Search in sources :

Example 6 with VirtualArray

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class InternalVirtualArrayService method setDeviceRegistered.

 * Set device registered flag for varray
 * @param id the URN of a ViPR varray
 * @param value the device registered status
 * @return the updated virtual array info
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public VirtualArrayRestRep setDeviceRegistered(@PathParam("id") URI id, @QueryParam("value") boolean deviceRegistered) {
    VirtualArray varray = getVirtualArrayById(id, true);
    auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.SET_VARRAY_REGISTERED, true, null, id.toString(), varray.getLabel(), String.valueOf(deviceRegistered));
    return map(varray);
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray)

Example 7 with VirtualArray

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class InternalVirtualArrayService method getProtectionType.

 * Get protectionType attached with a virtual array
 * @param id the URN of a ViPR varray
 * @return the VirtualArrayInternalFlags
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public VirtualArrayInternalFlags getProtectionType(@PathParam("id") URI id) {
    String protectionType = "";
    VirtualArray varray = getVirtualArrayById(id, true);
    if (varray.getProtectionType() != null) {
        protectionType = varray.getProtectionType();
    VirtualArrayInternalFlags varrayInternalFlags = new VirtualArrayInternalFlags();
    auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.GET_VARRAY_PROTECTIONTYPE, true, null, id.toString(), varray.getLabel(), protectionType);
    return varrayInternalFlags;
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) VirtualArrayInternalFlags(com.emc.storageos.model.varray.VirtualArrayInternalFlags)

Example 8 with VirtualArray

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class InternalVirtualArrayService method getVirtualArrayById.

 * Get virtual array object from id
 * @param id the URN of a ViPR virtual array object
 * @return
private VirtualArray getVirtualArrayById(URI id, boolean checkInactive) {
    if (id == null) {
        return null;
    VirtualArray n = _permissionsHelper.getObjectById(id, VirtualArray.class);
    ArgValidator.checkEntity(n, id, isIdEmbeddedInURL(id), checkInactive);
    return n;
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray)

Example 9 with VirtualArray

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class InternalVirtualArrayService method getDeviceRegistered.

 * Get device registered status of a virtual array
 * @param id the URN of a ViPR varray
 * @return the VirtualArrayInternalFlags
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public VirtualArrayInternalFlags getDeviceRegistered(@PathParam("id") URI id) {
    VirtualArray varray = getVirtualArrayById(id, true);
    VirtualArrayInternalFlags varrayInternalFlags = new VirtualArrayInternalFlags();
    auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.GET_VARRAY_REGISTERED, true, null, id.toString(), varray.getLabel(), String.valueOf(varray.getDeviceRegistered()));
    return varrayInternalFlags;
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) VirtualArrayInternalFlags(com.emc.storageos.model.varray.VirtualArrayInternalFlags)

Example 10 with VirtualArray

use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RPBlockServiceApiImpl method prepareRpJournals.

 * Prepares all the journal volumes and populates the values into the sourceJournals and/or
 * the targetJournals map.
 * @param rpProtectionRec
 *            - The main rec object
 * @param project
 *            - The project
 * @param consistencyGroup
 *            - The CG
 * @param vpool
 *            - The vpool (potentially swapped)
 * @param originalVpool
 *            - The original vpool
 * @param param
 *            - Volume create param
 * @param numberOfVolumesInRequest
 *            - Number of volumes to create
 * @param newVolumeLabel
 *            - Label of volume
 * @param isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume
 *            - Flag for protected change vpool op
 * @param capabilities
 *            - Capabilities object
 * @param protectionSystemURI
 *            - Protection System being used
 * @param taskList
 *            - Task List
 * @param task
 *            - Task
 * @param descriptors
 *            - List of all descriptors to be added
 * @param volumeURIs
 *            - List to store all the volume URIs
 * @param volumeInfoBuffer
 *            - Buffer for volume info to be printed
 * @param sourceCopyName
 *            - Source Copy Name
 * @param standbySourceCopyName
 *            - Standby Copy Name
private void prepareRpJournals(RPProtectionRecommendation rpProtectionRec, Project project, BlockConsistencyGroup consistencyGroup, VirtualPool vpool, VirtualPool originalVpool, VolumeCreate param, Integer numberOfVolumesInRequest, String newVolumeLabel, boolean isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, URI protectionSystemURI, TaskList taskList, String task, List<VolumeDescriptor> descriptors, List<URI> volumeURIs, StringBuffer volumeInfoBuffer, String sourceCopyName, String standbySourceCopyName) throws Exception {
    Volume sourceJournal = null;
    Volume standbyJournal = null;
    // This boolean indicates that the operation is only for adding additional journals.
    // When adding additional journals, there is the option to add multiple new journals,
    // however, for all other creates we are either re-using an existing journal or
    // just creating a single journal.
    // i.e. the majority of the time we are only creating a single journal.
    boolean journalOnlyCreate = capabilities.getAddJournalCapacity();
    RPRecommendation sourceJournalRec = rpProtectionRec.getSourceJournalRecommendation();
    RPRecommendation standbyJournalRec = rpProtectionRec.getStandbyJournalRecommendation();
    // Only check for existing source journals if this is not a direct journal add operation.
    if (!journalOnlyCreate) {
        if (sourceJournalRec == null) {
  "Re-use existing Source Journal for copy [%s]", sourceCopyName));
            // If the CG contains volumes already and no new additional journals are provisioned,
            // then we simply update the reference on the source for the journal volume.
            List<Volume> existingSourceJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(_dbClient, consistencyGroup.getId(), sourceCopyName);
            sourceJournal = existingSourceJournals.get(0);
  "Existing Primary Source Journal: [%s] (%s)", sourceJournal.getLabel(), sourceJournal.getId()));
            if (VirtualPool.vPoolSpecifiesMetroPoint(vpool) && !isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume) {
      "Re-use existing Standby Journal for copy [%s]", standbySourceCopyName));
                List<Volume> existingStandbyJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(_dbClient, consistencyGroup.getId(), standbySourceCopyName);
                standbyJournal = existingStandbyJournals.get(0);
      "Existing Standby Source Journal: [%s] (%s)", standbyJournal.getLabel(), standbyJournal.getId()));
    // /////// ACTIVE SOURCE JOURNAL ///////////
    if (!isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume && (sourceJournal == null) && sourceJournalRec != null) {"Create Active Source Journal...");
        // varray is used to get unique journal volume names
        VirtualArray varray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, sourceJournalRec.getVirtualArray());
        // Number of journals to create
        int numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest = sourceJournalRec.getResourceCount();
        // Force resource count to 1 here because we're using numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest to create the
        // correct number of journal resources.
        for (int volumeCount = 0; volumeCount < numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest; volumeCount++) {
            // acquire a lock so it's possible to get a unique name for the volume
            String lockKey = new StringBuilder(consistencyGroup.getLabel()).append("-").append(varray.getLabel()).toString();
            InterProcessLockHolder lock = null;
            try {
      "Attempting to acquire lock: " + lockKey);
                lock = InterProcessLockHolder.acquire(_coordinator, lockKey, _log, LOCK_WAIT_MILLISECONDS);
                // get a unique journal volume name
                String journalName = RPHelper.createJournalVolumeName(varray, consistencyGroup, _dbClient);
                // Create source journal
                sourceJournal = createRecoverPointVolume(sourceJournalRec, journalName, project, capabilities, consistencyGroup, param, protectionSystemURI, Volume.PersonalityTypes.METADATA, JOURNAL_RSET, null, null, taskList, task, sourceCopyName, descriptors, null, false, false, true);
            } finally {
                if (lock != null) {
    // /////// STANDBY SOURCE JOURNAL ///////////
    if (standbyJournal == null && standbyJournalRec != null) {"Create Standby Source Journal...");
        // varray is used to get unique journal volume names
        VirtualArray varray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, standbyJournalRec.getVirtualArray());
        // Number of journals to create
        int numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest = standbyJournalRec.getResourceCount();
        // Force resource count to 1 here because we're using numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest to create the
        // correct number of journal resources.
        for (int volumeCount = 0; volumeCount < numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest; volumeCount++) {
            // acquire a lock so it's possible to get a unique name for the volume
            String lockKey = new StringBuilder(consistencyGroup.getLabel()).append("-").append(varray.getLabel()).toString();
            InterProcessLockHolder lock = null;
            try {
      "Attempting to acquire lock: " + lockKey);
                lock = InterProcessLockHolder.acquire(_coordinator, lockKey, _log, LOCK_WAIT_MILLISECONDS);
                // get a unique journal volume name
                String journalName = RPHelper.createJournalVolumeName(varray, consistencyGroup, _dbClient);
                // If MetroPoint is enabled we need to create the standby journal volume
                standbyJournal = createRecoverPointVolume(standbyJournalRec, journalName, project, capabilities, consistencyGroup, param, protectionSystemURI, Volume.PersonalityTypes.METADATA, JOURNAL_RSET, null, null, taskList, task, standbySourceCopyName, descriptors, null, false, false, true);
            } finally {
                if (lock != null) {
    // /////// TARGET JOURNAL(s) ///////////
    if (!isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume && rpProtectionRec.getTargetJournalRecommendations() != null && !rpProtectionRec.getTargetJournalRecommendations().isEmpty()) {
        for (RPRecommendation targetJournalRec : rpProtectionRec.getTargetJournalRecommendations()) {
            VirtualArray targetJournalVarray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, targetJournalRec.getVirtualArray());
            // This is the varray for the target we're associating the journal too. It could be the case
            // that it is the same as the target journal varray set, or the user could have chosen a different
            // varray for their target journal in which case we do need to find which target/copy this journal will
            // be associated to in the RP CG.
            // Ex:
            // Target varray1
            // Target journal varray6
            // The target journal is varray6, however we are adding the journal to the target copy based on the protection
            // settings defined for varray1.
            VirtualArray targetCopyVarray = getProtectionVarray(rpProtectionRec, targetJournalRec.getInternalSiteName());
            if (targetCopyVarray == null) {
                targetCopyVarray = targetJournalVarray;
  "Create Target Journal (%s)...", targetJournalVarray.getLabel()));
            // Number of journals to create
            int numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest = targetJournalRec.getResourceCount();
            // Force resource count to 1 here because we're using numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest to create the
            // correct number of journal resources.
            for (int volumeCount = 0; volumeCount < numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest; volumeCount++) {
                // acquire a lock so it's possible to get a unique name for the volume
                String lockKey = new StringBuilder(consistencyGroup.getLabel()).append("-").append(targetCopyVarray.getLabel()).toString();
                InterProcessLockHolder lock = null;
                try {
          "Attempting to acquire lock: " + lockKey);
                    lock = InterProcessLockHolder.acquire(_coordinator, lockKey, _log, LOCK_WAIT_MILLISECONDS);
                    // get a unique journal volume name
                    String journalName = RPHelper.createJournalVolumeName(targetCopyVarray, consistencyGroup, _dbClient);
                    // Create target journal
                    Volume targetJournalVolume = createRecoverPointVolume(targetJournalRec, journalName, project, capabilities, consistencyGroup, param, protectionSystemURI, Volume.PersonalityTypes.METADATA, JOURNAL_RSET, null, null, taskList, task, targetJournalRec.getRpCopyName(), descriptors, null, false, false, false);
                } finally {
                    if (lock != null) {
    } else {"Re-use existing Target journals.");
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) InterProcessLockHolder(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.client.service.InterProcessLockHolder) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint)


VirtualArray (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray)183 URI ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)91 VirtualPool (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool)84 Project (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project)53 NamedURI (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI)52 StorageSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)52 StringSet (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet)50 Volume (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume)46 VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper)44 List (java.util.List)44 StoragePool (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool)43 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)38 StringMap (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringMap)37 Recommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation)37 RPRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation)31 RPProtectionRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation)30 BlockConsistencyGroup (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup)29 Network (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Network)27 VPlexRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation)27