use of com.emc.storageos.driver.dellsc.scapi.StorageCenterAPI in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class DellSCConnectionManager method getConnection.
* Gets a new Storage Center API connection.
* @param host The host name or IP.
* @param port The connection port.
* @param user The connection user name.
* @param password The connection password.
* @param isProvider The isProvider flag to indicate the provider call
* @return The API connection.
* @throws StorageCenterAPIException
public StorageCenterAPI getConnection(String host, int port, String user, String password, boolean isProvider) throws StorageCenterAPIException {
// First see if we already have a connection for this system
StorageCenterAPI result = connectionMap.get(host);
if (result == null) {
result = StorageCenterAPI.openConnection(host, port, user, password);
StorageCenter[] scs = result.getStorageCenterInfo();
for (StorageCenter sc : scs) {
// Saving per system for backward compatibility
saveConnectionInfo(sc.scSerialNumber, host, port, user, password);
systemLookup.put(sc.scSerialNumber, host);
saveConnectionInfo(host, host, port, user, password);
connectionMap.put(host, result);
} else {
// Make sure our connection is still good
result = validateConnection(result, result.getHost());
* Update the SC Connection Info only during storage provider discovery
* bugfix-COP-25081-dell-sc-fail-to-recognize-new-arrays
if (isProvider) {
StorageCenter[] scs = result.getStorageCenterInfo();
for (StorageCenter sc : scs) {
// Saving per system for backward compatibility
saveConnectionInfo(sc.scSerialNumber, host, port, user, password);
systemLookup.put(sc.scSerialNumber, host);
return result;
use of com.emc.storageos.driver.dellsc.scapi.StorageCenterAPI in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class DellSCConsistencyGroups method createConsistencyGroupSnapshot.
* Create consistency group snapshots.
* @param volumeConsistencyGroup The consistency group.
* @param snapshots The snapshots.
* @param capabilities The requested capabilities.
* @return The create task.
public DriverTask createConsistencyGroupSnapshot(VolumeConsistencyGroup volumeConsistencyGroup, List<VolumeSnapshot> snapshots, List<CapabilityInstance> capabilities) {
DellSCDriverTask task = new DellSCDriverTask("createCGSnapshot");
try {
StorageCenterAPI api = connectionManager.getConnection(volumeConsistencyGroup.getStorageSystemId());
// Make sure all of our volumes are active for the automated tests that try to
// snap right away before writing anything to them.
ScVolume[] volumes = api.getConsistencyGroupVolumes(volumeConsistencyGroup.getNativeId());
for (ScVolume volume : volumes) {
ScReplay[] replays = api.createConsistencyGroupSnapshots(volumeConsistencyGroup.getNativeId());
if (populateCgSnapshotInfo(snapshots, replays)) {
} else {
} catch (StorageCenterAPIException | DellSCDriverException dex) {
String error = String.format("Error creating CG snapshots %s: %s", volumeConsistencyGroup.getDisplayName(), dex);
return task;
use of com.emc.storageos.driver.dellsc.scapi.StorageCenterAPI in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class DellSCConsistencyGroups method createConsistencyGroup.
* Create a consistency group.
* @param volumeConsistencyGroup The group to create.
* @return The consistency group creation task.
public DriverTask createConsistencyGroup(VolumeConsistencyGroup volumeConsistencyGroup) {
DellSCDriverTask task = new DellSCDriverTask("createConsistencyGroup");
String ssn = volumeConsistencyGroup.getStorageSystemId();
try {
StorageCenterAPI api = connectionManager.getConnection(ssn);
ScReplayProfile cg = api.createConsistencyGroup(ssn, volumeConsistencyGroup.getDisplayName());
util.getVolumeConsistencyGroupFromReplayProfile(cg, volumeConsistencyGroup);
} catch (StorageCenterAPIException | DellSCDriverException dex) {
String error = String.format("Error creating CG %s: %s", volumeConsistencyGroup.getDisplayName(), dex);
return task;
use of com.emc.storageos.driver.dellsc.scapi.StorageCenterAPI in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class DellSCConsistencyGroups method addVolumesToConsistencyGroup.
* Add volumes to consistency groups.
* @param volumes The volumes to add.
* @param capabilities The requested capabilities.
* @return The driver task.
public DriverTask addVolumesToConsistencyGroup(List<StorageVolume> volumes, StorageCapabilities capabilities) {
DellSCDriverTask task = new DellSCDriverTask("addVolumesToCG");
StringBuilder errBuffer = new StringBuilder();
int addCount = 0;
for (StorageVolume volume : volumes) {
String ssn = volume.getStorageSystemId();
try {
StorageCenterAPI api = connectionManager.getConnection(ssn);
api.addVolumeToConsistencyGroup(volume.getNativeId(), volume.getConsistencyGroup());
} catch (StorageCenterAPIException | DellSCDriverException dex) {
String error = String.format("Error adding volume %s to consistency group: %s", volume.getNativeId(), dex);
errBuffer.append(String.format("%s%n", error));
if (addCount == volumes.size()) {
} else if (addCount == 0) {
} else {
return task;
use of com.emc.storageos.driver.dellsc.scapi.StorageCenterAPI in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class DellSCDiscovery method getStorageVolumes.
* Discover storage volumes.
* @param storageSystem The storage system on which to discover.
* @param storageVolumes The discovered storage volumes.
* @param token Used for paging. Input 0 indicates that the first page should be returned. Output 0 indicates
* that last page was returned
* @return The discovery task.
public DriverTask getStorageVolumes(StorageSystem storageSystem, List<StorageVolume> storageVolumes, MutableInt token) {"Getting volumes from {}", storageSystem.getNativeId());
DellSCDriverTask task = new DellSCDriverTask("getVolumes");
try {
StorageCenterAPI api = connectionManager.getConnection(storageSystem.getNativeId());
Map<ScReplayProfile, List<String>> cgInfo = util.getGCInfo(api, storageSystem.getNativeId());
ScVolume[] volumes = api.getAllVolumes(storageSystem.getNativeId());
for (ScVolume volume : volumes) {
if (volume.inRecycleBin || volume.liveVolume || volume.cmmDestination || volume.replicationDestination) {
StorageVolume driverVol = util.getStorageVolumeFromScVolume(api, volume, cgInfo);
} catch (DellSCDriverException | StorageCenterAPIException e) {
String msg = String.format("Error getting volume info: %s", e);
return task;