use of com.codename1.util.SuccessCallback in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class CodenameOneImplementation method downloadImageToStorage.
* Downloads an image to storage. This will *not* first check to see if the image is located in storage
* already. It will download and overwrite any existing image at the provided location.
* <p>Some platforms may override this method to use platform-level caching. E.g. Javascript will use
* the browser cache for downloading the image.</p>
* @param url The URL of the image to download.
* @param fileName The storage key to be used to store the image.
* @param onSuccess Callback on success. Will be executed on EDT.
* @param onFail Callback on failure. Will be executed on EDT.
public void downloadImageToStorage(String url, String fileName, SuccessCallback<Image> onSuccess, FailureCallback<Image> onFail) {
ConnectionRequest cr = new ConnectionRequest();
cr.downloadImageToStorage(fileName, onSuccess, onFail);
use of com.codename1.util.SuccessCallback in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class ConnectionRequest method downloadImage.
private void downloadImage(final SuccessCallback<Image> onSuccess, final FailureCallback<Image> onFail, boolean useCache) {
if (useCache) {
Display.getInstance().scheduleBackgroundTask(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (getDestinationFile() != null) {
String file = getDestinationFile();
FileSystemStorage fs = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
if (fs.exists(file)) {
try {
EncodedImage img = EncodedImage.create(fs.openInputStream(file), (int) fs.getLength(file));
if (img == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load image at " + file);
CallbackDispatcher.dispatchSuccess(onSuccess, img);
} catch (Exception ex) {
CallbackDispatcher.dispatchError(onFail, ex);
} else {
downloadImage(onSuccess, onFail, false);
} else if (getDestinationStorage() != null) {
String file = getDestinationStorage();
Storage fs = Storage.getInstance();
if (fs.exists(file)) {
try {
EncodedImage img = EncodedImage.create(fs.createInputStream(file), fs.entrySize(file));
if (img == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load image at " + file);
CallbackDispatcher.dispatchSuccess(onSuccess, img);
} catch (Exception ex) {
CallbackDispatcher.dispatchError(onFail, ex);
} else {
downloadImage(onSuccess, onFail, false);
} else {
final ActionListener onDownload = new ActionListener<NetworkEvent>() {
public void actionPerformed(NetworkEvent nevt) {
int rc = nevt.getResponseCode();
if (rc == 200 || rc == 201) {
downloadImage(onSuccess, onFail, true);
} else {
if (nevt.getError() == null) {
nevt.setError(new IOException("Failed to get image: Code was " + nevt.getResponseCode()));
CallbackDispatcher.dispatchError(onFail, nevt.getError());
use of com.codename1.util.SuccessCallback in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class Purchase method loadReceipts.
* Fetches receipts from the IAP service so that we know we are dealing
* with current data. This method should be called before checking a
* subscription expiry date so that any changes the user has made in the
* store is reflected here (e.g. cancelling or renewing subscription).
* @param ifOlderThanMs Update is only performed if more than {@code ifOlderThanMs} milliseconds has elapsed
* since the last successful fetch.
* @param callback Callback called when request is complete. Passed {@code true} if
* the data was successfully fetched. {@code false} otherwise.
private final void loadReceipts(long ifOlderThanMs, final SuccessCallback<Boolean> callback) {
if (loadInProgress) {
Log.p("Did not load receipts because another load is in progress");
loadInProgress = true;
Date lastRefreshTime = getReceiptsRefreshTime();
Date now = new Date();
if (lastRefreshTime.getTime() + ifOlderThanMs > now.getTime()) {
Log.p("Receipts were last refreshed at " + lastRefreshTime + " so we won't refetch.");
loadInProgress = false;
List<Receipt> oldData = new ArrayList<Receipt>();
SuccessCallback<Receipt[]> onSuccess = new SuccessCallback<Receipt[]>() {
public void onSucess(Receipt[] value) {
if (value != null) {
setReceiptsRefreshTime(new Date());
loadInProgress = false;
} else {
loadInProgress = false;
if (receiptStore != null) {
} else {
Log.p("No receipt store is currently registered so no receipts were fetched");
loadInProgress = false;
use of com.codename1.util.SuccessCallback in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class URLImage method fetch.
* Images are normally fetched from storage or network only as needed,
* however if the download must start before the image is drawn this method
* can be invoked. Notice that "immediately" doesn't mean synchronously, it just
* means that the image will be added to the queue right away but probably won't be
* available by the time the method completes.
public void fetch() {
if (fetching || imageData != null) {
fetching = true;
try {
locked = super.isLocked();
if (storageFile != null) {
if (Storage.getInstance().exists(storageFile)) {
imageData = new byte[Storage.getInstance().entrySize(storageFile)];
InputStream is = Storage.getInstance().createInputStream(storageFile);
Util.readFully(is, imageData);
fetching = false;
repaintImage = true;
if (adapter != null) {
Util.downloadImageToStorage(url, storageFile + IMAGE_SUFFIX, new SuccessCallback<Image>() {
public void onSucess(Image value) {
DownloadCompleted onComplete = new DownloadCompleted();
onComplete.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(value));
} else {
Util.downloadImageToStorage(url, storageFile, new SuccessCallback<Image>() {
public void onSucess(Image value) {
DownloadCompleted onComplete = new DownloadCompleted();
onComplete.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(value));
} else {
if (FileSystemStorage.getInstance().exists(fileSystemFile)) {
imageData = new byte[(int) FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getLength(fileSystemFile)];
InputStream is = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openInputStream(fileSystemFile);
Util.readFully(is, imageData);
fetching = false;
repaintImage = true;
if (adapter != null) {
Util.downloadImageToFileSystem(url, fileSystemFile + IMAGE_SUFFIX, new SuccessCallback<Image>() {
public void onSucess(Image value) {
DownloadCompleted onComplete = new DownloadCompleted();
onComplete.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(value));
} else {
Util.downloadImageToFileSystem(url, fileSystemFile, new SuccessCallback<Image>() {
public void onSucess(Image value) {
DownloadCompleted onComplete = new DownloadCompleted();
onComplete.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(value));
} catch (IOException ioErr) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioErr.toString());
use of com.codename1.util.SuccessCallback in project CodenameOne by codenameone.
the class ComponentSelector method fadeIn.
* Fade in this set of components. Prior to calling this, the component visibility should
* be set to "false".
* @param duration The duration of the fade in.
* @param callback Callback to run when animation completes.
* @return
public ComponentSelector fadeIn(final int duration, final SuccessCallback<ComponentSelector> callback) {
final String placeholderProperty = "com.codename1.ui.ComponentSelector#fadeOutPlaceholder";
AnimationManager mgr = null;
ArrayList<ComponentAnimation> animations1 = new ArrayList<ComponentAnimation>();
final ArrayList<ComponentAnimation> animations2 = new ArrayList<ComponentAnimation>();
final ArrayList<Component> animatingComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
for (Component c : this) {
Container parent = c.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
AnimationManager cmgr = c.getAnimationManager();
if (cmgr != null) {
mgr = cmgr;
Container placeholder = new Container();
// placeholder.getStyle().setBgColor(0xff0000);
// placeholder.getStyle().setBgTransparency(255);
// placeholder.setShowEvenIfBlank(true);
c.putClientProperty(placeholderProperty, placeholder);
Component.setSameHeight(placeholder, c);
Component.setSameWidth(placeholder, c);
$(placeholder).setMargin(c.getStyle().getMarginTop(), c.getStyle().getMarginRight(false), c.getStyle().getMarginBottom(), c.getStyle().getMarginLeft(false)).setPadding(c.getStyle().getPaddingTop(), c.getStyle().getPaddingRight(false), c.getStyle().getPaddingBottom(), c.getStyle().getPaddingLeft(false));
// System.out.println("Placeholder height "+c.getHeight());
// parent.replace(c, placeholder, false);
// c.setHidden(false);
ComponentAnimation a = parent.createReplaceTransition(c, placeholder, CommonTransitions.createEmpty());
// centerBackground.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, boxy);
if (mgr != null) {
mgr.addAnimation(ComponentAnimation.compoundAnimation(animations1.toArray(new ComponentAnimation[animations1.size()])), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
AnimationManager mgr = null;
for (final Component c : animatingComponents) {
Container placeholder = (Container) c.getClientProperty(placeholderProperty);
if (placeholder != null) {
// System.out.println("Placeholder height after replace "+(c.getHeight() + c.getStyle().getMarginBottom() + c.getStyle().getMarginTop()));
// System.out.println("Placeholder not null");
c.putClientProperty(placeholderProperty, null);
AnimationManager cmgr = placeholder.getAnimationManager();
if (cmgr != null) {
// System.out.println("Animation manager not null");
mgr = cmgr;
Container parent = placeholder.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
// System.out.println("Parent not null");
ComponentAnimation a = parent.createReplaceTransition(placeholder, c, CommonTransitions.createFade(duration));
if (mgr != null) {
final AnimationManager fmgr = mgr;
$(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
fmgr.addAnimation(ComponentAnimation.compoundAnimation(animations2.toArray(new ComponentAnimation[animations2.size()])), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (callback != null) {
return this;