rect.getX() + rect.getSize().getWidth();
if (x + prefWidth > availableWidth) {
x = availableWidth - prefWidth;
width = Math.min(prefWidth, availableWidth - x);
show(y, availableHeight - height - y, Math.max(0, x), Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
} else {
// popup left
width = Math.min(prefWidth, availableWidth - (availableWidth - rect.getX()));
x = rect.getX() - width;
show(y, availableHeight - height - y, Math.max(0, x), Math.max(0, availableWidth - width - x));
/*if(restoreArrow) {
use of com.codename1.ui.plaf.Border in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class Component method deinitializeImpl.
* Cleansup the initialization flags in the hierachy, notice that paint calls might
* still occur after deinitilization mostly to perform transitions etc.
* <p>However interactivity, animation and event tracking code can and probably
* should be removed by this method.
void deinitializeImpl() {
if (isInitialized()) {
Style stl = getStyle();
Image i = stl.getBgImage();
if (i != null) {
} else {
Border b = stl.getBorder();
if (b != null) {
Painter p = stl.getBgPainter();
if (p instanceof BGPainter) {
((BGPainter) p).radialCache = null;