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Example 31 with PrismReference

use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference in project midpoint by Evolveum.

the class ModelObjectResolver method searchOrgTreeWidthFirst.

public <R, O extends ObjectType> R searchOrgTreeWidthFirst(PrismObject<O> object, Function<PrismObject<OrgType>, R> function, Task task, OperationResult result) {
    PrismReference orgRef = object.findReference(ObjectType.F_PARENT_ORG_REF);
    if (orgRef == null) {
        return null;
    List<PrismReferenceValue> orgRefValues = orgRef.getValues();
    List<PrismObject<OrgType>> orgs = new ArrayList<PrismObject<OrgType>>();
    for (PrismReferenceValue orgRefValue : orgRefValues) {
        if (orgRefValue != null) {
            try {
                PrismObject<OrgType> org = resolve(orgRefValue, "resolving parent org ref", null, null, result);
                R val = function.apply(org);
                if (val != null) {
                    return val;
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                // Just log the error, but do not fail on that. Failing would prohibit login
                // and that may mean the misconfiguration could not be easily fixed.
                LOGGER.warn("Cannot find organization {} referenced in {}", orgRefValue.getOid(), object);
    // go deeper
    for (PrismObject<OrgType> orgType : orgs) {
        R val = searchOrgTreeWidthFirst((PrismObject<O>) orgType, function, task, result);
        if (val != null) {
            return val;
    return null;
Also used : PrismObject(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject) PrismReferenceValue(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReferenceValue) ObjectNotFoundException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PrismReference(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference)

Example 32 with PrismReference

use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference in project midpoint by Evolveum.

the class ModelObjectResolver method searchOrgTreeWidthFirstReference.

public <O extends ObjectType, R extends ObjectType> PrismObject<R> searchOrgTreeWidthFirstReference(PrismObject<O> object, Function<PrismObject<OrgType>, ObjectReferenceType> function, String shortDesc, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException {
    if (object == null) {
        LOGGER.trace("No object provided. Cannost find security policy specific for an object.");
        return null;
    PrismReference orgRef = object.findReference(ObjectType.F_PARENT_ORG_REF);
    if (orgRef == null) {
        return null;
    List<PrismReferenceValue> orgRefValues = orgRef.getValues();
    List<PrismObject<OrgType>> orgs = new ArrayList<PrismObject<OrgType>>();
    PrismObject<R> resultObject = null;
    for (PrismReferenceValue orgRefValue : orgRefValues) {
        if (orgRefValue != null) {
            try {
                PrismObject<OrgType> org = resolve(orgRefValue, "resolving parent org ref", null, null, result);
                ObjectReferenceType ref = function.apply(org);
                if (ref != null) {
                    PrismObject<R> resolvedObject;
                    try {
                        resolvedObject = resolve(ref.asReferenceValue(), shortDesc, task, result);
                    } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                        // Just log the error, but do not fail on that. Failing would prohibit login
                        // and that may mean the misconfiguration could not be easily fixed.
                        LOGGER.warn("Cannot find object {} referenced in {} while resolving {}", orgRefValue.getOid(), object, shortDesc);
                    if (resolvedObject != null) {
                        if (resultObject == null) {
                            resultObject = resolvedObject;
                        } else if (!StringUtils.equals(resolvedObject.getOid(), resultObject.getOid())) {
                            throw new SchemaException("Found more than one object (" + resolvedObject + ", " + resultObject + ") while " + shortDesc);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                // Just log the error, but do not fail on that. Failing would prohibit login
                // and that may mean the misconfiguration could not be easily fixed.
                LOGGER.warn("Cannot find organization {} referenced in {}", orgRefValue.getOid(), object);
    if (resultObject != null) {
        return resultObject;
    // go deeper
    for (PrismObject<OrgType> org : orgs) {
        PrismObject<R> val = searchOrgTreeWidthFirstReference((PrismObject<O>) org, function, shortDesc, task, result);
        if (val != null) {
            return val;
    return null;
Also used : SchemaException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PrismObject(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject) PrismReferenceValue(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReferenceValue) ObjectNotFoundException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException) PrismReference(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference)

Example 33 with PrismReference

use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference in project midpoint by Evolveum.

the class ConsolidationProcessor method consolidateAssociation.

private <V extends PrismValue> ContainerDelta<ShadowAssociationType> consolidateAssociation(RefinedObjectClassDefinition rOcDef, ResourceShadowDiscriminator discr, ObjectDelta<ShadowType> existingDelta, LensProjectionContext projCtx, boolean addUnchangedValues, boolean completeShadow, QName associationName, DeltaSetTriple<ItemValueWithOrigin<PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType>, PrismContainerDefinition<ShadowAssociationType>>> triple) throws SchemaException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PolicyViolationException {
    ItemPath itemPath = new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_ASSOCIATION);
    PrismContainerDefinition<ShadowAssociationType> asspcContainerDef = getAssociationDefinition();
    RefinedAssociationDefinition associationDef = rOcDef.findAssociationDefinition(associationName);
    Comparator<PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType>> comparator = new Comparator<PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType>>() {

        public int compare(PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType> o1, PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType> o2) {
            if (o1 == null && o2 == null) {
                LOGGER.trace("Comparing {} and {}: 0 (A)", o1, o2);
                return 0;
            if (o1 == null || o2 == null) {
                LOGGER.trace("Comparing {} and {}: 2 (B)", o1, o2);
                return 1;
            PrismReference ref1 = o1.findReference(ShadowAssociationType.F_SHADOW_REF);
            PrismReference ref2 = o2.findReference(ShadowAssociationType.F_SHADOW_REF);
            // We do not want to compare references in details. Comparing OIDs suffices.
            // Otherwise we get into problems, as one of the references might be e.g. without type,
            // causing unpredictable behavior (MID-2368)
            String oid1 = ref1 != null ? ref1.getOid() : null;
            String oid2 = ref2 != null ? ref2.getOid() : null;
            if (ObjectUtils.equals(oid1, oid2)) {
                LOGGER.trace("Comparing {} and {}: 0 (C)", o1, o2);
                return 0;
            LOGGER.trace("Comparing {} and {}: 1 (D)", o1, o2);
            return 1;
    ContainerDelta<ShadowAssociationType> delta = (ContainerDelta<ShadowAssociationType>) consolidateItem(rOcDef, discr, existingDelta, projCtx, addUnchangedValues, completeShadow, associationDef.isExclusiveStrong(), itemPath, asspcContainerDef, triple, null, comparator, "association " + associationName);
    if (delta != null) {
        setAssociationName(delta.getValuesToAdd(), associationName);
        setAssociationName(delta.getValuesToDelete(), associationName);
        setAssociationName(delta.getValuesToReplace(), associationName);
    return delta;
Also used : PrismContainerValue(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismContainerValue) ContainerDelta( PrismReference(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference) ShadowAssociationType(com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ShadowAssociationType) ItemPath(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath) Comparator(java.util.Comparator)

Example 34 with PrismReference

use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference in project midpoint by Evolveum.

the class ContextLoader method loadLinkRefsFromFocus.

	 * Does not overwrite existing account contexts, just adds new ones. 
private <F extends FocusType> void loadLinkRefsFromFocus(LensContext<F> context, PrismObject<F> focus, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException {
    PrismReference linkRef = focus.findReference(FocusType.F_LINK_REF);
    if (linkRef == null) {
    for (PrismReferenceValue linkRefVal : linkRef.getValues()) {
        String oid = linkRefVal.getOid();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(oid)) {
            LOGGER.trace("Null or empty OID in link reference {} in:\n{}", linkRef, focus.debugDump(1));
            throw new SchemaException("Null or empty OID in link reference in " + focus);
        LensProjectionContext existingAccountContext = findAccountContext(oid, context);
        if (!canBeLoaded(context, existingAccountContext)) {
        if (existingAccountContext != null) {
            // TODO: do we need to reload the account inside here? yes we need
        PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow = linkRefVal.getObject();
        if (shadow == null) {
            // Using NO_FETCH so we avoid reading in a full account. This is more efficient as we don't need full account here.
            // We need to fetch from provisioning and not repository so the correct definition will be set.
            GetOperationOptions rootOpts = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch();
            Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options = SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpts);
            LOGGER.trace("Loading shadow {} from linkRef, options={}", oid, options);
            try {
                shadow = provisioningService.getObject(ShadowType.class, oid, options, task, result);
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                // Broken accountRef. We need to mark it for deletion
                LensProjectionContext accountContext = getOrCreateEmptyThombstoneProjectionContext(context, oid);
                OperationResult getObjectSubresult = result.getLastSubresult();
        } else {
            // Make sure it has a proper definition. This may come from outside of the model.
            provisioningService.applyDefinition(shadow, task, result);
        LensProjectionContext accountContext = getOrCreateAccountContext(context, shadow, task, result);
        accountContext.setExists(shadow != null);
        if (context.isDoReconciliationForAllProjections()) {
        if (accountContext.isDoReconciliation()) {
            // reconciliation step.				
Also used : SchemaException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException) GetOperationOptions(com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.GetOperationOptions) PrismReferenceValue(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReferenceValue) SelectorOptions(com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.SelectorOptions) LensProjectionContext(com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.LensProjectionContext) ObjectNotFoundException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException) PrismReference(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference) OperationResult(com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)

Example 35 with PrismReference

use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference in project midpoint by Evolveum.

the class ContextLoader method loadLinkRefsFromDelta.

private <F extends FocusType> void loadLinkRefsFromDelta(LensContext<F> context, PrismObject<F> focus, ObjectDelta<F> focusPrimaryDelta, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException {
    if (focusPrimaryDelta == null) {
    ReferenceDelta linkRefDelta;
    if (focusPrimaryDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.ADD) {
        PrismReference linkRef = focusPrimaryDelta.getObjectToAdd().findReference(FocusType.F_LINK_REF);
        if (linkRef == null) {
            // Adding new focus with no linkRef -> nothing to do
        linkRefDelta = linkRef.createDelta(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_LINK_REF));
    } else if (focusPrimaryDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.MODIFY) {
        linkRefDelta = focusPrimaryDelta.findReferenceModification(FocusType.F_LINK_REF);
        if (linkRefDelta == null) {
    } else {
        // delete, all existing account are already marked for delete
    if (linkRefDelta.isReplace()) {
        // process "replace" by distributing values to delete and add
        linkRefDelta = (ReferenceDelta) linkRefDelta.clone();
        PrismReference linkRef = focus.findReference(FocusType.F_LINK_REF);
        linkRefDelta.distributeReplace(linkRef == null ? null : linkRef.getValues());
    if (linkRefDelta.getValuesToAdd() != null) {
        for (PrismReferenceValue refVal : linkRefDelta.getValuesToAdd()) {
            String oid = refVal.getOid();
            LensProjectionContext accountContext = null;
            PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow = null;
            boolean isCombinedAdd = false;
            if (oid == null) {
                // Adding new account
                shadow = refVal.getObject();
                if (shadow == null) {
                    throw new SchemaException("Null or empty OID in account reference " + refVal + " in " + focus);
                provisioningService.applyDefinition(shadow, task, result);
                if (consistencyChecks)
                    ShadowUtil.checkConsistence(shadow, "account from " + linkRefDelta);
                // Check for conflicting change
                accountContext = LensUtil.getProjectionContext(context, shadow, provisioningService, prismContext, task, result);
                if (accountContext != null) {
                    // There is already existing context for the same discriminator. Tolerate this only if
                    // the deltas match. It is an error otherwise.
                    ObjectDelta<ShadowType> primaryDelta = accountContext.getPrimaryDelta();
                    if (primaryDelta == null) {
                        throw new SchemaException("Attempt to add " + shadow + " to a user that already contains " + accountContext.getHumanReadableKind() + " of type '" + accountContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getIntent() + "' on " + accountContext.getResource());
                    if (!primaryDelta.isAdd()) {
                        throw new SchemaException("Conflicting changes in the context. " + "Add of accountRef in the user delta with embedded object conflicts with explicit delta " + primaryDelta);
                    if (!shadow.equals(primaryDelta.getObjectToAdd())) {
                        throw new SchemaException("Conflicting changes in the context. " + "Add of accountRef in the user delta with embedded object is not adding the same object as explicit delta " + primaryDelta);
                } else {
                    // Create account context from embedded object
                    accountContext = createProjectionContext(context, shadow, task, result);
                // This is a new account that is to be added. So it should
                // go to account primary delta
                ObjectDelta<ShadowType> accountPrimaryDelta = shadow.createAddDelta();
                isCombinedAdd = true;
            } else {
                // therefore check for account existence to decide
                try {
                    // Using NO_FETCH so we avoid reading in a full account. This is more efficient as we don't need full account here.
                    // We need to fetch from provisioning and not repository so the correct definition will be set.
                    GetOperationOptions rootOpts = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch();
                    Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options = SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpts);
                    shadow = provisioningService.getObject(ShadowType.class, oid, options, task, result);
                    // Create account context from retrieved object
                    accountContext = getOrCreateAccountContext(context, shadow, task, result);
                } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                    if (refVal.getObject() == null) {
                        // ref -> this is really an error
                        throw e;
                    } else {
                        // New account (with OID)
                        shadow = refVal.getObject();
                        if (!shadow.hasCompleteDefinition()) {
                            provisioningService.applyDefinition(shadow, task, result);
                        // Create account context from embedded object
                        accountContext = createProjectionContext(context, shadow, task, result);
                        ObjectDelta<ShadowType> accountPrimaryDelta = shadow.createAddDelta();
                        isCombinedAdd = true;
            if (context.isDoReconciliationForAllProjections() && !isCombinedAdd) {
    if (linkRefDelta.getValuesToDelete() != null) {
        for (PrismReferenceValue refVal : linkRefDelta.getValuesToDelete()) {
            String oid = refVal.getOid();
            LensProjectionContext accountContext = null;
            PrismObject<ShadowType> account = null;
            if (oid == null) {
                throw new SchemaException("Cannot delete account ref without an oid in " + focus);
            } else {
                try {
                    // Using NO_FETCH so we avoid reading in a full account. This is more efficient as we don't need full account here.
                    // We need to fetch from provisioning and not repository so the correct definition will be set.
                    Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options = SelectorOptions.createCollection(GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch());
                    account = provisioningService.getObject(ShadowType.class, oid, options, task, result);
                    // Create account context from retrieved object
                    accountContext = getOrCreateAccountContext(context, account, task, result);
                } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                    try {
                        // Broken accountRef. We need to try again with raw options, because the error should be thrown because of non-existent resource
                        Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options = SelectorOptions.createCollection(GetOperationOptions.createRaw());
                        account = provisioningService.getObject(ShadowType.class, oid, options, task, result);
                        accountContext = getOrCreateEmptyThombstoneProjectionContext(context, oid);
                        OperationResult getObjectSubresult = result.getLastSubresult();
                    } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
                        // This is still OK. It means deleting an accountRef
                        // that points to non-existing object
                        // just log a warning
                        LOGGER.warn("Deleting accountRef of " + focus + " that points to non-existing OID " + oid);
            if (accountContext != null) {
                if (refVal.getObject() == null) {
                } else {
                    ObjectDelta<ShadowType> accountPrimaryDelta = account.createDeleteDelta();
    if (focusPrimaryDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.ADD) {
    } else if (focusPrimaryDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.MODIFY) {
Also used : SchemaException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException) LensProjectionContext(com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.LensProjectionContext) ReferenceDelta( OperationResult(com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult) GetOperationOptions(com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.GetOperationOptions) PrismReferenceValue(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReferenceValue) SelectorOptions(com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.SelectorOptions) ObjectNotFoundException(com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException) PrismReference(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference) Collection(java.util.Collection) ObjectDelta( ItemPath(com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath)


PrismReference (com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReference)41 PrismReferenceValue (com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismReferenceValue)15 OperationResult (com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult)12 PrismObject (com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject)11 SchemaException (com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException)11 PrismContainerValue (com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismContainerValue)8 Task (com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 ObjectDelta ( ItemPath (com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath)7 ObjectNotFoundException (com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException)7 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)7 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)7 UserType (com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType)6 LensProjectionContext (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.LensProjectionContext)5 AssignmentType (com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentType)5 ObjectType (com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectType)5 ShadowType (com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ShadowType)5 ReferenceDelta ( PolyString (com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.polystring.PolyString)4