use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSet in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RecoverPointVolumeIngestionContext method commit.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.emc.storageos.api.service.impl.resource.blockingestorchestration.context.VolumeIngestionContext#commit()
public void commit() {"persisting RecoverPoint backend for volume " + getUnmanagedVolume().forDisplay());
// commit the basic IngestionRequestContext collections
for (BlockObject bo : getObjectsIngestedByExportProcessing()) {"Creating BlockObject {} (hash {})", bo.forDisplay(), bo.hashCode());
for (BlockObject bo : getBlockObjectsToBeCreatedMap().values()) {"Creating BlockObject {} (hash {})", bo.forDisplay(), bo.hashCode());
for (Set<DataObject> createdObjects : getDataObjectsToBeCreatedMap().values()) {
if (createdObjects != null && !createdObjects.isEmpty()) {
for (DataObject dob : createdObjects) {"Creating DataObject {} (hash {})", dob.forDisplay(), dob.hashCode());
for (Set<DataObject> updatedObjects : getDataObjectsToBeUpdatedMap().values()) {
if (updatedObjects != null && !updatedObjects.isEmpty()) {
for (DataObject dob : updatedObjects) {
if (dob.getInactive()) {"Deleting DataObject {} (hash {})", dob.forDisplay(), dob.hashCode());
} else {"Updating DataObject {} (hash {})", dob.forDisplay(), dob.hashCode());
for (UnManagedVolume umv : getUnManagedVolumesToBeDeleted()) {"Deleting UnManagedVolume {} (hash {})", umv.forDisplay(), umv.hashCode());
// now commit the RecoverPoint specific data
if (_managedSourceVolumesToUpdate != null) {"Updating RP Source Volumes: " + _managedSourceVolumesToUpdate);
if (_unmanagedSourceVolumesToUpdate != null) {"Updating RP Source UnManagedVolumes: " + _unmanagedSourceVolumesToUpdate);
if (_unmanagedTargetVolumesToUpdate != null) {"Updating RP Target UnManagedVolumes: " + _unmanagedTargetVolumesToUpdate);
// commit the ProtectionSet, if created, and remove the UnManagedProtectionSet
ProtectionSet managedProtectionSet = getManagedProtectionSet();
if (null != managedProtectionSet) {
if (getManagedBlockObject() != null) {
}"Creating ProtectionSet {} (hash {})", managedProtectionSet.forDisplay(), managedProtectionSet.hashCode());
// the protection set was created, so delete the unmanaged one"Deleting UnManagedProtectionSet {} (hash {})", _unManagedProtectionSet.forDisplay(), _unManagedProtectionSet.hashCode());
// commit the BlockConsistencyGroup, if created
if (null != getManagedBlockConsistencyGroup()) {"Creating BlockConsistencyGroup {} (hash {})", _managedBlockConsistencyGroup.forDisplay(), _managedBlockConsistencyGroup.hashCode());
for (Entry<ExportGroup, Boolean> entry : getRpExportGroupMap().entrySet()) {
ExportGroup exportGroup = entry.getKey();
boolean exportGroupIsCreated = entry.getValue();
if (exportGroupIsCreated) {"Creating ExportGroup {} (hash {})", exportGroup.forDisplay(), exportGroup.hashCode());
} else {"Updating ExportGroup {} (hash {})", exportGroup.forDisplay(), exportGroup.hashCode());
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSet in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VolumeIngestionUtil method isRPProtectingVplexVolumes.
* Checks whether RP is protecting any VPLEX volumes or not.
* 1. Get the ProtectionSet from the context for the given unmanagedvolume.
* 2. Check every volume in the protectionset.
* 3. If the volume belongs to a VPLEX or not.
* 4. If it belongs to VPLEX break the loop and return true.
* @param umv - unmanaged volume to ingest
* @param requestContext - current unmanaged volume context.
* @param dbClient - dbclient reference.
public static boolean isRPProtectingVplexVolumes(UnManagedVolume umv, IngestionRequestContext requestContext, DbClient dbClient) {
VolumeIngestionContext context = requestContext.getVolumeContext(umv.getNativeGuid());
boolean isRPProtectingVplexVolumes = false;
// We expect RP Context to validate Vplex volumes protected by RP or not.
if (context instanceof RecoverPointVolumeIngestionContext) {
RecoverPointVolumeIngestionContext rpContext = (RecoverPointVolumeIngestionContext) context;
ProtectionSet pset = rpContext.getManagedProtectionSet();
if (pset == null) {
return isRPProtectingVplexVolumes;
// Iterate thru protection set volumes.
for (String volumeIdStr : pset.getVolumes()) {
for (Set<DataObject> dataObjList : rpContext.getDataObjectsToBeUpdatedMap().values()) {
for (DataObject dataObj : dataObjList) {
if (URIUtil.identical(dataObj.getId(), URI.create(volumeIdStr))) {
Volume volume = (Volume) dataObj;
if (volume.isVPlexVolume(dbClient)) {
isRPProtectingVplexVolumes = true;
} else if (context instanceof BlockVolumeIngestionContext) {
// In this case, the last volume ingested was a replica, so we need to fish out RP information slightly differently.
Set<DataObject> updatedObjects = requestContext.getDataObjectsToBeUpdatedMap().get(umv.getNativeGuid());
if (updatedObjects != null && !updatedObjects.isEmpty()) {
for (DataObject dataObj : updatedObjects) {
if (dataObj instanceof Volume) {
Volume volume = (Volume) dataObj;
if (volume.isVPlexVolume(dbClient)) {
isRPProtectingVplexVolumes = true;
} else {
_logger.error("Context found of type: {} invalid", context.getClass().toString());
return isRPProtectingVplexVolumes;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSet in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class TaskLockingCompleter method lockCG.
* Lock the entire CG based on this volume.
* @param dbClient db client
* @param locker locker service
* @return true if lock was acquired
public boolean lockCG(DbClient dbClient, ControllerLockingService locker) {
// Figure out the lock ID (rpSystemInstallationID:CGName)
URI volumeId = getId();
// If this is a snapshot object completer, get the volume id from the snapshot.
if (URIUtil.isType(getId(), BlockSnapshot.class)) {
BlockSnapshot snapshot = dbClient.queryObject(BlockSnapshot.class, getId());
volumeId = snapshot.getParent().getURI();
} else if (URIUtil.isType(getId(), BlockConsistencyGroup.class)) {
List<Volume> cgVolumes = CustomQueryUtility.queryActiveResourcesByConstraint(dbClient, Volume.class, getVolumesByConsistencyGroup(getId()));
if (cgVolumes != null && !cgVolumes.isEmpty()) {
// Get the first volume in the CG
volumeId = cgVolumes.get(0).getId();
// Figure out the lock ID (rpSystemInstallationID:CGName)
Volume volume = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, volumeId);
if (volume != null && locker != null) {
if (volume.getProtectionController() != null && volume.getProtectionSet() != null) {
ProtectionSystem rpSystem = dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSystem.class, volume.getProtectionController());
ProtectionSet protectionSet = dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSet.class, volume.getProtectionSet());
if (rpSystem != null && protectionSet != null && rpSystem.getInstallationId() != null && protectionSet.getLabel() != null) {
// Unlock the CG based on this volume
String lockName = rpSystem.getInstallationId() + LOCK_SEPARATOR + protectionSet.getLabel();
if (locker.acquirePersistentLock(lockName, _opId, 5)) {"Acquired lock: " + lockName);
lockedName = lockName;
return true;
} else {"Failed to acquire lock: " + lockName);
} else if (volume.getProtectionSet() == null) {"Lock not required, no CG in use");
lockedName = null;
return true;
return false;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSet in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class RPCommunicationInterface method discoverProtectionSet.
* Discover a single protection set.
* @param protectionSystem protection system
* @param protectionSetId protection set
* @throws RecoverPointException
private void discoverProtectionSet(ProtectionSystem protectionSystem, URI protectionSetId) throws RecoverPointException {
ProtectionSet protectionSet = _dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSet.class, protectionSetId);
if (protectionSet == null || protectionSet.getInactive()) {
List<String> staleVolumes = new ArrayList<String>();
StringSet protectionVolumes = protectionSet.getVolumes();
RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo protectionVolume = null;
RecoverPointClient rp = RPHelper.getRecoverPointClient(protectionSystem);
boolean changed = false;"ProtectionSet discover in the RPDeviceController called for protection set: " + protectionSet.getLabel());
for (String volume : protectionVolumes) {
Volume protectionVolumeWWN = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(volume));
if (protectionVolumeWWN == null || protectionVolumeWWN.getInactive()) {
try {
protectionVolume = rp.getProtectionInfoForVolume(RPHelper.getRPWWn(protectionVolumeWWN.getId(), _dbClient));
} catch (RecoverPointException re) {
StringBuffer errMsgBuilder = new StringBuffer();
String msg = "Discovery of protection set failed. Protection system: " + protectionSystem.getId() + ", ";
if (protectionVolume == null) {
// If the volume is a source volume, let's check to see if the personality changed.
if ((!changed) && (((protectionVolume.getRpVolumeCurrentProtectionStatus() == RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo.volumeProtectionStatus.PROTECTED_SOURCE) && (protectionVolumeWWN.getPersonality().equalsIgnoreCase(Volume.PersonalityTypes.TARGET.toString())))) || ((protectionVolume.getRpVolumeCurrentProtectionStatus() == RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo.volumeProtectionStatus.PROTECTED_TARGET) && (protectionVolumeWWN.getPersonality().equalsIgnoreCase(Volume.PersonalityTypes.SOURCE.toString())))) {"Changing personality of volume {} due to RP condition on consistency group", protectionVolumeWWN.getLabel());
changed = true;
if (protectionVolume.getRpVolumeCurrentProtectionStatus() == RecoverPointVolumeProtectionInfo.volumeProtectionStatus.PROTECTED_SOURCE) {
switch(rp.getCGState(protectionVolume)) {
case PAUSED:
case MIXED:
case READY:
// remove stale entries from protection set
if (!staleVolumes.isEmpty()) {"ProtectionSet %s references at least one volume id that no longer exist in the database. Removing all stale volume references: %s", protectionSet.getLabel(), String.join(",", staleVolumes)));
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSet in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class BlockMapper method map.
public static BlockConsistencyGroupRestRep map(BlockConsistencyGroup from, Set<URI> volumes, DbClient dbClient) {
if (from == null) {
return null;
BlockConsistencyGroupRestRep to = new BlockConsistencyGroupRestRep();
mapDataObjectFields(from, to);
to.setVirtualArray(toRelatedResource(ResourceTypeEnum.VARRAY, from.getVirtualArray()));
to.setProject(toRelatedResource(ResourceTypeEnum.PROJECT, from.getProject().getURI()));
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(from.getStorageController())) {
to.setStorageController(toRelatedResource(ResourceTypeEnum.STORAGE_SYSTEM, from.getStorageController()));
// Default snapshot session support to false
if (dbClient != null && from.getSystemConsistencyGroups() != null) {
for (String systemId : from.getSystemConsistencyGroups().keySet()) {
StorageSystem system = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, URI.create(systemId));
if (system != null && system.checkIfVmax3()) {
try {
if (from.getSystemConsistencyGroups() != null) {
to.setSystemConsistencyGroups(new StringSetMapAdapter().marshal(from.getSystemConsistencyGroups()));
if (!to.getSupportsSnapshotSessions()) {
// we can flag this as true.
if (dbClient != null && to.getSystemConsistencyGroups() != null) {
for (StringSetMapAdapter.Entry entry : to.getSystemConsistencyGroups()) {
String storageSystemId = entry.getKey();
if (storageSystemId != null) {
StorageSystem system = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, URI.create(storageSystemId));
if (system != null && system.checkIfVmax3()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// internally ignored
logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
if (from.getTypes() != null) {
if (dbClient != null) {
List<RelatedResourceRep> volumesResourceRep = new ArrayList<RelatedResourceRep>();
final URIQueryResultList cgVolumesResults = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(getVolumesByConsistencyGroup(from.getId()), cgVolumesResults);
Iterator<Volume> volumeIterator = dbClient.queryIterativeObjects(Volume.class, cgVolumesResults);
boolean first = true;
while (volumeIterator.hasNext()) {
// Get the first RP or SRDF volume. From this we are able to obtain the
// link status and protection set (RP) information for all volumes in the
// CG.
Volume volume =;
if (first) {
if (from.getTypes().contains(BlockConsistencyGroup.Types.RP.toString()) && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullNamedURI(volume.getProtectionSet())) {
// Get the protection set from the first volume and set the appropriate fields
ProtectionSet protectionSet = dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSet.class, volume.getProtectionSet());
} else if (from.getTypes().contains(BlockConsistencyGroup.Types.SRDF.toString())) {
// Operations cannot be performed individually on volumes within an SRDF CG, hence
// we can take any one of the volume's link status and update the CG link status.
// Only display CG volumes that are non-RP or RP source volumes. Exclude RP+VPlex backing volumes.
if ((!volume.checkForRp() && !RPHelper.isAssociatedToAnyRpVplexTypes(volume, dbClient)) || (volume.checkForRp() && {
volumesResourceRep.add(toRelatedResource(ResourceTypeEnum.VOLUME, volume.getId()));
first = false;
return to;