Search in sources :

Example 6 with StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method createOrSelectSLOBasedStorageGroup.

 * This is used only for VMAX3.
private CIMObjectPath createOrSelectSLOBasedStorageGroup(StorageSystem storage, URI exportMaskURI, Collection<Initiator> initiators, VolumeURIHLU[] volumeURIHLUs, String parentGroupName, Map<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, CIMObjectPath> newlyCreatedChildVolumeGroups, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws Exception {
    List<CIMObjectPath> childVolumeGroupsToBeAddedToParentGroup = new ArrayList<CIMObjectPath>();
    String groupName = null;
    CIMObjectPath groupPath = null;
    ExportMask mask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
    // group volumes based on policy
    ListMultimap<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, VolumeURIHLU> policyToVolumeGroup = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
    for (VolumeURIHLU volumeUriHLU : volumeURIHLUs) {
        StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam sgPolicyLimitsParam = null;
        URI boUri = volumeUriHLU.getVolumeURI();
        BlockObject bo = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, boUri);
        String policyName = volumeUriHLU.getAutoTierPolicyName();
        boolean fastAssociatedAlready = false;
        // Also note that Volumes with Compression set to true are also fast managed below is for vmax3.
        if (_helper.isFastPolicy(policyName) || volumeUriHLU.getCompression()) {
            policyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingForVolume(boUri, policyName);
            fastAssociatedAlready = _helper.checkVolumeAssociatedWithAnySGWithPolicy(bo.getNativeId(), storage, policyName);
        // should not be created with a FAST policy assigned.
        if (fastAssociatedAlready || isRPJournalVolume(bo)) {
  "Forcing policy name to NONE to prevent volume from using FAST policy.");
            // Compression was applied on existing SG associated with policy!!
            sgPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(Constants.NONE, volumeUriHLU.getHostIOLimitBandwidth(), volumeUriHLU.getHostIOLimitIOPs(), storage);
        } else {
            sgPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(volumeUriHLU, storage, _helper);
        policyToVolumeGroup.put(sgPolicyLimitsParam, volumeUriHLU);
    }"{} Groups generated based on grouping volumes by fast policy", policyToVolumeGroup.size());
     * Grouped Volumes based on Fast Policy
    for (Entry<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, Collection<VolumeURIHLU>> policyToVolumeGroupEntry : policyToVolumeGroup.asMap().entrySet()) {
        List<CIMObjectPath> childVolumeGroupsToBeAdded = new ArrayList<CIMObjectPath>();
        StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam = policyToVolumeGroupEntry.getKey();
        ListMultimap<String, VolumeURIHLU> expectedVolumeHluMap = ControllerUtils.getVolumeNativeGuids(policyToVolumeGroupEntry.getValue(), _dbClient);
        Map<String, Set<String>> existingGroupPaths;
         * Find any existing Storage Groups can be reused, in
         * case of Fast Enabled volumes
         */"Running Storage Group Selection Process");
        existingGroupPaths = _helper.findAnyStorageGroupsCanBeReUsed(storage, expectedVolumeHluMap, storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam);"Existing Storage Groups Found :" + Joiner.on("\t").join(existingGroupPaths.keySet()));
        if (existingGroupPaths.size() > 0) {
            if (existingGroupPaths.size() > 0) {
                childVolumeGroupsToBeAdded.addAll(_helper.constructMaskingGroupPathsFromNames(existingGroupPaths.keySet(), storage));
        Set<String> volumesInExistingStorageGroups = _helper.constructVolumeNativeGuids(existingGroupPaths.values());
        _log.debug("Volumes part of existing reusable Storage Groups {}", Joiner.on("\t").join(volumesInExistingStorageGroups));
        // Storage Group needs to be created for those volumes,
        // which doesn't fit into
        // existing groups.
        Set<String> diff = Sets.difference(expectedVolumeHluMap.asMap().keySet(), volumesInExistingStorageGroups);
        _log.debug("Remaining Volumes, for which new Storage Group needs to be created", Joiner.on("\t").join(diff));
        // need to construct a new group for remaining volumes.
        if (!diff.isEmpty()) {
            VolumeURIHLU[] volumeURIHLU = ControllerUtils.constructVolumeUriHLUs(diff, expectedVolumeHluMap);
            // TODO: VMAX3 customized names
            groupName = generateStorageGroupName(storage, mask, initiators, storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam);
            _log.debug("Group Name Created :", groupName);
            groupPath = createVolumeGroup(storage, groupName, volumeURIHLU, taskCompleter, true);
  "{} Volume Group created on Array {}", storage.getSerialNumber());
        if (null != groupPath) {
             * used later in deleting created groups on failure
            newlyCreatedChildVolumeGroups.put(storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, groupPath);
    // Avoid duplicate names for the Cascaded VolumeGroup
    parentGroupName = _helper.generateGroupName(_helper.getExistingStorageGroupsFromArray(storage), parentGroupName);
    CIMObjectPath cascadedGroupPath = createCascadedVolumeGroup(storage, parentGroupName, childVolumeGroupsToBeAddedToParentGroup, taskCompleter);
    // for proper roll back , that is volume removal, if exception is thrown during update
    for (Entry<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, CIMObjectPath> createdChildVolumeGroupEntry : newlyCreatedChildVolumeGroups.entrySet()) {
        CIMObjectPath childGroupPath = createdChildVolumeGroupEntry.getValue();
        StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam = createdChildVolumeGroupEntry.getKey();
        if (storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam.isHostIOLimitBandwidthSet()) {
            _helper.updateHostIOLimitBandwidth(client, childGroupPath, storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam.getHostIOLimitBandwidth());
        if (storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam.isHostIOLimitIOPsSet()) {
            _helper.updateHostIOLimitIOPs(client, childGroupPath, storageGroupPolicyLimitsParam.getHostIOLimitIOPs());
    return cascadedGroupPath;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( Collection(java.util.Collection) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) BlockObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject) VolumeURIHLU(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.VolumeURIHLU)

Example 7 with StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method addVolumes.

public void addVolumes(StorageSystem storage, URI exportMaskURI, VolumeURIHLU[] volumeURIHLUs, List<Initiator> initiatorList, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws DeviceControllerException {"{} addVolumes START...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    try {"addVolumes: Export mask id: {}", exportMaskURI);"addVolumes: volume-HLU pairs: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(volumeURIHLUs));
        if (initiatorList != null) {
  "addVolumes: initiators impacted: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(initiatorList));
        boolean isVmax3 = storage.checkIfVmax3();
        ExportMask mask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
        ExportOperationContext context = new VmaxExportOperationContext();
        // Prime the context object
        String maskingViewName = _helper.getExportMaskName(exportMaskURI);
        // Always get the Storage Group from masking View, rather than depending on the name to find out SG.
        String parentGroupName = _helper.getStorageGroupForGivenMaskingView(maskingViewName, storage);
        // Storage Group does not exist, remove the volumes from the mask.
        if (null == parentGroupName) {
            List<URI> volumeURIList = new ArrayList<URI>();
            for (VolumeURIHLU vuh : volumeURIHLUs) {
            taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, DeviceControllerException.errors.vmaxStorageGroupNameNotFound(maskingViewName));
        // For existing masking views on the array (co-existence),
        // if it has stand alone storage group, convert it into cascaded storage group.
        CIMObjectPath storageGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, parentGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
        if (_helper.isStandAloneSG(storage, storageGroupPath)) {
  "Found Stand alone storage group, verifying the storage array version before converting it to Cascaded..");
            if (storage.checkIfVmax3()) {
      "Converting Stand alone storage group to Cascaded..");
                _helper.convertStandAloneStorageGroupToCascaded(storage, storageGroupPath, parentGroupName);
            } else {
      "Converting Stand alone storage group to Cascaded is not supported for VMAX2. Proceeding provisioning without conversion.");
        // Get the export mask initiator list. This is required to compute the storage group name
        Set<Initiator> initiators = ExportMaskUtils.getInitiatorsForExportMask(_dbClient, mask, null);
        // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
        // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
        // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
        boolean forceFlag = false;
        // Determine if the volume is already in the masking view.
        // If so, log and remove from volumes we need to process.
        parentGroupName = _helper.getStorageGroupForGivenMaskingView(maskingViewName, storage);
        Set<String> deviceIds = _helper.getVolumeDeviceIdsFromStorageGroup(storage, parentGroupName);
        List<VolumeURIHLU> removeURIs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (VolumeURIHLU volumeUriHLU : volumeURIHLUs) {
            BlockObject bo = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, volumeUriHLU.getVolumeURI());
            if (deviceIds.contains(bo.getNativeId())) {
      "Found volume {} is already associated with masking view.  Assuming this is from a previous operation.", bo.getLabel());
        // Create the new array of volumes that don't exist yet in the masking view.
        VolumeURIHLU[] addVolumeURIHLUs = new VolumeURIHLU[volumeURIHLUs.length - removeURIs.size()];
        int index = 0;
        for (VolumeURIHLU volumeUriHLU : volumeURIHLUs) {
            if (!removeURIs.contains(volumeUriHLU)) {
                addVolumeURIHLUs[index++] = volumeUriHLU;
         * Group Volumes by Fast Policy and Host IO limit attributes
         * policyToVolumeGroupEntry - this will essentially have multiple Groups
         * E.g Group 1--> Fast Policy (FP1)+ FEBandwidth (100)
         * Group 2--> Fast Policy (FP2)+ IOPS (100)
         * Group 3--> FEBandwidth (100) + IOPS (100) ..
        ListMultimap<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, VolumeURIHLU> policyToVolumeGroup = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (VolumeURIHLU volumeUriHLU : addVolumeURIHLUs) {
            StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam sgPolicyLimitsParam = null;
            URI boUri = volumeUriHLU.getVolumeURI();
            BlockObject bo = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, boUri);
            boolean fastAssociatedAlready = false;
            // Always treat fast volumes as non-fast if fast is associated on these volumes already
            // Export fast volumes to 2 different nodes.
            // Also note that Volumes with Compression set to true are also fast managed for VMAX3 Arrays.
            String policyName = volumeUriHLU.getAutoTierPolicyName();
            if (_helper.isFastPolicy(policyName) || ((isVmax3) && volumeUriHLU.getCompression())) {
                if (isVmax3) {
                    policyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingForVolume(boUri, policyName);
                fastAssociatedAlready = _helper.checkVolumeAssociatedWithAnySGWithPolicy(bo.getNativeId(), storage, policyName);
            // should not be created with a FAST policy assigned.
            if (fastAssociatedAlready || isRPJournalVolume(bo)) {
      "Forcing policy name to NONE to prevent volume from using FAST policy.");
                // Compression was applied on existing SG associated with policy!!
                sgPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(Constants.NONE, volumeUriHLU.getHostIOLimitBandwidth(), volumeUriHLU.getHostIOLimitIOPs(), storage);
            } else {
                if (isVmax3) {
                    sgPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(volumeUriHLU, storage, _helper);
                } else {
                    sgPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(volumeUriHLU, storage);
            policyToVolumeGroup.put(sgPolicyLimitsParam, volumeUriHLU);
            // The force flag only needs to be set once
            if (!forceFlag) {
                forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volumeUriHLU.getVolumeURI());
        }" {} Groups generated based on grouping volumes by fast policy", policyToVolumeGroup.size());
        String storageGroupCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_HOST_STORAGE_GROUP_MASK_NAME;
        String exportType = ExportMaskUtils.getExportType(_dbClient, mask);
        if ( {
            storageGroupCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_CLUSTER_STORAGE_GROUP_MASK_NAME;
        DataSource sgDataSource = ExportMaskUtils.getExportDatasource(storage, new ArrayList<Initiator>(initiators), dataSourceFactory, storageGroupCustomTemplateName);
        // Group volumes by Storage Group
        Map<String, Collection<VolumeURIHLU>> volumesByStorageGroup = _helper.groupVolumesByStorageGroup(storage, parentGroupName, sgDataSource, storageGroupCustomTemplateName, policyToVolumeGroup, customConfigHandler);
        // associate it with fast if needed, then add the new Child Group to the existing Parent Cascaded Group
        for (Entry<String, Collection<VolumeURIHLU>> volumesByStorageGroupEntry : volumesByStorageGroup.entrySet()) {
            VolumeURIHLU[] volumeURIHLUArray = null;
            // Even though policy and limits info are already in volumURIHLU, let's still extract to a holder for
            // easy access
            // Is it safe to not touch the below variable as it seems to be used by non VMAX3 cases only?
            StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam volumePolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(Constants.NONE);
            if (null != volumesByStorageGroupEntry.getValue()) {
                volumeURIHLUArray = volumesByStorageGroupEntry.getValue().toArray(new VolumeURIHLU[0]);
                volumePolicyLimitsParam = _helper.createStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(volumesByStorageGroupEntry.getValue(), storage, _dbClient);
            String childGroupName = volumesByStorageGroupEntry.getKey().toString();
            if (isVmax3) {
                childGroupName = childGroupName.replaceAll(Constants.SMIS_PLUS_REGEX, Constants.UNDERSCORE_DELIMITER);
  "Group Name : {} --- volume storage group name : {}", childGroupName, (volumeURIHLUArray != null ? Joiner.on("\t").join(volumeURIHLUArray) : ""));
            CIMObjectPath childGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
            CIMInstance childGroupInstance = _helper.checkExists(storage, childGroupPath, false, false);
            if (null == childGroupInstance) {
                // For the newly created group, set policy, and other required properties bandwidth, iops as needed.
                // Once child group created, add this child Group to existing Parent Cascaded Group.
                // Empty child group is created to be able to add volumes with HLUs
                // once this child group is added in the cascaded storage group.
      "Group {} doesn't exist, creating a new group", childGroupName);
                CIMObjectPath childGroupCreated = createVolumeGroup(storage, childGroupName, volumeURIHLUArray, taskCompleter, false);
                _log.debug("Created Child Group {}", childGroupCreated);
                // Get childGroupName from the child group path childGroupCreated as it
                // could have been truncated in createVolumeGroup method
                childGroupName = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupName(storage, childGroupCreated);
                if (!isVmax3 && _helper.isFastPolicy(volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName()) && !_helper.checkVolumeGroupAssociatedWithPolicy(storage, childGroupCreated, volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName())) {
                    _log.debug("Adding Storage Group {} to Fast Policy {}", childGroupName, volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName());
                    addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName(), childGroupCreated, taskCompleter);
                // Add new Child Storage Group to Parent Cascaded Group
                // NOTE: host IO limit is set during the first child SG created with cascaded group.
                // Logically (or easy to follow) is to set limits after SG is created. However, because add job
                // logic
                // is executed in a queue. Hence, move update logic to SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob
                addGroupsToCascadedVolumeGroup(storage, parentGroupName, childGroupCreated, null, taskCompleter, forceFlag);
                _log.debug("Added newly created Storage Group {} to Parent Cascaded Group {}", childGroupName, parentGroupName);
                // Add volumes to the newly created child group
      "Adding Volumes to non cascaded Storage Group {} START", childGroupName);
                // Create a relatively empty completer associated with the export mask. We don't have the export
                // group
                // at this level, so there's nothing decent to attach the completer to anyway.
                String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter completer = new ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(null, exportMaskURI, task);
                SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob job = new SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob(null, storage.getId(), exportMaskURI, volumeURIHLUArray, childGroupCreated, completer);
                _helper.addVolumesToStorageGroup(volumeURIHLUArray, storage, childGroupName, job, forceFlag);
                ExportOperationContext.insertContextOperation(taskCompleter, VmaxExportOperationContext.OPERATION_ADD_VOLUMES_TO_STORAGE_GROUP, childGroupName, volumeURIHLUArray, forceFlag);
      "Adding Volumes to non cascaded Storage Group {} END", childGroupName);
            } else // Only reusable groups will have null volumeURIHLUArray
            if (null != volumeURIHLUArray) {
                // Only add volumes that don't already exist in the StorageGroup
                VolumeURIHLU[] newVolumesToAdd = getVolumesThatAreNotAlreadyInSG(storage, childGroupPath, childGroupName, volumesByStorageGroupEntry.getValue().toArray(new VolumeURIHLU[0]));
                if (newVolumesToAdd != null) {
                    // We should not disturb any existing masking views on the Array. In this case, if the found
                    // storage group is not
                    // associated with expected fast policy, then we cannot proceed with neither of the below
                    // 1. Adding fast volumes to existing non fast storage group part of masking view
                    // 2. Creating a new Cascaded Group, and adding the existing storage group to it, as existing
                    // SG-->MV needs to be
                    // broken
                    StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam childGroupKey = _helper.createStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(storage, childGroupInstance);
                    if (!isVmax3 && _helper.isFastPolicy(volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName()) && !_helper.isFastPolicy(childGroupKey.getAutoTierPolicyName())) {
                        // Go through each volume associated with this storage group and pluck out by policy
                        for (StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam : policyToVolumeGroup.keySet()) {
                            String phantomPolicyName = phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName();
                            // If this is a non-FAST policy in the grouping, skip it.
                            if (!_helper.isFastPolicy(phantomPolicyName)) {
                            // Find the volumes in the volumeURIHLU associated with this policy
                            VolumeURIHLU[] phantomVolumesToAdd = getVolumesThatBelongToPolicy(newVolumesToAdd, phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, storage);
                  "In order to add this volume to the masking view, we need to create/find a storage group " + "for the FAST policy %s and add the volume to the storage group and the existing storage group associated with the masking view", phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam));
                            // Check to see if there already is a phantom storage group with this policy on the
                            // array
                            List<String> phantomStorageGroupNames = _helper.findPhantomStorageGroupAssociatedWithFastPolicy(storage, phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam);
                            // If there's no existing phantom storage group, create one.
                            if (phantomStorageGroupNames == null || phantomStorageGroupNames.isEmpty()) {
                                // TODO: Probably need to use some name generator for this.
                                String phantomStorageGroupName = childGroupName + "_" + phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam;
                                // We need to create a new phantom storage group with our policy associated with it.
                      "phantom storage group {} doesn't exist, creating a new group", phantomStorageGroupName);
                                CIMObjectPath phantomStorageGroupCreated = createVolumeGroup(storage, phantomStorageGroupName, phantomVolumesToAdd, taskCompleter, true);
                      "Adding Storage Group {} to Fast Policy {}", phantomStorageGroupName, phantomPolicyName);
                                addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, phantomPolicyName, phantomStorageGroupCreated, taskCompleter);
                            } else {
                                // take the first matching phantom SG from the list
                                String phantomStorageGroupName = phantomStorageGroupNames.get(0);
                                // We found the phantom storage group, but we need to make sure the volumes aren't
                                // already in the
                                // storage
                                // group from a previous operation or manual intervention.
                                List<URI> phantomVolumeIds = new ArrayList<URI>();
                                for (VolumeURIHLU phantomVolume : phantomVolumesToAdd) {
                                phantomVolumeIds.removeAll(_helper.findVolumesInStorageGroup(storage, phantomStorageGroupName, phantomVolumeIds));
                                if (phantomVolumeIds.isEmpty()) {
                          "Found that the volume(s) we wanted to add to the phantom storage group are already added.");
                                } else {
                                    // If we found a phantom storage group with our policy, use it.
                          "Found that we need to add volumes to the phantom storage group: " + phantomStorageGroupName);
                                    // Create a relatively empty completer associated with the export mask. We don't
                                    // have the export
                                    // group
                                    // at this level, so there's nothing decent to attach the completer to anyway.
                                    String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                                    ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter completer = new ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(null, exportMaskURI, task);
                                    SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob job = new SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob(null, storage.getId(), exportMaskURI, phantomVolumesToAdd, null, completer);
                                    _helper.addVolumesToStorageGroup(phantomVolumesToAdd, storage, phantomStorageGroupName, job, forceFlag);
                                    ExportOperationContext.insertContextOperation(taskCompleter, VmaxExportOperationContext.OPERATION_ADD_VOLUMES_TO_STORAGE_GROUP, phantomStorageGroupName, phantomVolumesToAdd, forceFlag);
                          "Adding Volumes to non cascaded Storage Group {} END", phantomStorageGroupName);
                    if (isVmax3) {
                        // Remove volumes from the parking storage group
                        Set<String> nativeIds = new HashSet<String>();
                        for (VolumeURIHLU volURIHLU : newVolumesToAdd) {
                        _helper.removeVolumeFromParkingSLOStorageGroup(storage, nativeIds.toArray(new String[] {}), forceFlag);
          "Adding Volumes to non cascaded Storage Group {} START", childGroupName);
                    // Create a relatively empty completer associated with the export mask. We don't have the export
                    // group
                    // at this level, so there's nothing decent to attach the completer to anyway.
                    String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                    ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter completer = new ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(null, exportMaskURI, task);
                    SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob job = new SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob(null, storage.getId(), exportMaskURI, newVolumesToAdd, null, completer);
                    _helper.addVolumesToStorageGroup(newVolumesToAdd, storage, childGroupName, job, forceFlag);
                    ExportOperationContext.insertContextOperation(taskCompleter, VmaxExportOperationContext.OPERATION_ADD_VOLUMES_TO_STORAGE_GROUP, childGroupName, newVolumesToAdd, forceFlag);
          "Adding Volumes to non cascaded Storage Group {} END", childGroupName);
                } else {
                    // newVolumesToAdd == null, implying that all the requested
                    // volumes are already in the StorageGroup. This is a no-op.
          "All volumes are already in the storage group");
            } else // Else, we have existing groups which hold these volumes, hence add those groups to
            // cascaded group.
      "Adding Existing Storage Group {} to Cascaded Group {} START :", childGroupName, parentGroupName);
                if (!isVmax3 && _helper.isFastPolicy(volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName()) && !_helper.checkVolumeGroupAssociatedWithPolicy(storage, childGroupPath, volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName())) {
          "Adding Storage Group {} to Fast Policy {}", childGroupName, volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName());
                    addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, volumePolicyLimitsParam.getAutoTierPolicyName(), childGroupPath, taskCompleter);
                String task = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter completer = new ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(null, exportMaskURI, task);
                SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob job = new SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob(null, storage.getId(), exportMaskURI, volumeURIHLUArray, null, completer);
                addGroupsToCascadedVolumeGroup(storage, parentGroupName, childGroupPath, job, taskCompleter, forceFlag);
                _log.debug("Adding Existing Storage Group {} to Cascaded Group {} END :", childGroupName, parentGroupName);
        // Test mechanism to invoke a failure. No-op on production systems.
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(String.format("addVolumes failed - maskName: %s", exportMaskURI.toString()), e);
        ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
        taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
    }"{} addVolumes END...", storage.getSerialNumber());
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( CIMInstance(javax.cim.CIMInstance) ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.block.taskcompleter.ExportMaskVolumeToStorageGroupCompleter) Initiator(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Initiator) ExportOperationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.ExportOperationContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) BlockObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject) ServiceError(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) AlternateIdConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.AlternateIdConstraint) ContainmentConstraint(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.ContainmentConstraint) SmisException(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisException) DeviceControllerException(com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException) WBEMException(javax.wbem.WBEMException) DataSource(com.emc.storageos.customconfigcontroller.DataSource) SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisMaskingViewAddVolumeJob) Collection(java.util.Collection) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam) VolumeURIHLU(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.VolumeURIHLU)

Example 8 with StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method deleteMaskingView.

private boolean deleteMaskingView(StorageSystem storage, URI exportMaskURI, Map<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> childrenStorageGroupMap, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws Exception {
    boolean maskingWasDeleted = false;
    _log.debug("{} deleteMaskingView START...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    String groupName = _helper.getExportMaskName(exportMaskURI);
    CIMInstance maskingViewInstance = maskingViewExists(storage, groupName);
    if (maskingViewInstance == null) {"{} deleteMaskingView END...Masking view already deleted: {}", storage.getSerialNumber(), groupName);
        return true;
    try {
        // get parent ig from masking view
        CIMObjectPath igPath = _helper.getInitiatorGroupForGivenMaskingView(maskingViewInstance.getObjectPath(), storage);
        // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
        // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
        // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
        boolean forceFlag = false;
        ExportMask exportMask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
        for (String volURI : exportMask.getUserAddedVolumes().values()) {
            forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, URI.create(volURI));
            if (forceFlag) {
        CIMArgument[] inArgs = _helper.getDeleteMaskingViewInputArguments(storage, exportMaskURI, forceFlag);
        CIMArgument[] outArgs = new CIMArgument[5];
        // Collect the current list of associated IGs for the MaskingView. This
        // will include cascaded and child IGs.
        List<CIMObjectPath> igPaths = new ArrayList<CIMObjectPath>();
        getInitiatorGroupsFromMvOrIg(storage, maskingViewInstance.getObjectPath(), igPaths);
        // remove parent IG
        WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
        // if SG is associated with other MVs/parent groups, set IO Limits back on it at the end
        for (Entry<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> storageGroupEntry : childrenStorageGroupMap.entrySet()) {
            for (String storageGroupName : storageGroupEntry.getValue()) {
                CIMObjectPath storageGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, storageGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                _helper.resetHostIOLimits(client, storage, storageGroupPath);
        // Invoke operation to delete the MaskingView. This should clean up
        // IG that are directly related to the MV. We will have to check if any
        // others that may be child IGs are left dangling. If they are and not
        // associated with other IGs or MVs, we shall have to delete them.
        SmisSynchSubTaskJob deleteJob = new SmisSynchSubTaskJob(null, storage.getId(), "DeleteMaskingView");
        _helper.invokeMethodSynchronously(storage, _cimPath.getControllerConfigSvcPath(storage), "DeleteMaskingView", inArgs, outArgs, deleteJob);
        if (deleteJob.isSuccess()) {
            if (_helper.checkExists(storage, igPath, true, false) != null) {
                List<CIMObjectPath> associatedMaskingViews = getAssociatedMaskingViews(storage, igPath);
                List<CIMObjectPath> associatedIGs = getAssociatedParentIGs(storage, igPath);
                if (associatedMaskingViews.isEmpty() && (associatedIGs.isEmpty() || _helper.isCascadedIG(storage, igPath))) {
                    // parentIGs has associated IGs, not the parent
                    // delete CIG if it is not associated with any MV (CTRL-9662)
                    // CTRL-9323 : deleting Parent IG associated with masking view.
                    deleteInitiatorGroup(storage, igPath);
                } else {
          "Did not delete %s as it is still associated to MaskingViews [%s] and/or AssociatedIGs [%s]", igPath.toString(), Joiner.on(',').join(associatedMaskingViews), Joiner.on(',').join(associatedIGs)));
            } else {
      "IG already deleted {}", igPath);
            // CTRL-9323 : only child IGs will be processed, as parent is deleted already we will not hit the cyclic
            // issue
            maskingWasDeleted = checkIGsAndDeleteIfUnassociated(storage, igPaths);
            if (!maskingWasDeleted) {
                taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, DeviceControllerException.errors.unableToDeleteIGs(groupName));
                return false;
        } else {
            String opName = ResourceOperationTypeEnum.DELETE_EXPORT_GROUP.getName();
            ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailedOp(opName);
            taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
            return maskingWasDeleted;
        _log.debug("{} deleteMaskingView END...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    } catch (WBEMException we) {
        _log.error(String.format("Problem when trying to delete masking view - array: %s, view: %s", storage.getSerialNumber(), groupName), we);
        String opName = ResourceOperationTypeEnum.DELETE_EXPORT_GROUP.getName();
        ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(we);
        taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
        throw we;
    _log.debug("{} deleteMaskingView END...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    return maskingWasDeleted;
Also used : ServiceError(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WBEMException(javax.wbem.WBEMException) CIMInstance(javax.cim.CIMInstance) SmisSynchSubTaskJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisSynchSubTaskJob) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) CIMArgument(javax.cim.CIMArgument)

Example 9 with StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method createExportMask.

 * This implementation will attempt to create a MaskingView on the VMAX with the
 * associated elements. The goal of this is to create a MaskingView per compute
 * resource. A compute resource is either a host or a cluster. A host is a single
 * entity with multiple initiators. A cluster is an entity consisting of multiple
 * hosts.
 * The idea is to maintain 1 MaskingView to 1 compute resource,
 * regardless of the number of ViPR Export*Groups* that are created. An
 * Export*Mask* will map to a MaskingView.
 * @param storage
 * @param exportMaskURI
 * @param volumeURIHLUs
 * @param targetURIList
 * @param initiatorList
 * @param taskCompleter
 * @throws DeviceControllerException
public void createExportMask(StorageSystem storage, URI exportMaskURI, VolumeURIHLU[] volumeURIHLUs, List<URI> targetURIList, List<Initiator> initiatorList, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws DeviceControllerException {"{} createExportMask START...", storage.getSerialNumber());
    Map<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, CIMObjectPath> newlyCreatedChildVolumeGroups = new HashMap<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, CIMObjectPath>();
    ExportOperationContext context = new VmaxExportOperationContext();
    // Prime the context object
    try {"Export mask id: {}", exportMaskURI);"createExportMask: volume-HLU pairs: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(volumeURIHLUs));"createExportMask: initiators: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(initiatorList));"createExportMask: assignments: {}", Joiner.on(',').join(targetURIList));
        ExportMask mask = _dbClient.queryObject(ExportMask.class, exportMaskURI);
        String maskingViewName = generateMaskViewName(storage, mask);
        // Fill this in now so we have it in case of exceptions
        String cascadedIGCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_HOST_CASCADED_IG_MASK_NAME;
        String initiatorGroupCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_HOST_INITIATOR_GROUP_MASK_NAME;
        String cascadedSGCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_HOST_CASCADED_SG_MASK_NAME;
        String portGroupCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_HOST_PORT_GROUP_MASK_NAME;
        String exportType = ExportMaskUtils.getExportType(_dbClient, mask);
        if ( {
            cascadedIGCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_CLUSTER_CASCADED_IG_MASK_NAME;
            initiatorGroupCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_CLUSTER_INITIATOR_GROUP_MASK_NAME;
            cascadedSGCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_CLUSTER_CASCADED_SG_MASK_NAME;
            portGroupCustomTemplateName = CustomConfigConstants.VMAX_CLUSTER_PORT_GROUP_MASK_NAME;
        // 1. InitiatorGroup (IG)
        DataSource cascadedIGDataSource = ExportMaskUtils.getExportDatasource(storage, initiatorList, dataSourceFactory, cascadedIGCustomTemplateName);
        String cigName = customConfigHandler.getComputedCustomConfigValue(cascadedIGCustomTemplateName, storage.getSystemType(), cascadedIGDataSource);
        cigName = _helper.generateGroupName(_helper.getExistingInitiatorGroupsFromArray(storage), cigName);
        CIMObjectPath cascadedIG = createOrUpdateInitiatorGroups(storage, exportMaskURI, cigName, initiatorGroupCustomTemplateName, initiatorList, taskCompleter);
        if (cascadedIG == null) {
            // return from here.
        // 2. StorageGroup (SG)
        DataSource cascadedSGDataSource = ExportMaskUtils.getExportDatasource(storage, initiatorList, dataSourceFactory, cascadedSGCustomTemplateName);
        String csgName = customConfigHandler.getComputedCustomConfigValue(cascadedSGCustomTemplateName, storage.getSystemType(), cascadedSGDataSource);
        // 3. PortGroup (PG)
        // check if port group name is specified
        URI portGroupURI = mask.getPortGroup();
        String portGroupName = null;
        CIMObjectPath targetPortGroupPath = null;
        if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(portGroupURI) && isUsePortGroupEnabled()) {
            StoragePortGroup pg = _dbClient.queryObject(StoragePortGroup.class, portGroupURI);
            portGroupName = pg.getLabel();
  "port group name: %s", portGroupName));
            // Check if the port group existing in the array
            targetPortGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, portGroupName, SmisConstants.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_TargetMaskingGroup);
            List<URI> ports = _helper.getPortGroupMembers(storage, targetPortGroupPath);
            if (!ports.containsAll(targetURIList)) {
                String targets = Joiner.on(',').join(targetURIList);
                _log.error(String.format("The port group %s does not contain all the storage ports in the target list %s", pg.getNativeGuid(), targets));
                taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, DeviceControllerException.exceptions.portGroupNotUptodate(pg.getNativeGuid(), targets));
        } else {
            DataSource portGroupDataSource = ExportMaskUtils.getExportDatasource(storage, initiatorList, dataSourceFactory, portGroupCustomTemplateName);
            portGroupName = customConfigHandler.getComputedCustomConfigValue(portGroupCustomTemplateName, storage.getSystemType(), portGroupDataSource);
            // CTRL-9054 Always create unique port Groups.
            portGroupName = _helper.generateGroupName(_helper.getExistingPortGroupsFromArray(storage), portGroupName);
            targetPortGroupPath = createTargetPortGroup(storage, portGroupName, mask, targetURIList, taskCompleter);
        // 4. ExportMask = MaskingView (MV) = IG + SG + PG
        CIMObjectPath volumeParentGroupPath = storage.checkIfVmax3() ? // TODO: Customized name for SLO based group
        createOrSelectSLOBasedStorageGroup(storage, exportMaskURI, initiatorList, volumeURIHLUs, csgName, newlyCreatedChildVolumeGroups, taskCompleter) : createOrSelectStorageGroup(storage, exportMaskURI, initiatorList, volumeURIHLUs, csgName, newlyCreatedChildVolumeGroups, taskCompleter);
        createMaskingView(storage, exportMaskURI, maskingViewName, volumeParentGroupPath, volumeURIHLUs, targetPortGroupPath, cascadedIG, taskCompleter);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(String.format("createExportMask failed - maskName: %s", exportMaskURI.toString()), e);
        ServiceError serviceError = DeviceControllerException.errors.jobFailed(e);
        taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, serviceError);
    }"{} createExportMask END...", storage.getSerialNumber());
Also used : StoragePortGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StoragePortGroup) ServiceError(com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) URI( SmisException(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.SmisException) DeviceControllerException(com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException) WBEMException(javax.wbem.WBEMException) DataSource(com.emc.storageos.customconfigcontroller.DataSource) ExportOperationContext(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.utils.ExportOperationContext) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam)

Example 10 with StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam

use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.

the class VmaxExportOperations method validateAndUpdateStorageGroupPolicyAndLimits.

 * Validates and updates fast policy in storage group.
 * @param storage
 *            the storage system
 * @param exportMask
 *            exportMask
 * @param childGroupName
 *            the child group name
 * @param volumeURIs
 *            the volume uris
 * @param newVirtualPool
 *            the new virtual pool where new policy name and host limits can be obtained
 * @param phantomSGNames
 *            the phantom SG names if any
 * @param taskCompleter
 *            task completer
 * @return true, if successfully updated policy for SG
 * @throws WBEMException
 *             the wBEM exception
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
private boolean validateAndUpdateStorageGroupPolicyAndLimits(StorageSystem storage, ExportMask exportMask, String childGroupName, List<URI> volumeURIs, VirtualPool newVirtualPool, Set<String> phantomSGNames, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws WBEMException, Exception {
    boolean policyUpdated = false;
    boolean isVmax3 = storage.checkIfVmax3();"Checking on Storage Group {}", childGroupName);
    WBEMClient client = _helper.getConnection(storage).getCimClient();
    // we need auto tiering policy object to get its name.
    String newPolicyName = ControllerUtils.getFastPolicyNameFromVirtualPool(_dbClient, storage, newVirtualPool);
    if (isVmax3) {
        newPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingForVolume(volumeURIs.get(0), newPolicyName);
    StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(newPolicyName, newVirtualPool.getHostIOLimitBandwidth(), newVirtualPool.getHostIOLimitIOPs(), newVirtualPool.getCompressionEnabled(), storage);
    CIMObjectPath childGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, childGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
    if (isVmax3) {
         * VMAX3 part of multiple exports: volumes will be part of multiple SGs
         * One as FAST SG and others as non-FAST SG.
         * If the requested SG is non FAST, do nothing. Other export mask's call
         * will take care of updating FAST setting.
        BlockObject bo = BlockObject.fetch(_dbClient, volumeURIs.get(0));
        if (_helper.isVolumePartOfMoreThanOneExport(storage, bo)) {
            String currentPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingAssociatedWithVolumeGroup(storage, childGroupPath);
            if (Constants.NONE.equalsIgnoreCase(currentPolicyName) && _helper.checkVolumeAssociatedWithAnyFASTSG(bo.getNativeId(), storage)) {
                Map<ExportMask, ExportGroup> maskToGroupMap = ExportUtils.getExportMasks(bo, _dbClient);
                if (maskToGroupMap.size() > 1) {
          "Volumes {} are part of multiple storage groups. " + "FAST Policy will be (or might already be) changed during other export mask's call.", Joiner.on("\t").join(volumeURIs));
                    return true;
                } else {
                    _log.error("FAST Policy cannot be updated on this storage group" + " since volumes are already part of another FAST managed storage group.");
                    return false;
    if (!isVmax3 && !phantomSGNames.isEmpty() && !_helper.isFastPolicy(_helper.getAutoTieringPolicyNameAssociatedWithVolumeGroup(storage, childGroupPath)) && !_helper.isCascadedSG(storage, childGroupPath)) {
         * Phantom SG will be taken into consideration only if MV contains Non-cascaded Non-FAST SG
         */"**** Phantom Storage Group ****");
         * For Volumes in Phantom SG - Volumes part of Phantom SG will be in Non-cascaded Non-FAST Storage Group
         * (CTRL-9064)
         * We have the phantom SGs having volumes which are part of this Masking view
         * Group requested volumes by SG
         * volumes in each Phantom SG
         * also add an entry with volumes to Non-FAST SG (volumes requested minus volumes already in phantom SG)
         * For each SG,
         * If Phantom SG:
         * If it is requested for all volumes
         * change the policy associated with phantom SG
         * else
         * Remove the volumes from that phantom SG
         * add them to new/existing phantom SG which is associated with new policy
         * Note: if new policy is NONE, we just remove the volumes from phantom SG, no need to add them to another
         * phantom SG.
         * Since these volumes are already part of Non-FAST SG, they are part of MV.
         * Else if it is Non-FAST SG:
         * place those volumes in new/existing Phantom SG which is associated with new Policy
        Map<String, List<URI>> volumeGroup = new HashMap<String, List<URI>>();
        List<URI> volumeURIsOfNonFASTSG = new ArrayList<URI>();
        for (String phantomSGName : phantomSGNames) {
            List<URI> volURIs = _helper.findVolumesInStorageGroup(storage, phantomSGName, volumeURIs);
            if (!volURIs.isEmpty()) {
                volumeGroup.put(phantomSGName, volURIs);
        // put Non-FAST SG with volumes (volumes requested minus volumes already in phantom SG)
        if (!volumeURIsOfNonFASTSG.isEmpty()) {
            volumeGroup.put(childGroupName, volumeURIsOfNonFASTSG);
        for (Entry<String, List<URI>> sgNameToVolumes : volumeGroup.entrySet()) {
            String sgName = sgNameToVolumes.getKey();
            List<URI> volumesInSG = sgNameToVolumes.getValue();
            CIMObjectPath sgPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, sgName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
            // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
            // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
            // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
            boolean forceFlag = false;
            for (URI volURI : volumesInSG) {
                // The force flag only needs to be set once
                if (!forceFlag) {
                    forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volURI);
             * update Policy on this SG. We don't use Phantom SG for IO Limits
            String currentPolicyName = _helper.getAutoTieringPolicyNameAssociatedWithVolumeGroup(storage, sgPath);
  "FAST policy name associated with Storage Group {} : {}", sgName, currentPolicyName);
            if (!_helper.isFastPolicy(currentPolicyName)) {
                 * Not a Phantom SG. Create new or use existing Phantom SG for the requested volumes
                 * Request: non-FAST volumes in SG (associated with MV) to FAST volumes
                addVolumesToPhantomStorageGroup(storage, exportMask, volumesInSG, newPolicyName, childGroupName, taskCompleter, forceFlag);
            } else {
                 * phantom SG
      "Checking on Phantom Storage Group {}", sgName);
                // check if phantom SG has the same set of volumes as the volume list provided
                if (isGivenVolumeListSameAsInStorageGroup(storage, sgPath, volumesInSG)) {
          "Changing Policy on Phantom Storage Group {} since it is requested " + "for all the volumes in the Group.", sgName);
                    if (!currentPolicyName.equalsIgnoreCase(newPolicyName)) {
                        if (_helper.isFastPolicy(currentPolicyName)) {
                            _helper.removeVolumeGroupFromAutoTieringPolicy(storage, sgPath);
                        if (_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
                  "Adding Storage Group {} to FAST Policy {}", sgName, newPolicyName);
                            addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, newPolicyName, sgPath, taskCompleter);
                            StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam = new StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(newPolicyName);
                            String newSGName = generateNewNameForPhantomSG(storage, childGroupName, phantomStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam);
                            // update SG name according to new policy
                            _helper.updateStorageGroupName(client, sgPath, newSGName);
                    } else {
              "Current and new policy names are same '{}'." + " No need to update it on SG.", currentPolicyName);
                     * if new policy is NONE & all volumes in request
                     * remove phantom SG since it won't be needed anymore
                     * (because volumes are already part of Non-FAST SG associated with MV)
                     * Request: FAST volumes to Non-FAST
                    if (!_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
                        removePhantomStorageGroup(storage, client, exportMask.getId(), sgName, sgPath, volumesInSG, forceFlag);
                } else {
                     * remove requested volumes from this phantom SG
                     * add them to the new/existing phantom SG which is associated with target policy
          "Request is made for part of volumes in the Group");
                    removePhantomStorageGroup(storage, client, exportMask.getId(), sgName, sgPath, volumesInSG, forceFlag);
                    if (_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
                        addVolumesToPhantomStorageGroup(storage, exportMask, volumesInSG, newPolicyName, childGroupName, taskCompleter, forceFlag);
            policyUpdated = true;
    } else {
         * Usual flow for regular SGs
         * check if SG has the same set of volumes as the volume list provided.
        if (isGivenVolumeListSameAsInStorageGroup(storage, childGroupPath, volumeURIs)) {
             * update Policy and Limits on this SG
  "Request is made for all volumes in the Group. Updating Policy and Limits on this Storage Group..");
            CIMInstance childGroupInstance = null;
            if (isVmax3) {
                childGroupInstance = _helper.getInstance(storage, childGroupPath, false, false, SmisConstants.PS_V3_STORAGE_GROUP_PROPERTIES);
            } else {
                childGroupInstance = _helper.checkExists(storage, childGroupPath, false, false);
            StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits = _helper.createStorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(storage, childGroupInstance);
            String currentPolicyName = currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits.getAutoTierPolicyName();
            if (!currentPolicyName.equalsIgnoreCase(newPolicyName)) {
      "FAST policy name associated with Storage Group {} : {}", childGroupName, currentPolicyName);
                if (isVmax3) {
                    newPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingWithRightNoneString(storage, newPolicyName);
                    CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(childGroupInstance.getObjectPath(), _helper.getV3FastSettingProperties(newPolicyName));
                    _helper.modifyInstance(storage, toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_V3_FAST_SETTING_PROPERTIES);
          "Modified Storage Group {} FAST Setting to {}", childGroupName, newPolicyName);
                } else {
                    if (_helper.isFastPolicy(currentPolicyName)) {
                        _helper.removeVolumeGroupFromAutoTieringPolicy(storage, childGroupPath);
                    if (_helper.isFastPolicy(newPolicyName)) {
              "Adding Storage Group {} to FAST Policy {}", childGroupName, newPolicyName);
                        addVolumeGroupToAutoTieringPolicy(storage, newPolicyName, childGroupPath, taskCompleter);
            } else {
      "Current and new policy names are same '{}'." + " No need to update it on Storage Group.", currentPolicyName);
            // Even if we don't change policy name on device
            // we need to set policyUpdated = true else rollback kicks in
            policyUpdated = true;
            // Update the compression attributes if it needs to be
            if (isVmax3) {
                // refresh the SG instance since compression property is enabled by default
                // when SG becomes FAST managed.
                childGroupInstance = _helper.getInstance(storage, childGroupPath, false, false, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
                boolean currentCompressionSetting = SmisUtils.getEMCCompressionForStorageGroup(childGroupInstance);
                boolean newCompressionSetting = newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getCompression();
                if (currentCompressionSetting != newCompressionSetting) {
                    CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(childGroupInstance.getObjectPath(), _helper.getV3CompressionProperties(newCompressionSetting));
                    _helper.modifyInstance(storage, toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
          "Modified Storage Group {} Compression setting to {}", childGroupName, newCompressionSetting);
                } else {
          "Current and new compression values are same '{}'." + " No need to update it on Storage Group.", newCompressionSetting);
            // update host io limits if need be
            if (!HostIOLimitsParam.isEqualsLimit(currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth(), newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth())) {
                _helper.updateHostIOLimitBandwidth(client, childGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth());
                policyUpdated = true;
            if (!HostIOLimitsParam.isEqualsLimit(currentStorageGroupPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs(), newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs())) {
                _helper.updateHostIOLimitIOPs(client, childGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs());
                policyUpdated = true;
            if (policyUpdated) {
                Set<Initiator> initiators = ExportMaskUtils.getInitiatorsForExportMask(_dbClient, exportMask, null);
                _helper.updateStorageGroupName(client, childGroupPath, generateStorageGroupName(storage, exportMask, initiators, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits));
        } else if (isVmax3) {
             * Requested for fewer members in a SG
             * V3 supports moveMembers from one SG to another, provided some conditions met.
             * see #helper.moveVolumesFromOneStorageGroupToAnother() for criteria.
             * validate that current SG is not a parent SG and it is not associated with MV
             * check if there is another SG under CSG with new fastSetting & limits
             * else create new SG (with new fastSetting, IO limits) and associate it with CSG
             * call 'moveMembers' to move volumes from current SG to new SG
  "Request is made for part of volumes in the Group (VMAX3). Moving those volumes to new Storage Group..");
            if (!_helper.isCascadedSG(storage, childGroupPath) && !_helper.findStorageGroupsAssociatedWithOtherMaskingViews(storage, childGroupName)) {
                String parentGroupName = _helper.getStorageGroupForGivenMaskingView(exportMask.getMaskName(), storage);
                Map<StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam, List<String>> childGroupsByFast = _helper.groupStorageGroupsByAssociation(storage, parentGroupName);
                List<String> newChildGroups = childGroupsByFast.get(newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits);
                if (newChildGroups != null) {
                    // remove CSG
                boolean newGroup = false;
                CIMObjectPath newChildGroupPath = null;
                String newChildGroupName = null;
                if (newChildGroups != null && !newChildGroups.isEmpty()) {
                    newChildGroupName = newChildGroups.iterator().next();
                    newChildGroupPath = _cimPath.getMaskingGroupPath(storage, newChildGroupName, SmisCommandHelper.MASKING_GROUP_TYPE.SE_DeviceMaskingGroup);
                } else {
                    newGroup = true;
                    newPolicyName = _helper.getVMAX3FastSettingWithRightNoneString(storage, newPolicyName);
                    String[] tokens = newPolicyName.split(Constants.SMIS_PLUS_REGEX);
                    newChildGroupPath = _helper.createVolumeGroupBasedOnSLO(storage, storage, tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]);
                    // Flag to indicate whether or not we need to use the EMCForce flag on this operation.
                    // We currently use this flag when dealing with RP Volumes as they are tagged for RP and the
                    // operation on these volumes would fail otherwise.
                    boolean forceFlag = false;
                    for (URI volURI : volumeURIs) {
                        if (!forceFlag) {
                            forceFlag = ExportUtils.useEMCForceFlag(_dbClient, volURI);
                    addGroupsToCascadedVolumeGroup(storage, parentGroupName, newChildGroupPath, null, null, forceFlag);
                // We could enter the same situation if any of the SG characteristics were modified without ViPR knowledge.
                if (childGroupName.equalsIgnoreCase(newChildGroupName)) {
          "Current Storage Group {} has the required charcteristics" + "No need to invoke SMI-S moveMembers method. Performing NO-OP", newChildGroupName);
                } else {
                    SmisJob moveVolumesToSGJob = new SmisSynchSubTaskJob(null, storage.getId(), SmisConstants.MOVE_MEMBERS);
                    _helper.moveVolumesFromOneStorageGroupToAnother(storage, childGroupPath, newChildGroupPath, volumeURIs, moveVolumesToSGJob);
                if (newGroup) {
                    // update host IO limits if need be
                    if (newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.isHostIOLimitBandwidthSet()) {
                        _helper.updateHostIOLimitBandwidth(client, newChildGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitBandwidth());
                    if (newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.isHostIOLimitIOPsSet()) {
                        _helper.updateHostIOLimitIOPs(client, newChildGroupPath, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getHostIOLimitIOPs());
                    // Honor the compression settings if needed..
                    if (!newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits.getCompression()) {
                        // If the user opted out of compression, and the created SG has compression enabled by default,
                        // we need to opt out..
                        CIMInstance newChildGroupInstance = _helper.getInstance(storage, newChildGroupPath, false, false, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
                        if (SmisUtils.getEMCCompressionForStorageGroup(newChildGroupInstance)) {
                            CIMInstance toUpdate = new CIMInstance(newChildGroupInstance.getObjectPath(), _helper.getV3CompressionProperties(false));
                            _helper.modifyInstance(storage, toUpdate, SmisConstants.PS_EMC_COMPRESSION);
                    Set<Initiator> initiators = ExportMaskUtils.getInitiatorsForExportMask(_dbClient, exportMask, null);
                    _helper.updateStorageGroupName(client, newChildGroupPath, generateStorageGroupName(storage, exportMask, initiators, newVirtualPoolPolicyLimits));
                policyUpdated = true;
            } else {
      "Conditions for 'moveMembers' didn't meet for Storage Group {}." + " Hence, cannot move volumes to new Storage Group with new policy and limits.", childGroupName);
        } else {
  "Given Volume list is not same as the one in Storage Group {}." + " Hence, FAST policy change won't be done on it.", childGroupName);
    return policyUpdated;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) Sets.newHashSet( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StringSet(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ExportMask(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask) CIMObjectPath(javax.cim.CIMObjectPath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( CIMInstance(javax.cim.CIMInstance) SmisSynchSubTaskJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisSynchSubTaskJob) ExportGroup(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportGroup) Initiator(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.Initiator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIQueryResultList(com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList) List(java.util.List) StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam) SmisJob(com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisJob) WBEMClient(javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AbstractMap(java.util.AbstractMap) BlockObject(com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject)


StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.StorageGroupPolicyLimitsParam)18 CIMObjectPath (javax.cim.CIMObjectPath)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)10 StringSet (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.StringSet)9 Set (java.util.Set)9 URI ( URIQueryResultList (com.emc.storageos.db.client.constraint.URIQueryResultList)7 ExportMask (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.ExportMask)7 VolumeURIHLU (com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.VolumeURIHLU)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 List (java.util.List)7 CIMInstance (javax.cim.CIMInstance)7 Sets.newHashSet ( WBEMException (javax.wbem.WBEMException)6 BlockObject (com.emc.storageos.db.client.model.BlockObject)5 DeviceControllerException (com.emc.storageos.exceptions.DeviceControllerException)5 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)5 WBEMClient (javax.wbem.client.WBEMClient)5 ServiceError (com.emc.storageos.svcs.errorhandling.model.ServiceError)4