use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.monitoring.RecordableBourneEvent in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class StorageSystemService method recordStoragePoolPortEvent.
* Record Bourne Event for the completed operations
* @param type
* @param type
* @param description
* @param storagePort
private void recordStoragePoolPortEvent(OperationTypeEnum opType, String description, URI resourcdId, String resType) {
String evType;
evType = opType.getEvType(true);
if (resType.equalsIgnoreCase("StoragePool")) {
} else if (resType.equalsIgnoreCase("StoragePortGroup")) {
RecordableBourneEvent event = new RecordableBourneEvent(/* String */
evType, /* tenant id */
null, /* user id ?? */
URI.create("ViPR-User"), /* project ID */
null, /* VirtualPool */
null, /* service */
service, /* resource id */
resourcdId, /* description */
description, /* timestamp */
System.currentTimeMillis(), /* extensions */
"", /* native guid */
null, /* record type */, /* Event Source */
eventSource, /* Operational Status codes */
"", /* Operational Status Descriptions */
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
_log.error("Failed to record event. Event description: {}. Error: ", description, ex);
use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.monitoring.RecordableBourneEvent in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class TenantsService method recordTenantEvent.
* Record Bourne Event for the completed operations
* @param tenantId
* @param targetId
private void recordTenantEvent(OperationTypeEnum opType, URI tenantId, URI targetId) {
String type = opType.getEvType(true);
String description = opType.getDescription();
RecordableBourneEvent event = new RecordableBourneEvent(/* String */
type, /* tenant id */
tenantId, /* user id ?? */
URI.create("ViPR-User"), /* project ID */
null, /* CoS */
null, /* service */
EVENT_SERVICE_TYPE, /* resource id */
targetId, /* description */
description, /* timestamp */
System.currentTimeMillis(), /* extensions */
"", /* native guid */
null, /* record type */, /* Event Source */
EVENT_SERVICE_SOURCE, /* Operational Status codes */
"", /* Operational Status Descriptions */
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof RuntimeException) {
// CQ604367 --
// print full stack trace of error. Problem is intermittent
// and can not be reproduced easily. A NullPointerException
// is getting thrown. This will code will help identify in
// apisvc.log exactly where that occurs when it does.
_log.error("Failed to record event. Event description: " + description + ". Error: .", ex);
} else {
_log.error("Failed to record event. Event description: {}. Error: {}.", description, ex);
}"opType: {} detail: {}", opType.toString(), type + ':' + description);
use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.monitoring.RecordableBourneEvent in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ControllerUtils method convertToRecordableBourneEvent.
* Create a new instance of RecordableBourneEvent with the given resource
* and properties.
* @param resource
* - Type of Resource - File or Volume
* @param type
* - Event Type Enum
* @param description
* - Description of event if available
* @param extensions
* - Extensions mapped with Event Model Extensions
* @param eventServiceSource
* - URI of the Project
* @param dbClient
* - DBClient reference
* @param evtServiceType
* - Service Type
* @param recordType
* - Type of Indication
* @return RecordableBourneEvent
public static RecordableBourneEvent convertToRecordableBourneEvent(DataObject resource, String type, String description, String extensions, DbClient dbClient, String evtServiceType, String recordType, String eventServiceSource) {
URI cos = null;
URI id = null;
String nativeGuid = null;
URI projectURI = null;
URI tenantURI = null;
RecordableBourneEvent event = null;
if (resource != null) {
if (resource instanceof Volume) {
Volume volume = (Volume) resource;
cos = volume.getVirtualPool();
id = volume.getId();
nativeGuid = volume.getNativeGuid();
projectURI = volume.getProject().getURI();
tenantURI = volume.getTenant().getURI();
} else if (resource instanceof FileShare) {
FileShare fs = (FileShare) resource;
cos = fs.getVirtualPool();
id = fs.getId();
nativeGuid = fs.getNativeGuid();
projectURI = (fs.getProject() != null) ? fs.getProject().getURI() : null;
tenantURI = (fs.getTenant() != null) ? fs.getTenant().getURI() : null;
} else if (resource instanceof VplexMirror) {
VplexMirror vplexMirror = (VplexMirror) resource;
cos = vplexMirror.getVirtualPool();
id = vplexMirror.getId();
projectURI = vplexMirror.getProject().getURI();
tenantURI = vplexMirror.getTenant().getURI();
} else if (resource instanceof BlockSnapshot) {
BlockSnapshot snapshot = (BlockSnapshot) resource;
try {
if (!NullColumnValueGetter.isNullNamedURI(snapshot.getParent())) {
Volume volume = dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, snapshot.getParent());
cos = volume.getVirtualPool();
tenantURI = (volume.getTenant() != null) ? volume.getTenant().getURI() : null;
id = snapshot.getId();
nativeGuid = snapshot.getNativeGuid();
projectURI = snapshot.getProject().getURI();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
s_logger.error("Exception caught", e);
} else if (resource instanceof BlockSnapshotSession) {
BlockSnapshotSession session = (BlockSnapshotSession) resource;
try {
id = session.getId();
projectURI = session.getProject().getURI();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
s_logger.error("Exception caught", e);
} else if (resource instanceof ExportGroup) {
ExportGroup exportGroup = (ExportGroup) resource;
try {
id = exportGroup.getId();
projectURI = exportGroup.getProject().getURI();
tenantURI = (exportGroup.getTenant() != null) ? exportGroup.getTenant().getURI() : null;
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.error("Exception caught", e);
} else if (resource instanceof FCZoneReference) {
FCZoneReference zone = (FCZoneReference) resource;
try {
id = zone.getId();
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.error("Exception caught", e);
} else if (resource instanceof Network) {
Network tz = (Network) resource;
id = tz.getId();
nativeGuid = tz.getNativeGuid();
} else if (resource instanceof BlockConsistencyGroup) {
BlockConsistencyGroup consistencyGroup = (BlockConsistencyGroup) resource;
try {
id = consistencyGroup.getId();
projectURI = consistencyGroup.getProject().getURI();
tenantURI = (consistencyGroup.getTenant() != null) ? consistencyGroup.getTenant().getURI() : null;
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.error("Exception caught", e);
} else if (resource instanceof StoragePool) {
StoragePool sp = (StoragePool) resource;
id = sp.getId();
nativeGuid = sp.getNativeGuid();
} else {"Error getting vpool,id,NativeGuid for event. Unexpected resource type {}.", resource.getClass().getName());
// TODO fix the bogus tenant, user ID once we have AuthZ working
if (tenantURI == null && projectURI != null) {
tenantURI = ControllerUtils.getProjectTenantOrgURI(dbClient, projectURI);
event = new RecordableBourneEvent(type, tenantURI, // user ID TODO when AAA
URI.create("ViPR-User"), // fixed
projectURI, cos, evtServiceType, id, description, System.currentTimeMillis(), extensions, nativeGuid, recordType, eventServiceSource, "", "");
return event;
use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.monitoring.RecordableBourneEvent in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class FileDeviceController method recordFsEvent.
* Create a nice event based on the File Share
* @param fs
* FileShare for which the event is about
* @param type
* Type of event such as FileShareCreated or FileShareDeleted
* @param description
* Description for the event if needed
public static void recordFsEvent(DbClient dbClient, FileShare fs, String type, String description, String extensions) {
if (fs == null) {
_log.error("Invalid FileShare event");
RecordableEventManager eventManager = new RecordableEventManager();
// fix the bogus user ID once we have AuthZ working
RecordableBourneEvent event = ControllerUtils.convertToRecordableBourneEvent(fs, type, description, extensions, dbClient, EVENT_SERVICE_TYPE,, EVENT_SERVICE_SOURCE);
try {
} catch (Exception th) {
_log.error("Failed to record event. Event description: {}.", description, th);