use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ConnectivityUtil method getVplexClusterForVarray.
* This method returns the VPLEX cluster information for the virtual array. The assumption here is that the passed
* varrayURI will not have ports from both VPLEX clusters. This is true when its called for the varray
* which has VPLEX volume created on it. Until VPLEX volume create is attempted on the varray we cannot use this
* method as user can just assign the network and varray could get ports from both the VPLEX clusters
* @param varrayURI The URI of the virtaul array
* @param vplexStorageSystemURI The URI of the VPLEX storage system
* @param dbClient dbclient
* @return "1" or "2". Returns "unknown-cluster" if error.
* TODO: Move this method to VPlexUtil
public static String getVplexClusterForVarray(URI varrayURI, URI vplexStorageSystemURI, DbClient dbClient) {
String vplexCluster = CLUSTER_UNKNOWN;
URIQueryResultList storagePortURIs = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getVirtualArrayStoragePortsConstraint(varrayURI.toString()), storagePortURIs);
for (URI uri : storagePortURIs) {
StoragePort storagePort = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePort.class, uri);
if ((storagePort != null) && && (RegistrationStatus.REGISTERED.toString().equals(storagePort.getRegistrationStatus())) && DiscoveryStatus.VISIBLE.toString().equals(storagePort.getDiscoveryStatus())) {
if (storagePort.getStorageDevice().equals(vplexStorageSystemURI)) {
// Assumption is this varray cannot have mix of CLuster 1
// and Cluster 2 ports from VPLEX so getting
// cluster information from one of the VPLEX port should
// work.
vplexCluster = getVplexClusterOfPort(storagePort);
return vplexCluster;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ExportUtils method getInitiatorExportGroups.
* Returns all the ExportGroups the initiator is a member of.
* @param initiator Initiator
* @param dbClient
* @return List<ExportGroup> that contain a key to the Initiator URI
public static List<ExportGroup> getInitiatorExportGroups(Initiator initiator, DbClient dbClient) {
List<ExportGroup> exportGroups = new ArrayList<ExportGroup>();
URIQueryResultList egUris = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getExportGroupInitiatorConstraint(initiator.getId().toString()), egUris);
ExportGroup exportGroup = null;
for (URI egUri : egUris) {
exportGroup = dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, egUri);
if (exportGroup == null || exportGroup.getInactive() || exportGroup.getExportMasks() == null) {
return exportGroups;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ExportUtils method getAllLUNsForHost.
* Get all LUNs on the array that mapped to a host identified by initiators in the mask
* @param dbClient
* @param exportMask
* @return LUNs mapped to the host
public static Set<String> getAllLUNsForHost(DbClient dbClient, ExportMask exportMask) {
Set<String> lunIds = new HashSet<>();
URI storageUri = exportMask.getStorageDevice();
if (NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(storageUri)) {
return lunIds;
URI hostUri = null;
for (String init : exportMask.getInitiators()) {
Initiator initiator = dbClient.queryObject(Initiator.class, URI.create(init));
if (initiator != null && !initiator.getInactive()) {
hostUri = initiator.getHost();
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(hostUri)) {
// get initiators from host
Map<URI, ExportMask> exportMasks = new HashMap<>();
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(hostUri)) {
URIQueryResultList list = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getContainedObjectsConstraint(hostUri, Initiator.class, "host"), list);
Iterator<URI> uriIter = list.iterator();
while (uriIter.hasNext()) {
URI initiatorId =;
URIQueryResultList egUris = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getExportGroupInitiatorConstraint(initiatorId.toString()), egUris);
ExportGroup exportGroup = null;
for (URI egUri : egUris) {
exportGroup = dbClient.queryObject(ExportGroup.class, egUri);
if (exportGroup == null || exportGroup.getInactive() || exportGroup.getExportMasks() == null) {
List<ExportMask> masks = ExportMaskUtils.getExportMasks(dbClient, exportGroup);
for (ExportMask mask : masks) {
if (mask != null && !mask.getInactive() && mask.hasInitiator(initiatorId.toString()) && mask.getVolumes() != null && storageUri.equals(mask.getStorageDevice())) {
exportMasks.put(mask.getId(), mask);
for (ExportMask mask : exportMasks.values()) {
StringMap volumeMap = mask.getVolumes();
if (volumeMap != null && !volumeMap.isEmpty()) {
for (String strUri : mask.getVolumes().keySet()) {
BlockObject bo = BlockObject.fetch(dbClient, URI.create(strUri));
if (bo != null && !bo.getInactive()) {
return lunIds;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ExportUtils method cleanStaleExportMasks.
* Method to clean ExportMask stale instances from ViPR db if any stale EM available.
* @param storage the storage
* @param maskNamesFromArray Mask Names collected from Array for the set of initiator names
* @param initiatorNames initiator names
* @param dbClient
public static void cleanStaleExportMasks(StorageSystem storage, Set<String> maskNamesFromArray, List<String> initiatorNames, DbClient dbClient) {
Set<Initiator> initiators = ExportUtils.getInitiators(initiatorNames, dbClient);
Set<ExportMask> staleExportMasks = new HashSet<>();"Mask Names found in array:{} for the initiators: {}", maskNamesFromArray, initiatorNames);
for (Initiator initiator : initiators) {
URIQueryResultList emUris = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getExportMaskInitiatorConstraint(initiator.getId().toString()), emUris);
ExportMask exportMask = null;
for (URI emUri : emUris) {
_log.debug("Export Mask URI :{}", emUri);
exportMask = dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, emUri);
if (exportMask != null && !exportMask.getInactive() && storage.getId().equals(exportMask.getStorageDevice())) {
if (!maskNamesFromArray.contains(exportMask.getMaskName())) {"Export Mask {} is not found in array", exportMask.getMaskName());
List<ExportGroup> egList = ExportUtils.getExportGroupsForMask(exportMask.getId(), dbClient);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(egList)) {"Found a stale export mask {} - {} and it can be removed from DB", exportMask.getId(), exportMask.getMaskName());
} else {"Export mask is having association with ExportGroup {}", egList);
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(staleExportMasks)) {
dbClient.markForDeletion(staleExportMasks);"Deleted {} stale export masks from DB", staleExportMasks.size());
}"Export Mask cleanup activity done");
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ExportUtils method storagePortNamesToURIs.
* Take in a list of storage port names (hex digits separated by colons),
* then returns a list of URIs representing the StoragePort URIs they represent.
* This method ignores the storage ports from cinder storage systems.
* @param storagePorts [in] - Storage port name, hex digits separated by colons
* @return List of StoragePort URIs
public static List<String> storagePortNamesToURIs(DbClient dbClient, List<String> storagePorts) {
List<String> storagePortURIStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<URI, String> systemURIToType = new HashMap<URI, String>();
for (String port : storagePorts) {
URIQueryResultList portUriList = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getStoragePortEndpointConstraint(port), portUriList);
Iterator<URI> storagePortIter = portUriList.iterator();
while (storagePortIter.hasNext()) {
URI portURI =;
StoragePort sPort = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePort.class, portURI);
if (sPort != null && !sPort.getInactive()) {
String systemType = getStoragePortSystemType(dbClient, sPort, systemURIToType);
// ignore cinder managed storage system's port
if (! {
return storagePortURIStrings;