use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.api.RepositoryServiceFactoryException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class WfConfiguration method initialize.
void initialize() {
Configuration c = midpointConfiguration.getConfiguration(WF_CONFIG_SECTION);
enabled = c.getBoolean(KEY_ENABLED, true);
if (!enabled) {"Workflows are disabled.");
// activiti properties related to database connection will be taken from SQL repository
SqlRepositoryConfiguration sqlConfig = null;
String defaultJdbcUrlPrefix = null;
dropDatabase = false;
try {
RepositoryFactory repositoryFactory = (RepositoryFactory) beanFactory.getBean("repositoryFactory");
if (!(repositoryFactory.getFactory() instanceof SqlRepositoryFactory)) {
// it may be null as well
LOGGER.debug("SQL configuration cannot be found; Activiti database configuration (if any) will be taken from 'workflow' configuration section only");
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("repositoryFactory.getFactory() = " + repositoryFactory);
} else {
SqlRepositoryFactory sqlRepositoryFactory = (SqlRepositoryFactory) repositoryFactory.getFactory();
sqlConfig = sqlRepositoryFactory.getSqlConfiguration();
if (sqlConfig.isEmbedded()) {
defaultJdbcUrlPrefix = sqlRepositoryFactory.prepareJdbcUrlPrefix(sqlConfig);
dropDatabase = sqlConfig.isDropIfExists();
} catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
LOGGER.debug("SqlRepositoryFactory is not available, Activiti database configuration (if any) will be taken from 'workflow' configuration section only.");
LOGGER.trace("Reason is", e);
} catch (RepositoryServiceFactoryException e) {
LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Cannot determine default JDBC URL for embedded database", e);
String explicitJdbcUrl = c.getString(KEY_JDBC_URL, null);
if (explicitJdbcUrl == null) {
if (sqlConfig == null || sqlConfig.isEmbedded()) {
jdbcUrl = defaultJdbcUrlPrefix + "-activiti;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;MVCC=FALSE";
} else {
jdbcUrl = sqlConfig.getJdbcUrl();
} else {
jdbcUrl = explicitJdbcUrl;
dataSource = c.getString(KEY_DATA_SOURCE, null);
if (dataSource == null && explicitJdbcUrl == null && sqlConfig != null) {
// we want to use wf-specific JDBC if there is one (i.e. we do not want to inherit data source from repo in such a case)
dataSource = sqlConfig.getDataSource();
if (dataSource != null) {"Activiti database is at " + dataSource + " (a data source)");
} else {"Activiti database is at " + jdbcUrl + " (a JDBC URL)");
boolean defaultSchemaUpdate = sqlConfig == null || "update".equals(sqlConfig.getHibernateHbm2ddl());
activitiSchemaUpdate = c.getBoolean(KEY_ACTIVITI_SCHEMA_UPDATE, defaultSchemaUpdate);"Activiti automatic schema update: {}", activitiSchemaUpdate);
jdbcDriver = c.getString(KEY_JDBC_DRIVER, sqlConfig != null ? sqlConfig.getDriverClassName() : null);
jdbcUser = c.getString(KEY_JDBC_USERNAME, sqlConfig != null ? sqlConfig.getJdbcUsername() : null);
jdbcPassword = c.getString(KEY_JDBC_PASSWORD, sqlConfig != null ? sqlConfig.getJdbcPassword() : null);
autoDeploymentFrom = c.getStringArray(KEY_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT_FROM);
if (autoDeploymentFrom.length == 0) {
autoDeploymentFrom = new String[] { AUTO_DEPLOYMENT_FROM_DEFAULT };
// hibernateDialect = sqlConfig != null ? sqlConfig.getHibernateDialect() : "";