use of com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.DataType in project java-driver by datastax.
the class DataTypeClassNameParser method parse.
private DataType parse(String toParse, Map<CqlIdentifier, UserDefinedType> userTypes, AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint, String logPrefix) {
boolean frozen = false;
if (isReversed(toParse)) {
// Just skip the ReversedType part, we don't care
toParse = getNestedClassName(toParse);
} else if (toParse.startsWith("org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.FrozenType")) {
frozen = true;
toParse = getNestedClassName(toParse);
Parser parser = new Parser(toParse, 0);
String next = parser.parseNextName();
if (next.startsWith("org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType")) {
DataType elementType = parse(parser.getTypeParameters().get(0), userTypes, attachmentPoint, logPrefix);
return DataTypes.listOf(elementType, frozen);
if (next.startsWith("org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SetType")) {
DataType elementType = parse(parser.getTypeParameters().get(0), userTypes, attachmentPoint, logPrefix);
return DataTypes.setOf(elementType, frozen);
if (next.startsWith("org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType")) {
List<String> parameters = parser.getTypeParameters();
DataType keyType = parse(parameters.get(0), userTypes, attachmentPoint, logPrefix);
DataType valueType = parse(parameters.get(1), userTypes, attachmentPoint, logPrefix);
return DataTypes.mapOf(keyType, valueType, frozen);
if (frozen)
LOG.warn("[{}] Got o.a.c.db.marshal.FrozenType for something else than a collection, " + "this driver version might be too old for your version of Cassandra", logPrefix);
if (next.startsWith("org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType")) {
// skipping '('
CqlIdentifier keyspace = CqlIdentifier.fromInternal(parser.readOne());
String typeName = TypeCodecs.TEXT.decode(Bytes.fromHexString("0x" + parser.readOne()), attachmentPoint.getProtocolVersion());
if (typeName == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Type name cannot be null, this is a server bug");
CqlIdentifier typeId = CqlIdentifier.fromInternal(typeName);
Map<String, String> nameAndTypeParameters = parser.getNameAndTypeParameters();
// Avoid re-parsing if we already have the definition
if (userTypes != null && userTypes.containsKey(typeId)) {
// copy as frozen since C* 2.x UDTs are always frozen.
return userTypes.get(typeId).copy(true);
} else {
UserDefinedTypeBuilder builder = new UserDefinedTypeBuilder(keyspace, typeId);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nameAndTypeParameters.entrySet()) {
CqlIdentifier fieldName = CqlIdentifier.fromInternal(entry.getKey());
DataType fieldType = parse(entry.getValue(), userTypes, attachmentPoint, logPrefix);
builder.withField(fieldName, fieldType);
// Create a frozen UserType since C* 2.x UDTs are always frozen.
return builder.frozen().withAttachmentPoint(attachmentPoint).build();
if (next.startsWith("org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TupleType")) {
List<String> rawTypes = parser.getTypeParameters();
ImmutableList.Builder<DataType> componentTypesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (String rawType : rawTypes) {
componentTypesBuilder.add(parse(rawType, userTypes, attachmentPoint, logPrefix));
return new DefaultTupleType(, attachmentPoint);
DataType type = NATIVE_TYPES_BY_CLASS_NAME.get(next);
return type == null ? DataTypes.custom(toParse) : type;
use of com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.DataType in project java-driver by datastax.
the class FunctionParser method parseFunction.
public FunctionMetadata parseFunction(AdminRow row, CqlIdentifier keyspaceId, Map<CqlIdentifier, UserDefinedType> userDefinedTypes) {
// Cassandra < 3.0:
// CREATE TABLE system.schema_functions (
// keyspace_name text,
// function_name text,
// signature frozen<list<text>>,
// argument_names list<text>,
// argument_types list<text>,
// body text,
// called_on_null_input boolean,
// language text,
// return_type text,
// PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, function_name, signature)
// ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (function_name ASC, signature ASC)
// Cassandra >= 3.0:
// CREATE TABLE system_schema.functions (
// keyspace_name text,
// function_name text,
// argument_names frozen<list<text>>,
// argument_types frozen<list<text>>,
// body text,
// called_on_null_input boolean,
// language text,
// return_type text,
// PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, function_name, argument_types)
// ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (function_name ASC, argument_types ASC)
String simpleName = row.getString("function_name");
List<CqlIdentifier> argumentNames = ImmutableList.copyOf(Lists.transform(row.getListOfString("argument_names"), CqlIdentifier::fromInternal));
List<String> argumentTypes = row.getListOfString("argument_types");
if (argumentNames.size() != argumentTypes.size()) {
LOG.warn("[{}] Error parsing system row for function {}.{}, " + "number of argument names and types don't match (got {} and {}).", logPrefix, keyspaceId.asInternal(), simpleName, argumentNames.size(), argumentTypes.size());
return null;
FunctionSignature signature = new FunctionSignature(CqlIdentifier.fromInternal(simpleName), dataTypeParser.parse(keyspaceId, argumentTypes, userDefinedTypes, context));
String body = row.getString("body");
Boolean calledOnNullInput = row.getBoolean("called_on_null_input");
String language = row.getString("language");
DataType returnType = dataTypeParser.parse(keyspaceId, row.getString("return_type"), userDefinedTypes, context);
return new DefaultFunctionMetadata(keyspaceId, signature, argumentNames, body, calledOnNullInput, language, returnType);
use of com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.DataType in project java-driver by datastax.
the class DefaultUdtValue method hashCode.
public int hashCode() {
int result = type.hashCode();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
DataType innerThisType = type.getFieldTypes().get(i);
Object thisValue = this.codecRegistry().codecFor(innerThisType).decode(this.values[i], this.protocolVersion());
if (thisValue != null) {
result = 31 * result + thisValue.hashCode();
return result;
use of com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.DataType in project java-driver by datastax.
the class DseViewParser method parseView.
public DseViewMetadata parseView(AdminRow viewRow, CqlIdentifier keyspaceId, Map<CqlIdentifier, UserDefinedType> userTypes) {
// Cassandra 3.0 (no views in earlier versions):
// CREATE TABLE system_schema.views (
// keyspace_name text,
// view_name text,
// base_table_id uuid,
// base_table_name text,
// bloom_filter_fp_chance double,
// caching frozen<map<text, text>>,
// cdc boolean,
// comment text,
// compaction frozen<map<text, text>>,
// compression frozen<map<text, text>>,
// crc_check_chance double,
// dclocal_read_repair_chance double,
// default_time_to_live int,
// extensions frozen<map<text, blob>>,
// gc_grace_seconds int,
// id uuid,
// include_all_columns boolean,
// max_index_interval int,
// memtable_flush_period_in_ms int,
// min_index_interval int,
// read_repair_chance double,
// speculative_retry text,
// where_clause text,
// PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, view_name)
CqlIdentifier viewId = CqlIdentifier.fromInternal(viewRow.getString("view_name"));
UUID uuid = viewRow.getUuid("id");
CqlIdentifier baseTableId = CqlIdentifier.fromInternal(viewRow.getString("base_table_name"));
boolean includesAllColumns = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(viewRow.getBoolean("include_all_columns"), false);
String whereClause = viewRow.getString("where_clause");
List<RawColumn> rawColumns = RawColumn.toRawColumns(rows.columns().getOrDefault(keyspaceId, ImmutableMultimap.of()).get(viewId));
if (rawColumns.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("[{}] Processing VIEW refresh for {}.{} but found no matching rows, skipping", logPrefix, keyspaceId, viewId);
return null;
ImmutableMap.Builder<CqlIdentifier, ColumnMetadata> allColumnsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnMetadata> partitionKeyBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnMetadata, ClusteringOrder> clusteringColumnsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (RawColumn raw : rawColumns) {
DataType dataType = rows.dataTypeParser().parse(keyspaceId, raw.dataType, userTypes, context);
DseColumnMetadata column = new DefaultDseColumnMetadata(keyspaceId, viewId,, dataType, raw.kind.equals(RawColumn.KIND_STATIC));
switch(raw.kind) {
clusteringColumnsBuilder.put(column, raw.reversed ? ClusteringOrder.DESC : ClusteringOrder.ASC);
allColumnsBuilder.put(column.getName(), column);
Map<CqlIdentifier, Object> options;
try {
options = parseOptions(viewRow);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Options change the most often, so be especially lenient if anything goes wrong.
Loggers.warnWithException(LOG, "[{}] Error while parsing options for {}.{}, getOptions() will be empty", logPrefix, keyspaceId, viewId, e);
options = Collections.emptyMap();
return new DefaultDseViewMetadata(keyspaceId, viewId, baseTableId, includesAllColumns, whereClause, uuid,,,, options);
use of com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.DataType in project java-driver by datastax.
the class SettableByIndex method setByte.
* Sets the {@code i}th value to the provided Java primitive byte.
* <p>By default, this works with CQL type {@code tinyint}.
* <p>To set the value to CQL {@code NULL}, use {@link #setToNull(int)}, or {@code set(i, v,
* Boolean.class)}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid.
default SelfT setByte(int i, byte v) {
DataType cqlType = getType(i);
TypeCodec<Byte> codec = codecRegistry().codecFor(cqlType, Byte.class);
return (codec instanceof PrimitiveByteCodec) ? setBytesUnsafe(i, ((PrimitiveByteCodec) codec).encodePrimitive(v, protocolVersion())) : set(i, v, codec);