use of com.datastax.driver.core.policies.ConstantReconnectionPolicy in project java-driver by datastax.
the class ClusterInitTest method should_handle_failing_or_missing_contact_points.
* Test for JAVA-522: when the cluster and session initialize, if some contact points are behaving badly and
* causing timeouts, we want to ensure that the driver does not wait multiple times on the same host.
@Test(groups = "short")
public void should_handle_failing_or_missing_contact_points() throws UnknownHostException {
Cluster cluster = null;
Scassandra scassandra = null;
List<FakeHost> failingHosts = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
// Simulate a cluster of 5 hosts.
// - 1 is an actual Scassandra instance that will accept connections:
scassandra = TestUtils.createScassandraServer();
int port = scassandra.getBinaryPort();
// - the remaining 4 are fake servers that will throw connect timeouts:
for (int i = 2; i <= 5; i++) {
FakeHost failingHost = new FakeHost(TestUtils.ipOfNode(i), port, THROWING_CONNECT_TIMEOUTS);
// - we also have a "missing" contact point, i.e. there's no server listening at this address,
// and the address is not listed in the live host's system.peers
String missingHostAddress = TestUtils.ipOfNode(6);
primePeerRows(scassandra, failingHosts);"Environment is set up, starting test");
long start = System.nanoTime();
// We want to count how many connections were attempted. For that, we rely on the fact that SocketOptions.getKeepAlive
// is called in Connection.Factory.newBoostrap() each time we prepare to open a new connection.
SocketOptions socketOptions = spy(new SocketOptions());
// Set an "infinite" reconnection delay so that reconnection attempts don't pollute our observations
ConstantReconnectionPolicy reconnectionPolicy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(3600 * 1000);
// Force 1 connection per pool. Otherwise we can't distinguish a failed pool creation from multiple connection
// attempts, because pools create their connections in parallel (so 1 pool failure equals multiple connection failures).
PoolingOptions poolingOptions = new PoolingOptions().setConnectionsPerHost(LOCAL, 1, 1);
cluster = Cluster.builder().withPort(scassandra.getBinaryPort()).addContactPoints(ipOfNode(1), failingHosts.get(0).address, failingHosts.get(1).address, failingHosts.get(2).address, failingHosts.get(3).address, missingHostAddress).withSocketOptions(socketOptions).withReconnectionPolicy(reconnectionPolicy).withPoolingOptions(poolingOptions).build();
// For information only:
long initTimeMs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - start, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);"Cluster and session initialized in {} ms", initTimeMs);
// Expect :
// - 2 connections for the live host (1 control connection + 1 pooled connection)
// - 1 attempt per failing host (either a control connection attempt or a failed pool creation)
// - 0 or 1 for the missing host. We can't know for sure because contact points are randomized. If it's tried
// before the live host there will be a connection attempt, otherwise it will be removed directly because
// it's not in the live host's system.peers.
verify(socketOptions, atLeast(6)).getKeepAlive();
verify(socketOptions, atMost(7)).getKeepAlive();
// called and submit a task that marks the host down.
for (FakeHost failingHost : failingHosts) {
assertThat(cluster).host(failingHost.address).goesDownWithin(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Host host = TestUtils.findHost(cluster, failingHost.address);
// startPeriodicReconnectionAttempt, we add a slight delay here if the future isn't set yet.
if (host != null && (host.getReconnectionAttemptFuture() == null || host.getReconnectionAttemptFuture().isDone())) {
logger.warn("Periodic Reconnection Attempt hasn't started yet for {}, waiting 1 second and then checking.", host);
Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertThat(TestUtils.findHost(cluster, missingHostAddress)).isNull();
} finally {
if (cluster != null)
for (FakeHost fakeHost : failingHosts) fakeHost.stop();
if (scassandra != null)
use of com.datastax.driver.core.policies.ConstantReconnectionPolicy in project spring-cloud-connectors by spring-cloud.
the class CassandraClusterCreatorTest method shouldCreateClusterWithConfig.
public void shouldCreateClusterWithConfig() throws Exception {
CassandraServiceInfo info = new CassandraServiceInfo("local", Collections.singletonList(""), 9142);
CassandraClusterConfig config = new CassandraClusterConfig();
config.setPoolingOptions(new PoolingOptions().setPoolTimeoutMillis(1234));
config.setQueryOptions(new QueryOptions());
config.setLoadBalancingPolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy());
config.setReconnectionPolicy(new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1));
config.setSocketOptions(new SocketOptions());
Cluster cluster = creator.create(info, config);
Configuration configuration = cluster.getConfiguration();
assertThat(configuration.getProtocolOptions().getCompression(), is(config.getCompression()));
assertThat(configuration.getQueryOptions(), is(config.getQueryOptions()));
assertThat(configuration.getSocketOptions(), is(config.getSocketOptions()));
Policies policies = configuration.getPolicies();
assertThat(policies.getLoadBalancingPolicy(), is(config.getLoadBalancingPolicy()));
assertThat(policies.getReconnectionPolicy(), is(config.getReconnectionPolicy()));
assertThat(policies.getRetryPolicy(), is(config.getRetryPolicy()));
use of com.datastax.driver.core.policies.ConstantReconnectionPolicy in project ASAP by salmant.
the class SS1 method Fetch_AVG_response_time_metric.
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
public static double Fetch_AVG_response_time_metric(String metric_name, String haproxy_agentid, String event_date) {
Cluster cluster;
Session session;
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("").withCredentials("catascopia_user", "catascopia_pass").withPort(9042).withRetryPolicy(DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.INSTANCE).withReconnectionPolicy(new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000L)).build();
session = cluster.connect("jcatascopiadb");
haproxy_agentid = haproxy_agentid + ":" + metric_name;
ResultSet results = session.execute("select value from jcatascopiadb.metric_value_table where metricid=\'" + haproxy_agentid + "\' and event_date=\'" + event_date + "\' ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
double AVG_response_time_metric = 0.0;
for (Row row : results) {
AVG_response_time_metric = Double.parseDouble(row.getString("value"));
return Math.abs(AVG_response_time_metric);
use of com.datastax.driver.core.policies.ConstantReconnectionPolicy in project ASAP by salmant.
the class SS1 method Fetch_request_rate_metric.
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
public static double Fetch_request_rate_metric(String metric_name, String haproxy_agentid, String event_date) {
Cluster cluster;
Session session;
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("").withCredentials("catascopia_user", "catascopia_pass").withPort(9042).withRetryPolicy(DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.INSTANCE).withReconnectionPolicy(new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000L)).build();
session = cluster.connect("jcatascopiadb");
haproxy_agentid = haproxy_agentid + ":" + metric_name;
ResultSet results = session.execute("select value from jcatascopiadb.metric_value_table where metricid=\'" + haproxy_agentid + "\' and event_date=\'" + event_date + "\' ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
double GoodPut = 0.0;
for (Row row : results) {
GoodPut = Double.parseDouble(row.getString("value"));
return Math.abs(GoodPut);
use of com.datastax.driver.core.policies.ConstantReconnectionPolicy in project ASAP by salmant.
the class THRES1 method Calculate_AVG.
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
public static double Calculate_AVG(String metric_name, String subid, String event_date) {
Cluster cluster;
Session session;
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("").withCredentials("catascopia_user", "catascopia_pass").withPort(9042).withRetryPolicy(DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.INSTANCE).withReconnectionPolicy(new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(1000L)).build();
session = cluster.connect("jcatascopiadb");
ResultSet results = session.execute("SELECT agentid FROM jcatascopiadb.subscription_agents_table WHERE subid=\'" + subid + "\'");
double AVG = 0.0;
double count = 0.0;
for (Row row : results) {
String AgentIDs = new String();
AgentIDs = row.getString("agentid");
AgentIDs = AgentIDs + ":" + metric_name;
ResultSet results2 = session.execute("select value, toTimestamp(event_timestamp) AS ET from jcatascopiadb.metric_value_table where metricid=\'" + AgentIDs + "\' and event_date=\'" + event_date + "\' ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
for (Row row2 : results2) {
AVG = AVG + Double.parseDouble(row2.getString("value"));
count = count + 1;
AVG = AVG / count;
return AVG;