use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.GlucoseData in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class LibreAlarmReceiver method CalculateFromDataTransferObject.
public static void CalculateFromDataTransferObject(ReadingData.TransferObject object, boolean use_raw) {
// insert any recent data we can
final List<GlucoseData> mTrend =;
if (mTrend != null) {
final long thisSensorAge = mTrend.get(mTrend.size() - 1).sensorTime;
sensorAge = Pref.getInt("nfc_sensor_age", 0);
if (thisSensorAge > sensorAge) {
sensorAge = thisSensorAge;
Pref.setInt("nfc_sensor_age", (int) sensorAge);
Pref.setBoolean("nfc_age_problem", false);
Log.d(TAG, "Sensor age advanced to: " + thisSensorAge);
} else if (thisSensorAge == sensorAge) {, "Sensor age has not advanced: " + sensorAge);
JoH.static_toast_long("Sensor clock has not advanced!");
Pref.setBoolean("nfc_age_problem", true);
// do not try to insert again
} else {, "Sensor age has gone backwards!!! " + sensorAge);
JoH.static_toast_long("Sensor age has gone backwards!!");
sensorAge = thisSensorAge;
Pref.setInt("nfc_sensor_age", (int) sensorAge);
Pref.setBoolean("nfc_age_problem", true);
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "Oldest cmp: " + JoH.dateTimeText(oldest_cmp) + " Newest cmp: " + JoH.dateTimeText(newest_cmp));
long shiftx = 0;
if (mTrend.size() > 0) {
shiftx = getTimeShift(mTrend);
if (shiftx != 0)
Log.d(TAG, "Lag Timeshift: " + shiftx);
for (GlucoseData gd : mTrend) {
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "DEBUG: sensor time: " + gd.sensorTime);
if ((timeShiftNearest > 0) && ((timeShiftNearest - gd.realDate) < segmentation_timeslice) && (timeShiftNearest - gd.realDate != 0)) {
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "Skipping record due to closeness: " + JoH.dateTimeText(gd.realDate));
if (use_raw) {
// not quick for recent
createBGfromGD(gd, false);
} else {
BgReading.bgReadingInsertFromInt(gd.glucoseLevel, gd.realDate, true);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Trend data was empty!");
// munge and insert the history data if any is missing
final List<GlucoseData> mHistory =;
if ((mHistory != null) && (mHistory.size() > 1)) {
// applyTimeShift(mTrend, shiftx);
final List<Double> polyxList = new ArrayList<Double>();
final List<Double> polyyList = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (GlucoseData gd : mHistory) {
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "history : " + JoH.dateTimeText(gd.realDate) + " " + gd.glucose(false));
polyxList.add((double) gd.realDate);
if (use_raw) {
polyyList.add((double) gd.glucoseLevelRaw);
createBGfromGD(gd, true);
} else {
polyyList.add((double) gd.glucoseLevel);
// add in the actual value
BgReading.bgReadingInsertFromInt(gd.glucoseLevel, gd.realDate, false);
// ConstrainedSplineInterpolator splineInterp = new ConstrainedSplineInterpolator();
final SplineInterpolator splineInterp = new SplineInterpolator();
try {
PolynomialSplineFunction polySplineF = splineInterp.interpolate(Forecast.PolyTrendLine.toPrimitiveFromList(polyxList), Forecast.PolyTrendLine.toPrimitiveFromList(polyyList));
final long startTime = mHistory.get(0).realDate;
final long endTime = mHistory.get(mHistory.size() - 1).realDate;
for (long ptime = startTime; ptime <= endTime; ptime += 300000) {
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "Spline: " + JoH.dateTimeText((long) ptime) + " value: " + (int) polySplineF.value(ptime));
if (use_raw) {
createBGfromGD(new GlucoseData((int) polySplineF.value(ptime), ptime), true);
} else {
BgReading.bgReadingInsertFromInt((int) polySplineF.value(ptime), ptime, false);
} catch (org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NonMonotonicSequenceException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "NonMonotonicSequenceException: " + e);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "no librealarm history data");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Trend data is null!");
use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.GlucoseData in project xDrip-plus by jamorham.
the class NFCReaderX method parseData.
public static ReadingData parseData(int attempt, String tagId, byte[] data) {
long ourTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int indexTrend = data[26] & 0xFF;
// double check this bitmask? should be lower?
int indexHistory = data[27] & 0xFF;
final int sensorTime = 256 * (data[317] & 0xFF) + (data[316] & 0xFF);
long sensorStartTime = ourTime - sensorTime * MINUTE;
// option to use 13 bit mask
// final boolean thirteen_bit_mask = Pref.getBooleanDefaultFalse("testing_use_thirteen_bit_mask");
final boolean thirteen_bit_mask = true;
ArrayList<GlucoseData> historyList = new ArrayList<>();
// loads history values (ring buffer, starting at index_trent. byte 124-315)
for (int index = 0; index < 32; index++) {
int i = indexHistory - index - 1;
if (i < 0)
i += 32;
GlucoseData glucoseData = new GlucoseData();
// glucoseData.glucoseLevel =
// getGlucose(new byte[]{data[(i * 6 + 125)], data[(i * 6 + 124)]});
glucoseData.glucoseLevelRaw = getGlucoseRaw(new byte[] { data[(i * 6 + 125)], data[(i * 6 + 124)] }, thirteen_bit_mask);
int time = Math.max(0, Math.abs((sensorTime - 3) / 15) * 15 - index * 15);
glucoseData.realDate = sensorStartTime + time * MINUTE;
glucoseData.sensorId = tagId;
glucoseData.sensorTime = time;
ArrayList<GlucoseData> trendList = new ArrayList<>();
// loads trend values (ring buffer, starting at index_trent. byte 28-123)
for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++) {
int i = indexTrend - index - 1;
if (i < 0)
i += 16;
GlucoseData glucoseData = new GlucoseData();
// glucoseData.glucoseLevel =
// getGlucose(new byte[]{data[(i * 6 + 29)], data[(i * 6 + 28)]});
glucoseData.glucoseLevelRaw = getGlucoseRaw(new byte[] { data[(i * 6 + 29)], data[(i * 6 + 28)] }, thirteen_bit_mask);
int time = Math.max(0, sensorTime - index);
glucoseData.realDate = sensorStartTime + time * MINUTE;
glucoseData.sensorId = tagId;
glucoseData.sensorTime = time;
final ReadingData readingData = new ReadingData(null, trendList, historyList);
readingData.raw_data = data;
return readingData;
use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.GlucoseData in project xDrip-plus by jamorham.
the class LibreTrendGraph method getLatestBg.
private static ArrayList<Float> getLatestBg(LibreBlock libreBlock) {
ReadingData readingData = NFCReaderX.getTrend(libreBlock);
if (readingData == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "NFCReaderX.getTrend returned null");
return null;
ArrayList<Float> ret = new ArrayList<Float>();
if (readingData.trend.size() == 0 || readingData.trend.get(0).glucoseLevelRaw == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "libreBlock exists but no trend data exists, or first value is zero ");
return null;
double factor = libreBlock.calculated_bg / readingData.trend.get(0).glucoseLevelRaw;
if (factor == 0) {
// We don't have the calculated value, but we do have the raw value. (No calibration exists)
// I want to show raw data.
Log.w(TAG, "Bg data was not calculated, working on raw data");
List<BgReading> latestReading = BgReading.latestForGraph(1, libreBlock.timestamp - 1000, libreBlock.timestamp + 1000);
if (latestReading == null || latestReading.size() == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "libreBlock exists but no matching bg record exists");
return null;
factor = latestReading.get(0).raw_data / readingData.trend.get(0).glucoseLevelRaw;
for (GlucoseData data : readingData.trend) {
ret.add(new Float(factor * data.glucoseLevelRaw));
return ret;