use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ReportUtils method getItemRealValue.
public static Object getItemRealValue(PrismContainerValue containerValue, String itemName) {
Item item = containerValue.findItem(new QName(itemName));
if (item == null || item.size() == 0) {
return null;
if (item.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("More than one value in item " + item);
PrismValue value = item.getValue(0);
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value instanceof PrismPropertyValue) {
return ((PrismPropertyValue) value).getValue();
} else if (value instanceof PrismReferenceValue) {
ObjectReferenceType ort = new ObjectReferenceType();
ort.setupReferenceValue((PrismReferenceValue) value);
return ort;
} else if (value instanceof PrismContainerValue) {
// questionable
return ((PrismContainerValue) value).asContainerable();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown PrismValue: " + value);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AssignmentTablePanel method handleModifyAssignmentDelta.
private void handleModifyAssignmentDelta(AssignmentEditorDto assDto, PrismContainerDefinition assignmentDef, PrismContainerValue newValue, ObjectDelta<T> userDelta) throws SchemaException {
LOGGER.debug("Handling modified assignment '{}', computing delta.", new Object[] { assDto.getName() });
PrismValue oldValue = assDto.getOldValue();
Collection<? extends ItemDelta> deltas = oldValue.diff(newValue);
for (ItemDelta delta : deltas) {
ItemPath deltaPath = delta.getPath().rest();
ItemDefinition deltaDef = assignmentDef.findItemDefinition(deltaPath);
delta.setParentPath(WebComponentUtil.joinPath(oldValue.getPath(), delta.getPath().allExceptLast()));
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ModelWebService method prepareXmlData.
public static PipelineDataType prepareXmlData(List<PipelineItem> output, ScriptingExpressionEvaluationOptionsType options) throws JAXBException, SchemaException {
boolean hideResults = options != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(options.isHideOperationResults());
PipelineDataType rv = new PipelineDataType();
if (output != null) {
for (PipelineItem item : output) {
PipelineItemType itemType = new PipelineItemType();
PrismValue value = item.getValue();
if (value instanceof PrismReferenceValue) {
// This is a bit of hack: value.getRealValue() would return unserializable object (PRV$1 - does not have type QName)
ObjectReferenceType ort = new ObjectReferenceType();
ort.setupReferenceValue((PrismReferenceValue) value);
} else {
// TODO - ok?
if (!hideResults) {
return rv;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ObjectTemplateProcessor method computeItemDeltas.
<F extends FocusType, T extends FocusType> Collection<ItemDelta<?, ?>> computeItemDeltas(Map<ItemPath, DeltaSetTriple<? extends ItemValueWithOrigin<?, ?>>> outputTripleMap, @Nullable Map<ItemPath, ObjectTemplateItemDefinitionType> itemDefinitionsMap, ObjectDelta<T> targetObjectAPrioriDelta, PrismObject<T> targetObject, PrismObjectDefinition<F> focusDefinition, String contextDesc) throws ExpressionEvaluationException, PolicyViolationException, SchemaException {
Collection<ItemDelta<?, ?>> itemDeltas = new ArrayList<>();
LOGGER.trace("Computing deltas in {}, focusDelta:\n{}", contextDesc, targetObjectAPrioriDelta);
boolean addUnchangedValues = false;
if (targetObjectAPrioriDelta != null && targetObjectAPrioriDelta.isAdd()) {
addUnchangedValues = true;
for (Entry<ItemPath, DeltaSetTriple<? extends ItemValueWithOrigin<?, ?>>> entry : outputTripleMap.entrySet()) {
ItemPath itemPath = entry.getKey();
DeltaSetTriple<? extends ItemValueWithOrigin<?, ?>> outputTriple = entry.getValue();
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Computed triple for {}:\n{}", itemPath, outputTriple.debugDump());
final ObjectTemplateItemDefinitionType templateItemDefinition;
if (itemDefinitionsMap != null) {
templateItemDefinition = ItemPathUtil.getFromMap(itemDefinitionsMap, itemPath);
} else {
templateItemDefinition = null;
boolean isNonTolerant = templateItemDefinition != null && Boolean.FALSE.equals(templateItemDefinition.isTolerant());
ItemDelta aprioriItemDelta = getAprioriItemDelta(targetObjectAPrioriDelta, itemPath);
// if non-tolerant, we want to gather ZERO & PLUS sets
boolean filterExistingValues = !isNonTolerant;
ItemDefinition itemDefinition = focusDefinition.findItemDefinition(itemPath);
ItemDelta itemDelta = LensUtil.consolidateTripleToDelta(itemPath, (DeltaSetTriple) outputTriple, itemDefinition, aprioriItemDelta, targetObject, null, null, addUnchangedValues, filterExistingValues, false, contextDesc, true);
// Do a quick version of reconciliation. There is not much to reconcile as both the source and the target
// is focus. But there are few cases to handle, such as strong mappings, and sourceless normal mappings.
Collection<? extends ItemValueWithOrigin<?, ?>> zeroSet = outputTriple.getZeroSet();
Item<PrismValue, ItemDefinition> itemNew = null;
if (targetObject != null) {
itemNew = targetObject.findItem(itemPath);
for (ItemValueWithOrigin<?, ?> zeroSetIvwo : zeroSet) {
PrismValueDeltaSetTripleProducer<?, ?> mapping = zeroSetIvwo.getMapping();
if ((mapping.getStrength() == null || mapping.getStrength() == MappingStrengthType.NORMAL)) {
if (aprioriItemDelta != null && !aprioriItemDelta.isEmpty()) {
if (!mapping.isSourceless()) {
LOGGER.trace("Adding zero values from normal mapping {}, a-priori delta: {}, isSourceless: {}", mapping, aprioriItemDelta, mapping.isSourceless());
} else if (mapping.getStrength() == MappingStrengthType.WEAK) {
if ((itemNew != null && !itemNew.isEmpty()) || (itemDelta != null && itemDelta.addsAnyValue())) {
LOGGER.trace("Adding zero values from weak mapping {}, itemNew: {}, itemDelta: {}", mapping, itemNew, itemDelta);
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Adding zero values from strong mapping {}", mapping);
PrismValue valueFromZeroSet = zeroSetIvwo.getItemValue();
if (itemNew == null || !itemNew.containsRealValue(valueFromZeroSet)) {
LOGGER.trace("Reconciliation will add value {} for item {}. Existing item: {}", valueFromZeroSet, itemPath, itemNew);
if (isNonTolerant) {
if (itemDelta.isDelete()) {
LOGGER.trace("Non-tolerant item with values to DELETE => removing them");
// these are useless now - we move everything to REPLACE
if (itemDelta.isReplace()) {
LOGGER.trace("Non-tolerant item with resulting REPLACE delta => doing nothing");
} else {
for (ItemValueWithOrigin<?, ?> zeroSetIvwo : zeroSet) {
LOGGER.trace("Non-tolerant item with resulting ADD delta => converted ADD to REPLACE values: {}", itemDelta.getValuesToReplace());
// under a special option "createReplaceDelta", but for the time being, let's keep it here
if (itemDelta instanceof PropertyDelta) {
PropertyDelta propertyDelta = ((PropertyDelta) itemDelta);
QName matchingRuleName = templateItemDefinition != null ? templateItemDefinition.getMatchingRule() : null;
MatchingRule matchingRule = matchingRuleRegistry.getMatchingRule(matchingRuleName, null);
if (propertyDelta.isRedundant(targetObject, matchingRule)) {
LOGGER.trace("Computed property delta is redundant => skipping it. Delta = \n{}", propertyDelta.debugDump());
} else {
if (itemDelta.isRedundant(targetObject)) {
LOGGER.trace("Computed item delta is redundant => skipping it. Delta = \n{}", itemDelta.debugDump());
PrismUtil.setDeltaOldValue(targetObject, itemDelta);
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Computed delta:\n{}", itemDelta.debugDump());
return itemDeltas;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AbstractModelIntegrationTest method assertFocusModificationSanity.
protected <F extends FocusType> void assertFocusModificationSanity(ModelContext<F> context) throws JAXBException {
ModelElementContext<F> focusContext = context.getFocusContext();
PrismObject<F> focusOld = focusContext.getObjectOld();
if (focusOld == null) {
ObjectDelta<F> focusPrimaryDelta = focusContext.getPrimaryDelta();
if (focusPrimaryDelta != null) {
assertEquals("No OID in old focus object", focusOld.getOid(), focusPrimaryDelta.getOid());
assertEquals(ChangeType.MODIFY, focusPrimaryDelta.getChangeType());
for (ItemDelta itemMod : focusPrimaryDelta.getModifications()) {
if (itemMod.getValuesToDelete() != null) {
Item property = focusOld.findItem(itemMod.getPath());
assertNotNull("Deleted item " + itemMod.getParentPath() + "/" + itemMod.getElementName() + " not found in focus", property);
for (Object valueToDelete : itemMod.getValuesToDelete()) {
if (!property.containsRealValue((PrismValue) valueToDelete)) {
display("Deleted value " + valueToDelete + " is not in focus item " + itemMod.getParentPath() + "/" + itemMod.getElementName());
display("Deleted value", valueToDelete);
display("HASHCODE: " + valueToDelete.hashCode());
for (Object value : property.getValues()) {
display("Existing value", value);
display("EQUALS: " + valueToDelete.equals(value));
display("HASHCODE: " + value.hashCode());
fail("Deleted value " + valueToDelete + " is not in focus item " + itemMod.getParentPath() + "/" + itemMod.getElementName());