use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageProvider in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class HDSCommunicationInterface method scan.
public void scan(AccessProfile accessProfile) throws BaseCollectionException {"Scanning started for provider: {}", accessProfile.getSystemId());
StorageProvider provider = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageProvider.class, accessProfile.getSystemId());
boolean exceptionOccured = false;
try {
HDSApiClient hdsApiClient = hdsApiFactory.getClient(HDSUtils.getHDSServerManagementServerInfo(accessProfile), accessProfile.getUserName(), accessProfile.getPassword());
String apiVersion = hdsApiClient.getProviderAPIVersion();"Provider {} API Version:{}", provider.getLabel(), apiVersion);
String minimumSupportedVersion = ControllerUtils.getPropertyValueFromCoordinator(_coordinator, CONTROLLER_HICOMMAND_PROVIDER_VERSION);
if (VersionChecker.verifyVersionDetails(minimumSupportedVersion, apiVersion) < 0) {
throw new HDSCollectionException(String.format(" ** The HiCommand Device Manager API version is not supported. Minimum supported version should be: %s", minimumSupportedVersion));
List<StorageArray> storageArrayList = hdsApiClient.getStorageSystemsInfo();
if (null != storageArrayList && !storageArrayList.isEmpty()) {
_logger.debug("Received proper response from HiCommand server");
processScanResponse(storageArrayList, accessProfile);
} else {"No Systems found during scanning of provider: {}", provider.getId());
} catch (Exception ex) {
exceptionOccured = true;
_logger.error("Exception occurred while scanning provider {}", accessProfile.getSystemId(), ex);
throw HDSException.exceptions.scanFailed(ex);
} finally {
if (exceptionOccured) {
} else {
}"Scanning ended for provider: {}", accessProfile.getSystemId());
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageProvider in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ScaleIOHandleFactory method getClientHandle.
public ScaleIORestClient getClientHandle(StorageSystem storageSystem) throws Exception {
ScaleIORestClient handle = null;
synchronized (syncObject) {
URI activeProviderURI = storageSystem.getActiveProviderURI();
if (NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(activeProviderURI)) {
throw ScaleIOException.exceptions.noActiveStorageProvider(storageSystem.getNativeGuid());
StorageProvider provider = dbClient.queryObject(StorageProvider.class, activeProviderURI);
if (provider == null) {
throw ScaleIOException.exceptions.noActiveStorageProvider(storageSystem.getNativeGuid());
String providerId = provider.getProviderID();
handle = ScaleIORestClientMap.get(providerId);
handle = getHandle(handle, provider);
return handle;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageProvider in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ScaleIOStorageDevice method refreshConnectionStatusForAllSIOProviders.
* Refresh connection status for all ScaleIO providers.
* @return A list of providers whose connections were successful.
public List<URI> refreshConnectionStatusForAllSIOProviders() {"Refreshing connection statuses for ScaleIO providers");
List<URI> activeProviders = Lists.newArrayList();
List<StorageProvider> providers = CustomQueryUtility.getActiveStorageProvidersByInterfaceType(dbClient,;
for (StorageProvider provider : providers) {
try {
// Flag for success/failure
boolean success = false;
// Prepare to try secondary IPs if necessary
StringSet secondaryIps = provider.getSecondaryIps();
Iterator<String> iterator = secondaryIps.iterator();
// Cache the current IP address
String currentIPAddress = provider.getIPAddress();
String nextIp = null;
do {
try {
ScaleIORestClient handle = scaleIOHandleFactory.using(dbClient).getClientHandle(provider);
// Ignore the result on success, otherwise catch the exception
handle.getSystem();"Successfully connected to ScaleIO MDM {}: {}", provider.getIPAddress(), provider.getId());
success = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(String.format("Failed to connect to ScaleIO MDM %s: %s", provider.getIPAddress(), provider.getId()), e);
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
nextIp =;"Attempting connection to potential new Primary MDM {}: {}", nextIp, provider.getId());
} else {
log.warn("Exhausted list of secondary IPs for ScaleIO provider: {}", provider.getId());
nextIp = null;
} while (// while we have more IPs to try
nextIp != null);
if (success) {
// Update secondary IP addresses if we switched over
if (!provider.getIPAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(currentIPAddress)) {
StringSet newSecondaryIps = new StringSet();
// Copy old secondary list
// Remove the new primary IP
// Add the old primary IP
// TODO Improve how we update the StringSet based on infra team suggestions
} else {
} finally {
return activeProviders;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageProvider in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class CIMConnectionFactory method refreshConnections.
* Refresh the SMISProvider connections. This will be called after loading
* the SMIS Provider information from DB.
* @param smisproviderList
* : List of SMISProvider.
* @return List<URI> : returns the list of active provider URIs.
public List<URI> refreshConnections(final List<StorageProvider> smisProviderList) {
_log.debug("In refreshConnections()");
List<URI> activeProviderURIList = new ArrayList<URI>();
for (StorageProvider smisProvider : smisProviderList) {
try {
CimConnection connection = getConnection(smisProvider.getIPAddress(), smisProvider.getPortNumber().toString());
if (null == connection) {
_log.error("No CIMOM connection found for ip/port {}", ConnectionManager.generateConnectionCacheKey(smisProvider.getIPAddress(), smisProvider.getPortNumber()));
// No need to add connection, as getConnection() called from any thread would create it.
validateProviderConnection(smisProvider, connection, activeProviderURIList);
} catch (final DatabaseException ex) {
_log.error("DatabaseException occurred while fetching the storageDevice for {} due to ", smisProvider.getId(), ex);
} catch (final ConnectionManagerException ex) {
_log.error("No CIMOM Connection found for ipaddress due to ", ex);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
_log.error("Exception while refreshing connections due to ", ex);
return activeProviderURIList;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageProvider in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VPlexPerpetualCSVFileCollector method collect.
public void collect(AccessProfile accessProfile, Map<String, Object> context) {
DbClient dbClient = (DbClient) context.get(Constants.dbClient);
// Get which VPlex array that this applies to
URI storageSystemURI = accessProfile.getSystemId();
StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storageSystemURI);
if (storageSystem == null) {
log.error("Could not find StorageSystem '{}' in DB", storageSystemURI);
StringSet providerIds = storageSystem.getProviders();
for (String providerId : providerIds) {
StorageProvider provider = dbClient.queryObject(StorageProvider.class, URI.create(providerId));
LinuxSystemCLI cli = new LinuxSystemCLI(provider.getIPAddress(), provider.getUserName(), provider.getPassword());
ListVPlexPerpetualCSVFileNames listDataFileNamesCmd = new ListVPlexPerpetualCSVFileNames();
// Process each of the data files that we found on the VPlex management station
List<String> fileNames = listDataFileNamesCmd.getResults();
for (String fileName : fileNames) {"Processing VPLEX performance statistics file {}", fileName);
// Extract and hold the data for this data file
ReadAndParseVPlexPerpetualCSVFile readDataFile = new ReadAndParseVPlexPerpetualCSVFile(fileName);
VPlexPerpetualCSVFileData fileData = readDataFile.getResults();
// Read the headers and extract those metric names that we're interested in and to which
// DataObject (StorageHADomain or StoragePort) that it should be associated with. This
// will be used as a way to look up the object when processing the actual metric data
Map<String, MetricHeaderInfo> metricNamesToHeaderInfo = processCSVFileDataHeader(dbClient, storageSystem, fileData.getDirectorName(), fileData.getHeaders());
List<Map<String, String>> dataLines = fileData.getDataLines();
int lineCount = dataLines.size();
// There is at least one data point
if (lineCount > 1) {
// Determine the last time that metrics were collected.
Long lastCollectionTimeUTC = getLastCollectionTime(metricNamesToHeaderInfo);
// Try to find the index into dataLines based on the last collection time.
// What we're trying to do here is determine the maximum value for the metrics
// from the last collection time in ViPR, until the last data line in the file.
int start = fileData.getDataIndexForTime(lastCollectionTimeUTC);
// Have a mapping of metrics to their maximum value found in the dataLines
Map<String, Double> maxValues = findMaxMetricValues(dataLines, start, lineCount);
// Process the metrics for this file
Map<String, String> last = dataLines.get(lineCount - 1);
processDirectorStats(metricNamesToHeaderInfo, maxValues, last);
processPortStats(context, metricNamesToHeaderInfo, maxValues, last);
// Clean up fileData resources
// Clean out the cache data, so that it's not laying around