Search in sources :

Example 11 with RPRecommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method scheduleStorageSourcePoolConstraint.

 * Schedule storage based on the incoming storage pools for source volumes. (New version)
 * @param varray varray requested for source
 * @param protectionVarrays Neighborhood to protect this volume to.
 * @param vpool vpool requested
 * @param capabilities parameters
 * @param candidatePools List of StoragePools already populated to choose from. RP+VPLEX.
 * @param vpoolChangeVolume vpool change volume, if applicable
 * @param preSelectedCandidateProtectionPoolsMap pre-populated map for tgt varray to storage pools, use null if not needed
 * @return list of Recommendation objects to satisfy the request
protected List<Recommendation> scheduleStorageSourcePoolConstraint(VirtualArray varray, List<VirtualArray> protectionVarrays, VirtualPool vpool, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, List<StoragePool> candidatePools, Project project, Volume vpoolChangeVolume, Map<VirtualArray, List<StoragePool>> preSelectedCandidateProtectionPoolsMap) {
    // Initialize a list of recommendations to be returned.
    List<Recommendation> recommendations = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
    String candidateSourceInternalSiteName = "";
    placementStatus = new PlacementStatus();
    // Attempt to use these pools for selection based on protection
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Determining if protection is possible from " + varray.getId() + " to: ");
    for (VirtualArray protectionVarray : protectionVarrays) {
        sb.append(protectionVarray.getId()).append(" ");
    // BEGIN: Put the local varray first in the list. We want to give him pick of internal site name.
    int index = -1;
    for (VirtualArray targetVarray : protectionVarrays) {
        if (targetVarray.getId().equals(varray.getId())) {
            index = protectionVarrays.indexOf(targetVarray);
    if (index > 0) {
        VirtualArray localVarray = protectionVarrays.get(index);
        VirtualArray swapVarray = protectionVarrays.get(0);
        protectionVarrays.set(0, localVarray);
        protectionVarrays.set(index, swapVarray);
    // END: Put the local varray first in the list. We want to give him pick of internal site name.
    List<URI> protectionVarrayURIs = new ArrayList<URI>();
    for (VirtualArray vArray : protectionVarrays) {
        placementStatus.getProcessedProtectionVArrays().put(vArray.getId(), false);
    // Fetch the list of pools for the source journal if a journal virtual pool is specified to be used for journal volumes.
    VirtualArray journalVarray = varray;
    if (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getJournalVarray())) {
        journalVarray = dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, URI.create(vpool.getJournalVarray()));
    VirtualPool journalVpool = vpool;
    if (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getJournalVpool())) {
        journalVpool = dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, URI.create(vpool.getJournalVpool()));
    // The attributes below will not change throughout the placement process
    BlockConsistencyGroup cg = dbClient.queryObject(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup());
    int totalRequestedCount = capabilities.getResourceCount();
    int totalSatisfiedCount = 0;
    int requestedCount = totalRequestedCount;
    int satisfiedCount = 0;
    boolean isChangeVpool = (vpoolChangeVolume != null);
    RPProtectionRecommendation rpProtectionRecommendation = new RPProtectionRecommendation();
    rpProtectionRecommendation.setVpoolChangeVolume(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpoolChangeVolume.getId() : null);
    rpProtectionRecommendation.setVpoolChangeNewVpool(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpool.getId() : null);
    rpProtectionRecommendation.setVpoolChangeProtectionAlreadyExists(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpoolChangeVolume.checkForRp() : false);
    List<Recommendation> sourcePoolRecommendations = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
    if (isChangeVpool) {
        Recommendation changeVpoolSourceRecommendation = new Recommendation();
        URI existingStoragePoolId = null;
        // valid source pool, the existing one. Get that pool and add it to the list.
        if (RPHelper.isVPlexVolume(vpoolChangeVolume, dbClient)) {
            if (null == vpoolChangeVolume.getAssociatedVolumes() || vpoolChangeVolume.getAssociatedVolumes().isEmpty()) {
                _log.error("VPLEX volume {} has no backend volumes.", vpoolChangeVolume.forDisplay());
                throw InternalServerErrorException.internalServerErrors.noAssociatedVolumesForVPLEXVolume(vpoolChangeVolume.forDisplay());
            for (String associatedVolume : vpoolChangeVolume.getAssociatedVolumes()) {
                Volume assocVol = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(associatedVolume));
                if (assocVol.getVirtualArray().equals(varray.getId())) {
                    existingStoragePoolId = assocVol.getPool();
        } else {
            existingStoragePoolId = vpoolChangeVolume.getPool();
        // This is the existing active source backing volume
        StoragePool pool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, existingStoragePoolId);
        sourcePoolRecommendations.add(changeVpoolSourceRecommendation);"RP Placement : Change Virtual Pool - Active source pool already exists, reuse pool: [%s] [%s].", pool.getLabel().toString(), pool.getId().toString()));
    } else {
        // Recommendation analysis:
        // Each recommendation returned will indicate the number of resources of specified size that it can accommodate in ascending order.
        // Go through each recommendation, map to storage system from the recommendation to find connectivity
        // If we get through the process and couldn't achieve full protection, we should try with the next pool in the list until
        // we either find a successful solution or failure.
        sourcePoolRecommendations = getRecommendedPools(rpProtectionRecommendation, varray, vpool, null, null, capabilities, RPHelper.SOURCE, null);
        if (sourcePoolRecommendations == null || sourcePoolRecommendations.isEmpty()) {
            _log.error(String.format("RP Placement : No matching storage pools found for the source varray: [%s]. " + "There are no storage pools that " + "match the passed vpool parameters and protocols and/or there are " + "no pools that have enough capacity to hold at least one resource of the requested size.", varray.getLabel()));
            throw APIException.badRequests.noMatchingStoragePoolsForVpoolAndVarray(vpool.getLabel(), varray.getLabel());
    for (Recommendation sourcePoolRecommendation : sourcePoolRecommendations) {
        satisfiedCount = ((sourcePoolRecommendation.getResourceCount()) >= requestedCount) ? requestedCount : sourcePoolRecommendation.getResourceCount();"Looking to place " + satisfiedCount + " resources...");
        // Start with the top of the list of source pools, find a solution based on that.
        // Given the candidatePools.get(0), what protection systems and internal sites protect it?
        Set<ProtectionSystem> protectionSystems = new HashSet<ProtectionSystem>();
        ProtectionSystem cgProtectionSystem = getCgProtectionSystem(capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup());
        StoragePool sourcePool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, sourcePoolRecommendation.getSourceStoragePool());
        // used by other volumes in it.
        if (cgProtectionSystem != null) {
  "RP Placement : Narrowing down placement to use ProtectionSystem %s, " + "which is currently used by RecoverPoint consistency group %s.", cgProtectionSystem.getLabel(), cg));
        } else {
            protectionSystems = getProtectionSystemsForStoragePool(sourcePool, varray, VirtualPool.vPoolSpecifiesHighAvailability(vpool));
            // Verify that the candidate pool can be protected
            if (protectionSystems.isEmpty()) {
        // Sort the ProtectionSystems based on the last time a CG was created. Always use the
        // ProtectionSystem with the oldest cgLastCreated timestamp to support a round-robin
        // style of load balancing.
        List<ProtectionSystem> protectionSystemsLst = sortProtectionSystems(protectionSystems);
        for (ProtectionSystem candidateProtectionSystem : protectionSystemsLst) {
            Calendar cgLastCreated = candidateProtectionSystem.getCgLastCreatedTime();
  "RP Placement : Attempting to use ProtectionSystem %s, which was last used to create a CG on %s.", candidateProtectionSystem.getLabel(), cgLastCreated != null ? cgLastCreated.getTime().toString() : "N/A"));
            List<String> associatedStorageSystems = new ArrayList<String>();
            String internalSiteNameandAssocStorageSystem = getCgSourceInternalSiteNameAndAssociatedStorageSystem(capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup());
            // source internal site.
            if (internalSiteNameandAssocStorageSystem != null) {
      "RP Placement : Narrowing down placement to use internal site %s for source, " + "which is currently used by RecoverPoint consistency group %s.", internalSiteNameandAssocStorageSystem, cg));
            } else {
                associatedStorageSystems = getCandidateVisibleStorageSystems(sourcePool, candidateProtectionSystem, varray, protectionVarrays, VirtualPool.vPoolSpecifiesHighAvailability(vpool));
            // make sure you check RP topology to see if the sites can protect that many targets
            if (associatedStorageSystems.isEmpty()) {
                // no rp site clusters connected to this storage system, should not hit this, but just to be safe we'll catch it
      "RP Placement: Protection System %s does not have an RP internal site connected to Storage pool %s ", candidateProtectionSystem.getLabel(), sourcePool.getLabel()));
            for (String associatedStorageSystem : associatedStorageSystems) {
      "RP Placement : Attempting to find solution using StorageSystem : %s for RP source", associatedStorageSystem));
      "RP Placement : Build RP Source Recommendation..."));
                RPRecommendation rpSourceRecommendation = buildSourceRecommendation(associatedStorageSystem, varray, vpool, candidateProtectionSystem, sourcePool, capabilities, satisfiedCount, placementStatus, vpoolChangeVolume, false);
                if (rpSourceRecommendation == null) {
                    // No placement found for the associatedStorageSystem, so continue.
                    _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Could not create Source Recommendation using [%s], continuing...", associatedStorageSystem));
                candidateSourceInternalSiteName = rpSourceRecommendation.getInternalSiteName();
                String siteName = candidateProtectionSystem.getRpSiteNames().get(candidateSourceInternalSiteName);
      "RP Placement : Choosing RP internal site %s %s for source", siteName, candidateSourceInternalSiteName));
                // Build the HA recommendation if HA is specified
                VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper haCapabilities = new VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper(capabilities);
                haCapabilities.put(VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper.RESOURCE_COUNT, satisfiedCount);
                RPRecommendation haRecommendation = this.getHaRecommendation(varray, vpool, project, haCapabilities);
                if (haRecommendation != null) {
                // Build Source Journal Recommendation
                RPRecommendation sourceJournalRecommendation = null;
                if (rpProtectionRecommendation.getSourceJournalRecommendation() == null) {
          "RP Placement : Build RP Source Journal Recommendation..."));
                    sourceJournalRecommendation = buildJournalRecommendation(rpProtectionRecommendation, candidateSourceInternalSiteName, vpool.getJournalSize(), journalVarray, journalVpool, candidateProtectionSystem, capabilities, totalRequestedCount, vpoolChangeVolume, false);
                    if (sourceJournalRecommendation == null) {
                        _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Could not create Source Journal Recommendation using [%s], continuing...", associatedStorageSystem));
                // If we made it this far we know that our source virtual pool and associated source virtual array
                // has a storage pool with enough capacity for the requested resources and which is accessible to an rp
                // cluster site
                if (placementStatus.isBestSolutionToDate(rpProtectionRecommendation)) {
                // TODO Joe: need this when we are creating multiple recommendations
                // Find a solution, given this vpool, and the target varrays
                if (findSolution(rpProtectionRecommendation, rpSourceRecommendation, varray, vpool, protectionVarrays, capabilities, satisfiedCount, false, null, project)) {
                    // Found Source, Source Journal, Target, Target Journals...we're good to go.
                    totalSatisfiedCount += satisfiedCount;
                    requestedCount = requestedCount - totalSatisfiedCount;
                    if ((totalSatisfiedCount >= totalRequestedCount)) {
                        // Check to ensure the protection system can handle the new resources about to come down
                        if (!verifyPlacement(candidateProtectionSystem, rpProtectionRecommendation, rpProtectionRecommendation.getResourceCount())) {
                            // Did not pass placement verification, back out and try again...
                            _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Placement could not be verified with " + "current resources, trying placement again...", associatedStorageSystem));
                        return recommendations;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // Not sure there's anything to do here. Just go to the next candidate protection system or Protection System
          "RP Placement : Could not find a solution against ProtectionSystem %s " + "and internal site %s", candidateProtectionSystem.getLabel(), candidateSourceInternalSiteName));
                    rpProtectionRecommendation = getNewProtectionRecommendation(vpoolChangeVolume, vpool);
            // end of for loop trying to find solution using possible rp cluster sites
            rpProtectionRecommendation = getNewProtectionRecommendation(vpoolChangeVolume, vpool);
    // end of protection systems for loop
    // we went through all the candidate pools and there are still some of the volumes that haven't been placed, then we failed to find
    // a solution
    _log.error("RP Placement : ViPR could not find matching storage pools that could be protected via RecoverPoint");
    throw APIException.badRequests.cannotFindSolutionForRP(placementStatus.toString(dbClient));
Also used : VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper) VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) StoragePool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool) URI( ProtectionSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSystem) VPlexRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) BlockConsistencyGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 12 with RPRecommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method fireProtectionPlacementRules.

 * Executes a set of business rules against the <code>List</code> of <code>ProtectionPoolMapping</code> objects to determine if they are
 * capable to perform
 * volume protection. The statistics are pulled from the <code>ProtectionSystem</code> and are used in executing the following business
 * rules:
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>The RP cluster (ProtectionSystem) must have the capacity to create a single CG.</li>
 * <li>Each RP site must have the volume capacity to create the required number of volumes.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param protectionSystem
 * @param rpRec
 * @param resourceCount number of volumes being requested for creation/protection
 * @return true if recommendation can be handled by protection system
private boolean fireProtectionPlacementRules(ProtectionSystem protectionSystem, RPProtectionRecommendation rpRec, Integer resourceCount) {
    // Log messages used within this method - Use String.format()
    final String cgCountLog = "CG count for Protection System %s is %s/%s";
    final String cgNoCapacityLog = "Protection System %s does not have the CG capacity to protect volumes.";
    final String sourceSiteVolumeCountLog = "Volume count for Protection System %s/site %s (source) is %s/%s";
    final String destSiteVolumeCountLog = "Volume count for Protection System %s/site %s (destination) is %s/%s";
    final String sourceSiteVolumeNoCapacityLog = "Protection System %s/site %s (source) does not have the volume capacity to protect volumes. " + "Requires capacity for %s volume(s).";
    final String destSiteVolumeNoCapacityLog = "Protection System %s/site %s (destination) does not have the volume capacity to protect volumes. " + "Requires capacity for %s volume(s).";
    final String parseSiteStatsLog = "A problem occurred parsing site volume statistics for Protection System %s.  " + "Protection system is unable to protect volumes: %s";
    final String missingProtectionSystemMetric = "RecoverPoint metric '%s' for Protection System %s cannot be found. " + "Unable to determine if the protection system is capable of protection volumes.";
    final String missingSiteMetric = "RecoverPoint metric '%s' for Protection System %s/Site %s cannot be found. Unable " + "to determine if the protection system is capable of protection volumes.";
    final String validProtectionSystem = "RecoverPoint Protection System '%s' is capable of protecting the requested volumes.";
    final String inValidProtectionSystem = "RecoverPoint Protection System '%s' is not capable of protecting the requested volumes.";
    final String validatingProtection = "Validating protection systems to ensure they are capable of handling a protection for %s" + " production volume(s).";, resourceCount));
    boolean isValid = true;
    Long rpCGCapacity = protectionSystem.getCgCapacity();
    Long rpCurrentCGCount = protectionSystem.getCgCount();
    if (rpCGCapacity == null) {
        _log.warn(String.format(missingProtectionSystemMetric, "CG Capacity", protectionSystem));
        rpCGCapacity = -1L;
    if (rpCurrentCGCount == null) {
        _log.warn(String.format(missingProtectionSystemMetric, "CG Count", protectionSystem));
        rpCurrentCGCount = -1L;
    long rpAvailableCGCapacity = rpCGCapacity - rpCurrentCGCount;
    // Log the CG count., protectionSystem.getLabel(), rpCurrentCGCount, rpCGCapacity));
    // Is there enough CG capacity on the RP cluster?
    if (rpAvailableCGCapacity < 1) {
        isValid = false;, protectionSystem));
        rpRec.setProtectionSystemCriteriaError(String.format(cgNoCapacityLog, protectionSystem));
    // Only process the site statistics if the Protection System statistics
    // are adequate for protection.
    StringMap siteVolumeCapacity = protectionSystem.getSiteVolumeCapacity();
    StringMap siteVolumeCount = protectionSystem.getSiteVolumeCount();
    List<RPRecommendation> sourceRecommendation = rpRec.getSourceRecommendations();
    String sourceInternalSiteName = sourceRecommendation.iterator().next().getInternalSiteName();
    if (siteVolumeCount != null && siteVolumeCount.size() > 0) {
        String sourceSiteVolumeCount = siteVolumeCount.get(String.valueOf(sourceInternalSiteName));
        String sourceSiteVolumeCapacity = siteVolumeCapacity.get(String.valueOf(sourceInternalSiteName));
        if (sourceSiteVolumeCount == null) {
            _log.warn(String.format(missingSiteMetric, "Source Site Volume Count", protectionSystem, rpRec.getResourceCount()));
            sourceSiteVolumeCount = "-1";
        if (sourceSiteVolumeCapacity == null) {
            _log.warn(String.format(missingSiteMetric, "Source Site Volume Capacity", protectionSystem, sourceInternalSiteName));
            sourceSiteVolumeCapacity = "-1";
        try {
            // Get the source site available capacity.
            long sourceSiteAvailableVolCapacity = Long.parseLong(sourceSiteVolumeCapacity) - Long.parseLong(sourceSiteVolumeCount);
            _log.debug(String.format(sourceSiteVolumeCountLog, protectionSystem, sourceInternalSiteName, sourceSiteVolumeCount, sourceSiteVolumeCapacity));
            // If the source site available capacity is not adequate, log a message.
            if (sourceSiteAvailableVolCapacity < rpRec.getNumberOfVolumes(sourceInternalSiteName)) {
                isValid = false;
      , protectionSystem, sourceInternalSiteName, resourceCount));
                rpRec.setProtectionSystemCriteriaError(String.format(sourceSiteVolumeNoCapacityLog, protectionSystem, sourceInternalSiteName, resourceCount));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            // Catch any exceptions that occur while parsing the site specific values
            isValid = false;
  , protectionSystem, nfe.getMessage()));
            rpRec.setProtectionSystemCriteriaError(String.format(parseSiteStatsLog, protectionSystem, nfe.getMessage()));
        for (RPRecommendation sourceRec : rpRec.getSourceRecommendations()) {
            for (RPRecommendation targetRec : sourceRec.getTargetRecommendations()) {
                String internalSiteName = targetRec.getInternalSiteName();
                String destSiteVolumeCount = siteVolumeCount.get(String.valueOf(internalSiteName));
                String destSiteVolumeCapacity = siteVolumeCapacity.get(String.valueOf(internalSiteName));
                if (destSiteVolumeCount == null) {
                    _log.warn(String.format(missingSiteMetric, "Destination Site Volume Count", protectionSystem, internalSiteName));
                    destSiteVolumeCount = "-1";
                if (destSiteVolumeCapacity == null) {
                    _log.warn(String.format(missingSiteMetric, "Destination Site Volume Capacity", protectionSystem, internalSiteName));
                    destSiteVolumeCapacity = "-1";
                try {
                    // Get the destination site available capacity.
                    long destSiteAvailableVolCapacity = Long.parseLong(destSiteVolumeCapacity) - Long.parseLong(destSiteVolumeCount);
                    _log.debug(String.format(destSiteVolumeCountLog, protectionSystem, internalSiteName, destSiteVolumeCount, destSiteVolumeCapacity));
                    // If the destination site available capacity is not adequate, log a message.
                    if (destSiteAvailableVolCapacity < rpRec.getNumberOfVolumes(targetRec.getInternalSiteName())) {
                        isValid = false;
              , protectionSystem, internalSiteName, rpRec.getResourceCount()));
                        rpRec.setProtectionSystemCriteriaError(String.format(destSiteVolumeNoCapacityLog, protectionSystem, internalSiteName, rpRec.getResourceCount()));
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    // Catch any exceptions that occur while parsing the site specific values
                    isValid = false;
          , protectionSystem, nfe.getMessage()));
                    rpRec.setProtectionSystemCriteriaError(String.format(parseSiteStatsLog, protectionSystem, nfe.getMessage()));
    } else {
        // There are no site volume statistics available so assume volume
        // protection cannot be achieved.
        isValid = false;
        _log.warn(String.format(missingProtectionSystemMetric, "Site Volume Capacity/Count", protectionSystem));
        rpRec.setProtectionSystemCriteriaError(String.format(missingProtectionSystemMetric, "Site Volume Capacity/Count", protectionSystem));
    // log a message is the protection system is valid.
    if (isValid) {
        _log.debug(String.format(validProtectionSystem, protectionSystem));
    } else {
        _log.debug(String.format(inValidProtectionSystem, protectionSystem));
    return isValid;
Also used : StringMap(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringMap) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation)

Example 13 with RPRecommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method buildJournalRecommendation.

 * Builds the journal placement recommendation
 * @param rpProtectionRecommendation - RP Protection recommendation
 * @param internalSiteName - RP site name
 * @param journalPolicy - Journal Policy
 * @param journalVarray - Virtual Array
 * @param journalVpool - Virtual Pool
 * @param ps - Protection system
 * @param capabilities - Virtual Pool capabilities
 * @param requestedResourceCount - Resource count satisfied in this recommendation.
 *            For journals, it is always 1 as we don't fragment journal over multiple pools.
 * @param vpoolChangeVolume - change Virtual Pool param
 * @param isMPStandby - indicates if this a MetroPoint and if this is a recommendation for the standby-site
 * @return - Recommendation for journal
public RPRecommendation buildJournalRecommendation(RPProtectionRecommendation rpProtectionRecommendation, String internalSiteName, String journalPolicy, VirtualArray journalVarray, VirtualPool journalVpool, ProtectionSystem ps, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, int requestedResourceCount, Volume vpoolChangeVolume, boolean isMPStandby) {
    VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper newCapabilities = getJournalCapabilities(journalPolicy, capabilities, requestedResourceCount);
    boolean foundJournal = false;
    List<Recommendation> journalRec = getRecommendedPools(rpProtectionRecommendation, journalVarray, journalVpool, null, null, newCapabilities, RPHelper.JOURNAL, internalSiteName);
    // Represents the journal storage pool or backing array storage pool in case of VPLEX
    StoragePool journalStoragePool = null;
    // Represents the journal storage system
    URI storageSystemURI = null;
    // Primary source journal remains what it was before the change Vpool operation.
    if (vpoolChangeVolume != null && vpoolChangeVolume.checkForRp() && !isMPStandby) {
        List<Volume> existingJournalVolumes = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(dbClient, vpoolChangeVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), vpoolChangeVolume.getRpCopyName());
        Volume existingJournalVolume = existingJournalVolumes.get(0);
        if (existingJournalVolume == null) {
            _log.error(String.format("No existing journal found in CG [%s] for copy [%s], returning false", vpoolChangeVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), vpoolChangeVolume.getRpCopyName()));
            throw APIException.badRequests.unableToFindSuitableJournalRecommendation();
        if (RPHelper.isVPlexVolume(existingJournalVolume, dbClient)) {
            if (null == existingJournalVolume.getAssociatedVolumes() || existingJournalVolume.getAssociatedVolumes().isEmpty()) {
                _log.error("VPLEX volume {} has no backend volumes.", existingJournalVolume.forDisplay());
                throw InternalServerErrorException.internalServerErrors.noAssociatedVolumesForVPLEXVolume(existingJournalVolume.forDisplay());
            URI backingVolumeURI = URI.create(existingJournalVolume.getAssociatedVolumes().iterator().next());
            Volume backingVolume = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, backingVolumeURI);
            journalStoragePool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, backingVolume.getPool());
        } else {
            journalStoragePool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, existingJournalVolume.getPool());
        storageSystemURI = existingJournalVolume.getStorageController();
        foundJournal = true;
    } else {
        for (Recommendation journalStoragePoolRec : journalRec) {
            journalStoragePool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, journalStoragePoolRec.getSourceStoragePool());
  "RP Journal Placement : Checking pool : [%s]", journalStoragePool.getLabel()));
            List<String> associatedStorageSystems = getCandidateTargetVisibleStorageSystems(ps.getId(), journalVarray, internalSiteName, journalStoragePool, VirtualPool.vPoolSpecifiesHighAvailability(journalVpool));
            if (associatedStorageSystems == null || associatedStorageSystems.isEmpty()) {
      "RP Journal Placement Solution cannot be found using target pool " + journalStoragePool.getLabel() + " there is no connectivity to rp cluster sites."));
  "RP Journal Placement : Associated storage systems for pool [%s] : [%s]", journalStoragePool.getLabel(), Joiner.on("-").join(associatedStorageSystems)));
            for (String associateStorageSystem : associatedStorageSystems) {
                storageSystemURI = ConnectivityUtil.findStorageSystemBySerialNumber(ProtectionSystem.getAssociatedStorageSystemSerialNumber(associateStorageSystem), dbClient, StorageSystemType.BLOCK);
                StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storageSystemURI);
                if (!isRpSiteConnectedToVarray(storageSystemURI, ps.getId(), internalSiteName, journalVarray)) {
          "RP Journal Placement : StorageSystem [%s] does NOT have connectivity to RP site [%s], ignoring..", storageSystem.getLabel(), internalSiteName));
                // Found a solution
                foundJournal = true;
            if (foundJournal) {
    if (foundJournal) {
        StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storageSystemURI);
        // If we got here, it means that we found a valid storage pool for journal, return back the recommendation
        RPRecommendation journalRecommendation = buildRpRecommendation(storageSystem.getLabel(), journalVarray, journalVpool, journalStoragePool, newCapabilities, newCapabilities.getResourceCount(), internalSiteName, storageSystemURI, storageSystem.getSystemType(), ps);"RP Journal Placement : Journal Recommendation %s %n", journalRecommendation.toString(dbClient, ps)));
        return journalRecommendation;
    // Couldn't find a journal recommendation"RP Journal Placement : Unable to determine placement for RP journal on site %s", internalSiteName));
    return null;
Also used : VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper) StoragePool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) URI( VPlexRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) StorageSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)

Example 14 with RPRecommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method buildSourceRecommendation.

 * Builds the source placement recommendation based on the source pool and its associated storage
 * system/RP site.
 * @param associatedStorageSystem - he associated RP site + storage system concatenated in a single string.
 * @param varray - Virtual Array
 * @param vpool - Virtual Pool
 * @param ps - Protection System
 * @param sourcePool - recommended storage pool
 * @param capabilities - Virtual Pool capabilities
 * @param satisfiedSourceVolCount - resource count that is satisfied in the recommendation
 * @param placementStat - Placement status to update
 * @param vpoolChangeVolume - change Virtual Pool param
 * @param isMPStandby - indicates if this a MetroPoint and if this is a recommendation for the standby-site
 * @return - Recommendation for source
private RPRecommendation buildSourceRecommendation(String associatedStorageSystem, VirtualArray varray, VirtualPool vpool, ProtectionSystem ps, StoragePool sourcePool, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, int satisfiedSourceVolCount, PlacementStatus placementStat, Volume vpoolChangeVolume, boolean isMPStandby) {
    String sourceInternalSiteName = ProtectionSystem.getAssociatedStorageSystemSiteName(associatedStorageSystem);
    URI sourceStorageSytemUri = ConnectivityUtil.findStorageSystemBySerialNumber(ProtectionSystem.getAssociatedStorageSystemSerialNumber(associatedStorageSystem), dbClient, StorageSystemType.BLOCK);
    if (!isRpSiteConnectedToVarray(sourceStorageSytemUri, ps.getId(), sourceInternalSiteName, varray)) {"RP Placement: Disqualified RP site [%s] because its initiators are not in a network configured " + "for use by the virtual array [%s]", sourceInternalSiteName, varray.getLabel()));"Please recheck the Copy/Site Name {} and Virtual Array {} you have selected." + "Eg: varray associated with Stand-by site must be selected if you have selected Stand-by Copy Name.", sourceInternalSiteName, varray.getLabel());
        return null;
    URI storageSystemUri = ConnectivityUtil.findStorageSystemBySerialNumber(ProtectionSystem.getAssociatedStorageSystemSerialNumber(associatedStorageSystem), dbClient, StorageSystemType.BLOCK);
    StorageSystem storageSystem = dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, storageSystemUri);
    String type = storageSystem.getSystemType();
    RPRecommendation rpRecommendation = buildRpRecommendation(associatedStorageSystem, varray, vpool, sourcePool, capabilities, satisfiedSourceVolCount, sourceInternalSiteName, sourceStorageSytemUri, type, ps);
    String rpPlacementType = "Source recommendation ";
    if (isMPStandby) {
        rpPlacementType = "Standby recommendation";
    }"RP Placement : %s %s %n", rpPlacementType, rpRecommendation.toString(dbClient, ps)));
    return rpRecommendation;
Also used : RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) URI( StorageSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)

Example 15 with RPRecommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RPBlockServiceApiImpl method prepareRpJournals.

 * Prepares all the journal volumes and populates the values into the sourceJournals and/or
 * the targetJournals map.
 * @param rpProtectionRec
 *            - The main rec object
 * @param project
 *            - The project
 * @param consistencyGroup
 *            - The CG
 * @param vpool
 *            - The vpool (potentially swapped)
 * @param originalVpool
 *            - The original vpool
 * @param param
 *            - Volume create param
 * @param numberOfVolumesInRequest
 *            - Number of volumes to create
 * @param newVolumeLabel
 *            - Label of volume
 * @param isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume
 *            - Flag for protected change vpool op
 * @param capabilities
 *            - Capabilities object
 * @param protectionSystemURI
 *            - Protection System being used
 * @param taskList
 *            - Task List
 * @param task
 *            - Task
 * @param descriptors
 *            - List of all descriptors to be added
 * @param volumeURIs
 *            - List to store all the volume URIs
 * @param volumeInfoBuffer
 *            - Buffer for volume info to be printed
 * @param sourceCopyName
 *            - Source Copy Name
 * @param standbySourceCopyName
 *            - Standby Copy Name
private void prepareRpJournals(RPProtectionRecommendation rpProtectionRec, Project project, BlockConsistencyGroup consistencyGroup, VirtualPool vpool, VirtualPool originalVpool, VolumeCreate param, Integer numberOfVolumesInRequest, String newVolumeLabel, boolean isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, URI protectionSystemURI, TaskList taskList, String task, List<VolumeDescriptor> descriptors, List<URI> volumeURIs, StringBuffer volumeInfoBuffer, String sourceCopyName, String standbySourceCopyName) throws Exception {
    Volume sourceJournal = null;
    Volume standbyJournal = null;
    // This boolean indicates that the operation is only for adding additional journals.
    // When adding additional journals, there is the option to add multiple new journals,
    // however, for all other creates we are either re-using an existing journal or
    // just creating a single journal.
    // i.e. the majority of the time we are only creating a single journal.
    boolean journalOnlyCreate = capabilities.getAddJournalCapacity();
    RPRecommendation sourceJournalRec = rpProtectionRec.getSourceJournalRecommendation();
    RPRecommendation standbyJournalRec = rpProtectionRec.getStandbyJournalRecommendation();
    // Only check for existing source journals if this is not a direct journal add operation.
    if (!journalOnlyCreate) {
        if (sourceJournalRec == null) {
  "Re-use existing Source Journal for copy [%s]", sourceCopyName));
            // If the CG contains volumes already and no new additional journals are provisioned,
            // then we simply update the reference on the source for the journal volume.
            List<Volume> existingSourceJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(_dbClient, consistencyGroup.getId(), sourceCopyName);
            sourceJournal = existingSourceJournals.get(0);
  "Existing Primary Source Journal: [%s] (%s)", sourceJournal.getLabel(), sourceJournal.getId()));
            if (VirtualPool.vPoolSpecifiesMetroPoint(vpool) && !isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume) {
      "Re-use existing Standby Journal for copy [%s]", standbySourceCopyName));
                List<Volume> existingStandbyJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(_dbClient, consistencyGroup.getId(), standbySourceCopyName);
                standbyJournal = existingStandbyJournals.get(0);
      "Existing Standby Source Journal: [%s] (%s)", standbyJournal.getLabel(), standbyJournal.getId()));
    // /////// ACTIVE SOURCE JOURNAL ///////////
    if (!isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume && (sourceJournal == null) && sourceJournalRec != null) {"Create Active Source Journal...");
        // varray is used to get unique journal volume names
        VirtualArray varray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, sourceJournalRec.getVirtualArray());
        // Number of journals to create
        int numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest = sourceJournalRec.getResourceCount();
        // Force resource count to 1 here because we're using numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest to create the
        // correct number of journal resources.
        for (int volumeCount = 0; volumeCount < numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest; volumeCount++) {
            // acquire a lock so it's possible to get a unique name for the volume
            String lockKey = new StringBuilder(consistencyGroup.getLabel()).append("-").append(varray.getLabel()).toString();
            InterProcessLockHolder lock = null;
            try {
      "Attempting to acquire lock: " + lockKey);
                lock = InterProcessLockHolder.acquire(_coordinator, lockKey, _log, LOCK_WAIT_MILLISECONDS);
                // get a unique journal volume name
                String journalName = RPHelper.createJournalVolumeName(varray, consistencyGroup, _dbClient);
                // Create source journal
                sourceJournal = createRecoverPointVolume(sourceJournalRec, journalName, project, capabilities, consistencyGroup, param, protectionSystemURI, Volume.PersonalityTypes.METADATA, JOURNAL_RSET, null, null, taskList, task, sourceCopyName, descriptors, null, false, false, true);
            } finally {
                if (lock != null) {
    // /////// STANDBY SOURCE JOURNAL ///////////
    if (standbyJournal == null && standbyJournalRec != null) {"Create Standby Source Journal...");
        // varray is used to get unique journal volume names
        VirtualArray varray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, standbyJournalRec.getVirtualArray());
        // Number of journals to create
        int numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest = standbyJournalRec.getResourceCount();
        // Force resource count to 1 here because we're using numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest to create the
        // correct number of journal resources.
        for (int volumeCount = 0; volumeCount < numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest; volumeCount++) {
            // acquire a lock so it's possible to get a unique name for the volume
            String lockKey = new StringBuilder(consistencyGroup.getLabel()).append("-").append(varray.getLabel()).toString();
            InterProcessLockHolder lock = null;
            try {
      "Attempting to acquire lock: " + lockKey);
                lock = InterProcessLockHolder.acquire(_coordinator, lockKey, _log, LOCK_WAIT_MILLISECONDS);
                // get a unique journal volume name
                String journalName = RPHelper.createJournalVolumeName(varray, consistencyGroup, _dbClient);
                // If MetroPoint is enabled we need to create the standby journal volume
                standbyJournal = createRecoverPointVolume(standbyJournalRec, journalName, project, capabilities, consistencyGroup, param, protectionSystemURI, Volume.PersonalityTypes.METADATA, JOURNAL_RSET, null, null, taskList, task, standbySourceCopyName, descriptors, null, false, false, true);
            } finally {
                if (lock != null) {
    // /////// TARGET JOURNAL(s) ///////////
    if (!isChangeVpoolForProtectedVolume && rpProtectionRec.getTargetJournalRecommendations() != null && !rpProtectionRec.getTargetJournalRecommendations().isEmpty()) {
        for (RPRecommendation targetJournalRec : rpProtectionRec.getTargetJournalRecommendations()) {
            VirtualArray targetJournalVarray = _dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, targetJournalRec.getVirtualArray());
            // This is the varray for the target we're associating the journal too. It could be the case
            // that it is the same as the target journal varray set, or the user could have chosen a different
            // varray for their target journal in which case we do need to find which target/copy this journal will
            // be associated to in the RP CG.
            // Ex:
            // Target varray1
            // Target journal varray6
            // The target journal is varray6, however we are adding the journal to the target copy based on the protection
            // settings defined for varray1.
            VirtualArray targetCopyVarray = getProtectionVarray(rpProtectionRec, targetJournalRec.getInternalSiteName());
            if (targetCopyVarray == null) {
                targetCopyVarray = targetJournalVarray;
  "Create Target Journal (%s)...", targetJournalVarray.getLabel()));
            // Number of journals to create
            int numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest = targetJournalRec.getResourceCount();
            // Force resource count to 1 here because we're using numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest to create the
            // correct number of journal resources.
            for (int volumeCount = 0; volumeCount < numberOfJournalVolumesInRequest; volumeCount++) {
                // acquire a lock so it's possible to get a unique name for the volume
                String lockKey = new StringBuilder(consistencyGroup.getLabel()).append("-").append(targetCopyVarray.getLabel()).toString();
                InterProcessLockHolder lock = null;
                try {
          "Attempting to acquire lock: " + lockKey);
                    lock = InterProcessLockHolder.acquire(_coordinator, lockKey, _log, LOCK_WAIT_MILLISECONDS);
                    // get a unique journal volume name
                    String journalName = RPHelper.createJournalVolumeName(targetCopyVarray, consistencyGroup, _dbClient);
                    // Create target journal
                    Volume targetJournalVolume = createRecoverPointVolume(targetJournalRec, journalName, project, capabilities, consistencyGroup, param, protectionSystemURI, Volume.PersonalityTypes.METADATA, JOURNAL_RSET, null, null, taskList, task, targetJournalRec.getRpCopyName(), descriptors, null, false, false, false);
                } finally {
                    if (lock != null) {
    } else {"Re-use existing Target journals.");
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) InterProcessLockHolder(com.emc.storageos.coordinator.client.service.InterProcessLockHolder) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint)


RPRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation)28 RPProtectionRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation)22 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 VirtualArray (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray)19 VirtualPool (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool)18 StoragePool (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool)16 ProtectionSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSystem)15 BlockConsistencyGroup (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup)14 VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper)14 List (java.util.List)14 NamedURI (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI)13 StorageSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)13 StringMap (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringMap)12 StringSet (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet)12 VpoolProtectionVarraySettings (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VpoolProtectionVarraySettings)12 Recommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation)12 StringSetMap (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSetMap)11 VPlexRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation)11 Network (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Network)10 Project (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project)10