use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.MapXNode in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class QueryJaxbConvertor method createObjectQueryInternal.
public static <O extends Containerable> ObjectQuery createObjectQueryInternal(PrismContainerDefinition<O> objDef, SearchFilterType filterType, PagingType pagingType, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException {
try {
ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery();
if (filterType != null && filterType.containsFilterClause()) {
MapXNode rootFilter = filterType.getFilterClauseXNode();
ObjectFilter filter = QueryConvertor.parseFilter(rootFilter, objDef);
if (pagingType != null) {
ObjectPaging paging = PagingConvertor.createObjectPaging(pagingType);
return query;
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
throw new SchemaException("Failed to convert query. Reason: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.MapXNode in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class QueryJaxbConvertor method createTypeObjectQuery.
public static ObjectQuery createTypeObjectQuery(QueryType queryType, PrismContext prismContext) throws SchemaException {
if (queryType == null) {
return null;
if (queryType.getFilter() == null) {
return null;
if (queryType.getFilter().containsFilterClause()) {
MapXNode mapXnode = queryType.getFilter().getFilterClauseXNode();
QName type = mapXnode.getParsedPrimitiveValue(QueryConvertor.ELEMENT_TYPE, DOMUtil.XSD_QNAME);
if (type == null) {
throw new SchemaException("Query does not countain type filter. Cannot by parse.");
Class clazz = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().determineCompileTimeClass(type);
if (clazz == null) {
PrismObjectDefinition objDef = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().findObjectDefinitionByType(type);
if (objDef != null) {
clazz = objDef.getCompileTimeClass();
if (clazz == null) {
throw new SchemaException("Type defined in query is not valid. " + type);
return createObjectQuery(clazz, queryType, prismContext);
return null;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.MapXNode in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class XNodeProcessorUtil method parseProtectedType.
public static <T> void parseProtectedType(ProtectedDataType<T> protectedType, MapXNode xmap, PrismContext prismContext, ParsingContext pc) throws SchemaException {
RootXNode xEncryptedData = xmap.getEntryAsRoot(ProtectedDataType.F_ENCRYPTED_DATA);
if (xEncryptedData != null) {
if (!(xEncryptedData.getSubnode() instanceof MapXNode)) {
throw new SchemaException("Cannot parse encryptedData from " + xEncryptedData);
EncryptedDataType encryptedDataType = prismContext.parserFor(xEncryptedData).context(pc).parseRealValue(EncryptedDataType.class);
} else {
// Check for legacy EncryptedData
RootXNode xLegacyEncryptedData = xmap.getEntryAsRoot(ProtectedDataType.F_XML_ENC_ENCRYPTED_DATA);
if (xLegacyEncryptedData != null) {
if (!(xLegacyEncryptedData.getSubnode() instanceof MapXNode)) {
throw new SchemaException("Cannot parse EncryptedData from " + xEncryptedData);
RootXNode xConvertedEncryptedData = (RootXNode) xLegacyEncryptedData.cloneTransformKeys(in -> {
String elementName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(in.getLocalPart());
if (elementName.equals("type")) {
return null;
return new QName(null, elementName);
EncryptedDataType encryptedDataType = prismContext.parserFor(xConvertedEncryptedData).context(pc).parseRealValue(EncryptedDataType.class);
if (protectedType instanceof ProtectedStringType) {
transformEncryptedValue(protectedType, prismContext);
RootXNode xHashedData = xmap.getEntryAsRoot(ProtectedDataType.F_HASHED_DATA);
if (xHashedData != null) {
if (!(xHashedData.getSubnode() instanceof MapXNode)) {
throw new SchemaException("Cannot parse hashedData from " + xHashedData);
HashedDataType hashedDataType = prismContext.parserFor(xHashedData).context(pc).parseRealValue(HashedDataType.class);
// protected data empty..check for clear value
if (protectedType.isEmpty()) {
XNode xClearValue = xmap.get(ProtectedDataType.F_CLEAR_VALUE);
if (xClearValue == null) {
//TODO: try to use common namespace (only to be compatible with previous versions)
//FIXME maybe add some warning, info...
xClearValue = xmap.get(new QName(ProtectedDataType.F_CLEAR_VALUE.getLocalPart()));
if (xClearValue == null) {
if (!(xClearValue instanceof PrimitiveXNode)) {
//this is maybe not good..
throw new SchemaException("Cannot parse clear value from " + xClearValue);
// TODO: clearValue
T clearValue = (T) ((PrimitiveXNode) xClearValue).getParsedValue(DOMUtil.XSD_STRING, String.class);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.MapXNode in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanityLegacy method checkOpenResourceConfiguration.
private void checkOpenResourceConfiguration(PrismObject<ResourceType> resource, String connectorNamespace, String credentialsPropertyName, int numConfigProps, String source) {
PrismContainer<Containerable> configurationContainer = resource.findContainer(ResourceType.F_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION);
assertNotNull("No configuration container in " + resource + " from " + source, configurationContainer);
PrismContainer<Containerable> configPropsContainer = configurationContainer.findContainer(SchemaTestConstants.ICFC_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES);
assertNotNull("No configuration properties container in " + resource + " from " + source, configPropsContainer);
List<? extends Item<?, ?>> configProps = configPropsContainer.getValue().getItems();
assertEquals("Wrong number of config properties in " + resource + " from " + source, numConfigProps, configProps.size());
PrismProperty<Object> credentialsProp = configPropsContainer.findProperty(new QName(connectorNamespace, credentialsPropertyName));
if (credentialsProp == null) {
// The is the heisenbug we are looking for. Just dump the entire damn thing.
display("Configuration with the heisenbug", configurationContainer.debugDump());
assertNotNull("No credentials property in " + resource + " from " + source, credentialsProp);
assertEquals("Wrong number of credentials property value in " + resource + " from " + source, 1, credentialsProp.getValues().size());
PrismPropertyValue<Object> credentialsPropertyValue = credentialsProp.getValues().iterator().next();
assertNotNull("No credentials property value in " + resource + " from " + source, credentialsPropertyValue);
if (credentialsPropertyValue.isRaw()) {
Object rawElement = credentialsPropertyValue.getRawElement();
assertTrue("Wrong element class " + rawElement.getClass() + " in " + resource + " from " + source, rawElement instanceof MapXNode);
// Element rawDomElement = (Element)rawElement;
MapXNode xmap = (MapXNode) rawElement;
try {
ProtectedStringType protectedType = new ProtectedStringType();
XNodeProcessorUtil.parseProtectedType(protectedType, xmap, prismContext);
// display("LDAP credentials raw element", DOMUtil.serializeDOMToString(rawDomElement));
// assertEquals("Wrong credentials element namespace in "+resource+" from "+source, connectorNamespace, rawDomElement.getNamespaceURI());
// assertEquals("Wrong credentials element local name in "+resource+" from "+source, credentialsPropertyName, rawDomElement.getLocalName());
// Element encryptedDataElement = DOMUtil.getChildElement(rawDomElement, new QName(DOMUtil.NS_XML_ENC, "EncryptedData"));
EncryptedDataType encryptedDataType = protectedType.getEncryptedDataType();
assertNotNull("No EncryptedData element", encryptedDataType);
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
// assertEquals("Wrong EncryptedData element namespace in "+resource+" from "+source, DOMUtil.NS_XML_ENC, encryptedDataType.getNamespaceURI());
// assertEquals("Wrong EncryptedData element local name in "+resource+" from "+source, "EncryptedData", encryptedDataType.getLocalName());
} else {
Object credentials = credentialsPropertyValue.getValue();
assertTrue("Wrong type of credentials configuration property in " + resource + " from " + source + ": " + credentials.getClass(), credentials instanceof ProtectedStringType);
ProtectedStringType credentialsPs = (ProtectedStringType) credentials;
EncryptedDataType encryptedData = credentialsPs.getEncryptedDataType();
assertNotNull("No EncryptedData element", encryptedData);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.MapXNode in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanity method checkOpenResourceConfiguration.
private void checkOpenResourceConfiguration(PrismObject<ResourceType> resource, String connectorNamespace, String credentialsPropertyName, int numConfigProps, String source) {
PrismContainer<Containerable> configurationContainer = resource.findContainer(ResourceType.F_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION);
assertNotNull("No configuration container in " + resource + " from " + source, configurationContainer);
PrismContainer<Containerable> configPropsContainer = configurationContainer.findContainer(SchemaTestConstants.ICFC_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES);
assertNotNull("No configuration properties container in " + resource + " from " + source, configPropsContainer);
List<? extends Item<?, ?>> configProps = configPropsContainer.getValue().getItems();
assertEquals("Wrong number of config properties in " + resource + " from " + source, numConfigProps, configProps.size());
PrismProperty<Object> credentialsProp = configPropsContainer.findProperty(new QName(connectorNamespace, credentialsPropertyName));
if (credentialsProp == null) {
// The is the heisenbug we are looking for. Just dump the entire damn thing.
display("Configuration with the heisenbug", configurationContainer.debugDump());
assertNotNull("No " + credentialsPropertyName + " property in " + resource + " from " + source, credentialsProp);
assertEquals("Wrong number of " + credentialsPropertyName + " property value in " + resource + " from " + source, 1, credentialsProp.getValues().size());
PrismPropertyValue<Object> credentialsPropertyValue = credentialsProp.getValues().iterator().next();
assertNotNull("No " + credentialsPropertyName + " property value in " + resource + " from " + source, credentialsPropertyValue);
if (credentialsPropertyValue.isRaw()) {
Object rawElement = credentialsPropertyValue.getRawElement();
assertTrue("Wrong element class " + rawElement.getClass() + " in " + resource + " from " + source, rawElement instanceof MapXNode);
// Element rawDomElement = (Element)rawElement;
MapXNode xmap = (MapXNode) rawElement;
try {
ProtectedStringType protectedType = new ProtectedStringType();
XNodeProcessorUtil.parseProtectedType(protectedType, xmap, prismContext);
// display("LDAP credentials raw element", DOMUtil.serializeDOMToString(rawDomElement));
// assertEquals("Wrong credentials element namespace in "+resource+" from "+source, connectorNamespace, rawDomElement.getNamespaceURI());
// assertEquals("Wrong credentials element local name in "+resource+" from "+source, credentialsPropertyName, rawDomElement.getLocalName());
// Element encryptedDataElement = DOMUtil.getChildElement(rawDomElement, new QName(DOMUtil.NS_XML_ENC, "EncryptedData"));
EncryptedDataType encryptedDataType = protectedType.getEncryptedDataType();
assertNotNull("No EncryptedData element", encryptedDataType);
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
// assertEquals("Wrong EncryptedData element namespace in "+resource+" from "+source, DOMUtil.NS_XML_ENC, encryptedDataType.getNamespaceURI());
// assertEquals("Wrong EncryptedData element local name in "+resource+" from "+source, "EncryptedData", encryptedDataType.getLocalName());
} else {
Object credentials = credentialsPropertyValue.getValue();
assertTrue("Wrong type of credentials configuration property in " + resource + " from " + source + ": " + credentials.getClass(), credentials instanceof ProtectedStringType);
ProtectedStringType credentialsPs = (ProtectedStringType) credentials;
EncryptedDataType encryptedData = credentialsPs.getEncryptedDataType();
assertNotNull("No EncryptedData element", encryptedData);