use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor.ResourceAttributeDefinition in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConsistencyTest method checkOpenDjSchema.
private void checkOpenDjSchema(ResourceType resource, String source) throws SchemaException {
ResourceSchema schema = RefinedResourceSchemaImpl.getResourceSchema(resource, prismContext);
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition accountDefinition = schema.findObjectClassDefinition(RESOURCE_OPENDJ_ACCOUNT_OBJECTCLASS);
assertNotNull("Schema does not define any account (resource from " + source + ")", accountDefinition);
Collection<? extends ResourceAttributeDefinition> identifiers = accountDefinition.getPrimaryIdentifiers();
assertFalse("No account identifiers (resource from " + source + ")", identifiers == null || identifiers.isEmpty());
// TODO: check for naming attributes and display names, etc
ActivationCapabilityType capActivation = ResourceTypeUtil.getEffectiveCapability(resource, ActivationCapabilityType.class);
if (capActivation != null && capActivation.getStatus() != null && capActivation.getStatus().getAttribute() != null) {
// There is simulated activation capability, check if the attribute is in schema.
QName enableAttrName = capActivation.getStatus().getAttribute();
ResourceAttributeDefinition enableAttrDef = accountDefinition.findAttributeDefinition(enableAttrName);
display("Simulated activation attribute definition", enableAttrDef);
assertNotNull("No definition for enable attribute " + enableAttrName + " in account (resource from " + source + ")", enableAttrDef);
assertTrue("Enable attribute " + enableAttrName + " is not ignored (resource from " + source + ")", enableAttrDef.isIgnored());
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor.ResourceAttributeDefinition in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanityLegacy method checkOpenDjSchema.
private void checkOpenDjSchema(ResourceType resource, String source) throws SchemaException {
ResourceSchema schema = RefinedResourceSchemaImpl.getResourceSchema(resource, prismContext);
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition accountDefinition = schema.findDefaultObjectClassDefinition(ShadowKindType.ACCOUNT);
assertNotNull("Schema does not define any account (resource from " + source + ")", accountDefinition);
Collection<? extends ResourceAttributeDefinition> identifiers = accountDefinition.getPrimaryIdentifiers();
assertFalse("No account identifiers (resource from " + source + ")", identifiers == null || identifiers.isEmpty());
// TODO: check for naming attributes and display names, etc
ActivationCapabilityType capActivation = ResourceTypeUtil.getEffectiveCapability(resource, ActivationCapabilityType.class);
if (capActivation != null && capActivation.getStatus() != null && capActivation.getStatus().getAttribute() != null) {
// There is simulated activation capability, check if the attribute is in schema.
QName enableAttrName = capActivation.getStatus().getAttribute();
ResourceAttributeDefinition enableAttrDef = accountDefinition.findAttributeDefinition(enableAttrName);
display("Simulated activation attribute definition", enableAttrDef);
assertNotNull("No definition for enable attribute " + enableAttrName + " in account (resource from " + source + ")", enableAttrDef);
assertTrue("Enable attribute " + enableAttrName + " is not ignored (resource from " + source + ")", enableAttrDef.isIgnored());
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor.ResourceAttributeDefinition in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class Construction method evaluateAttribute.
private <T> Mapping<PrismPropertyValue<T>, ResourceAttributeDefinition<T>> evaluateAttribute(ResourceAttributeDefinitionType attribudeDefinitionType, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException {
QName attrName = ItemPathUtil.getOnlySegmentQName(attribudeDefinitionType.getRef());
if (attrName == null) {
throw new SchemaException("Missing 'ref' in attribute construction in account construction in " + getSource());
if (!attribudeDefinitionType.getInbound().isEmpty()) {
throw new SchemaException("Cannot process inbound section in definition of attribute " + attrName + " in account construction in " + getSource());
MappingType outboundMappingType = attribudeDefinitionType.getOutbound();
if (outboundMappingType == null) {
throw new SchemaException("No outbound section in definition of attribute " + attrName + " in account construction in " + getSource());
ResourceAttributeDefinition<T> outputDefinition = findAttributeDefinition(attrName);
if (outputDefinition == null) {
throw new SchemaException("Attribute " + attrName + " not found in schema for account type " + getIntent() + ", " + getResource(task, result) + " as definied in " + getSource(), attrName);
Mapping.Builder<PrismPropertyValue<T>, ResourceAttributeDefinition<T>> builder = mappingFactory.createMappingBuilder(outboundMappingType, "for attribute " + PrettyPrinter.prettyPrint(attrName) + " in " + getSource());
Mapping<PrismPropertyValue<T>, ResourceAttributeDefinition<T>> evaluatedMapping = evaluateMapping(builder, attrName, outputDefinition, null, task, result);
LOGGER.trace("Evaluated mapping for attribute " + attrName + ": " + evaluatedMapping);
return evaluatedMapping;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor.ResourceAttributeDefinition in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class SchemaListPanel method loadAttributes.
private List<AttributeDto> loadAttributes() {
List<AttributeDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
ObjectClassDto selected = getSelectedObjectClass();
if (selected == null) {
return list;
for (ResourceAttributeDefinition def : selected.getDefinition().getAttributeDefinitions()) {
list.add(new AttributeDto(def));
return list;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.processor.ResourceAttributeDefinition in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ResourceAttributeRefPanelFactory method getChoicesList.
private List<ItemName> getChoicesList(PrismPropertyPanelContext<ItemPathType> ctx) {
PrismPropertyWrapper<?> wrapper = ctx.unwrapWrapperModel();
// attribute/ref
if (wrapper == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// attribute value
if (wrapper.getParent() == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// attribute
ItemWrapper<?, ?> attributeWrapper = wrapper.getParent().getParent();
if (attributeWrapper == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
PrismContainerValueWrapper<?> itemWrapper = attributeWrapper.getParent();
if (itemWrapper == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (!(itemWrapper instanceof ConstructionValueWrapper)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
ConstructionValueWrapper constructionWrapper = (ConstructionValueWrapper) itemWrapper;
try {
ResourceSchema schema = constructionWrapper.getRefinedSchema();
if (schema == null) {
return new ArrayList<>();
ResourceObjectDefinition rOcd = schema.findObjectDefinition(constructionWrapper.getKind(), constructionWrapper.getIntent());
if (rOcd == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (ConstructionType.F_ASSOCIATION.equivalent(attributeWrapper.getItemName())) {
Collection<ResourceAssociationDefinition> associationDefs = rOcd.getAssociationDefinitions();
Collection<? extends ResourceAttributeDefinition<?>> attrDefs = rOcd.getAttributeDefinitions();
return -> a.getItemName()).collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (SchemaException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Cannot get resource attribute definitions");
return Collections.emptyList();