use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.FileExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileDeviceController method export.
public void export(URI storage, URI uri, List<FileShareExport> exports, String opId) throws ControllerException {
ControllerUtils.setThreadLocalLogData(uri, opId);
FileObject fsObj = null;
FileShare fs = null;
Snapshot snapshotObj = null;
StorageSystem storageObj = null;
try {
storageObj = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storage);
FileDeviceInputOutput args = new FileDeviceInputOutput();
boolean isFile = false;
if (URIUtil.isType(uri, FileShare.class)) {
isFile = true;
fs = _dbClient.queryObject(FileShare.class, uri);
fsObj = fs;
StoragePool pool = _dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, fs.getPool());
setVirtualNASinArgs(fs.getVirtualNAS(), args);
} else {
snapshotObj = _dbClient.queryObject(Snapshot.class, uri);
fsObj = snapshotObj;
fs = _dbClient.queryObject(FileShare.class, snapshotObj.getParent());
StoragePool pool = _dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, fs.getPool());
setVirtualNASinArgs(fs.getVirtualNAS(), args);
args.setOpId(opId);"Export details... ");
List<FileExport> fileExports = new ArrayList<FileExport>();
if (exports != null) {
for (FileShareExport fileShareExport : exports) {
FileExport fExport = fileShareExport.getFileExport();
fExport.setMountPoint(fileShareExport.getMountPath());"FileExport:clients:" + fExport.getClients() + ":portName:" + fExport.getStoragePortName() + ":port:" + fExport.getStoragePort() + ":rootMapping:" + fExport.getRootUserMapping() + ":permissions:" + fExport.getPermissions() + ":protocol:" + fExport.getProtocol() + ":security:" + fExport.getSecurityType() + ":mountpoint:" + fExport.getMountPoint() + ":path:" + fExport.getPath() + ":comments:" + fExport.getComments() + ":subDirectory:" + fExport.getSubDirectory());
} else {"Exports are null");
// Acquire lock for VNXFILE Storage System
acquireStepLock(storageObj, opId);
BiosCommandResult result = getDevice(storageObj.getSystemType()).doExport(storageObj, args, fileExports);
if (result.getCommandPending()) {
if (!result.isCommandSuccess() && !result.getCommandPending()) {
WorkflowStepCompleter.stepFailed(opId, result.getServiceCoded());
// Set Mount path info for the exports
FSExportMap fsExports = fsObj.getFsExports();
// Per New model get the rules and see if any rules that are already saved and available.
List<FileExportRule> existingRules = queryFileExports(args);
if (null != fsExports) {
Iterator it = fsExports.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String fsExpKey = (String);
FileExport fileExport = fsObj.getFsExports().get(fsExpKey);
if ((fileExport.getMountPath() != null) && (fileExport.getMountPath().length() > 0)) {
fileExport.setMountPoint(ExportUtils.getFileMountPoint(fileExport.getStoragePort(), fileExport.getMountPath()));
} else {
fileExport.setMountPoint(ExportUtils.getFileMountPoint(fileExport.getStoragePort(), fileExport.getPath()));
}"FileExport mountpath set to {} {}", fsExpKey, fileExport.getMountPoint());
// Per New Model of Export Rules Lets create the rule and save it as FileExportRule.
if (result.isCommandSuccess()) {
FileExportRule newRule = getFileExportRule(fsObj.getId(), fileExport, args);
_log.debug("ExportRule Constucted per expotkey {}, {}", fsExpKey, newRule);
if (existingRules != null && existingRules.isEmpty()) {
newRule.setId(URIUtil.createId(FileExportRule.class));"No Existing rules available for this FS Export and so creating the rule now {}", newRule);
} else {
_log.debug("Checking for existing rule(s) available for this export...");
boolean isRuleFound = false;
for (FileExportRule rule : existingRules) {
_log.debug("Available Export Rule {} - Matching with New Rule {}", rule, newRule);
if (newRule.getFsExportIndex() != null && rule.getFsExportIndex().equals(newRule.getFsExportIndex())) {
isRuleFound = true;"Match Found : Skipping this rule as already available {}", newRule);
if (!isRuleFound) {"Creating new Export Rule {}", newRule);
isRuleFound = false;
String eventMsg = result.isCommandSuccess() ? "" : result.getMessage();
OperationTypeEnum auditType = null;
auditType = (isFile) ? OperationTypeEnum.EXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM : OperationTypeEnum.EXPORT_FILE_SNAPSHOT;
fsObj.getOpStatus().updateTaskStatus(opId, result.toOperation());
if (isFile) {
recordFileDeviceOperation(_dbClient, auditType, result.isCommandSuccess(), eventMsg, getExportClientExtensions(fileExports), fs, storageObj);
} else {
recordFileDeviceOperation(_dbClient, auditType, result.isCommandSuccess(), eventMsg, getExportClientExtensions(fileExports), snapshotObj, fs, storageObj);
if (result.isCommandSuccess()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
WorkflowStepCompleter.stepFailed(opId, serviceError);
String[] params = { storage.toString(), uri.toString(), e.getMessage() };
_log.error("Unable to export file system or snapshot: storage {}, FS/snapshot URI {}: {}", params);
for (FileShareExport fsExport : exports) {
_log.error("{}", fsExport);
updateTaskStatus(opId, fsObj, e);
if (URIUtil.isType(uri, FileShare.class)) {
if ((fs != null) && (storageObj != null)) {
recordFileDeviceOperation(_dbClient, OperationTypeEnum.EXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM, false, e.getMessage(), "", fs, storageObj);
} else {
if ((fs != null) && (storageObj != null) && (snapshotObj != null)) {
recordFileDeviceOperation(_dbClient, OperationTypeEnum.EXPORT_FILE_SNAPSHOT, false, e.getMessage(), "", snapshotObj, fs, storageObj);
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.FileExportRule in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileDeviceController method doCRUDExports.
private void doCRUDExports(FileExportUpdateParams param, FileShare fs, FileDeviceInputOutput args) throws Exception {
try {
// create new exports
ExportRules exportRules = param.getExportRulesToAdd();
List<ExportRule> rules;
if (exportRules != null) {
rules = exportRules.getExportRules();
if (rules != null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
for (ExportRule exportRule : rules) {
FileExportRule rule = new FileExportRule();
copyPropertiesToSave(rule, exportRule, fs, args);"Storing New DB Export Rule {}", rule);
// Modify Existing Exports
exportRules = param.getExportRulesToModify();
if (exportRules != null) {
rules = exportRules.getExportRules();
if (rules != null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
for (ExportRule exportRule : rules) {
FileExportRule rule = new FileExportRule();
// Copy the properties to build the index id to query DB for existing Export Rule
copyPropertiesToSave(rule, exportRule, fs, args);
rule = getAvailableExportRule(rule, args);
// Remove the existing and create the new one.
// Don't Update the existing one as persist object will create a new StringSet rather
// it updates the existing one with new information and upon keeping/appending to old one.
rule.setInactive(true);"Removing Existing DB Export Rule {}", rule);
FileExportRule newRule = new FileExportRule();
// Now, Copy the properties again into the rule came out of DB, before updating.
copyPropertiesToSave(newRule, exportRule, fs, args);"Storing New DB Export Rule {}", newRule);
// Delete Existing Exports
exportRules = param.getExportRulesToDelete();
if (exportRules != null) {
rules = exportRules.getExportRules();
if (rules != null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
for (ExportRule exportRule : rules) {
FileExportRule rule = new FileExportRule();
copyPropertiesToSave(rule, exportRule, fs, args);
rule = getAvailableExportRule(rule, args);
rule.setInactive(true);"Marking DB Export Rule Inactive {}", rule);
// Delete the ExportMap entry if there are no export rules for this file system or sub directory
FSExportMap fsNFSExportMap = fs.getFsExports();
ContainmentConstraint containmentConstraint = ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getFileExportRulesConstraint(fs.getId());
List<FileExportRule> fileExportRules = CustomQueryUtility.queryActiveResourcesByConstraint(_dbClient, FileExportRule.class, containmentConstraint);
Set<String> fileExportMapKeys = fsNFSExportMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> keySetIterator = fileExportMapKeys.iterator();
HashSet<String> keystoRemove = new HashSet<String>();
while (keySetIterator.hasNext()) {
String fileExportMapKey =;
FileExport fileExport = fsNFSExportMap.get(fileExportMapKey);
boolean exportRuleExists = false;
for (FileExportRule fileExportRule : fileExportRules) {
if (fileExportRule.getExportPath().equals(fileExport.getMountPath())) {
exportRuleExists = true;
if (!exportRuleExists) {
for (String key : keystoRemove) {"Deleting file export map entry : {} for key : {}", fsNFSExportMap.get(key), key);
} catch (Exception e) {"Error While executing CRUD Operations {}", e);