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Example 61 with Recommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method createRPProtectionRecommendationForMetroPoint.

 * Creates primary (active) and secondary (standby) cluster recommendations for MetroPoint.
 * We first determine the type of MetroPoint request based on the protection virtual array
 * configuration (single remote, local only, or local and remote). Using this information
 * we determine a possible placement recommendation for the primary cluster. Using the
 * primary cluster recommendation we then figure out a secondary cluster recommendation.
 * The secondary cluster recommendation needs protection attributes that give with the
 * primary cluster recommendation to satisfy the type of MetroPoint configuration requested.
 * @param varray the source virtual array.
 * @param protectionVarrays the RecoverPoint protection virtual arrays.
 * @param vpool the source virtual pool.
 * @param haVarray the HA virtual array - secondary cluster.
 * @param haVpool the HA virtual pool - secondary cluster.
 * @param capabilities parameters.
 * @param candidateActiveSourcePools the candidate primary cluster source pools.
 * @param candidateStandbySourcePools the candidate secondary cluster source pools.
 * @param candidateProtectionPoolsMap pre-populated map for tgt varray to storage pools, use null if not needed
 * @return list of Recommendation objects to satisfy the request
private RPProtectionRecommendation createRPProtectionRecommendationForMetroPoint(VirtualArray varray, List<VirtualArray> protectionVarrays, VirtualPool vpool, VirtualArray haVarray, VirtualPool haVpool, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, List<StoragePool> candidateActiveSourcePools, List<StoragePool> candidateStandbySourcePools, Map<VirtualArray, List<StoragePool>> candidateProtectionPools, Volume vpoolChangeVolume, Project project) {
    // Initialize a list of recommendations to be returned.
    Set<ProtectionSystem> secondaryProtectionSystems = null;
    placementStatus = new PlacementStatus();
    secondaryPlacementStatus = new PlacementStatus();
    int requestedResourceCount = capabilities.getResourceCount();
    int totalSatisfiedCount = 0;
    List<URI> protectionVarrayURIs = new ArrayList<URI>();
    for (VirtualArray vArray : protectionVarrays) {
        placementStatus.getProcessedProtectionVArrays().put(vArray.getId(), false);
    // Active journal varray - Either explicitly set by the user or use the default varray.
    VirtualArray activeJournalVarray = (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getJournalVarray()) ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, URI.create(vpool.getJournalVarray())) : varray);
    // Active journal vpool - Either explicitly set by the user or use the default vpool.
    VirtualPool activeJournalVpool = (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getJournalVpool()) ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, URI.create(vpool.getJournalVpool())) : vpool);
    // Standby journal varray - Either explicitly set by the user or use the default haVarray.
    VirtualArray standbyJournalVarray = (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getStandbyJournalVarray()) ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, URI.create(vpool.getStandbyJournalVarray())) : haVarray);
    // Standby journal vpool - Either explicitly set by the user or use the default haVpool.
    VirtualPool standbyJournalVpool = (NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getStandbyJournalVpool()) ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, URI.create(vpool.getStandbyJournalVpool())) : haVpool);
    // Build the list of protection virtual arrays to consider for determining a
    // primary placement solution. Add all virtual arrays from the source virtual
    // pool list of protection virtual arrays, except for the HA/standby virtual array.
    // In the case of local and/or remote protection, the HA virtual array should
    // never be considered as a valid protection target for primary placement.
    List<VirtualArray> activeProtectionVarrays = new ArrayList<VirtualArray>();
    for (VirtualArray protectionVarray : protectionVarrays) {
        if (!protectionVarray.getId().equals(haVarray.getId())) {
    // Build the list of protection virtual arrays to consider for determining a
    // standby placement solution. Add all virtual arrays from the source virtual
    // pool list of protection virtual arrays, except for the source virtual array.
    // In the case of local and/or remote protection, the source virtual array should
    // never be considered as a valid protection target for standby placement.
    List<VirtualArray> standbyProtectionVarrays = new ArrayList<VirtualArray>();
    for (VirtualArray protectionVarray : protectionVarrays) {
        if (!protectionVarray.getId().equals(varray.getId())) {
    // The attributes below will not change throughout the placement process
    boolean secondaryRecommendationSolution = false;
    int satisfiedSourceVolCount = 0;
    int totalRequestedResourceCount = capabilities.getResourceCount();
    boolean isChangeVpool = (vpoolChangeVolume != null);
    // Top level recommendation object
    RPProtectionRecommendation rpProtectionRecommendation = new RPProtectionRecommendation();
    // Source pool recommendations
    List<Recommendation> sourcePoolRecommendations = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
    // Map to hold standby storage pools to protection systems
    Map<URI, Set<ProtectionSystem>> standbyStoragePoolsToProtectionSystems = new HashMap<URI, Set<ProtectionSystem>>();
    // Change vpool only: Set values for change vpool. If not a change vpool these values will be null.
    rpProtectionRecommendation.setVpoolChangeVolume(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpoolChangeVolume.getId() : null);
    rpProtectionRecommendation.setVpoolChangeNewVpool(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpool.getId() : null);
    rpProtectionRecommendation.setVpoolChangeProtectionAlreadyExists(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpoolChangeVolume.checkForRp() : false);
    // Change vpool only: Recommendation objects specifically used for change vpool. These will not be populated otherwise.
    Recommendation changeVpoolSourceRecommendation = new Recommendation();
    Recommendation changeVpoolStandbyRecommendation = new Recommendation();
    if (isChangeVpool) {
        // valid pool, the existing ones for active and standby. This is just to used to pass through the placement code.
        if (null == vpoolChangeVolume.getAssociatedVolumes() || vpoolChangeVolume.getAssociatedVolumes().isEmpty()) {
            _log.error("VPLEX volume {} has no backend volumes.", vpoolChangeVolume.forDisplay());
            throw InternalServerErrorException.internalServerErrors.noAssociatedVolumesForVPLEXVolume(vpoolChangeVolume.forDisplay());
        for (String associatedVolume : vpoolChangeVolume.getAssociatedVolumes()) {
            Volume assocVol = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, URI.create(associatedVolume));
            if (assocVol.getVirtualArray().equals(varray.getId())) {
                // This is the existing active source backing volume
                StoragePool pool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, assocVol.getPool());
      "RP Placement : Change Virtual Pool - Active source pool already exists, reuse pool: [%s] [%s].", pool.getLabel().toString(), pool.getId().toString()));
            } else if (assocVol.getVirtualArray().equals(haVarray.getId())) {
                // This is the existing standby source backing volume
                StoragePool pool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, assocVol.getPool());
      "RP Placement : Change Virtual Pool - Standby source pool already exists, reuse pool: [%s] [%s].", pool.getLabel().toString(), pool.getId().toString()));
        satisfiedSourceVolCount = 1;
    } else {
        // If this is not a change vpool, then gather the recommended pools for the source.
        sourcePoolRecommendations = getRecommendedPools(rpProtectionRecommendation, varray, vpool, null, null, capabilities, RPHelper.SOURCE, null);
    // If we have no source pools at this point, throw an exception.
    if (sourcePoolRecommendations == null || sourcePoolRecommendations.isEmpty()) {
        _log.error(String.format("RP Placement : No matching storage pools found for the source varray: [%s. " + "There are no storage pools that match the passed vpool parameters and protocols and/or there are " + "no pools that have enough capacity to hold at least one resource of the requested size.", varray.getLabel()));
        throw APIException.badRequests.noMatchingStoragePoolsForVpoolAndVarray(vpool.getLabel(), varray.getLabel());
    }"RP Placement : Determining RP placement for the primary (active) MetroPoint cluster for %s resources.", totalRequestedResourceCount));
    // Keep track of the possible pools to use for the source. This will help us determine if we have
    // exhausted all our options.
    int remainingPossiblePrimarySrcPoolSolutions = sourcePoolRecommendations.size();
    // Iterate over the source pools found to find a solution...
    for (Recommendation recommendedPool : sourcePoolRecommendations) {
        StoragePool sourcePool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, recommendedPool.getSourceStoragePool());
        satisfiedSourceVolCount = (recommendedPool.getResourceCount() >= requestedResourceCount) ? requestedResourceCount : recommendedPool.getResourceCount();
        Set<ProtectionSystem> primaryProtectionSystems = new HashSet<ProtectionSystem>();
        ProtectionSystem cgProtectionSystem = getCgProtectionSystem(capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup());
        // used by other volumes in it.
        if (cgProtectionSystem != null) {
            BlockConsistencyGroup cg = dbClient.queryObject(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup());
  "RP Placement : Narrowing down placement to use protection system %s, which is currently used " + "by RecoverPoint consistency group %s.", cgProtectionSystem.getLabel(), cg));
        } else {
            primaryProtectionSystems = getProtectionSystemsForStoragePool(sourcePool, varray, true);
            if (primaryProtectionSystems.isEmpty()) {
        // Sort the ProtectionSystems based on the last time a CG was created. Always use the
        // ProtectionSystem with the oldest cgLastCreated timestamp to support a round-robin
        // style of load balancing.
        List<ProtectionSystem> primaryProtectionSystemsList = sortProtectionSystems(primaryProtectionSystems);
        for (ProtectionSystem primaryProtectionSystem : primaryProtectionSystemsList) {
            Calendar cgLastCreated = primaryProtectionSystem.getCgLastCreatedTime();
  "RP Placement : Attempting to use protection system [%s], which was last used to create a CG on [%s].", primaryProtectionSystem.getLabel(), cgLastCreated != null ? cgLastCreated.getTime().toString() : "N/A"));
            // Get a list of associated storage systems for the pool, varray, and the protection system.
            // This will return a list of strings that are in the format of:
            // <storage system serial number>:<rp site name>
            List<String> primaryAssociatedStorageSystems = getCandidateVisibleStorageSystems(sourcePool, primaryProtectionSystem, varray, activeProtectionVarrays, true);
            if (primaryAssociatedStorageSystems.isEmpty()) {
                // In this case no rp sites were connected to this storage system, we should not hit this,
                // but just to be safe we'll catch it.
      "RP Placement: Protection System %s does not have an rp site cluster connected to Storage pool %s ", primaryProtectionSystem.getLabel(), sourcePool.getLabel()));
            // Iterate over the associated storage systems
            for (String primaryAssociatedStorageSystem : primaryAssociatedStorageSystems) {
      "RP Placement : Build MetroPoint Active Recommendation..."));
                RPRecommendation sourceRec = buildSourceRecommendation(primaryAssociatedStorageSystem, varray, vpool, primaryProtectionSystem, sourcePool, capabilities, satisfiedSourceVolCount, placementStatus, vpoolChangeVolume, false);
                if (sourceRec == null) {
                    // No source placement found for the primaryAssociatedStorageSystem, so continue.
                    _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Could not create MetroPoint Active Recommendation using [%s], continuing...", primaryAssociatedStorageSystem));
                URI primarySourceStorageSystemURI = sourceRec.getVirtualVolumeRecommendation().getVPlexStorageSystem();
                if (rpProtectionRecommendation.getSourceJournalRecommendation() == null) {
          "RP Placement : Build MetroPoint Active Journal Recommendation..."));
                    RPRecommendation activeJournalRecommendation = buildJournalRecommendation(rpProtectionRecommendation, sourceRec.getInternalSiteName(), vpool.getJournalSize(), activeJournalVarray, activeJournalVpool, primaryProtectionSystem, capabilities, totalRequestedResourceCount, vpoolChangeVolume, false);
                    if (activeJournalRecommendation == null) {
                        // No source journal placement found, so continue.
                        _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Could not create MetroPoint Active Journal Recommendation, continuing..."));
      "RP Placement : An RP source placement solution has been identified for the MetroPoint primary (active) cluster.");
                // Find a solution, given this vpool, and the target varrays
                if (findSolution(rpProtectionRecommendation, sourceRec, varray, vpool, activeProtectionVarrays, capabilities, satisfiedSourceVolCount, true, null, project)) {
          "RP Placement : An RP target placement solution has been identified for the MetroPoint primary (active) cluster.");
                    // We have a primary cluster protection recommendation for the specified metroPointType. We need to now determine if
                    // we can protect the secondary cluster for the given metroPointType.
          "RP Placement : Determining RP placement for the secondary (standby) MetroPoint cluster.");
                    secondaryRecommendationSolution = false;
                    // Get the candidate secondary cluster source pools - sets secondarySourcePoolURIs.
                    List<Recommendation> secondaryPoolsRecommendation = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
                    if (isChangeVpool) {
                    } else {
                        secondaryPoolsRecommendation = getRecommendedPools(rpProtectionRecommendation, haVarray, haVpool, null, null, capabilities, RPHelper.TARGET, null);
                    for (Recommendation secondaryPoolRecommendation : secondaryPoolsRecommendation) {
                        // Start with the top of the list of source pools, find a solution based on that.
                        StoragePool standbySourcePool = dbClient.queryObject(StoragePool.class, secondaryPoolRecommendation.getSourceStoragePool());
                        // Lookup source pool protection systems in the cache first.
                        if (standbyStoragePoolsToProtectionSystems.containsKey(standbySourcePool.getId())) {
                            secondaryProtectionSystems = standbyStoragePoolsToProtectionSystems.get(standbySourcePool.getId());
                        } else {
                            secondaryProtectionSystems = getProtectionSystemsForStoragePool(standbySourcePool, haVarray, true);
                            if (secondaryProtectionSystems.isEmpty()) {
                            // Cache the result for this pool
                            standbyStoragePoolsToProtectionSystems.put(standbySourcePool.getId(), secondaryProtectionSystems);
                        ProtectionSystem selectedSecondaryProtectionSystem = null;
                        // Ensure the we have a secondary protection system that matches the primary protection system
                        for (ProtectionSystem secondaryProtectionSystem : secondaryProtectionSystems) {
                            if (secondaryProtectionSystem.getId().equals(rpProtectionRecommendation.getProtectionDevice())) {
                                // We have a protection system match for this pool, continue.
                                selectedSecondaryProtectionSystem = secondaryProtectionSystem;
                        if (selectedSecondaryProtectionSystem == null) {
                            // There is no protection system for this pool that matches the selected primary
                            // protection system. So lets try another pool.
                  "RP Placement: Secondary source storage pool %s " + " does not have connectivity to the selected primary protection system.", standbySourcePool.getLabel()));
                        } else {
                            // List of concatenated strings that contain the RP site + associated storage system.
                            List<String> secondaryAssociatedStorageSystems = getCandidateVisibleStorageSystems(standbySourcePool, selectedSecondaryProtectionSystem, haVarray, activeProtectionVarrays, true);
                            // make sure you check RP topology to see if the sites can protect that many targets
                            if (secondaryAssociatedStorageSystems.isEmpty()) {
                                // no rp site clusters connected to this storage system, should not hit this,
                                // but just to be safe we'll catch it
                      "RP Placement: Protection System " + selectedSecondaryProtectionSystem.getLabel() + " does not have an rp site cluster connected to Storage pool " + standbySourcePool.getLabel());
                            Set<String> validSecondaryAssociatedStorageSystems = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
                            // that reference the same storage system as the primary recommendation and has a different RP site.
                            for (String secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem : secondaryAssociatedStorageSystems) {
                                String secondarySourceInternalSiteName = ProtectionSystem.getAssociatedStorageSystemSiteName(secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem);
                                URI secondarySourceStorageSystemURI = ConnectivityUtil.findStorageSystemBySerialNumber(ProtectionSystem.getAssociatedStorageSystemSerialNumber(secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem), dbClient, StorageSystemType.BLOCK);
                                boolean validForStandbyPlacement = false;
                                if (secondarySourceStorageSystemURI.equals(primarySourceStorageSystemURI) && !secondarySourceInternalSiteName.equals(sourceRec.getInternalSiteName())) {
                                    validForStandbyPlacement = true;
                      "RP Placement: associated storage system entry [%s] " + "%s valid for standby placement.", secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem, (validForStandbyPlacement ? "" : "NOT")));
                            for (String secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem : validSecondaryAssociatedStorageSystems) {
                      "RP Placement : Build MetroPoint Standby Recommendation..."));
                                RPRecommendation secondaryRpRecommendation = buildSourceRecommendation(secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem, haVarray, haVpool, selectedSecondaryProtectionSystem, standbySourcePool, capabilities, satisfiedSourceVolCount, secondaryPlacementStatus, null, true);
                                if (secondaryRpRecommendation == null) {
                                    // No standby placement found for the secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem, so continue.
                                    _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Could not create MetroPoint Standby Recommendation using [%s], continuing...", secondaryAssociatedStorageSystem));
                                if (rpProtectionRecommendation.getStandbyJournalRecommendation() == null) {
                          "RP Placement : Build MetroPoint Standby Journal Recommendation..."));
                                    RPRecommendation standbyJournalRecommendation = buildJournalRecommendation(rpProtectionRecommendation, secondaryRpRecommendation.getInternalSiteName(), vpool.getJournalSize(), standbyJournalVarray, standbyJournalVpool, primaryProtectionSystem, capabilities, totalRequestedResourceCount, vpoolChangeVolume, true);
                                    if (standbyJournalRecommendation == null) {
                                        // No standby journal placement found, so continue.
                                        _log.warn(String.format("RP Placement : Could not create MetroPoint Standby Journal Recommendation, continuing..."));
                                // Find a solution, given this vpool, and the target varrays
                                if (findSolution(rpProtectionRecommendation, secondaryRpRecommendation, haVarray, vpool, standbyProtectionVarrays, capabilities, satisfiedSourceVolCount, true, sourceRec, project)) {
                          "RP Placement : An RP target placement solution has been identified for the " + "MetroPoint secondary (standby) cluster.");
                                    secondaryRecommendationSolution = true;
                                } else {
                          "RP Placement : Unable to find a suitable solution, continuining to find other solutions.");
                            if (secondaryRecommendationSolution) {
                            } else {
                    if (!secondaryRecommendationSolution) {
              "RP Placement : Unable to find MetroPoint secondary cluster placement recommendation that " + "jives with primary cluster recommendation.  Need to find a new primary recommendation.");
                        // Exhausted all the secondary pool URIs. Need to find another primary solution.
                    // We are done - secondary recommendation found
                    requestedResourceCount = requestedResourceCount - satisfiedSourceVolCount;
                    totalSatisfiedCount += satisfiedSourceVolCount;
                    if (totalSatisfiedCount >= totalRequestedResourceCount) {
                        // Check to ensure the protection system can handle the new resources about to come down
                        if (!verifyPlacement(primaryProtectionSystem, rpProtectionRecommendation, rpProtectionRecommendation.getResourceCount())) {
                        return rpProtectionRecommendation;
                    } else {
                        // loop back to the next pool
                } else {
                    // Not sure there's anything to do here. Just go to the next candidate protection system or Protection System
          "RP Placement : Could not find a solution against protection system %s and internal " + "cluster name %s", primaryProtectionSystem.getLabel(), sourceRec.getInternalSiteName()));
                    rpProtectionRecommendation = getNewProtectionRecommendation(vpoolChangeVolume, vpool);
            // end of for loop trying to find solution using possible rp cluster sites
            rpProtectionRecommendation = getNewProtectionRecommendation(vpoolChangeVolume, vpool);
    // end of protection systems for loop
    // a solution
    if ((remainingPossiblePrimarySrcPoolSolutions == 0) && totalSatisfiedCount < capabilities.getResourceCount()) {
        _log.error("Could not find a MetroPoint placement solution.  In a MetroPoint consistency group, there can " + "exist at most one remote copy and from zero to two local copies.  If there is no remote copy, " + "there must be two local copies, one at each side of the VPLEX Metro.");
        throw APIException.badRequests.cannotFindSolutionForRP(buildMetroProintPlacementStatusString());
    _log.error("ViPR could not find matching target storage pools that could be protected via RecoverPoint");
    _log.error("Could not find a MetroPoint placement solution.  In a MetroPoint consistency group, there can " + "exist at most one remote copy and from zero to two local copies.  If there is no remote copy, " + "there must be two local copies, one at each side of the VPLEX Metro.");
    throw APIException.badRequests.cannotFindSolutionForRP(buildMetroProintPlacementStatusString());
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) AbstractChangeTrackingSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.AbstractChangeTrackingSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) StoragePool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProtectionSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSystem) URI( RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) VirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) VPlexRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) BlockConsistencyGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume)

Example 62 with Recommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method getAllHARecommendations.

 * Gets all the HA placement recommendations.
 * @param srcVarray The source virtual array
 * @param srcVpool The source virtual pool
 * @param requestedHaVarray The requested highly available virtual array
 * @param haVpool The highly available virtual pool
 * @param capabilities The virtual pool capabilities
 * @param vplexPoolMapForSrcVarray The source virtual array, VPlex connected storage pools
 * @param srcStorageSystem The selected VPlex source leg storage system
 * @param isRpTarget true if the request is specific to a RecoverPoint target, false otherwise
 * @return A list of VPlexRecommendation instances specifying the
 *         HA recommended resource placement resources
protected List<Recommendation> getAllHARecommendations(VirtualArray srcVarray, VirtualPool srcVpool, VirtualArray requestedHaVarray, VirtualPool haVpool, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, Map<String, List<StoragePool>> vplexPoolMapForSrcVarray) {"Executing VPlex high availability placement strategy");
    // Initialize the list of recommendations.
    List<Recommendation> recommendations = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
    // The list of potential VPlex storage systems.
    Set<String> vplexStorageSystemIds = vplexPoolMapForSrcVarray.keySet();"%s VPlex storage systems have matching pools", vplexStorageSystemIds.size()));
    // For an HA request, get the possible high availability varrays
    // for each potential VPlex storage system.
    Map<String, List<String>> vplexHaVarrayMap = ConnectivityUtil.getVPlexVarrays(dbClient, vplexStorageSystemIds, srcVarray.getId());
    // passed VirtualPool is use.
    if (haVpool == null) {
        haVpool = srcVpool;
    }"Requested HA varray is %s", (requestedHaVarray != null ? requestedHaVarray.getId() : "not specified")));
    // Loop over the potential VPlex storage systems, and attempt
    // to place the resources.
    Iterator<String> vplexSystemIdsIter = vplexStorageSystemIds.iterator();
    while (vplexSystemIdsIter.hasNext()) {
        String vplexStorageSystemId =;"Check matching pools for VPlex %s", vplexStorageSystemId));
        // pools for this VPlex storage system.
        if (VirtualPool.ProvisioningType.Thin.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(srcVpool.getSupportedProvisioningType())) {
            capabilities.put(VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper.THIN_PROVISIONING, Boolean.TRUE);
        // Otherwise we now have to see if there is an HA varray
        // for the VPlex that also contains pools suitable to place
        // the resources.
        List<String> vplexHaVarrayIds = vplexHaVarrayMap.get(vplexStorageSystemId);"Found %s HA varrays", vplexHaVarrayIds.size()));
        for (String vplexHaVarrayId : vplexHaVarrayIds) {
  "Check HA varray %s", vplexHaVarrayId));
            // varray is not it, then skip the varray.
            if ((requestedHaVarray != null) && (!vplexHaVarrayId.equals(requestedHaVarray.getId().toString()))) {
      "Not the requested HA varray, skip");
            // Get all storage pools that match the passed VirtualPool params,
            // and this HA VirtualArray. In addition, the
            // pool must have enough capacity to hold at least one
            // resource of the requested size.
            VirtualArray vplexHaVarray = dbClient.queryObject(VirtualArray.class, URI.create(vplexHaVarrayId));
            Map<String, Object> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            List<StoragePool> allMatchingPoolsForHaVarray = vplexScheduler.getMatchingPools(vplexHaVarray, null, haVpool, capabilities, attributeMap);
  "Found %s matching pools for HA varray", allMatchingPoolsForHaVarray.size()));
            // Now from the list of candidate pools, we only want pools
            // on storage systems that are connected to the VPlex
            // storage system. We find these storage pools and associate
            // them to the VPlex storage systems to which their storage
            // system is connected.
            Map<String, List<StoragePool>> vplexPoolMapForHaVarray = vplexScheduler.sortPoolsByVPlexStorageSystem(allMatchingPoolsForHaVarray, vplexHaVarrayId);
            // If the HA varray has candidate pools for this
            // VPlex, see if the candidate pools in this HA
            // varray are sufficient to place the resources.
            List<Recommendation> recommendationsForHaVarray = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
            if (vplexPoolMapForHaVarray.containsKey(vplexStorageSystemId)) {
      "Found matching pools in HA varray for VPlex %s", vplexStorageSystemId));
                if (VirtualPool.ProvisioningType.Thin.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(haVpool.getSupportedProvisioningType())) {
                    capabilities.put(VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper.THIN_PROVISIONING, Boolean.TRUE);
                recommendationsForHaVarray = blockScheduler.getRecommendationsForPools(vplexHaVarray.getId().toString(), vplexPoolMapForHaVarray.get(vplexStorageSystemId), capabilities);
            } else {
      "No matching pools in HA varray for VPlex %s", vplexStorageSystemId));
            // the source and HA varrays.
            if (!recommendationsForHaVarray.isEmpty()) {
      "Matching pools in HA varray sufficient for placement.");
                recommendations.addAll(vplexScheduler.createVPlexRecommendations(vplexStorageSystemId, vplexHaVarray, haVpool, recommendationsForHaVarray));
            // varrays for this VPlex.
            if (!recommendations.isEmpty() || (requestedHaVarray != null)) {
      "Done trying to place resource for VPlex.");
    return recommendations;
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) StoragePool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VPlexRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) DiscoveredDataObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.DiscoveredDataObject)

Example 63 with Recommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class RecoverPointScheduler method buildCgRecommendations.

 * Builds a recommendation from existing CG.
 * This method is called when adding more volumes into an existing CG or change vpool scenario.
 * When adding to an existing CG we can accommodate the request with the recommendations from
 * resources that have already been placed in the existing CG.
 * @param capabilities - Virtual Pool capabilities
 * @param vpool - Virtual Pool
 * @param protectionVarrays - List of target copy virtual arrays
 * @param vpoolChangeVolume - change virtual pool volume
 * @return - List of recommendations
protected List<Recommendation> buildCgRecommendations(VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, VirtualPool vpool, List<VirtualArray> protectionVarrays, Volume vpoolChangeVolume) {
    BlockConsistencyGroup cg = dbClient.queryObject(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup());"Attempting to align placement (protection system, storage pools, internal site names) with " + "existing volumes in RecoverPoint consistency group %s.", cg.getLabel()));
    List<Recommendation> recommendations = new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
    // Find the first existing source volume
    List<Volume> sourceVolumes = RPHelper.getCgSourceVolumes(cg.getId(), dbClient);
    if (sourceVolumes.isEmpty()) {"Unable to fully align placement with existing volumes in RecoverPoint consistency group %s.  " + "The consistency group currently contains no volumes.", cg.getLabel()));
        return recommendations;
    // Verify that all the underlying protection storage pools used by the existing source volume are available to this request
    if (!verifyExistingSourceProtectionPools(sourceVolumes.get(0), vpool, cg.getLabel())) {
        return recommendations;
    Volume sourceVolume = null;
    boolean createRecommendations = false;
    for (Volume currentSourceVolume : sourceVolumes) {
        // enough capacity, use it to produce the recommendation.
        if (cgPoolsHaveAvailableCapacity(currentSourceVolume, capabilities, vpool, protectionVarrays)) {
            createRecommendations = true;
            sourceVolume = currentSourceVolume;
    if (!createRecommendations) {
        return recommendations;
    RPProtectionRecommendation recommendation = new RPProtectionRecommendation();
    if (sourceVolume.getProtectionController() != null) {
        ProtectionSystem ps = dbClient.queryObject(ProtectionSystem.class, sourceVolume.getProtectionController());
        if (ps.getInactive()) {
            // be protected so we must fail.
            throw APIException.badRequests.cgReferencesInvalidProtectionSystem(cg.getId(), sourceVolume.getProtectionController());
    } else {
        // be protected so we must fail.
        throw APIException.badRequests.cgReferencesInvalidProtectionSystem(cg.getId(), sourceVolume.getProtectionController());
    recommendation.setVpoolChangeVolume(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpoolChangeVolume.getId() : null);
    recommendation.setVpoolChangeNewVpool(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpool.getId() : null);
    recommendation.setVpoolChangeProtectionAlreadyExists(vpoolChangeVolume != null ? vpoolChangeVolume.checkForRp() : false);
    // Check to see if we need an additional journal for Source
    Map<Integer, Long> additionalJournalForSource = RPHelper.additionalJournalRequiredForRPCopy(vpool.getJournalSize(), cg.getId(), capabilities.getSize(), capabilities.getResourceCount(), sourceVolume.getRpCopyName(), dbClient);
    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(additionalJournalForSource)) {
        // ACTIVE SOURCE JOURNAL Recommendation
        List<Volume> sourceJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(dbClient, sourceVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), sourceVolume.getRpCopyName());
        Volume sourceJournal = sourceJournals.get(0);
        if (sourceJournal == null) {
            _log.error(String.format("No existing source journal found in CG [%s] for copy [%s], returning false", sourceVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), sourceVolume.getRpCopyName()));
            throw APIException.badRequests.unableToFindSuitableJournalRecommendation();
        VirtualPool sourceJournalVpool = NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getJournalVpool()) ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, URI.create(vpool.getJournalVpool())) : vpool;
        Long sourceJournalSize = getJournalCapabilities(vpool.getJournalSize(), capabilities, 1).getSize();
        RPRecommendation sourceJournalRecommendation = buildRpRecommendationFromExistingVolume(sourceJournal, sourceJournalVpool, capabilities, sourceJournalSize);
        // Parse out the calculated values
        Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry = additionalJournalForSource.entrySet().iterator().next();
        Integer journalCount = entry.getKey();
        Long journalSize = entry.getValue();
        // Override values in recommendation with calculated journal count and size
        // STANDBY SOURCE JOURNAL Recommendation
        String standbyCopyName = RPHelper.getStandbyProductionCopyName(dbClient, sourceVolume);
        if (standbyCopyName != null) {
            List<Volume> existingStandbyJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(dbClient, sourceVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), standbyCopyName);
            Volume standbyJournal = existingStandbyJournals.get(0);
            if (standbyJournal == null) {
                _log.error(String.format("No existing standby journal found in CG [%s] for copy [%s], returning false", sourceVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), standbyCopyName));
                throw APIException.badRequests.unableToFindSuitableJournalRecommendation();
            VirtualPool haVpool = (null != VirtualPool.getHAVPool(vpool, dbClient)) ? VirtualPool.getHAVPool(vpool, dbClient) : vpool;
            VirtualPool standbyJournalVpool = NullColumnValueGetter.isNotNullValue(vpool.getStandbyJournalVpool()) ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, URI.create(vpool.getStandbyJournalVpool())) : haVpool;
            RPRecommendation standbyJournalRecommendation = buildRpRecommendationFromExistingVolume(standbyJournal, standbyJournalVpool, capabilities, sourceJournalSize);
            // Override values in recommendation with calculated journal count and size
    // SOURCE Recommendation
    RPRecommendation sourceRecommendation = buildRpRecommendationFromExistingVolume(sourceVolume, vpool, capabilities, null);
    // TARGET Recommendation(s)
    Map<URI, VpoolProtectionVarraySettings> protectionSettings = VirtualPool.getProtectionSettings(vpool, dbClient);
    for (VirtualArray protectionVarray : protectionVarrays) {
        Volume targetVolume = getTargetVolumeForProtectionVirtualArray(sourceVolume, protectionVarray);
        // if the target vpool is not set, it defaults to the source vpool
        VirtualPool targetVpool = vpool;
        if (protectionSettings.get(protectionVarray.getId()) != null && protectionSettings.get(protectionVarray.getId()).getVirtualPool() != null) {
            targetVpool = dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, protectionSettings.get(protectionVarray.getId()).getVirtualPool());
        RPRecommendation targetRecommendation = buildRpRecommendationFromExistingVolume(targetVolume, targetVpool, capabilities, null);
        if (sourceRecommendation.getTargetRecommendations() == null) {
            sourceRecommendation.setTargetRecommendations(new ArrayList<RPRecommendation>());
        // Check to see if we need an additional journal for Target
        Map<Integer, Long> additionalJournalForTarget = RPHelper.additionalJournalRequiredForRPCopy(vpool.getJournalSize(), cg.getId(), capabilities.getSize(), capabilities.getResourceCount(), targetVolume.getRpCopyName(), dbClient);
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(additionalJournalForTarget)) {
            // TARGET JOURNAL Recommendation
            List<Volume> targetJournals = RPHelper.findExistingJournalsForCopy(dbClient, targetVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), targetVolume.getRpCopyName());
            Volume targetJournal = targetJournals.get(0);
            if (targetJournal == null) {
                _log.error(String.format("No existing target journal found in CG [%s] for copy [%s], returning false", targetVolume.getConsistencyGroup(), targetVolume.getRpCopyName()));
                throw APIException.badRequests.unableToFindSuitableJournalRecommendation();
            VirtualPool targetJournalVpool = protectionSettings.get(protectionVarray.getId()).getJournalVpool() != null ? dbClient.queryObject(VirtualPool.class, protectionSettings.get(protectionVarray.getId()).getJournalVpool()) : targetVpool;
            Long targetJournalSize = getJournalCapabilities(protectionSettings.get(protectionVarray.getId()).getJournalSize(), capabilities, 1).getSize();
            RPRecommendation targetJournalRecommendation = buildRpRecommendationFromExistingVolume(targetJournal, targetJournalVpool, capabilities, targetJournalSize);
            // Parse out the calculated values
            Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry = additionalJournalForSource.entrySet().iterator().next();
            Integer journalCount = entry.getKey();
            Long journalSize = entry.getValue();
            // Override values in recommendation with calculated journal count and size
            if (recommendation.getTargetJournalRecommendations() == null) {
                recommendation.setTargetJournalRecommendations(new ArrayList<RPRecommendation>());
    }"Produced recommendations based on existing source volume [%s](%s) from " + "RecoverPoint consistency group [%s].", sourceVolume.getLabel(), sourceVolume.getId(), cg.getLabel()));
    return recommendations;
Also used : VirtualArray(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VpoolProtectionVarraySettings(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VpoolProtectionVarraySettings) VirtualPool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool) ProtectionSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ProtectionSystem) URI( VPlexRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) RPProtectionRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation) BlockConsistencyGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup) Volume(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume) RPRecommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) StringSetMap(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSetMap) StringMap(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringMap)

Example 64 with Recommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class StorageScheduler method performArrayAffinityPlacement.

 * Try to determine a list of storage pools from the passed list of storage
 * pools that can accommodate the passed number of resources of the passed
 * size accord to array affinity policy.
 * @param varrayId String of VirtualArray ID for the recommendations.
 * @param capabilities VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper.
 * @param candidatePools The list of candidate storage pools.
 * @param inCG In a Consistency Group
 * @return The list of Recommendation instances reflecting the recommended
 *         pools.
private List<Recommendation> performArrayAffinityPlacement(String varrayId, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities, List<StoragePool> candidatePools, boolean inCG) {
    Map<URI, Double> arrayToHostWeightMap = new HashMap<URI, Double>();
    Map<URI, Set<URI>> preferredPoolMap = null;
    boolean canUseNonPreferred = false;
    if (capabilities.getArrayAffinity()) {
        String computeIdStr = capabilities.getCompute();
        preferredPoolMap = getPreferredPoolMap(computeIdStr, arrayToHostWeightMap);"ArrayAffinity - preferred arrays for {} - {}", computeIdStr, arrayToHostWeightMap);
        int limit = Integer.valueOf(_customConfigHandler.getComputedCustomConfigValue(CustomConfigConstants.HOST_RESOURCE_MAX_NUM_OF_ARRAYS, CustomConfigConstants.GLOBAL_KEY, null));
        canUseNonPreferred = preferredPoolMap.keySet().size() < limit;
    } else {
        preferredPoolMap = new HashMap<URI, Set<URI>>();
        canUseNonPreferred = true;
    }"ArrayAffinity - allow non preferred array {}", canUseNonPreferred);
    // group pools by array
    Map<URI, List<StoragePool>> candidatePoolMap = groupPoolsByArray(candidatePools, canUseNonPreferred, arrayToHostWeightMap.keySet());
    if (candidatePoolMap == null || candidatePoolMap.isEmpty()) {
        throw APIException.badRequests.noCandidateStoragePoolsForArrayAffinity();
    // get all the candidate arrays
    List<StorageSystem> candidateSystems = _dbClient.queryObject(StorageSystem.class, candidatePoolMap.keySet());
    // all pools that can be used for placement
    List<StoragePool> poolList = new ArrayList<StoragePool>();
    for (List<StoragePool> pools : candidatePoolMap.values()) {
    // compute and set storage pools' and arrays' average port usage metrics before sorting"ArrayAffinity - compute port metrics");
    Map<URI, Double> arrayToAvgPortMetricsMap = _portMetricsProcessor.computeStoragePoolsAvgPortMetrics(poolList);
    // sort the arrays, first by host/cluster's preference, then by array's average port metrics
    // then by free capacity and capacity utilization
    Collections.sort(candidateSystems, new StorageSystemArrayAffinityComparator(arrayToHostWeightMap, candidatePoolMap, arrayToAvgPortMetricsMap));"ArrayAffinity - sorted candidate systems {}", Joiner.on(',').join(Collections2.transform(candidateSystems, CommonTransformerFunctions.fctnDataObjectToID())));
    // process the sorted candidate arrays
    for (StorageSystem system : candidateSystems) {
        URI systemURI = system.getId();
        // get all available pools of the array
        List<StoragePool> availablePools = candidatePoolMap.get(system.getId());
        // sort the pools by free capacity, and capacity utilization
        StoragePoolCapacityComparator poolComparator = new StoragePoolCapacityComparator();
        Collections.sort(availablePools, poolComparator);
        // split the pools into two lists by preference, both are sorted
        Set<URI> preferredPoolURIs = preferredPoolMap.get(systemURI);
        List<StoragePool> preferredPools = new ArrayList<StoragePool>();
        List<StoragePool> nonPreferredPools = new ArrayList<StoragePool>();
        for (StoragePool pool : availablePools) {
            if (preferredPoolURIs != null && preferredPoolURIs.contains(pool.getId())) {
            } else {
        // create a list of secondary pools (preferred and non preferred)
        // the list is sorted by preference first, then by capacity
        // the list will be used only if preferred pools along cannot satisfy the request
        // IBM XIV, all volumes in a CG must belong to same pool
        List<StoragePool> secondaryPools = new ArrayList<StoragePool>();
        // for IBM XIV, all volumes in a CG must be in same pool
        if (inCG && {
            if (preferredPools.isEmpty()) {
                if (!nonPreferredPools.isEmpty()) {
                    // only keep first non preferred pool
            } else {
                // only keep first preferred pool
                preferredPools = Arrays.asList(preferredPools.get(0));
                // only keep the first non preferred pool if it has more capacity than the preferred one
                if (!nonPreferredPools.isEmpty() &&, preferredPools.get(0)) < 0) {
        } else {
            // only if there is a non preferred pool
            if (!nonPreferredPools.isEmpty()) {
        // start from preferredPools
        if (!preferredPools.isEmpty()) {
  "ArrayAffinity - preferred pools {}", Joiner.on(',').join(preferredPools));
            List<Recommendation> recommendations = getRecommendedPools(varrayId, preferredPools, capabilities, false);
            if (!recommendations.isEmpty()) {
                return recommendations;
            } else {
      "ArrayAffinity - no recommended pools found from perferred pools");
        // then secondaryPools
        if (!secondaryPools.isEmpty()) {
  "ArrayAffinity - secondary pools {}", Joiner.on(',').join(secondaryPools));
            // send both preferred and non preferred pools for the system
            List<Recommendation> recommendations = getRecommendedPools(varrayId, availablePools, capabilities, false);
            if (!recommendations.isEmpty()) {
                return recommendations;
            } else {
      "ArrayAffinity - no recommended pools found from secondary pools");
    // No recommendations found on any storage system.
    return new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) StoragePool(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NamedURI(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI) URI( AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) ContainmentPrefixConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentPrefixConstraint) ContainmentConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TaskList(com.emc.storageos.model.TaskList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) StorageSystem(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)

Example 65 with Recommendation

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class StorageScheduler method getRecommendationsForPools.

 * Try to determine a list of storage pools from the passed list of storage
 * pools that can accommodate the passed number of resources of the passed
 * size.
 * @param varrayId The VirtualArray for the recommendations.
 * @param candidatePools The list of candidate storage pools.
 * @return The list of Recommendation instances reflecting the recommended
 *         pools.
protected List<Recommendation> getRecommendationsForPools(String varrayId, List<StoragePool> candidatePools, VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper capabilities) {
    // If the capabilities specify a CG and the CG has yet to actually be
    // created on a physical device, we need to make sure that the call
    // returns recommended storage pools that are all on the same storage
    // system. If the CG is created, the passed list of candidate pools
    // will already filtered to that storage system. However, when it is
    // not created, the candidate pools are all pools on all systems that
    // / satisfy the placement criteria. Also, if only one volume is being
    // provisioned, it becomes irrelevant as only one storage pool will
    // be recommended.
    URI cgURI = capabilities.getBlockConsistencyGroup();
    int count = capabilities.getResourceCount();
    boolean inCG = false;
    if ((count > 1) && (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(cgURI))) {
        BlockConsistencyGroup cg = _dbClient.queryObject(BlockConsistencyGroup.class, cgURI);
        if (cg == null) {
            throw APIException.internalServerErrors.invalidObject(cgURI.toString());
        if (!cg.created()) {
            // don't know ConsistencyGroup's StorageSystem type yet
            inCG = true;
    // Only difference is that resources will not be placed to more than one preferred systems if inCG is true
    if (capabilities.getResourceCount() > 1 && inCG || capabilities.getArrayAffinity()) {"Calling performArrayAffinityPlacement");
        List<Recommendation> recommendations = performArrayAffinityPlacement(varrayId, capabilities, candidatePools, inCG);
        if (!recommendations.isEmpty()) {
            return recommendations;
        } else {
            // No recommendations found on any storage system.
            return new ArrayList<Recommendation>();
    // this is the behavior without array affinity policy"Calling getRecommendedPools");
    return getRecommendedPools(varrayId, candidatePools, capabilities, true);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NamedURI(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI) URI( AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) ContainmentPrefixConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentPrefixConstraint) ContainmentConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint) Recommendation(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation) BlockConsistencyGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockConsistencyGroup)


Recommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.Recommendation)70 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)62 URI ( VirtualArray (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualArray)37 VPlexRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.VPlexRecommendation)36 NamedURI (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.NamedURI)28 StoragePool (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePool)28 List (java.util.List)28 VirtualPool (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.VirtualPool)27 RPProtectionRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPProtectionRecommendation)27 RPRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.RPRecommendation)27 Volume (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Volume)24 SRDFRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.SRDFRecommendation)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)23 SRDFCopyRecommendation (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.SRDFCopyRecommendation)21 VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.VirtualPoolCapabilityValuesWrapper)21 StorageSystem (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StorageSystem)19 AlternateIdConstraint (com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint)18 Project (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Project)17 URIQueryResultList (com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList)16