use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UnManagedDiscoveredObjects.UnManagedConsistencyGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ExternalDeviceUnManagedVolumeDiscoverer method addObjectToUnManagedConsistencyGroup.
* Add storage object to unManaged consistency group.
* Sets consistency group related attributes in the object and adds object to the list of unManaged
* objects in the unManaged consistency group instance.
* @param storageSystem storage system of the object [IN]
* @param cgNativeId native id of umanaged consistency group [IN]
* @param unManagedVolume unManaged object [IN/OUT] unmanaged obect (volume/snap/clone) with CG information
* @param allCurrentUnManagedCgURIs set of unManaged CG uris found in the current discovery [OUT]
* @param unManagedCGToUpdateMap map of unManaged CG GUID to unManaged CG instance [IN/OUT]
* @param driver storage driver [IN]
* @param dbClient reference to db client [IN]
* @throws Exception
private void addObjectToUnManagedConsistencyGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem storageSystem, String cgNativeId, UnManagedVolume unManagedVolume, Set<URI> allCurrentUnManagedCgURIs, Map<String, UnManagedConsistencyGroup> unManagedCGToUpdateMap, BlockStorageDriver driver, DbClient dbClient) throws Exception {"UnManaged storage object {} belongs to consistency group {} on the array", unManagedVolume.getLabel(), cgNativeId);
// determine the native guid for the unManaged CG
String unManagedCGNativeGuid = NativeGUIDGenerator.generateNativeGuidForCG(storageSystem.getNativeGuid(), cgNativeId);"UnManaged consistency group has nativeGuid {} ", unManagedCGNativeGuid);
// determine if the unManaged CG already exists in the unManagedCGToUpdateMap or in the database
// if the the unManaged CG is not in either, create a new one
UnManagedConsistencyGroup unManagedCG = null;
if (unManagedCGToUpdateMap.containsKey(unManagedCGNativeGuid)) {
unManagedCG = unManagedCGToUpdateMap.get(unManagedCGNativeGuid);"UnManaged consistency group {} was previously added to the unManagedCGToUpdateMap", unManagedCG.getNativeGuid());
} else {
unManagedCG = DiscoveryUtils.checkUnManagedCGExistsInDB(dbClient, unManagedCGNativeGuid);
if (null == unManagedCG) {
// unManaged CG does not exist in the database, create it
VolumeConsistencyGroup driverCG = driver.getStorageObject(storageSystem.getNativeId(), cgNativeId, VolumeConsistencyGroup.class);
if (driverCG != null) {
unManagedCG = createUnManagedCG(driverCG, storageSystem, dbClient);"Created unManaged consistency group: {} with nativeGuid {}", unManagedCG.getId().toString(), unManagedCG.getNativeGuid());
} else {
String msg = String.format("Driver VolumeConsistencyGroup with native id %s does not exist on storage system %s", cgNativeId, storageSystem.getNativeId());
throw new Exception(msg);
} else {"UnManaged consistency group {} was previously added to the database (by previous unManaged discovery).", unManagedCG.getNativeGuid());
// clean out the list of unManaged objects if this unManaged cg was already
// in the database and its first time being used in this discovery operation
// the list should be re-populated by the current discovery operation"Cleaning out unManaged object map from unManaged consistency group: {}", unManagedCG.getNativeGuid());
}"Adding unManaged storage object {} to unManaged consistency group {}", unManagedVolume.getLabel(), unManagedCG.getNativeGuid());
// Update the unManagedVolume object with CG information
unManagedVolume.getVolumeCharacterstics().put(UnManagedVolume.SupportedVolumeCharacterstics.IS_VOLUME_ADDED_TO_CONSISTENCYGROUP.toString(), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
// set the uri of the unManaged CG in the unManaged volume object
unManagedVolume.getVolumeInformation().put(UnManagedVolume.SupportedVolumeInformation.UNMANAGED_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_URI.toString(), unManagedCG.getId().toString());
// add the unManaged volume object to the unManaged CG
unManagedCG.getUnManagedVolumesMap().put(unManagedVolume.getNativeGuid(), unManagedVolume.getId().toString());
// add the unManaged CG to the map of unManaged CGs to be updated in the database once all volumes have been processed
unManagedCGToUpdateMap.put(unManagedCGNativeGuid, unManagedCG);
// add the unManaged CG to the current set of CGs being discovered on the array. This is for book keeping later.
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UnManagedDiscoveredObjects.UnManagedConsistencyGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ExternalDeviceUnManagedVolumeDiscoverer method createUnManagedCG.
* Create unManaged CG for a given driver CG.
* @param driverCG reference to native CG
* @param storageSystem storage system
* @param dbClient reference to db client [IN]
* @return umanaged CG
private UnManagedConsistencyGroup createUnManagedCG(VolumeConsistencyGroup driverCG, com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem storageSystem, DbClient dbClient) {
UnManagedConsistencyGroup unManagedCG = new UnManagedConsistencyGroup();
String unManagedCGNativeGuid = NativeGUIDGenerator.generateNativeGuidForCG(storageSystem.getNativeGuid(), driverCG.getNativeId());
return unManagedCG;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UnManagedDiscoveredObjects.UnManagedConsistencyGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class DiscoveryUtils method checkUnManagedCGExistsInDB.
* Determines if the UnManagedConsistencyGroup object exists in the database
* @param nativeGuid - native Guid for the unmanaged consistency group
* @param dbClient - database client
* @return unmanagedCG - null if it does not exist in the database, otherwise it returns the
* UnManagedConsistencyGroup object from the database
* @throws IOException
public static UnManagedConsistencyGroup checkUnManagedCGExistsInDB(DbClient dbClient, String nativeGuid) {
UnManagedConsistencyGroup unmanagedCG = null;
URIQueryResultList unManagedCGList = new URIQueryResultList();
dbClient.queryByConstraint(AlternateIdConstraint.Factory.getCGInfoNativeIdConstraint(nativeGuid), unManagedCGList);
if (unManagedCGList.iterator().hasNext()) {
URI unManagedCGURI = unManagedCGList.iterator().next();
unmanagedCG = dbClient.queryObject(UnManagedConsistencyGroup.class, unManagedCGURI);
return unmanagedCG;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UnManagedDiscoveredObjects.UnManagedConsistencyGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VNXUnityUnManagedObjectDiscoverer method addObjectToUnManagedConsistencyGroup.
* Adds the passed in unmanaged volume to an unmanaged consistency group object
* @param apiClient
* - connection to Unity REST interface
* @param unManagedVolume
* - unmanaged volume associated with a consistency group
* @param cgNameToProcess
* - consistency group being processed
* @param storageSystem
* - storage system the objects are on
* @param dbClient
* - dbclient
* @throws Exception
private void addObjectToUnManagedConsistencyGroup(VNXeApiClient apiClient, UnManagedVolume unManagedVolume, String cgNameToProcess, StorageSystem storageSystem, DbClient dbClient) throws Exception {"Unmanaged volume {} belongs to consistency group {} on the array", unManagedVolume.getLabel(), cgNameToProcess);
// Update the unManagedVolume object with CG information
unManagedVolume.getVolumeCharacterstics().put(SupportedVolumeCharacterstics.IS_VOLUME_ADDED_TO_CONSISTENCYGROUP.toString(), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
String unManagedCGNativeGuid = NativeGUIDGenerator.generateNativeGuidForCG(storageSystem.getNativeGuid(), cgNameToProcess);
// determine if the unmanaged CG already exists in the unManagedCGToUpdateMap or in the database
// if the the unmanaged CG is not in either create a new one
UnManagedConsistencyGroup unManagedCG = null;
if (unManagedCGToUpdateMap.containsKey(unManagedCGNativeGuid)) {
unManagedCG = unManagedCGToUpdateMap.get(unManagedCGNativeGuid);"Unmanaged consistency group {} was previously added to the unManagedCGToUpdateMap", unManagedCG.getLabel());
} else {
unManagedCG = DiscoveryUtils.checkUnManagedCGExistsInDB(dbClient, unManagedCGNativeGuid);
if (null == unManagedCG) {
// unmanaged CG does not exist in the database, create it
StorageResource res = apiClient.getStorageResource(cgNameToProcess);
unManagedCG = createUnManagedCG(unManagedCGNativeGuid, res, storageSystem.getId(), dbClient);"Created unmanaged consistency group: {}", unManagedCG.getId().toString());
} else {"Unmanaged consistency group {} was previously added to the database", unManagedCG.getLabel());
// clean out the list of unmanaged volumes if this unmanaged cg was already
// in the database and its first time being used in this discovery operation
// the list should be re-populated by the current discovery operation"Cleaning out unmanaged volume map from unmanaged consistency group: {}", unManagedCG.getLabel());
}"Adding unmanaged volume {} to unmanaged consistency group {}", unManagedVolume.getLabel(), unManagedCG.getLabel());
// set the uri of the unmanaged CG in the unmanaged volume object
unManagedVolume.getVolumeInformation().put(SupportedVolumeInformation.UNMANAGED_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_URI.toString(), unManagedCG.getId().toString());
// add the unmanaged volume object to the unmanaged CG
unManagedCG.getUnManagedVolumesMap().put(unManagedVolume.getNativeGuid(), unManagedVolume.getId().toString());
// add the unmanaged CG to the map of unmanaged CGs to be updated in the database once all volumes have been
// processed
unManagedCGToUpdateMap.put(unManagedCGNativeGuid, unManagedCG);
// add the unmanaged CG to the current set of CGs being discovered on the array. This is for book keeping later.
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UnManagedDiscoveredObjects.UnManagedConsistencyGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XtremIOUnManagedVolumeDiscoverer method discoverUnManagedObjects.
public void discoverUnManagedObjects(AccessProfile accessProfile, DbClient dbClient, PartitionManager partitionManager) throws Exception {"Started discovery of UnManagedVolumes for system {}", accessProfile.getSystemId());
StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, accessProfile.getSystemId());
XtremIOClient xtremIOClient = XtremIOProvUtils.getXtremIOClient(dbClient, storageSystem, xtremioRestClientFactory);
unManagedVolumesToCreate = new ArrayList<UnManagedVolume>();
unManagedVolumesToUpdate = new ArrayList<UnManagedVolume>();
unManagedCGToUpdateMap = new HashMap<String, UnManagedConsistencyGroup>();
// get the storage pool associated with the xtremio system
StoragePool storagePool = XtremIOProvUtils.getXtremIOStoragePool(storageSystem.getId(), dbClient);
if (storagePool == null) {
log.error("Skipping unmanaged volume discovery as the volume storage pool doesn't exist in ViPR");
Map<String, List<UnManagedVolume>> igUnmanagedVolumesMap = new HashMap<String, List<UnManagedVolume>>();
Map<String, StringSet> igKnownVolumesMap = new HashMap<String, StringSet>();
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> volumeIGHLUMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>();
String xioClusterName = xtremIOClient.getClusterDetails(storageSystem.getSerialNumber()).getName();
// get the xtremio volume links and process them in batches
List<XtremIOObjectInfo> volLinks = xtremIOClient.getXtremIOVolumeLinks(xioClusterName);
// Get the volume details
List<List<XtremIOObjectInfo>> volume_partitions = Lists.partition(volLinks, Constants.DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE);
// Set containing cgs that cannot be ingested, for now that
// means they contain volumes which belong to more than one cg
unSupportedCG = new HashSet<String>();
for (List<XtremIOObjectInfo> partition : volume_partitions) {
List<XtremIOVolume> volumes = xtremIOClient.getXtremIOVolumesForLinks(partition, xioClusterName);
for (XtremIOVolume volume : volumes) {
try {
// volumes later
if (volume.getAncestoVolInfo() != null && !volume.getAncestoVolInfo().isEmpty()) {
log.debug("Skipping volume {} as it is a snap", volume.getVolInfo().get(0));
// check if cgs are null before trying to access, older versions of
// the XtremIO REST client do not return cgs as part of volume response
// flag indicating the volume is part of a cg
boolean hasCGs = false;
if (volume.getConsistencyGroups() != null && !volume.getConsistencyGroups().isEmpty()) {
hasCGs = true;
if (volume.getConsistencyGroups().size() > 1) {
// volumes that belong to multiple CGs are not supported in ViPR
log.warn("Skipping volume {} as it belongs to multiple CGs and this is not supported", volume.getVolInfo().get(0));
// add all the CGs that this volume belongs to to the list that are unsupported for ingestion
for (List<Object> cg : volume.getConsistencyGroups()) {
Object cgNameToProcess = cg.get(1);
log.warn("Skipping CG {} as it contains volumes belonging to multiple CGs and this is not supported", cgNameToProcess.toString());
UnManagedVolume unManagedVolume = null;
boolean isExported = !volume.getLunMaps().isEmpty();
boolean hasSnaps = !volume.getSnaps().isEmpty();
String managedVolumeNativeGuid = NativeGUIDGenerator.generateNativeGuidForVolumeOrBlockSnapShot(storageSystem.getNativeGuid(), volume.getVolInfo().get(0));
Volume viprVolume = DiscoveryUtils.checkStorageVolumeExistsInDB(dbClient, managedVolumeNativeGuid);
if (null != viprVolume) {"Skipping volume {} as it is already managed by ViPR", managedVolumeNativeGuid);
// export masks.
if (isExported) {
populateKnownVolsMap(volume, viprVolume, igKnownVolumesMap);
// retrieve snap info to be processed later
if (hasSnaps) {
StringSet vpoolUriSet = new StringSet();
discoverVolumeSnaps(storageSystem, volume.getSnaps(), viprVolume.getNativeGuid(), vpoolUriSet, xtremIOClient, xioClusterName, dbClient, igUnmanagedVolumesMap, igKnownVolumesMap);
String unManagedVolumeNatvieGuid = NativeGUIDGenerator.generateNativeGuidForPreExistingVolume(storageSystem.getNativeGuid(), volume.getVolInfo().get(0));
// retrieve snap info to be processed later
unManagedVolume = DiscoveryUtils.checkUnManagedVolumeExistsInDB(dbClient, unManagedVolumeNatvieGuid);
unManagedVolume = createUnManagedVolume(unManagedVolume, unManagedVolumeNatvieGuid, volume, igUnmanagedVolumesMap, storageSystem, storagePool, dbClient);
// if the volume is associated with a CG, set up the unmanaged CG
if (hasCGs) {
for (List<Object> cg : volume.getConsistencyGroups()) {
// retrieve what should be the first and only consistency group from the list
// volumes belonging to multiple cgs are not supported and were excluded above
Object cgNameToProcess = cg.get(1);
addObjectToUnManagedConsistencyGroup(xtremIOClient, unManagedVolume, cgNameToProcess.toString(), storageSystem, xioClusterName, dbClient);
} else {
// Make sure the unManagedVolume object does not contain CG information from previous discovery
unManagedVolume.getVolumeCharacterstics().put(SupportedVolumeCharacterstics.IS_VOLUME_ADDED_TO_CONSISTENCYGROUP.toString(), Boolean.FALSE.toString());
// set the uri of the unmanaged CG in the unmanaged volume object to empty
unManagedVolume.getVolumeInformation().put(SupportedVolumeInformation.UNMANAGED_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_URI.toString(), "");
if (isExported) {
Map<String, Integer> igHLUMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (List<Object> lunMapEntries : volume.getLunMaps()) {
Double hlu = (Double) lunMapEntries.get(2);"Found HLU {}", hlu);
List<Object> igDetails = (List<Object>) lunMapEntries.get(0);
// key value IG-HLU
igHLUMap.put(igDetails.get(1).toString(), Integer.valueOf(hlu.intValue()));
if (!igHLUMap.isEmpty()) {
volumeIGHLUMap.put(unManagedVolumeNatvieGuid, igHLUMap);
boolean hasReplicas = false;
if (hasSnaps) {
StringSet parentMatchedVPools = unManagedVolume.getSupportedVpoolUris();
StringSet discoveredSnaps = discoverVolumeSnaps(storageSystem, volume.getSnaps(), unManagedVolumeNatvieGuid, parentMatchedVPools, xtremIOClient, xioClusterName, dbClient, igUnmanagedVolumesMap, igKnownVolumesMap);
if (!discoveredSnaps.isEmpty()) {
hasReplicas = true;
// set the HAS_REPLICAS property
unManagedVolume.getVolumeCharacterstics().put(SupportedVolumeCharacterstics.HAS_REPLICAS.toString(), TRUE);
StringSetMap unManagedVolumeInformation = unManagedVolume.getVolumeInformation();
if (unManagedVolumeInformation.containsKey(SupportedVolumeInformation.SNAPSHOTS.toString())) {
log.debug("Snaps :" + Joiner.on("\t").join(discoveredSnaps));
if (null != discoveredSnaps && discoveredSnaps.isEmpty()) {
// replace with empty string set doesn't work, hence added explicit code to remove all
} else {
// replace with new StringSet
unManagedVolumeInformation.get(SupportedVolumeInformation.SNAPSHOTS.toString()).replace(discoveredSnaps);"Replaced snaps :" + Joiner.on("\t").join(unManagedVolumeInformation.get(SupportedVolumeInformation.SNAPSHOTS.toString())));
} else {
unManagedVolumeInformation.put(SupportedVolumeInformation.SNAPSHOTS.toString(), discoveredSnaps);
if (!hasReplicas) {
unManagedVolume.getVolumeCharacterstics().put(SupportedVolumeCharacterstics.HAS_REPLICAS.toString(), FALSE);
StringSet snapshots = unManagedVolume.getVolumeInformation().get(SupportedVolumeInformation.SNAPSHOTS.toString());
if (snapshots != null && !snapshots.isEmpty()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error processing XIO volume {}", volume, ex);
if (!unManagedCGToUpdateMap.isEmpty()) {
unManagedCGToUpdate = new ArrayList<UnManagedConsistencyGroup>(unManagedCGToUpdateMap.values());
partitionManager.updateAndReIndexInBatches(unManagedCGToUpdate, unManagedCGToUpdate.size(), dbClient, UNMANAGED_CONSISTENCY_GROUP);
if (!unManagedVolumesToCreate.isEmpty()) {
partitionManager.insertInBatches(unManagedVolumesToCreate, Constants.DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE, dbClient, UNMANAGED_VOLUME);
if (!unManagedVolumesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
partitionManager.updateAndReIndexInBatches(unManagedVolumesToUpdate, Constants.DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE, dbClient, UNMANAGED_VOLUME);
// Process those active unmanaged volume objects available in database but not in newly discovered items, to mark them inactive.
DiscoveryUtils.markInActiveUnManagedVolumes(storageSystem, allCurrentUnManagedVolumeUris, dbClient, partitionManager);
// Process those active unmanaged consistency group objects available in database but not in newly discovered items, to mark them
// inactive.
DiscoveryUtils.performUnManagedConsistencyGroupsBookKeeping(storageSystem, allCurrentUnManagedCgURIs, dbClient, partitionManager);
// Next discover the unmanaged export masks
discoverUnmanagedExportMasks(storageSystem.getId(), igUnmanagedVolumesMap, igKnownVolumesMap, xtremIOClient, xioClusterName, dbClient, partitionManager, volumeIGHLUMap);