use of com.cosylab.acs.maci.NoResourcesException in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ManagerProxyImpl method release_component_async.
public void release_component_async(int id, String component_url, CBlong callback, CBDescIn desc) throws NoPermissionEx {
try {
// simply release Component
URI uri = null;
if (component_url != null)
uri = CURLHelper.createURI(component_url);
final CBlong fcallback = callback;
final CBDescOut descOut = new CBDescOut(0, desc.id_tag);
LongCompletionCallback lcc = null;
if (callback != null) {
lcc = new LongCompletionCallback() {
public void failed(int result, Throwable exception) {
if (exception instanceof AcsJException) {
AcsJException aex = (AcsJException) exception;
fcallback.done(result, aex.toAcsJCompletion().toCorbaCompletion(), descOut);
} else {
AcsJUnexpectedExceptionEx uex = new AcsJUnexpectedExceptionEx(exception);
fcallback.done(result, uex.toAcsJCompletion().toCorbaCompletion(), descOut);
public void done(int result) {
fcallback.done(result, new ACSErrOKAcsJCompletion().toCorbaCompletion(), descOut);
manager.releaseComponentAsync(id, uri, lcc);
} catch (AcsJNoPermissionEx nop) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw nop.toNoPermissionEx();
} catch (URISyntaxException usi) {
BadParametersException hbpe = new BadParametersException(usi.getMessage(), usi);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new BAD_PARAM(usi.getMessage());
} catch (BadParametersException bpe) {
BadParametersException hbpe = new BadParametersException(bpe.getMessage(), bpe);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new BAD_PARAM(bpe.getMessage());
} catch (NoResourcesException nre) {
NoResourcesException hnre = new NoResourcesException(nre.getMessage(), nre);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new NO_RESOURCES(nre.getMessage());
} catch (Throwable ex) {
CoreException hce = new CoreException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new UNKNOWN(ex.getMessage());
} finally {
use of com.cosylab.acs.maci.NoResourcesException in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ManagerProxyImpl method get_client_info.
* Get all the information that the Manager has about its known clients.
* To invoke this method, the caller must have INTROSPECT_MANAGER access rights, or it must be the object whose info it is requesting.
* Calling this function does not affect the internal state of the Manager.
* @param id Identification of the caller.
* @param h Handles of the clients whose information is requested. If this is an empty sequence, the name_wc parameter is used.
* @param name_wc Wildcard that the clients's name must match in order for its information to be returned.
* @return A sequence of ClientInfo structures containing the entire Manager's knowledge about the containers.
* If access is denied to a subset of objects, the handles to those objects are set to 0.
public ClientInfo[] get_client_info(int id, int[] h, String name_wc) throws NoPermissionEx {
try {
// invalid info (replacement for null)
final ClientInfo invalidInfo = new ClientInfo(0, null, new int[0], "<invalid>", 0);
// returned value
ClientInfo[] retVal = null;
// transform to CORBA specific
com.cosylab.acs.maci.ClientInfo[] infos = manager.getClientInfo(id, h, name_wc);
if (infos != null) {
retVal = new ClientInfo[infos.length];
for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) if (infos[i] == null)
retVal[i] = invalidInfo;
retVal[i] = new ClientInfo(infos[i].getHandle(), ((ClientProxy) infos[i].getClient()).getClient(), infos[i].getComponents().toArray(), infos[i].getName(), mapAccessRights(infos[i].getAccessRights()));
} else
retVal = new ClientInfo[0];
return retVal;
} catch (BadParametersException bpe) {
BadParametersException hbpe = new BadParametersException(bpe.getMessage(), bpe);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new BAD_PARAM(bpe.getMessage());
} catch (NoResourcesException nre) {
NoResourcesException hnre = new NoResourcesException(nre.getMessage(), nre);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new NO_RESOURCES(nre.getMessage());
} catch (AcsJNoPermissionEx npe) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw npe.toNoPermissionEx();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
CoreException hce = new CoreException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new UNKNOWN(ex.getMessage());
} finally {
use of com.cosylab.acs.maci.NoResourcesException in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ManagerProxyImpl method get_dynamic_component.
* Activation of an dynamic component.
* @param id identification of the caller.
* @param c component to be obtained.
* @param mark_as_default mark component as default component of its type.
* @return <code>ComponentInfo</code> of requested component.
public ComponentInfo get_dynamic_component(int id, si.ijs.maci.ComponentSpec c, boolean mark_as_default) throws NoPermissionEx, IncompleteComponentSpecEx, InvalidComponentSpecEx, ComponentSpecIncompatibleWithActiveComponentEx, CannotGetComponentEx {
try {
// returned value
ComponentInfo retVal = null;
URI uri = null;
if (c.component_name != null)
uri = CURLHelper.createURI(c.component_name);
ComponentSpec componentSpec = new ComponentSpec(uri, c.component_type, c.component_code, c.container_name);
// @todo si.ijs.maci.COMPONENT_SPEC_ANY -> ComponentSpec.COMPSPEC_ANY
ComponentSpec componentSpec = new ComponentSpec(c.component_name, c.component_type, c.component_code, c.container_name);
com.cosylab.acs.maci.ComponentInfo info = manager.getDynamicComponent(id, componentSpec, mark_as_default);
// transform to CORBA specific
if (info == null || info.getComponent() == null)
throw new AcsJCannotGetComponentEx();
Object obj = null;
obj = (Object) info.getComponent().getObject();
String[] interfaces;
if (info.getInterfaces() != null)
interfaces = info.getInterfaces();
interfaces = new String[0];
retVal = new ComponentInfo(info.getType(), info.getCode(), obj, info.getName(), info.getClients().toArray(), info.getContainer(), info.getContainerName(), info.getHandle(), mapAccessRights(info.getAccessRights()), interfaces);
return retVal;
catch (URISyntaxException usi)
BadParametersException hbpe = new BadParametersException(usi.getMessage(), usi);
hbpe.caughtIn(this, "get_dynamic_component");
hbpe.putValue("c.component_name", c.component_name);
// exception service will handle this
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new BAD_PARAM(usi.getMessage());
catch (AcsJInvalidComponentSpecEx ics) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw ics.toInvalidComponentSpecEx();
} catch (AcsJIncompleteComponentSpecEx ics) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw ics.toIncompleteComponentSpecEx();
} catch (AcsJComponentSpecIncompatibleWithActiveComponentEx cpiwac) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw cpiwac.toComponentSpecIncompatibleWithActiveComponentEx();
} catch (AcsJNoPermissionEx npe) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw npe.toNoPermissionEx();
} catch (BadParametersException bpe) {
BadParametersException hbpe = new BadParametersException(bpe.getMessage(), bpe);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new BAD_PARAM(bpe.getMessage());
} catch (NoResourcesException nre) {
NoResourcesException hnre = new NoResourcesException(nre.getMessage(), nre);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new NO_RESOURCES(nre.getMessage());
} catch (AcsJCannotGetComponentEx cgce) {
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw cgce.toCannotGetComponentEx();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
CoreException hce = new CoreException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// rethrow CORBA specific
throw new UNKNOWN(ex.getMessage());
} finally {