use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileService method deleteFileSystemACL.
* Delete all the existing ACLs of a fileSystem or subDirectory
* @param id
* the URN of a ViPR fileSystem
* @param subDir
* sub-directory within a fileSystem
* @brief Delete an ACL for a file system
* @return Task resource representation
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.SYSTEM_MONITOR, Role.TENANT_ADMIN }, acls = { ACL.ANY })
public TaskResourceRep deleteFileSystemACL(@PathParam("id") URI id, @QueryParam("subDir") String subDir) {
// log input received."Delete ACL of fileSystem: Request received for filesystem: {} with subDir {} ", id, subDir);
// Validate the FS id.
ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, FileShare.class, "id");
FileShare fs = queryResource(id);
String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
ArgValidator.checkEntity(fs, id, isIdEmbeddedInURL(id));
// Check for VirtualPool whether it has NFS v4 enabled
VirtualPool vpool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, fs.getVirtualPool());
if (!vpool.getProtocols().contains( {
// Throw an error
throw APIException.methodNotAllowed.vPoolDoesntSupportProtocol("Vpool does not support " + + " protocol");
StorageSystem device = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, fs.getStorageDevice());
FileController controller = getController(FileController.class, device.getSystemType());
Operation op = _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(FileShare.class, fs.getId(), task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.DELETE_FILE_SYSTEM_NFS_ACL);
op.setDescription("Delete ACL of file system ");
try {
controller.deleteNFSAcls(device.getId(), fs.getId(), subDir, task);
auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.DELETE_FILE_SYSTEM_SHARE_ACL, true, AuditLogManager.AUDITOP_BEGIN, fs.getId().toString(), device.getId().toString(), subDir);
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
op = _dbClient.error(FileShare.class, fs.getId(), task, e);
_log.error("Error Processing File System ACL Delete {}, {}", e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Error Processing File System ACL Delete {}, {}", e.getMessage(), e);
throw APIException.badRequests.unableToProcessRequest(e.getMessage());
return toTask(fs, task, op);
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileService method unexport.
* @Deprecated use @Path("/{id}/export") instead
* <p>
* NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation.
* @param id
* the URN of a ViPR Project
* @param protocol
* Protocol valid values - NFS,NFSv4,CIFS
* @param securityType
* Security type valid values - sys,krb5,krb5i,krb5p
* @param permissions
* Permissions valid values - ro,rw,root
* @param rootUserMapping
* Root user mapping
* @brief Delete file system export.
* <p>
* Use /file/filesystems/{id}/export instead
* @return Task resource representation
* @throws InternalException
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.TENANT_ADMIN }, acls = { ACL.OWN, ACL.ALL })
public TaskResourceRep unexport(@PathParam("id") URI id, @PathParam("protocol") String protocol, @PathParam("secType") String securityType, @PathParam("perm") String permissions, @PathParam("root_mapping") String rootUserMapping, @QueryParam("subDirectory") String subDirectory) throws InternalException {
ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, FileShare.class, "id");
FileShare fs = queryResource(id);
ArgValidator.checkFieldNotNull(protocol, "protocol");
ArgValidator.checkFieldNotNull(securityType, "secType");
ArgValidator.checkFieldNotNull(permissions, "perm");
ArgValidator.checkFieldNotNull(rootUserMapping, "root_mapping");
ArgValidator.checkEntity(fs, id, isIdEmbeddedInURL(id));
String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
if (fs.getFsExports() == null) {
// No exports present. Return success.
return getSuccessResponse(fs, task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.UNEXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM, "Export does not exist");
if (fs.getStoragePort() == null) {
// port associated with export, fail the operation
return getFailureResponse(fs, task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.UNEXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM, "No storage port associated with " + fs.getLabel());
StorageSystem device = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, fs.getStorageDevice());
FileController controller = getController(FileController.class, device.getSystemType());
String path = fs.getPath();
String mountPath = fs.getMountPath();
if (subDirectory != null && subDirectory.length() > 0) {
// Add subdirectory to the path as this is a subdirectory export
path += "/" + subDirectory;
mountPath += "/" + subDirectory;
FileExport fExport = null;"unexport subdirectory passed value is {}", subDirectory);
if (subDirectory != null) {"unexport subdirectory {} with path {} ", subDirectory, path);"securityType %1$s, permissions %2$s, rootMapping %3$s, protocol %4$s subDirectory %5$s", securityType, permissions, rootUserMapping, protocol, path));
fExport = fs.getFsExports().get(FileExport.exportLookupKey(protocol, securityType, permissions, rootUserMapping, path));
} else {"unexport FS {} with path {} ", fs.getName(), path);"securityType %1$s, permissions %2$s, rootMapping %3$s, protocol %4$s FileSystem %5$s", securityType, permissions, rootUserMapping, protocol, path));
fExport = fs.getFsExports().get(FileExport.exportLookupKey(protocol, securityType, permissions, rootUserMapping, path));
if (fExport == null) {
// No export to unexport, return success.
return getSuccessResponse(fs, task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.UNEXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM, "Export does not exist");
Operation op = _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(FileShare.class, fs.getId(), task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.UNEXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM);
op.setDescription("Filesystem unexport");
// empty list for unexport
List<String> endpoints = new ArrayList<String>();
FileShareExport export = new FileShareExport(endpoints, securityType, permissions, rootUserMapping, protocol, fExport.getStoragePortName(), fExport.getStoragePort(), fExport.getPath());
controller.unexport(device.getId(), fs.getId(), Arrays.asList(export), task);
auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.UNEXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM, true, AuditLogManager.AUDITOP_BEGIN, fs.getId().toString(), securityType, permissions, rootUserMapping, protocol);
return toTask(fs, task, op);
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileService method export.
* Export file system.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is an asynchronous operation.
* @param param
* File system export parameters
* @param id
* the URN of a ViPR File system
* @brief Create file export
* @return Task resource representation
* @throws InternalException
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.TENANT_ADMIN }, acls = { ACL.OWN, ACL.ALL })
public TaskResourceRep export(@PathParam("id") URI id, FileSystemExportParam param) throws InternalException {"Export request recieved {}", id);
// check file System
ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, FileShare.class, "id");
ArgValidator.checkFieldValueFromEnum(param.getPermissions(), "permissions", EnumSet.allOf(FileShareExport.Permissions.class));"Export security type {}", param.getSecurityType());
for (String sectype : param.getSecurityType().split(",")) {
ArgValidator.checkFieldValueFromEnum(sectype.trim(), "type", EnumSet.allOf(FileShareExport.SecurityTypes.class));
ArgValidator.checkFieldValueFromEnum(param.getProtocol(), "protocol", EnumSet.allOf(StorageProtocol.File.class));
validateIpInterfacesRegistered(param.getEndpoints(), _dbClient);
FileShare fs = queryResource(id);
String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
StorageSystem device = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, fs.getStorageDevice());
ArgValidator.checkEntity(fs, id, isIdEmbeddedInURL(id));
// Check for VirtualPool whether it has NFS enabled
VirtualPool vpool = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, fs.getVirtualPool());
if (!vpool.getProtocols().contains( && !vpool.getProtocols().contains( {
// Throw an error
throw APIException.methodNotAllowed.vPoolDoesntSupportProtocol("Vpool doesn't support " + + " or " + StorageProtocol.File.NFSv4 + " protocol");
// locate storage port for exporting file System
StoragePort sport = _fileScheduler.placeFileShareExport(fs, param.getProtocol(), param.getEndpoints());
String path = fs.getPath();
String mountPath = fs.getMountPath();
String subDirectory = param.getSubDirectory();
if (ArgValidator.checkSubDirName("sub_directory", param.getSubDirectory())) {
// Add subdirectory to the path as this is a subdirectory export
path += "/" + param.getSubDirectory();
mountPath += "/" + param.getSubDirectory();
FSExportMap exportMap = fs.getFsExports();
if (exportMap != null) {
Iterator it = fs.getFsExports().keySet().iterator();
boolean exportExists = false;
while (it.hasNext()) {
String fsExpKey = (String);
FileExport fileExport = fs.getFsExports().get(fsExpKey);
if (fileExport.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(path)) {
exportExists = true;
if (exportExists) {
throw APIException.badRequests.fileSystemHasExistingExport();
String rootUserMapping = param.getRootUserMapping();
if (rootUserMapping != null) {
rootUserMapping = rootUserMapping.toLowerCase();
// check for bypassDnsCheck flag. If null then set to false
Boolean dnsCheck = param.getBypassDnsCheck();
if (dnsCheck == null) {
dnsCheck = false;
FileShareExport export = new FileShareExport(param.getEndpoints(), param.getSecurityType(), param.getPermissions(), rootUserMapping, param.getProtocol(), sport.getPortGroup(), sport.getPortNetworkId(), path, mountPath, subDirectory, param.getComments(), dnsCheck);"FileShareExport --- FileShare id: %1$s, Clients: %2$s, StoragePort: %3$s, SecurityType: %4$s, " + "Permissions: %5$s, Root user mapping: %6$s, Protocol: %7$s, path: %8$s, mountPath: %9$s, SubDirectory: %10$s ,byPassDnsCheck: %11$s", id, export.getClients(), sport.getPortName(), export.getSecurityType(), export.getPermissions(), export.getRootUserMapping(), export.getProtocol(), export.getPath(), export.getMountPath(), export.getSubDirectory(), export.getBypassDnsCheck()));
Operation op = _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(FileShare.class, fs.getId(), task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.EXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM);
op.setDescription("Filesystem export");
FileServiceApi fileServiceApi = getFileShareServiceImpl(fs, _dbClient);
fileServiceApi.export(device.getId(), fs.getId(), Arrays.asList(export), task);
auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.EXPORT_FILE_SYSTEM, true, AuditLogManager.AUDITOP_BEGIN, fs.getId().toString(), device.getId().toString(), export.getClients(), param.getSecurityType(), param.getPermissions(), param.getRootUserMapping(), param.getProtocol());
return toTask(fs, task, op);
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileService method refreshContinuousCopies.
* Refresh continuous copies.
* @prereq none
* @param id the URN of a ViPR Source file share
* @brief Refresh the replication session between source and target file system.
* @return TaskList
* @throws ControllerException
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.TENANT_ADMIN }, acls = { ACL.OWN, ACL.ALL })
public TaskList refreshContinuousCopies(@PathParam("id") URI id, FileReplicationParam param) throws ControllerException {
doMirrorOperationValidation(id, ProtectionOp.REFRESH.toString());
String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
FileShare sourceFileShare = queryResource(id);
Operation op = _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(FileShare.class, id, task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.FILE_PROTECTION_ACTION_REFRESH);
op.setDescription("refresh the replication link between source and target");
StorageSystem system = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, sourceFileShare.getStorageDevice());
FileController controller = getController(FileController.class, system.getSystemType());
controller.performFileReplicationOperation(system.getId(), id, ProtectionOp.REFRESH.toString().toLowerCase(), task);
TaskList taskList = new TaskList();
TaskResourceRep taskResp = toTask(sourceFileShare, task, op);
return taskList;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileService method pauseContinuousCopies.
* Pause continuous copies.
* @prereq none
* @param id the URN of a ViPR Source file share
* @brief Pause the replication session between source and target file system.
* @return TaskResourceRep
* @throws ControllerException
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.TENANT_ADMIN }, acls = { ACL.OWN, ACL.ALL })
public TaskList pauseContinuousCopies(@PathParam("id") URI id, FileReplicationParam param) throws ControllerException {
doMirrorOperationValidation(id, ProtectionOp.PAUSE.toString());
String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
FileShare sourceFileShare = queryResource(id);
Operation op = _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(FileShare.class, id, task, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.FILE_PROTECTION_ACTION_PAUSE);
op.setDescription("pause the replication link between source and target");
StorageSystem system = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, sourceFileShare.getStorageDevice());
FileController controller = getController(FileController.class, system.getSystemType());
controller.performFileReplicationOperation(system.getId(), id, ProtectionOp.PAUSE.toString().toLowerCase(), task);
TaskList taskList = new TaskList();
TaskResourceRep taskResp = toTask(sourceFileShare, task, op);
return taskList;