use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.WorkflowStep in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class WorkflowTest method test08_one_wf_three_steps_method_suspend_first_step_resume_task_verification.
public /**
* This test sets a class and method to suspend, makes sure it suspends, and continues it.
* The result should be a fully successful workflow.
void test08_one_wf_three_steps_method_suspend_first_step_resume_task_verification() {
// Expected results for this test case
final String[] testaSuccessSteps = {};
final String[] testaErrorSteps = {};
final String[] testaCancelledSteps = { "L0S3 sub", "L0S2 sub" };
final String[] testaSuspendedSteps = { "L0S1 sub" };
final String[] testbSuccessSteps = { "L0S1 sub", "L0S2 sub", "L0S3 sub" };
final String[] testbErrorSteps = {};
final String[] testbCancelledSteps = {};
final String[] testbSuspendedSteps = {};
final String testname = new Object() {
printLog(testname + " started");
sleepMillis = SLEEP_MILLIS;
// We're not allowed to (and probably shouldn't) change system properties in the unit tester.
// So we can override the class/method directly in the Workflow Service.
workflowService.setSuspendClassMethodTestOnly(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".deepfirstnop");
String taskId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String[] args = new String[1];
args[0] = taskId;
taskStatusMap.put(taskId, WorkflowState.CREATED);
Workflow workflow = workflowService.getNewWorkflow(this, "generate3StepWF", false, taskId);
WorkflowTaskCompleter completer = new WorkflowTaskCompleter(workflow.getWorkflowURI(), taskId);
// first step
String lastStep = workflow.createStep("first deep", genMsg(0, 1, "sub"), null, nullURI, this.getClass().getName(), false, this.getClass(), deepfirstnopMethod(0, 1), deepfirstnopMethod(0, 1), false, null);
// second step
lastStep = workflow.createStep("second", genMsg(0, 2, "sub"), lastStep, nullURI, this.getClass().getName(), false, this.getClass(), subMethod(0, 1, 2), nopMethod(0, 2), false, null);
// third step
lastStep = workflow.createStep("third deep", genMsg(0, 3, "sub"), lastStep, nullURI, this.getClass().getName(), false, this.getClass(), deeplastnopMethod(0, 3), deeplastnopMethod(0, 3), false, null);
Operation op = dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI(), taskId, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.CREATE_BLOCK_VOLUME);
// Execute and go
workflow.executePlan(completer, String.format("Workflow level %d successful", 0), new WorkflowCallback(), args, null, null);
// Generate a three step workflow.
com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow dbWF = dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
dbWF.getOpStatus().put(taskId, op);
Task wfTask = toTask(dbWF, taskId, op);
// Gather the steps from the DB and wait for the workflow to hit a known "stopped" state
Map<String, WorkflowStep> stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
WorkflowState state = waitOnWorkflowComplete(taskId);
printLog("Workflow state after suspend: " + state);
assertTrue(state == WorkflowState.SUSPENDED_NO_ERROR);
stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
validateStepStates(stepMap, testaSuccessSteps, testaErrorSteps, testaCancelledSteps, testaSuspendedSteps);
wfTask = dbClient.queryObject(Task.class, wfTask.getId());
// Verify the completion state was filled in
dbWF = dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
assertEquals(String.format("Workflow completion state found: " + dbWF.getCompletionState()), dbWF.getCompletionState(), "SUSPENDED_NO_ERROR");
taskStatusMap.put(taskId, WorkflowState.CREATED);
workflowService.resumeWorkflow(workflow.getWorkflowURI(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
state = waitOnWorkflowComplete(taskId);
printLog("Workflow state after resume: " + state);
assertTrue(state == WorkflowState.SUCCESS);
stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
validateStepStates(stepMap, testbSuccessSteps, testbErrorSteps, testbCancelledSteps, testbSuspendedSteps);
wfTask = dbClient.queryObject(Task.class, wfTask.getId());
// Verify the completion state was filled in
dbWF = dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
assertEquals(String.format("Workflow completion state found: " + dbWF.getCompletionState()), dbWF.getCompletionState(), "SUCCESS");
sleepMillis = 0;
printLog(testname + " completed");
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.WorkflowStep in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class WorkflowTest method readWorkflowFromDb.
* Reads a workflow from the database. Called recursively for sub-workflows.
* @param orchTaskId
* -- the Orchestration task id.
* @return A map from step description to WorkflowStep entry
private Map<String, WorkflowStep> readWorkflowFromDb(String orchTaskId) {
Map<String, WorkflowStep> msgToStep = new HashMap<String, WorkflowStep>();
Joiner j = new Joiner(dbClient);
List<WorkflowStep> steps = j.join(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, "wf").match("orchTaskId", orchTaskId).join("wf", WorkflowStep.class, "step", "workflow").go().list("step");
for (WorkflowStep step : steps) {
msgToStep.put(step.getDescription(), step);
System.out.println(String.format("Step %s: status: %s message: %s", step.getDescription(), step.getState(), step.getMessage()));
// Check for sub-workflow.
Map<String, WorkflowStep> subWorkflowMap = readWorkflowFromDb(step.getStepId());
return msgToStep;
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.WorkflowStep in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class WorkflowTest method test10_two_wf_three_steps_method_suspend_last_step_resume_task_verification.
public /**
* This test creates a two layer workflow where a step in the inner WF gets suspended. Verify the top-level task.
* The result should be a fully successful workflow.
void test10_two_wf_three_steps_method_suspend_last_step_resume_task_verification() {
// Expected results for this test case
final String[] testaSuccessSteps = { "L0S1 sub", "L1S1 sub", "L1S2 sub" };
final String[] testaErrorSteps = {};
final String[] testaCancelledSteps = { "L0S3 sub" };
final String[] testaSuspendedSteps = { "L0S2 sub", "L1S3 sub" };
final String[] testbSuccessSteps = { "L0S1 sub", "L0S2 sub", "L0S3 sub", "L1S1 sub", "L1S2 sub", "L1S3 sub" };
final String[] testbErrorSteps = {};
final String[] testbCancelledSteps = {};
final String[] testbSuspendedSteps = {};
final String testname = new Object() {
printLog(testname + " started");
sleepMillis = SLEEP_MILLIS;
// We're not allowed to (and probably shouldn't) change system properties in the unit tester.
// So we can override the class/method directly in the Workflow Service.
workflowService.setSuspendClassMethodTestOnly(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".deeplastnop");
String taskId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Generate a three step workflow.
Workflow workflow = generate3StepWF(0, 2, taskId);
// NOTE: Creating the Task object AFTER executing the workflow may lead to odd Task results.
Operation op = dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI(), taskId, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.CREATE_BLOCK_VOLUME);
com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow dbWF = dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
dbWF.getOpStatus().put(taskId, op);
Task wfTask = toTask(dbWF, taskId, op);
// Gather the steps from the DB and wait for the workflow to hit a known "stopped" state
Map<String, WorkflowStep> stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
WorkflowState state = waitOnWorkflowComplete(taskId);
printLog("Workflow state after suspend: " + state);
assertTrue(state == WorkflowState.SUSPENDED_NO_ERROR);
stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
validateStepStates(stepMap, testaSuccessSteps, testaErrorSteps, testaCancelledSteps, testaSuspendedSteps);
wfTask = dbClient.queryObject(Task.class, wfTask.getId());
// Verify the completion state was filled in
dbWF = dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
assertEquals(String.format("Workflow completion state found: " + dbWF.getCompletionState()), dbWF.getCompletionState(), "SUSPENDED_NO_ERROR");
taskStatusMap.put(taskId, WorkflowState.CREATED);
workflowService.resumeWorkflow(workflow.getWorkflowURI(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
state = waitOnWorkflowComplete(taskId);
printLog("Workflow state after resume: " + state);
assertTrue(state == WorkflowState.SUCCESS);
stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
validateStepStates(stepMap, testbSuccessSteps, testbErrorSteps, testbCancelledSteps, testbSuspendedSteps);
wfTask = dbClient.queryObject(Task.class, wfTask.getId());
// Verify the completion state was filled in
dbWF = dbClient.queryObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Workflow.class, workflow.getWorkflowURI());
assertEquals(String.format("Workflow completion state found: " + dbWF.getCompletionState()), dbWF.getCompletionState(), "SUCCESS");
sleepMillis = 0;
printLog(testname + " completed");
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.WorkflowStep in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class WorkflowTest method test14_one_wf_three_steps_error_on_step_3_rollback.
public /**
* This test will perform a simple workflow that fails on the last step, and is asked to rollback.
* The rollback step will fail, causing the other rollback steps to be cancelled.
void test14_one_wf_three_steps_error_on_step_3_rollback() {
// Expected results for this test case
final String[] testaSuccessSteps = { "L0S1 sub", "L0S2 sub" };
final String[] testaErrorSteps = {};
final String[] testaCancelledSteps = {};
final String[] testaSuspendedSteps = { "L0S3 sub" };
final String[] testbSuccessSteps = { "L0S1 sub", "L0S2 sub" };
final String[] testbErrorSteps = { "L0S3 sub", "Rollback L0S3 sub" };
final String[] testbCancelledSteps = { "Rollback L0S1 sub", "Rollback L0S2 sub" };
final String[] testbSuspendedSteps = {};
final String testname = new Object() {
printLog(testname + " started");
// level 0, step 3
addInjectedFailure(0, 3);
String taskId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Workflow workflow = generate3StepWF(0, 1, taskId);
WorkflowState state = waitOnWorkflowComplete(taskId);
printLog("Top level workflow state: " + state);
Map<String, WorkflowStep> stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
assertTrue(state == WorkflowState.SUSPENDED_ERROR);
validateStepStates(stepMap, testaSuccessSteps, testaErrorSteps, testaCancelledSteps, testaSuspendedSteps);
if (state == WorkflowState.SUSPENDED_ERROR) {
String rollbackTaskId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
workflowService.rollbackWorkflow(workflow.getWorkflowURI(), rollbackTaskId);
state = waitOnWorkflowComplete(taskId);
printLog("Top level workflow state after rollback: " + state);
stepMap = readWorkflowFromDb(taskId);
validateStepStates(stepMap, testbSuccessSteps, testbErrorSteps, testbCancelledSteps, testbSuspendedSteps);
printLog(testname + " completed");
use of com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.WorkflowStep in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class WorkflowTest method validateStepStates.
* Given the step descrption to WorkflowStep map computed by readWorkflowsFromDb,
* check that the steps (as given by the descriptions) are in the correct states.
* @param descriptionToStepMap
* @param successSteps
* @param errorSteps
* @param cancelledSteps
void validateStepStates(Map<String, WorkflowStep> descriptionToStepMap, String[] successSteps, String[] errorSteps, String[] cancelledSteps, String[] suspendedSteps) {
// check success steps
for (String successStep : successSteps) {
WorkflowStep step = descriptionToStepMap.get(successStep);
assertNotNull("Step not found: " + successStep, step);
assertEquals(String.format("Step %s expected SUCCESS but in state %s", step.getDescription(), step.getState()),, step.getState());
// check error steps
for (String errorStep : errorSteps) {
WorkflowStep step = descriptionToStepMap.get(errorStep);
assertNotNull("Step not found: " + errorStep, step);
assertEquals(String.format("Step %s expected ERROR but in state %s", step.getDescription(), step.getState()),, step.getState());
// check cancelled steps
for (String cancelledStep : cancelledSteps) {
WorkflowStep step = descriptionToStepMap.get(cancelledStep);
assertNotNull("Step not found: " + cancelledStep, step);
assertEquals(String.format("Step %s expected CANCELLED but in state %s", step.getDescription(), step.getState()),, step.getState());
// check suspended steps
for (String suspendedStep : suspendedSteps) {
WorkflowStep step = descriptionToStepMap.get(suspendedStep);
assertNotNull("Step not found: " + suspendedStep, step);
boolean isSuspended = (step.getState().equalsIgnoreCase( || step.getState().equalsIgnoreCase(;
assertTrue(String.format("Step %s expected SUSPENDED but in state %s", step.getDescription(), step.getState()), isSuspended);