Search in sources :

Example 6 with APIException

use of com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class BlockSnapshotService method deactivateSnapshot.

 * Deactivate volume snapshot, will result in permanent deletion of the requested snapshot from the storage system it was created on
 * and will move the snapshot to a "marked-for-delete" state after the deletion happens on the array side.
 * It will be deleted by the garbage collector on a subsequent iteration
 * If this snapshot was created from a volume that is part of a consistency group,
 * then all the related snapshots will be deactivated, as well.
 * If "?type=VIPR_ONLY" is added to the path, it will delete snapshot only from ViPR data base and leaves the snapshot on storage array
 * as it is.
 * Possible value for attribute type : FULL, VIPR_ONLY
 * FULL : Deletes the snapshot permanently on array and ViPR data base.
 * VIPR_ONLY : Deletes the snapshot only from ViPR data base and leaves the snapshot on array as it is.
 * @prereq none
 * @param id the URN of a ViPR snapshot
 * @param type the type of deletion {@link DefaultValue} FULL
 * @brief Delete snapshot
 * @return Snapshot information
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.TENANT_ADMIN }, acls = { ACL.ANY })
public TaskList deactivateSnapshot(@PathParam("id") URI id, @DefaultValue("FULL") @QueryParam("type") String type) {"Executing {} snapshot delete for snapshot {}", type, id);
    String opStage = null;
    boolean successStatus = true;
    String taskId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    TaskList response = new TaskList();
    // Get the snapshot.
    BlockSnapshot snap = (BlockSnapshot) queryResource(id);
    // We can ignore dependencies on BlockSnapshotSession. In this case
    // the BlockSnapshot instance is a linked target for a BlockSnapshotSession
    // and we will unlink the snapshot from the session and delete it.
    List<Class<? extends DataObject>> excludeTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends DataObject>>();
    if ( {
    ArgValidator.checkReference(BlockSnapshot.class, id, checkForDelete(snap, excludeTypes));
    if (! {
        // The audit log message operation stage.
        opStage = AuditLogManager.AUDITOP_BEGIN;
        // If the BlockSnapshot instance represents a linked target, then
        // we need to unlink the target form the snapshot session and then
        // delete the target.
        URIQueryResultList snapSessionURIs = new URIQueryResultList();
        _dbClient.queryByConstraint(ContainmentConstraint.Factory.getLinkedTargetSnapshotSessionConstraint(id), snapSessionURIs);
        Iterator<URI> snapSessionURIsIter = snapSessionURIs.iterator();
        if (snapSessionURIsIter.hasNext()) {
  "Snapshot is linked target for a snapshot session");
            SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetsParam param = new SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetsParam();
            List<SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetParam> targetInfoList = new ArrayList<SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetParam>();
            SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetParam targetInfo = new SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetParam(id, Boolean.TRUE);
            response.getTaskList().add(getSnapshotSessionManager().unlinkTargetVolumesFromSnapshotSession(, param, OperationTypeEnum.DELETE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT));
            return response;
        // Not an error if the snapshot we try to delete is already deleted
        if (snap.getInactive()) {
  "Snapshot is already inactive");
            Operation op = new Operation();
            op.ready("The snapshot has already been deleted");
            _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(BlockSnapshot.class, snap.getId(), taskId, op);
            response.getTaskList().add(toTask(snap, taskId, op));
            return response;
    // Get the storage system.
    StorageSystem device = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, snap.getStorageController());
    // Determine all snapshots to delete.
    List<BlockSnapshot> snapshots = new ArrayList<BlockSnapshot>();
    final URI cgId = snap.getConsistencyGroup();
    if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(cgId) && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullValue(snap.getReplicationGroupInstance())) {
        // Collect all the BlockSnapshots if part of a CG.
        snapshots = ControllerUtils.getSnapshotsPartOfReplicationGroup(snap, _dbClient);
    } else {
        // Snap is not part of a CG so only delete the snap
    // Get the snapshot parent volume.
    Volume parentVolume = _permissionsHelper.getObjectById(snap.getParent(), Volume.class);
    // Check that there are no pending tasks for these snapshots.
    checkForPendingTasks(Arrays.asList(parentVolume.getTenant().getURI()), snapshots);
    // Create tasks on the volume.
    for (BlockSnapshot snapshot : snapshots) {
        Operation snapOp = _dbClient.createTaskOpStatus(BlockSnapshot.class, snapshot.getId(), taskId, ResourceOperationTypeEnum.DELETE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT);
        response.getTaskList().add(toTask(snapshot, taskId, snapOp));
    // should be returned.
    try {
        BlockServiceApi blockServiceApiImpl = BlockService.getBlockServiceImpl(parentVolume, _dbClient);
        blockServiceApiImpl.deleteSnapshot(snap, snapshots, taskId, type);
    } catch (APIException | InternalException e) {
        successStatus = false;
        String errorMsg = String.format("Exception attempting to delete snapshot %s: %s", snap.getId(), e.getMessage());
        for (TaskResourceRep taskResourceRep : response.getTaskList()) {
            _dbClient.error(BlockSnapshot.class, taskResourceRep.getResource().getId(), taskId, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        successStatus = false;
        String errorMsg = String.format("Exception attempting to delete snapshot %s: %s", snap.getId(), e.getMessage());
        ServiceCoded sc = APIException.internalServerErrors.genericApisvcError(errorMsg, e);
        for (TaskResourceRep taskResourceRep : response.getTaskList()) {
            _dbClient.error(BlockSnapshot.class, taskResourceRep.getResource().getId(), taskId, sc);
    auditOp(OperationTypeEnum.DELETE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, successStatus, opStage, id.toString(), snap.getLabel(), snap.getParent().getName(), device.getId().toString());
    return response;
Also used : TaskList(com.emc.storageos.model.TaskList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Operation(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation) NamedURI(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI) URI( URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetsParam(com.emc.storageos.model.block.SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetsParam) StorageSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem) MapBlockSnapshot(com.emc.storageos.api.mapper.functions.MapBlockSnapshot) BlockSnapshot(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockSnapshot) TaskResourceRep(com.emc.storageos.model.TaskResourceRep) APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException) InternalException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.InternalException) ServiceCodeException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.ServiceCodeException) InternalException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.InternalException) DataObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DataObject) APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException) SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetParam(com.emc.storageos.model.block.SnapshotSessionUnlinkTargetParam) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) ServiceCoded(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceCoded) Path( POST( Produces( CheckPermission(

Example 7 with APIException

use of com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class ComputeVirtualPoolService method assignMatchedElements.

 * Assign Compute Elements to the Compute Virtual Pool
 * @param param The Compute Virtual Pool Compute Elements to be added and removed
 * @brief Assign compute elements to the compute virtual pool
 * @return ComputeVirtualPoolRestRep The updated Compute Virtual Pool
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.SYSTEM_ADMIN, Role.RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN })
public ComputeVirtualPoolRestRep assignMatchedElements(@PathParam("id") URI id, ComputeVirtualPoolElementUpdateParam param) throws APIException {
    // Validate that Virtual Pool exists
    ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, ComputeVirtualPool.class, "id");
    ComputeVirtualPool cvp = this.queryObject(ComputeVirtualPool.class, id, true);
    _log.debug("Assign compute elements to compute pool " + cvp.getLabel());
    if (cvp.getUseMatchedElements()) {
        _log.error("Cannot assign compute elements when pool is set to use automatic matching");
        throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Cannot assign compute elements when pool is set to use automatic matching.");
    StringSet currentElements = new StringSet();
    if (cvp.getMatchedComputeElements() != null) {
    _log.debug("Currently " + currentElements.size() + " existing compute elements: " + currentElements);
    boolean addRequest = param.getComputeVirtualPoolAssignmentChanges().getAdd() != null && param.getComputeVirtualPoolAssignmentChanges().getAdd().getComputeElements() != null;
    if (addRequest) {
        Set<String> addElementsUris = param.getComputeVirtualPoolAssignmentChanges().getAdd().getComputeElements();
        _log.debug("Add " + addElementsUris.size() + " compute elements: " + addElementsUris);
        // Validate
        Collection<ComputeElement> addElements = _dbClient.queryObject(ComputeElement.class, toUriList(addElementsUris));
        // exists
        if (addElementsUris.size() != addElements.size()) {
            _log.error("Invalid add compute element(s) specified - Requested " + addElementsUris.size() + " but only " + addElements.size() + " found");
            throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Invalid add compute element(s) specified.");
        List<URI> staticCeUris = findAllStaticallyAssignedComputeElementsInOtherPools(cvp);
        for (ComputeElement computeElement : addElements) {
            if (staticCeUris.contains(computeElement.getId())) {
                _log.error("Compute element " + computeElement.getId() + " already statically assigned to a different pool");
                throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Cannot assign compute element(s) already manually assigned to different pool(s).");
        // Add against the current collection of compute elements
        for (String computeElementUriString : addElementsUris) {
            boolean added = currentElements.add(computeElementUriString);
  "Compute pool " + cvp.getLabel() + " already contained compute element " + computeElementUriString + ": " + added);
    boolean removeRequest = param.getComputeVirtualPoolAssignmentChanges().getRemove() != null && param.getComputeVirtualPoolAssignmentChanges().getRemove().getComputeElements() != null;
    if (removeRequest) {
        Set<String> removeElementsUris = param.getComputeVirtualPoolAssignmentChanges().getRemove().getComputeElements();
        _log.debug("Remove " + removeElementsUris.size() + " compute elements: " + removeElementsUris);
        // Validate
        Collection<ComputeElement> removeElements = _dbClient.queryObject(ComputeElement.class, toUriList(removeElementsUris));
        // exists
        if (removeElementsUris.size() != removeElements.size()) {
            _log.error("Invalid remove compute element(s) specified - Requested " + removeElementsUris.size() + " but only " + removeElements.size() + " found");
            throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Invalid remove compute element(s) specified.");
        // Remove against the current collection of compute elements
        for (String computeElementUriString : removeElementsUris) {
            boolean removed = currentElements.remove(computeElementUriString);
            _log.debug("Compute pool " + cvp.getLabel() + " needed removal of compute element " + computeElementUriString + ": " + removed);
        removeHostToCVPRelation(removeElements, cvp);
    // Validate
    Collection<ComputeElement> assignedElements = _dbClient.queryObject(ComputeElement.class, toUriList(currentElements));
    // exists
    for (ComputeElement element : assignedElements) {
        boolean inUse = false;
        if (!element.getAvailable()) {
            inUse = true;
        // validate that this is element matches the current vcp criteria
        try {
            validateComputeElement(cvp, element);
        } catch (APIException e) {
            _log.warn("Compute Element " + element.getLabel() + ":" + element.getDn() + " is in use(" + inUse + ") and does not meet criteria " + e.toString());
                 * Since we are disallowing more restrictive changes if the VCP is in use, the if block below will not be used for the 2.2
                 * release.
            if (inUse) {
                throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Updates to pool not allowed because compute virtual pool is already in use and some compute elements being assigned do not meet criteria.");
            // if ces not in use then simply remove
            _log.warn("Compute Element does not meet criteria; so being removed");
    // Crucial that we save the static assignments before running updateOtherPoolsComputeElements
    // so that the dynamic matching reassignments happen with latest static assignments
    return toComputeVirtualPool(_dbClient, cvp, isComputeVirtualPoolInUse(cvp));
Also used : APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException) ComputeElement(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ComputeElement) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) URI( ComputeVirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ComputeVirtualPool) ComputeVirtualPoolMapper.toComputeVirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.api.mapper.ComputeVirtualPoolMapper.toComputeVirtualPool) Path( Consumes( Produces( PUT( CheckPermission(

Example 8 with APIException

use of com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class ComputeVirtualPoolService method updateComputeVirtualPool.

 * Update a Compute Virtual Pool
 * @brief Update a compute virtual pool
 * @param param The Compute Virtual Pool update spec
 * @return ComputeVirtualPoolRestRep The updated Compute Virtual Pool
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.SYSTEM_ADMIN, Role.RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN })
public ComputeVirtualPoolRestRep updateComputeVirtualPool(@PathParam("id") URI id, ComputeVirtualPoolUpdateParam param) {
    ComputeVirtualPool cvp = null;
    _log.debug("Update Parameters:\n" + param.toString());
    // Validate that Virtual Pool exists
    ArgValidator.checkFieldUriType(id, ComputeVirtualPool.class, "id");
    cvp = this.queryObject(ComputeVirtualPool.class, id, true);
    boolean nicOrHbaRangeChanges = false;
    // If current value not set OR if param is more restrictive then change is more restrictive
    boolean moreRestrictiveChange = false;
    // Process the update parameters
    // If a name is specified on request and that value is different that current name
    boolean nameChange = (param.getName() != null && !(cvp.getLabel().equals(param.getName())));
    if (nameChange) {
        checkForDuplicateName(param.getName(), ComputeVirtualPool.class);
    if (null != param.getDescription()) {
    if (null != param.getSystemType()) {
        ArgValidator.checkFieldValueFromEnum(param.getSystemType(), "system_type", ComputeVirtualPool.SupportedSystemTypes.class);
        // Don't allow changes of system type if there are service profile templates already set
        if (cvp.getServiceProfileTemplates() != null) {
            if (!cvp.getServiceProfileTemplates().isEmpty()) {
                throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Cannot change system type when Service Profile Temples are associated");
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinProcessors()) && ((cvp.getMinProcessors() == null) || (cvp.getMinProcessors() < param.getMinProcessors()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min Processors increased from " + cvp.getMinProcessors() + " to " + param.getMinProcessors());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxProcessors()) && ((cvp.getMaxProcessors() == null) || (cvp.getMaxProcessors() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxProcessors() > param.getMaxProcessors()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max Processors decreased from " + cvp.getMaxProcessors() + " to " + param.getMaxProcessors());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinProcessors(), cvp.getMaxProcessors(), "min_processors", "max_processors");
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinTotalCores()) && ((cvp.getMinTotalCores() == null) || (cvp.getMinTotalCores() < param.getMinTotalCores()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min TotalCores increased from " + cvp.getMinTotalCores() + " to " + param.getMinTotalCores());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxTotalCores()) && ((cvp.getMaxTotalCores() == null) || (cvp.getMaxTotalCores() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxTotalCores() > param.getMaxTotalCores()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max TotalCores decreased from " + cvp.getMaxTotalCores() + " to " + param.getMaxTotalCores());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinTotalCores(), cvp.getMaxTotalCores(), "min_total_cores", "max_total_cores");
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinTotalThreads()) && ((cvp.getMinTotalThreads() == null) || (cvp.getMinTotalThreads() < param.getMinTotalThreads()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min TotalThreads increased from " + cvp.getMinTotalThreads() + " to " + param.getMinTotalThreads());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxTotalThreads()) && ((cvp.getMaxTotalThreads() == null) || (cvp.getMaxTotalThreads() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxTotalThreads() > param.getMaxTotalThreads()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max TotalThreads decreased from " + cvp.getMaxTotalThreads() + " to " + param.getMaxMemory());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinTotalThreads(), cvp.getMaxTotalThreads(), "min_total_threads", "max_total_threads");
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinCpuSpeed()) && ((cvp.getMinCpuSpeed() == null) || (cvp.getMinCpuSpeed() < param.getMinCpuSpeed()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min CpuSpeed increased from " + cvp.getMinCpuSpeed() + " to " + param.getMinCpuSpeed());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxCpuSpeed()) && ((cvp.getMaxCpuSpeed() == null) || (cvp.getMaxCpuSpeed() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxCpuSpeed() > param.getMaxCpuSpeed()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max CpuSpeed decreased from " + cvp.getMaxCpuSpeed() + " to " + param.getMaxCpuSpeed());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinCpuSpeed(), cvp.getMaxCpuSpeed(), "min_processor_speed", "max_processor_speed");
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinMemory()) && ((cvp.getMinMemory() == null) || (cvp.getMinMemory() < param.getMinMemory()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min Memory increased from " + cvp.getMinMemory() + " to " + param.getMinMemory());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxMemory()) && ((cvp.getMaxMemory() == null) || (cvp.getMaxMemory() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxMemory() > param.getMaxMemory()))) {
        moreRestrictiveChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max Memory decreased from " + cvp.getMaxMemory() + " to " + param.getMaxMemory());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinMemory(), cvp.getMaxMemory(), "min_memory", "max_memory");
    // If current value not set OR if param is more restrictive then change is more
    boolean moreRestrictiveNicHbaChange = false;
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinNics()) && ((cvp.getMinNics() == null) || (cvp.getMinNics() < param.getMinNics()))) {
        moreRestrictiveNicHbaChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min nic increased from " + cvp.getMinNics() + " to " + param.getMinNics());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxNics()) && ((cvp.getMaxNics() == null) || (cvp.getMaxNics() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxNics() > param.getMaxNics()))) {
        moreRestrictiveNicHbaChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max nic decreased from " + cvp.getMaxNics() + " to " + param.getMaxNics());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinNics(), cvp.getMaxNics(), "min_nics", "max_nics");
    if (isParamSet(param.getMinHbas()) && ((cvp.getMinHbas() == null) || (cvp.getMinHbas() < param.getMinHbas()))) {
        moreRestrictiveNicHbaChange = true;
        _log.debug("Min hba increased from " + cvp.getMinHbas() + " to " + param.getMinHbas());
    if (isParamSet(param.getMaxHbas()) && ((cvp.getMaxHbas() == null) || (cvp.getMaxHbas() == -1) || (cvp.getMaxHbas() > param.getMaxHbas()))) {
        moreRestrictiveNicHbaChange = true;
        _log.debug("Max hba decreased from " + cvp.getMaxHbas() + " to " + param.getMaxHbas());
    validateMinMaxIntValues(cvp.getMinHbas(), cvp.getMaxHbas(), "min_hbas", "max_hbas");
    boolean changeToStaticAssignment = false;
    boolean changeToDynamicAssignment = false;
    Collection<ComputeElement> staticElements = new HashSet<ComputeElement>();
    if (!cvp.getUseMatchedElements() && cvp.getMatchedComputeElements() != null && !cvp.getMatchedComputeElements().isEmpty()) {
        staticElements.addAll(_dbClient.queryObject(ComputeElement.class, toUriList(cvp.getMatchedComputeElements())));
        _log.debug("static elements count:" + staticElements.size());
    if (null != param.getUseMatchedElements()) {
        // Will need to clear current matches when changing to static assignment
        changeToStaticAssignment = (param.getUseMatchedElements() == false) && (param.getUseMatchedElements() != cvp.getUseMatchedElements());
        changeToDynamicAssignment = (param.getUseMatchedElements() == true) && (param.getUseMatchedElements() != cvp.getUseMatchedElements());
    if (changeToStaticAssignment) {
        // Clear dynamic matches when changing to static to get ready for upcoming assignments
        if (cvp.getMatchedComputeElements() != null) {
    if (null != param.getVarrayChanges()) {
        updateVirtualArrays(cvp, param.getVarrayChanges());
    if (null != param.getSptChanges()) {
        if (cvp.getSystemType().contentEquals(ComputeVirtualPool.SupportedSystemTypes.Cisco_UCSM.toString())) {
            updateServiceProfileTemplates(cvp, param.getSptChanges());
    // Check SPTs meet criteria after updates above
    if (moreRestrictiveNicHbaChange) {
        if (isComputeVirtualPoolInUse(cvp)) {
            _log.warn("VCP is in use; more restrictive Nic or Hba change is not allowed");
            throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "More restrictive updates to network adapter and hba range not allowed because compute virtual pool is already in use.");
        Set<String> sptsNotMeetingCriteria = new HashSet<String>();
        Collection<UCSServiceProfileTemplate> templates = _dbClient.queryObject(UCSServiceProfileTemplate.class, toUriList(cvp.getServiceProfileTemplates()));
        for (UCSServiceProfileTemplate template : templates) {
            boolean inUse = isServiceProfileTemplateInUse(cvp, template);
            try {
                validateServiceProfileTemplate(cvp, template);
            } catch (APIException e) {
                _log.warn("SPT " + template.getLabel() + ":" + template.getDn() + " is in use(" + inUse + ") and does not meet criteria " + e.toString());
                     * Since we are disallowing more restrictive changes if the VCP is in use, the if block below will not be used for the
                     * 2.2 release.
                if (inUse) {
                    throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Updates to pool not allowed because service profile template(s) already in use do not meet requested criteria.");
                // if spt not in use then simply remove
                _log.warn("SPT does not meet criteria; so being removed");
    if (cvp.getUseMatchedElements()) {
        _log.debug("Compute pool " + cvp.getLabel() + " configured to use dynamic matching");
    if (changeToDynamicAssignment && !staticElements.isEmpty()) {
        // to possibly include them
        for (ComputeElement computeElement : staticElements) {
            if (!isAvailable(computeElement)) {
                _log.error("Cannot change to dynamic matching because statically assigned compute element(s) have been used in pool " + cvp.getId());
                throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Cannot change to automatic matching because manually assigned compute element(s) already in use.");
    if (moreRestrictiveChange) {
        if (isComputeVirtualPoolInUse(cvp)) {
            _log.warn("VCP is in use; more restrictive change is not allowed");
            throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "More restrictive updates to qualifiers not allowed because compute virtual pool is already in use.");
        // VCP is not in use. So check if there are statically assigned members that need to be removed from vcp membership"VCP is not in use. So check if there are statically assigned members that need to be removed from vcp membership");
        if (!cvp.getUseMatchedElements() && !staticElements.isEmpty()) {
            Set<ComputeElement> cesNotMeetingCriteria = new HashSet<ComputeElement>();
            Collection<ComputeElement> computeElements = _dbClient.queryObject(ComputeElement.class, getURIs(staticElements));
            for (ComputeElement element : computeElements) {
                _log.debug("Blade:" + element.getChassisId() + "/" + element.getSlotId());
                boolean inUse = (element.getAvailable() == false);
                try {
                    validateComputeElement(cvp, element);
                } catch (APIException e) {
                    _log.warn("Compute Element " + element.getLabel() + ":" + element.getDn() + " is in use(" + inUse + ") and does not meet criteria " + e.toString());
                         * Since we are disallowing more restrictive changes if the VCP is in use, the if block below will not be used for
                         * the 2.2 release.
                    if (inUse) {
                        throw APIException.badRequests.changeToComputeVirtualPoolNotSupported(cvp.getLabel(), "Updates to pool not allowed because compute element(s) already in use do not meet requested criteria.");
                    // if ces not in use then simply remove
                    _log.warn("Compute Element does not meet criteria; so being removed");
    recordOperation(OperationTypeEnum.UPDATE_COMPUTE_VPOOL, VPOOL_UPDATED_DESCRIPTION, cvp);
    return toComputeVirtualPool(_dbClient, cvp, isComputeVirtualPoolInUse(cvp));
Also used : UCSServiceProfileTemplate(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.UCSServiceProfileTemplate) APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException) ComputeElement(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ComputeElement) ComputeVirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ComputeVirtualPool) ComputeVirtualPoolMapper.toComputeVirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.api.mapper.ComputeVirtualPoolMapper.toComputeVirtualPool) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Path( Consumes( Produces( PUT( CheckPermission(

Example 9 with APIException

use of com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class DisasterRecoveryService method pause.

 * Pause data replication to multiple standby sites.
 * @param idList site uuid list to be removed
 * @brief Pause data replication to multiple standby sites.
 * @return Response
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@CheckPermission(roles = { Role.SECURITY_ADMIN, Role.RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN, Role.SYSTEM_ADMIN, Role.RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN }, blockProxies = true)
public Response pause(SiteIdListParam idList) {
    List<String> siteIdList = idList.getIds();
    String siteIdStr = StringUtils.join(siteIdList, ",");"Begin to pause standby site from local vdc by uuid: {}", siteIdStr);
    List<Site> toBePausedSites = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> siteNameList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String siteId : siteIdList) {
        Site site;
        try {
            site = drUtil.getSiteFromLocalVdc(siteId);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("Can't load site {} from ZK", siteId);
            throw APIException.badRequests.siteIdNotFound();
        SiteState state = site.getState();
        if (state.equals(SiteState.ACTIVE)) {
            log.error("Unable to pause this site {}. It is active", siteId);
            throw APIException.badRequests.operationNotAllowedOnActiveSite();
        if (!state.equals(SiteState.STANDBY_SYNCED)) {
            log.error("Unable to pause this site {}. It is in state {}", siteId, state);
            throw APIException.badRequests.operationOnlyAllowedOnSyncedSite(site.getName(), state.toString());
    // This String is only used to output human readable message to user when Exception is thrown
    String siteNameStr = StringUtils.join(siteNameList, ',');
    try {
        // the site(s) to be paused must be checked as well
    } catch (APIException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw APIException.internalServerErrors.pauseStandbyPrecheckFailed(siteNameStr, e.getMessage());
    InterProcessLock lock = drUtil.getDROperationLock();
    // any error is not retry-able beyond this point.
    List<String> sitesString = new ArrayList<>();
    try {"Pausing sites");
        long vdcTargetVersion = DrUtil.newVdcConfigVersion();
        for (Site site : toBePausedSites) {
            drUtil.recordDrOperationStatus(site.getUuid(), InterState.PAUSING_STANDBY);
            // notify the to-be-paused sites before others.
            drUtil.updateVdcTargetVersion(site.getUuid(), SiteInfo.DR_OP_PAUSE_STANDBY, vdcTargetVersion);
        }"Notify all sites for reconfig");
        for (Site site : drUtil.listSites()) {
            if (toBePausedSites.contains(site)) {
                // already notified
            drUtil.updateVdcTargetVersion(site.getUuid(), SiteInfo.DR_OP_PAUSE_STANDBY, vdcTargetVersion);
        auditDisasterRecoveryOps(OperationTypeEnum.PAUSE_STANDBY, AuditLogManager.AUDITLOG_SUCCESS, AuditLogManager.AUDITOP_BEGIN, StringUtils.join(sitesString, ','));
        return Response.status(Response.Status.ACCEPTED).build();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Failed to pause site {}", siteIdStr, e);
        auditDisasterRecoveryOps(OperationTypeEnum.PAUSE_STANDBY, AuditLogManager.AUDITLOG_FAILURE, null, StringUtils.join(sitesString, ','));
        throw APIException.internalServerErrors.pauseStandbyFailed(siteNameStr, e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
            log.error(String.format("Lock release failed when pausing standby site: %s", siteIdStr));
Also used : Site(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.client.model.Site) APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException) SiteState(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.client.model.SiteState) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InterProcessLock( APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException) InternalServerErrorException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.InternalServerErrorException) CoordinatorException(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.exceptions.CoordinatorException) RetryableCoordinatorException(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.exceptions.RetryableCoordinatorException) UnknownHostException( Path( ZkPath(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.common.impl.ZkPath) POST( Consumes( Produces( CheckPermission(

Example 10 with APIException

use of com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class AuthenticationResource method changePassword.

 * Change a local user's password without login.
 * This interface need be provided with clear text old password and new password
 * @brief Change your password
 * @throws APIException
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response changePassword(@Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest, @Context HttpServletResponse servletResponse, @DefaultValue("true") @QueryParam("logout_user") boolean logout, PasswordChangeParam passwordChange) {
    String clientIP = _invLoginManager.getClientIP(httpRequest);
    // internal call to password service
    Response response = _passwordUtils.changePassword(passwordChange, false);
    if (response.getStatus() != Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
        String message = response.getEntity().toString();
        if (message.contains(_invLoginManager.OLD_PASSWORD_INVALID_ERROR)) {
    } else {
        // change password successfully, do some cleanup
        try {
            if (logout) {
      "logout active sessions for: " + passwordChange.getUsername());
                _tokenManager.deleteAllTokensForUser(passwordChange.getUsername(), false);
        } catch (Exception cleanupException) {
            _log.error("clean up failed: {0}", cleanupException.getMessage());
    return response;
Also used : HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) URISyntaxException( APIException(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException)


APIException (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.APIException)55 URI ( InternalException (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.InternalException)25 Produces ( Path ( TaskResourceRep (com.emc.storageos.model.TaskResourceRep)20 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 POST ( Volume (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume)18 CheckPermission ( TaskList (com.emc.storageos.model.TaskList)17 Consumes ( NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI (com.emc.storageos.db.client.util.NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI)13 InternalServerErrorException (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.InternalServerErrorException)12 Operation (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Operation)10 DataObject (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DataObject)9 NamedURI (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI)9 BadRequestException (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.resources.BadRequestException)9 BlockConsistencyGroup (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup)8 StorageSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)7