use of com.disney.uriparcel.URIParcel in project groovity by disney.
the class VerifierFactory method processPolicy.
private PolicyVerifierImpl processPolicy(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Map policy, Class<Script> scriptClass) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
PolicyVerifierImpl verifier = new PolicyVerifierImpl();
processCommon(verifier, policy, scriptClass);
verifier.setPolicyLoader(new Callable<Verifier>() {
String curPolicy = null;
Callable<Verifier> curLoader = null;
public Verifier call() throws Exception {
String loc = resolve(policy, "policy", String.class);
if (!loc.equals(curPolicy)) {
// location has changed, update loaded policy
URI policyURI = null;
if (loc.startsWith("/")) {
URL url = viewResolver.getServletContext().getResource(loc);
if (url != null) {
policyURI = url.toURI();
} else {
ViewPolicyLoader vpl = new ViewPolicyLoader();
curLoader = vpl;
} else {
policyURI = new URI(loc);
if (policyURI != null) {
Number ttl = (Number) policy.get("ttl");
// set right loader based on location: view, file, HTTP url or servlet url ...
URIParcel<Verifier> parcel = new URIParcel<Verifier>(Verifier.class, policyURI);
if (ttl != null) {
curLoader = parcel;
curPolicy = loc;
return verifier;
use of com.disney.uriparcel.URIParcel in project groovity by disney.
the class TestKeyUtils method TestKeyGeneration.
public void TestKeyGeneration() throws Exception {
KeyPair pair = KeyUtils.generateKeyPair(2048);
PrivateKey privateKey = pair.getPrivate();
Assert.assertEquals(privateKey.getAlgorithm(), "RSA");
PublicKey publicKey = pair.getPublic();
Assert.assertEquals(publicKey.getAlgorithm(), "RSA");
String alias = "apiUser123";
// Store private key
File privateKeyFile = new File("target/testPrivateKey.pem");
File privateKeyStore = new File("target/");
String privatePassword = "passwordForPrivateKey";
URIParcel.put(privateKeyFile.toURI(), pair);
writePrivateKeystoreToFile(pair, privateKeyStore.getAbsolutePath(), alias, privatePassword);
// test retrieval of KeyStore
Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<String, Object>();
config.put(KeyStoreValueHandler.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, privatePassword);
config.put(KeyStoreValueHandler.KEYSTORE_TYPE, "JCEKS");
URIParcel<KeyStore> parcel = new URIParcel<KeyStore>(KeyStore.class, privateKeyStore.toURI(), config);
KeyChain chain = new KeyStoreKeyChainImpl(parcel, "".toCharArray());
KeyChainKeyLoader privateKeyStoreLoader = new KeyChainKeyLoader(chain);
PrivateKey loadedKeyFromKeyStore = (PrivateKey);
Assert.assertEquals(privateKey, loadedKeyFromKeyStore);
// test retrieval of Key
URIParcel<KeyPair> pkParcel = new URIParcel<KeyPair>(KeyPair.class, privateKeyFile.toURI());
KeyPair loadedPrivateKey =;
Assert.assertArrayEquals(privateKey.getEncoded(), loadedPrivateKey.getPrivate().getEncoded());
// check storage and retrieval of public key
String publicKeyFileName = "";
String password = "publicPassword";
File publicKeyFile = new File("target/" + publicKeyFileName);
KeyUtils.writePublicKeyStoreToFile(publicKey, publicKeyFile.getAbsolutePath(), alias, password);
PublicKey loadedPublicKey = loadPublicKeyStore(publicKeyFile.getAbsolutePath(), alias, password);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(publicKey.getEncoded(), loadedPublicKey.getEncoded());
// check if valid key pair by trying to sign and verify a string
String testString = "This is the message to encode.";
Signature rsaSign = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA");
byte[] signedMessage = rsaSign.sign();
Signature rsaVerify = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA");
boolean valid = rsaVerify.verify(signedMessage);
// make new key pair and save KeyStore to file.
KeyPair keyPairForFile = KeyUtils.generateKeyPair();
String location = new File("target/").getAbsolutePath();
writePrivateKeystoreToFile(keyPairForFile, location, "test", "rachel");
// load from file
config = new HashMap<String, Object>();
config.put(KeyStoreValueHandler.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, "rachel");
config.put(KeyStoreValueHandler.KEYSTORE_TYPE, "JCEKS");
URIParcel<KeyStore> ksParcel = new URIParcel<KeyStore>(KeyStore.class, new File(location).toURI(), config);
KeyChain chain2 = new KeyStoreKeyChainImpl(ksParcel, "".toCharArray());
KeyChainKeyLoader savedKeyStoreLoader = new KeyChainKeyLoader(chain2);
Key newKey =;
Assert.assertEquals(keyPairForFile.getPrivate(), newKey);
KeyStore importedKeystore =;
Assert.assertEquals(keyPairForFile.getPublic(), importedKeystore.getCertificate("test").getPublicKey());
use of com.disney.uriparcel.URIParcel in project groovity by disney.
the class Signature method tag.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Object tag(Map attributes, Closure body) throws Exception {
Object keyId = resolve(attributes, "keyId");
if (keyId == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("<g:signature> requires a keyId for signing");
Callable<Key> useLoader = null;
Object key = resolve(attributes, "key");
if (key == null) {
Object keystore = resolve(attributes, "keystore");
if (keystore == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("<g:signature> requires a key or keystore for signing");
String password = resolve(attributes, "password", String.class);
if (password == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("<g:signature> requires a password when using a keystore");
String alias = resolve(attributes, "alias", String.class);
if (alias == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("<g:signature> requires an alias when using a keystore");
if (!(keystore instanceof KeyStore)) {
String ksl = keystore.toString();
KeyChainKeyLoader loader = keystores.get(ksl);
if (loader == null) {
URIParcel<KeyStore> keystoreParcel = new URIParcel<KeyStore>(KeyStore.class, new URI(ksl));
Map conf = new HashMap();
conf.put("password", password);
String type = resolve(attributes, "type", String.class);
if (type != null) {
conf.put("type", type);
loader = new KeyChainKeyLoader(new KeyStoreKeyChainImpl(keystoreParcel, password.toCharArray()), alias);
keystores.put(ksl, loader);
useLoader = loader;
} else {
useLoader = new KeyChainKeyLoader(new KeyStoreKeyChainImpl((KeyStore) keystore, password.toCharArray()), alias);
if (key instanceof Callable<?>) {
useLoader = (Callable<Key>) key;
} else if (key instanceof Key) {
useLoader = new KeyObjectKeyLoader((Key) key);
String useAlgorithm = "hmac-sha256";
Object algorithm = resolve(attributes, "algorithm");
if (algorithm != null) {
useAlgorithm = algorithm.toString();
if (useLoader == null) {
if (useAlgorithm.startsWith("rsa")) {
// TODO load private key from object
} else {
String signingAlg = Algorithms.getSecurityAlgorithm(useAlgorithm);
// System.out.println("Generating hmac key "+signingAlg+" with "+new String(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(key.toString())));
useLoader = new KeyObjectKeyLoader(new SecretKeySpec(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(key.toString()), signingAlg));
Object headers = resolve(attributes, "headers");
HttpSignatureSigner signer = new HttpSignatureSigner();
if (headers != null) {
if (!(headers instanceof List)) {
throw new RuntimeException("signature tag requires that 'headers' attribut contains a List, instead found " + headers.getClass().toString());
signer.setHeaders((List) headers);
bind(body, SIGNATURE_BINDING, Optional.of(signer));
return null;
use of com.disney.uriparcel.URIParcel in project groovity by disney.
the class TestParcels method testBytes.
public void testBytes() throws Exception {
byte[] val = "kirksulu".getBytes();
URI uri = new URI("mem:bytesTest");
MemoryContext.put(uri, new MemoryPayload(val, "application/octet-stream"));
URIParcel<byte[]> parcel = new URIParcel<byte[]>(byte[].class, uri);
byte[] rval =;
Assert.assertFalse(rval == val);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(rval, val);
use of com.disney.uriparcel.URIParcel in project groovity by disney.
the class TestParcels method testMemObject.
public void testMemObject() throws Exception {
SomeThing originalThing = new SomeThing();
originalThing.setWhen(new Date());
URI uri = new URI("mem:thing");
URIParcel<Object> parcel = new URIParcel<Object>(Object.class, uri);
parcel = new URIParcel<Object>(Object.class, uri);
Object po =;
Assert.assertEquals(SomeThing.class, po.getClass());
Assert.assertFalse(po == originalThing);
Assert.assertEquals(po, originalThing);