use of com.couchbase.client.core.CoreContext in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class ClusterManagerBucketRefresher method registerStream.
* Registers the given bucket name with the http stream.
* <p>Note that this method deliberately subscribes "out of band" and not being flatMapped into the
* {@link #register(String)} return value. The idea is that the flux config subscription keeps on going
* forever until specifically unsubscribed through either {@link #deregister(String)} or {@link #shutdown()}.</p>
* @param ctx the core context to use.
* @param name the name of the bucket.
* @return once registered, returns the disposable so it can be later used to deregister.
private Disposable registerStream(final CoreContext ctx, final String name) {
return Mono.defer(() -> {
BucketConfigStreamingRequest request = new BucketConfigStreamingRequest(ctx.environment().timeoutConfig().managementTimeout(), ctx, BestEffortRetryStrategy.INSTANCE, name, ctx.authenticator());
return Reactor.wrap(request, request.response(), true);
}).flux().flatMap(res -> {
if (res.status().success()) {
return res.configs().map(config -> new ProposedBucketConfigContext(name, config, res.address()));
} else {
eventBus.publish(new BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent(core.context(), BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.RefresherType.MANAGER, BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.Reason.INDIVIDUAL_REQUEST_FAILED, Optional.of(res)));
// and retry the whole thing
return Flux.error(new ConfigException());
}).doOnError(e -> eventBus.publish(new BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent(core.context(), BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.RefresherType.MANAGER, BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.Reason.STREAM_FAILED, Optional.of(e)))).doOnComplete(() -> {
eventBus.publish(new BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent(core.context(), BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.RefresherType.MANAGER, BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.Reason.STREAM_CLOSED, Optional.empty()));
// handled in the retryWhen below.
throw new ConfigException();
}).retryWhen(Retry.any().exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofMillis(32), Duration.ofMillis(4096)).toReactorRetry()).subscribe(provider::proposeBucketConfig);
use of com.couchbase.client.core.CoreContext in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class GlobalRefresher method attemptUpdateGlobalConfig.
private Flux<ProposedGlobalConfigContext> attemptUpdateGlobalConfig(final Flux<PortInfo> nodes) {
return nodes.flatMap(nodeInfo -> {
CoreContext ctx = core.context();
CarrierGlobalConfigRequest request = new CarrierGlobalConfigRequest(configRequestTimeout, ctx, FailFastRetryStrategy.INSTANCE, nodeInfo.identifier());
return Reactor.wrap(request, request.response(), true).filter(response -> {
// TODO: debug event that it got ignored.
return response.status().success();
}).map(response -> new ProposedGlobalConfigContext(new String(response.content(), UTF_8), nodeInfo.hostname())).onErrorResume(t -> {
// TODO: raise a warning that fetching a config individual failed.
return Mono.empty();
use of com.couchbase.client.core.CoreContext in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class KeyValueBucketRefresher method fetchConfigPerNode.
* Helper method to fetch a config per node provided.
* <p>Note that the bucket config request sent here has a fail fast strategy, so that if nodes are offline they
* do not circle the system forever (given they have a specific node target). Since the refresher polls every
* fixed interval anyways, fresh requests will flood the system eventually and there is no point in keeping
* the old ones around.</p>
* <p>Also, the timeout is set to the poll interval since it does not make sense to keep them around any
* longer.</p>
* @param name the bucket name.
* @param nodes the flux of nodes that can be used to fetch a config.
* @return returns configs for each node if found.
private Flux<ProposedBucketConfigContext> fetchConfigPerNode(final String name, final Flux<NodeInfo> nodes) {
return nodes.flatMap(nodeInfo -> {
CoreContext ctx = core.context();
CarrierBucketConfigRequest request = new CarrierBucketConfigRequest(configRequestTimeout, ctx, new CollectionIdentifier(name, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()), FailFastRetryStrategy.INSTANCE, nodeInfo.identifier());
return Reactor.wrap(request, request.response(), true).filter(response -> {
if (!response.status().success()) {
eventBus.publish(new BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent(core.context(), BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.RefresherType.KV, BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.Reason.INDIVIDUAL_REQUEST_FAILED, Optional.of(response)));
return response.status().success();
}).map(response -> new ProposedBucketConfigContext(name, new String(response.content(), UTF_8), nodeInfo.hostname())).onErrorResume(t -> {
eventBus.publish(new BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent(core.context(), BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.RefresherType.KV, BucketConfigRefreshFailedEvent.Reason.INDIVIDUAL_REQUEST_FAILED, Optional.of(t)));
return Mono.empty();
use of com.couchbase.client.core.CoreContext in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class SaslListMechanismsHandlerTest method failConnectIfPromiseTimesOut.
* This test makes sure that the timer fires if the connect future is not completed
* otherwise.
void failConnectIfPromiseTimesOut() throws Exception {
channel = new EmbeddedChannel();
eventBus = new SimpleEventBus(true);
CoreEnvironment env = mock(CoreEnvironment.class);
TimeoutConfig timeoutConfig = mock(TimeoutConfig.class);
CoreContext coreContext = new CoreContext(mock(Core.class), 1, env, mock(Authenticator.class));
EndpointContext endpointContext = new EndpointContext(coreContext, new HostAndPort("", 1234), null, ServiceType.KV, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
SaslListMechanismsHandler handler = new SaslListMechanismsHandler(endpointContext);
final ChannelFuture connect = channel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 1234));
Thread.sleep(Duration.ofMillis(100).toMillis() + 5);
assertTrue(connect.cause() instanceof TimeoutException);
assertEquals("SASL Mechanism listing timed out after 100ms", connect.cause().getMessage());
use of com.couchbase.client.core.CoreContext in project couchbase-jvm-clients by couchbase.
the class SelectBucketHandlerTest method setup.
void setup() {
channel = new EmbeddedChannel();
SimpleEventBus simpleEventBus = new SimpleEventBus(true);
CoreEnvironment env = mock(CoreEnvironment.class);
TimeoutConfig timeoutConfig = mock(TimeoutConfig.class);
CoreContext coreContext = new CoreContext(mock(Core.class), 1, env, mock(Authenticator.class));
endpointContext = new EndpointContext(coreContext, new HostAndPort("", 1234), null, ServiceType.KV, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());