use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConnectorInstanceConnIdImpl method modifyObject.
// TODO [med] beware, this method does not obey its contract specified in the interface
// (1) currently it does not return all the changes, only the 'side effect' changes
// (2) it throws exceptions even if some of the changes were made
// (3) among identifiers, only the UID value is updated on object rename
// (other identifiers are ignored on input and output of this method)
public AsynchronousOperationReturnValue<Collection<PropertyModificationOperation>> modifyObject(ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition objectClassDef, Collection<? extends ResourceAttribute<?>> identifiers, Collection<Operation> changes, StateReporter reporter, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, GenericFrameworkException, SchemaException, SecurityViolationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException {
OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(ConnectorInstance.class.getName() + ".modifyObject");
result.addParam("objectClass", objectClassDef);
result.addCollectionOfSerializablesAsParam("identifiers", identifiers);
result.addArbitraryCollectionAsParam("changes", changes);
if (changes.isEmpty()) {"No modifications for connector object specified. Skipping processing.");
return AsynchronousOperationReturnValue.wrap(new ArrayList<PropertyModificationOperation>(0), result);
ObjectClass objClass = connIdNameMapper.objectClassToIcf(objectClassDef, getSchemaNamespace(), connectorType, legacySchema);
Uid uid;
try {
uid = getUid(objectClassDef, identifiers);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw e;
if (uid == null) {
result.recordFatalError("Cannot detemine UID from identifiers: " + identifiers);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot detemine UID from identifiers: " + identifiers);
String originalUid = uid.getUidValue();
Set<Attribute> attributesToAdd = new HashSet<>();
Set<Attribute> attributesToUpdate = new HashSet<>();
Set<Attribute> attributesToRemove = new HashSet<>();
Set<Operation> additionalOperations = new HashSet<Operation>();
PasswordChangeOperation passwordChangeOperation = null;
Collection<PropertyDelta<?>> activationDeltas = new HashSet<PropertyDelta<?>>();
PropertyDelta<ProtectedStringType> passwordDelta = null;
PropertyDelta<QName> auxiliaryObjectClassDelta = null;
for (Operation operation : changes) {
if (operation == null) {
IllegalArgumentException e = new IllegalArgumentException("Null operation in modifyObject");
throw e;
if (operation instanceof PropertyModificationOperation) {
PropertyDelta<?> delta = ((PropertyModificationOperation) operation).getPropertyDelta();
if (delta.getPath().equivalent(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_AUXILIARY_OBJECT_CLASS))) {
auxiliaryObjectClassDelta = (PropertyDelta<QName>) delta;
try {
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition structuralObjectClassDefinition = resourceSchema.findObjectClassDefinition(objectClassDef.getTypeName());
if (structuralObjectClassDefinition == null) {
throw new SchemaException("No definition of structural object class " + objectClassDef.getTypeName() + " in " + description);
Map<QName, ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition> auxiliaryObjectClassMap = new HashMap<>();
if (auxiliaryObjectClassDelta != null) {
// Activation change means modification of attributes
if (auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.isReplace()) {
if (auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToReplace() == null || auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToReplace().isEmpty()) {
} else {
addConvertedValues(auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToReplace(), attributesToUpdate, auxiliaryObjectClassMap);
} else {
addConvertedValues(auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToAdd(), attributesToAdd, auxiliaryObjectClassMap);
addConvertedValues(auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToDelete(), attributesToRemove, auxiliaryObjectClassMap);
for (Operation operation : changes) {
if (operation instanceof PropertyModificationOperation) {
PropertyModificationOperation change = (PropertyModificationOperation) operation;
PropertyDelta<?> delta = change.getPropertyDelta();
if (delta.getParentPath().equivalent(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES))) {
if (delta.getDefinition() == null || !(delta.getDefinition() instanceof ResourceAttributeDefinition)) {
ResourceAttributeDefinition def = objectClassDef.findAttributeDefinition(delta.getElementName());
if (def == null) {
String message = "No definition for attribute " + delta.getElementName() + " used in modification delta";
throw new SchemaException(message);
try {
} catch (SchemaException e) {
result.recordFatalError(e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
boolean isInRemovedAuxClass = false;
boolean isInAddedAuxClass = false;
ResourceAttributeDefinition<Object> structAttrDef = structuralObjectClassDefinition.findAttributeDefinition(delta.getElementName());
// aux object class, we cannot add/remove it with the object class unless it is normally requested
if (structAttrDef == null) {
if (auxiliaryObjectClassDelta != null && auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.isDelete()) {
// is removed, the attributes must be removed as well.
for (PrismPropertyValue<QName> auxPval : auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToDelete()) {
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition auxDef = auxiliaryObjectClassMap.get(auxPval.getValue());
ResourceAttributeDefinition<Object> attrDef = auxDef.findAttributeDefinition(delta.getElementName());
if (attrDef != null) {
isInRemovedAuxClass = true;
if (auxiliaryObjectClassDelta != null && auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.isAdd()) {
// is added, the attributes must be added as well.
for (PrismPropertyValue<QName> auxPval : auxiliaryObjectClassDelta.getValuesToAdd()) {
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition auxOcDef = auxiliaryObjectClassMap.get(auxPval.getValue());
ResourceAttributeDefinition<Object> auxAttrDef = auxOcDef.findAttributeDefinition(delta.getElementName());
if (auxAttrDef != null) {
isInAddedAuxClass = true;
// Change in (ordinary) attributes. Transform to the ConnId attributes.
if (delta.isAdd()) {
ResourceAttribute<?> mpAttr = (ResourceAttribute<?>) delta.instantiateEmptyProperty();
mpAttr.addValues((Collection) PrismValue.cloneCollection(delta.getValuesToAdd()));
Attribute connIdAttr = connIdConvertor.convertToConnIdAttribute(mpAttr, objectClassDef);
if (mpAttr.getDefinition().isMultiValue()) {
} else {
// Force "update" for single-valued attributes instead of "add". This is saving one
// read in some cases. It should also make no substantial difference in such case.
// But it is working around some connector bugs.
if (delta.isDelete()) {
ResourceAttribute<?> mpAttr = (ResourceAttribute<?>) delta.instantiateEmptyProperty();
if (mpAttr.getDefinition().isMultiValue() || isInRemovedAuxClass) {
mpAttr.addValues((Collection) PrismValue.cloneCollection(delta.getValuesToDelete()));
Attribute connIdAttr = connIdConvertor.convertToConnIdAttribute(mpAttr, objectClassDef);
} else {
// Force "update" for single-valued attributes instead of "add". This is saving one
// read in some cases.
// Update attribute to no values. This will efficiently clean up the attribute.
// It should also make no substantial difference in such case.
// But it is working around some connector bugs.
Attribute connIdAttr = connIdConvertor.convertToConnIdAttribute(mpAttr, objectClassDef);
// update with EMTPY value. The mpAttr.addValues() is NOT in this branch
if (delta.isReplace()) {
ResourceAttribute<?> mpAttr = (ResourceAttribute<?>) delta.instantiateEmptyProperty();
mpAttr.addValues((Collection) PrismValue.cloneCollection(delta.getValuesToReplace()));
Attribute connIdAttr = connIdConvertor.convertToConnIdAttribute(mpAttr, objectClassDef);
if (isInAddedAuxClass) {
} else {
} else if (delta.getParentPath().equivalent(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_ACTIVATION))) {
} else if (delta.getParentPath().equivalent(new ItemPath(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_CREDENTIALS), CredentialsType.F_PASSWORD))) {
passwordDelta = (PropertyDelta<ProtectedStringType>) delta;
} else if (delta.getPath().equivalent(new ItemPath(ShadowType.F_AUXILIARY_OBJECT_CLASS))) {
// already processed
} else {
throw new SchemaException("Change of unknown attribute " + delta.getPath());
} else if (operation instanceof PasswordChangeOperation) {
passwordChangeOperation = (PasswordChangeOperation) operation;
// TODO: check for multiple occurrences and fail
} else if (operation instanceof ExecuteProvisioningScriptOperation) {
ExecuteProvisioningScriptOperation scriptOperation = (ExecuteProvisioningScriptOperation) operation;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operation type " + operation.getClass().getName() + ": " + operation);
} catch (SchemaException | RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("attributes:\nADD: {}\nUPDATE: {}\nREMOVE: {}", attributesToAdd, attributesToUpdate, attributesToRemove);
// Needs three complete try-catch blocks because we need to create
// icfResult for each operation
// and handle the faults individually
checkAndExecuteAdditionalOperation(reporter, additionalOperations, BeforeAfterType.BEFORE, result);
OperationResult connIdResult = null;
try {
if (!attributesToAdd.isEmpty()) {
OperationOptions options = new OperationOptionsBuilder().build();
connIdResult = result.createSubresult(ConnectorFacade.class.getName() + ".addAttributeValues");
connIdResult.addParam("objectClass", objectClassDef);
connIdResult.addParam("uid", uid.getUidValue());
connIdResult.addArbitraryCollectionAsParam("attributes", attributesToAdd);
connIdResult.addArbitraryObjectAsParam("options", options);
connIdResult.addContext("connector", connIdConnectorFacade.getClass());
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Invoking ICF addAttributeValues(), objectclass={}, uid={}, attributes: {}", new Object[] { objClass, uid, dumpAttributes(attributesToAdd) });
// Invoking ConnId
recordIcfOperationStart(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, uid);
uid = connIdConnectorFacade.addAttributeValues(objClass, uid, attributesToAdd, options);
recordIcfOperationEnd(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, null, uid);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
recordIcfOperationEnd(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, ex, uid);
String desc = this.getHumanReadableName() + " while adding attribute values to object identified by ICF UID '" + uid.getUidValue() + "'";
Throwable midpointEx = processIcfException(ex, desc, connIdResult);
result.computeStatus("Adding attribute values failed");
// exception
if (midpointEx instanceof ObjectNotFoundException) {
throw (ObjectNotFoundException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof CommunicationException) {
//in this situation this is not a critical error, becasue we know to handle mute the error and sign it as expected
throw (CommunicationException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof GenericFrameworkException) {
throw (GenericFrameworkException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof SchemaException) {
throw (SchemaException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof AlreadyExistsException) {
throw (AlreadyExistsException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof SecurityViolationException) {
throw (SecurityViolationException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) midpointEx;
} else {
throw new SystemException("Got unexpected exception: " + ex.getClass().getName() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
if (!attributesToUpdate.isEmpty() || activationDeltas != null || passwordDelta != null || auxiliaryObjectClassDelta != null) {
try {
if (activationDeltas != null) {
// Activation change means modification of attributes
convertFromActivation(attributesToUpdate, activationDeltas);
if (passwordDelta != null) {
// Activation change means modification of attributes
convertFromPassword(attributesToUpdate, passwordDelta);
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
result.recordFatalError("Error while converting resource object attributes. Reason: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new SchemaException("Error while converting resource object attributes. Reason: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
result.recordFatalError("Error while converting resource object attributes. Reason: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw ex;
if (!attributesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
OperationOptions options = new OperationOptionsBuilder().build();
connIdResult = result.createSubresult(ConnectorFacade.class.getName() + ".update");
connIdResult.addParam("objectClass", objectClassDef);
connIdResult.addParam("uid", uid == null ? "null" : uid.getUidValue());
connIdResult.addArbitraryCollectionAsParam("attributes", attributesToUpdate);
connIdResult.addArbitraryObjectAsParam("options", options);
connIdResult.addContext("connector", connIdConnectorFacade.getClass());
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Invoking ICF update(), objectclass={}, uid={}, attributes: {}", new Object[] { objClass, uid, dumpAttributes(attributesToUpdate) });
try {
// Call ICF
recordIcfOperationStart(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, uid);
uid = connIdConnectorFacade.update(objClass, uid, attributesToUpdate, options);
recordIcfOperationEnd(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, null, uid);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
recordIcfOperationEnd(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, ex, uid);
String desc = this.getHumanReadableName() + " while updating object identified by ICF UID '" + uid.getUidValue() + "'";
Throwable midpointEx = processIcfException(ex, desc, connIdResult);
result.computeStatus("Update failed");
// exception
if (midpointEx instanceof ObjectNotFoundException) {
throw (ObjectNotFoundException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof CommunicationException) {
//in this situation this is not a critical error, becasue we know to handle mute the error and sign it as expected
throw (CommunicationException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof GenericFrameworkException) {
throw (GenericFrameworkException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof SchemaException) {
throw (SchemaException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof ObjectAlreadyExistsException) {
throw (ObjectAlreadyExistsException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof SecurityViolationException) {
throw (SecurityViolationException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) midpointEx;
} else {
throw new SystemException("Got unexpected exception: " + ex.getClass().getName() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
try {
if (!attributesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
OperationOptions options = new OperationOptionsBuilder().build();
connIdResult = result.createSubresult(ConnectorFacade.class.getName() + ".removeAttributeValues");
connIdResult.addParam("objectClass", objectClassDef);
connIdResult.addParam("uid", uid.getUidValue());
connIdResult.addArbitraryCollectionAsParam("attributes", attributesToRemove);
connIdResult.addArbitraryObjectAsParam("options", options);
connIdResult.addContext("connector", connIdConnectorFacade.getClass());
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Invoking ICF removeAttributeValues(), objectclass={}, uid={}, attributes: {}", new Object[] { objClass, uid, dumpAttributes(attributesToRemove) });
recordIcfOperationStart(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, uid);
uid = connIdConnectorFacade.removeAttributeValues(objClass, uid, attributesToRemove, options);
recordIcfOperationEnd(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, null, uid);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
recordIcfOperationEnd(reporter, ProvisioningOperation.ICF_UPDATE, objectClassDef, ex, uid);
String desc = this.getHumanReadableName() + " while removing attribute values from object identified by ICF UID '" + uid.getUidValue() + "'";
Throwable midpointEx = processIcfException(ex, desc, connIdResult);
result.computeStatus("Removing attribute values failed");
// exception
if (midpointEx instanceof ObjectNotFoundException) {
throw (ObjectNotFoundException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof CommunicationException) {
//in this situation this is not a critical error, becasue we know to handle mute the error and sign it as expected
throw (CommunicationException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof GenericFrameworkException) {
throw (GenericFrameworkException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof SchemaException) {
throw (SchemaException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof ObjectAlreadyExistsException) {
throw (ObjectAlreadyExistsException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof SecurityViolationException) {
throw (SecurityViolationException) midpointEx;
} else if (midpointEx instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) midpointEx;
} else {
throw new SystemException("Got unexpected exception: " + ex.getClass().getName() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
checkAndExecuteAdditionalOperation(reporter, additionalOperations, BeforeAfterType.AFTER, result);
Collection<PropertyModificationOperation> sideEffectChanges = new ArrayList<>();
if (!originalUid.equals(uid.getUidValue())) {
// UID was changed during the operation, this is most likely a
// rename
PropertyDelta<String> uidDelta = createUidDelta(uid, getUidDefinition(objectClassDef, identifiers));
PropertyModificationOperation uidMod = new PropertyModificationOperation(uidDelta);
// TODO what about matchingRuleQName ?
replaceUidValue(objectClassDef, identifiers, uid);
return AsynchronousOperationReturnValue.wrap(sideEffectChanges, result);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConnIdUtil method lookForKnownCause.
private static Exception lookForKnownCause(Throwable ex, Throwable originalException, OperationResult parentResult) {
if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
//fix MID-2711 consider FileNotFoundException as CommunicationException
Exception newEx = new com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("File not found: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof NameAlreadyBoundException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Object already exists: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof javax.naming.CommunicationException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Communication error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Communication error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ServiceUnavailableException) {
// In some cases (e.g. JDK 1.6.0_31) this is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Communication error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Communication error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ConnectionBrokenException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Communication error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Communication error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ConnectionFailedException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Communication error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Communication error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof SchemaViolationException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Schema violation", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Schema violation: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.InvalidAttributeValueException) {
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Invalid attribute", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Invalid attribute: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof InvalidAttributeValueException) {
// This is thrown by LDAP connector and may be also throw by similar
// connectors
InvalidAttributeValueException e = (InvalidAttributeValueException) ex;
Exception newEx = null;
if (e.getExplanation().contains("unique attribute conflict")) {
newEx = new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Invalid attribute", ex));
} else {
newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Invalid attribute", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Invalid attribute: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof ConnectException) {
// Buried deep in many exceptions, usually connection refused or
// similar errors
// Note: needs to be after javax.naming.CommunicationException as the
// javax.naming exception has more info (e.g. hostname)
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Connect error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Connect error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof SQLSyntaxErrorException) {
// Buried deep in many exceptions, usually DB schema problems of
// DB-based connectors
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("DB syntax error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("DB syntax error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof SQLException) {
// Buried deep in many exceptions, usually DB connection problems
Exception newEx = new GenericFrameworkException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("DB error", ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("DB error: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof UnknownUidException) {
// Object not found
Exception newEx = new ObjectNotFoundException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Object not found: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof NoPermissionException) {
Exception newEx = new SecurityViolationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Object not found: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof AttributeInUseException) {
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("Attribute in use: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (ex instanceof NoSuchAttributeException) {
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, ex));
parentResult.recordFatalError("No such attribute: " + ex.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
if (ex.getCause() == null) {
// found nothing
return null;
} else {
// Otherwise go one level deeper ...
return lookForKnownCause(ex.getCause(), originalException, parentResult);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConnIdUtil method processIcfException.
* Transform ConnId exception to something more usable.
* ICF throws exceptions that contains inner exceptions that cannot be
* reached by current classloader. Such inner exceptions may cause a lot
* of problems in upper layers, such as attempt to serialize/deserialize
* them. Therefore we cannot pass such exceptions to the upper layers.
* As Throwable is immutable and there is no good way how to copy it, we
* just cannot remove the "bad" exceptions from the inner exception stack.
* We need to do the brutal thing: remove all the ICF exceptions and do
* not pass then to upper layers. Try to save at least some information
* and "compress" the class names and messages of the inner ICF exceptions.
* The full exception with a stack trace is logged here, so the details are
* still in the log.
* WARNING: This is black magic. Really. Blame Sun Identity Connector
* Framework interface design.
* @param connIdException
* exception from the ConnId
* @param connIdResult
* OperationResult to record failure
* @return reasonable midPoint exception
static Throwable processIcfException(Throwable connIdException, String desc, OperationResult connIdResult) {
if (connIdException == null) {
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Null exception while processing ConnId exception ");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null exception while processing ConnId exception ");
LOGGER.error("ConnId Exception {} in {}: {}", connIdException.getClass().getName(), desc, connIdException.getMessage(), connIdException);
if (connIdException instanceof RemoteWrappedException) {
// brutal hack, for now
RemoteWrappedException remoteWrappedException = (RemoteWrappedException) connIdException;
String className = remoteWrappedException.getExceptionClass();
if (className == null) {
LOGGER.error("Remote ConnId exception without inner exception class name. Continuing with original one: {}", connIdException);
} else if (DOT_NET_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION.equals(className) && remoteWrappedException.getMessage().contains("0x800708C5")) {
// password too weak
connIdException = new SecurityViolationException(connIdException.getMessage(), connIdException);
} else {
if (className.startsWith(DOT_NET_EXCEPTION_PACKAGE_PLUS_DOT)) {
className = JAVA_EXCEPTION_PACKAGE + "." + className.substring(DOT_NET_EXCEPTION_PACKAGE_PLUS_DOT.length());
LOGGER.trace("Translated exception class: {}", className);
try {
connIdException = (Throwable) Class.forName(className).getConstructor(String.class, Throwable.class).newInstance(remoteWrappedException.getMessage(), remoteWrappedException);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) {
LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't unwrap remote ConnId exception, continuing with original one {}", e, connIdException);
if (connIdException instanceof NullPointerException && connIdException.getMessage() != null) {
// NPE with a message text is in fact not a NPE but an application exception
// this usually means that some parameter is missing
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Required attribute is missing", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Required attribute is missing: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
// Let's assume this must be a configuration problem
Exception newEx = new com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ConfigurationException(createMessageFromInnermostException("Configuration error", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Configuration error: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
//this exception is to be analyzed here before the following if clause
if (connIdException.getCause() != null) {
String exCauseClassName = connIdException.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName();
if (exCauseClassName.equals(CONNECTIONS_EXCEPTION_CLASS_NAME)) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Connect error", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Connect error: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
if (connIdException.getClass().getPackage().equals(NullPointerException.class.getPackage())) {
// There are java.lang exceptions, they are safe to pass through
return connIdException;
if (connIdException.getClass().getPackage().equals(SchemaException.class.getPackage())) {
// Common midPoint exceptions, pass through
return connIdException;
if (connIdResult == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Null parent result while processing ConnId exception", connIdException));
// Introspect the inner exceptions and look for known causes
Exception knownCause = lookForKnownCause(connIdException, connIdException, connIdResult);
if (knownCause != null) {
return knownCause;
// Otherwise try few obvious things
if (connIdException instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
// This is most likely missing attribute or similar schema thing
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Schema violation (most likely)", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Schema violation: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof ConfigurationException) {
Exception newEx = new com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ConfigurationException(createMessageFromInnermostException("Configuration error", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Configuration error: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof AlreadyExistsException) {
Exception newEx = new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Object already exists: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof PermissionDeniedException) {
Exception newEx = new SecurityViolationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Security violation: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof ConnectionBrokenException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Connection broken", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Connection broken: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof ConnectionFailedException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Connection failed", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Connection failed: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof UnknownHostException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Unknown host", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Unknown host: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof ConnectorIOException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("IO error", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("IO error: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof InvalidCredentialException) {
Exception newEx = new GenericFrameworkException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Invalid credentials", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Invalid credentials: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof OperationTimeoutException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Operation timed out", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Operation timed out: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof UnknownUidException) {
Exception newEx = new ObjectNotFoundException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Unknown UID: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof InvalidAttributeValueException) {
Exception newEx = new SchemaException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Schema violation: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof RetryableException) {
Exception newEx = new CommunicationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Retryable errror: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
} else if (connIdException instanceof ConnectorSecurityException) {
// Note: connection refused is also packed inside
// ConnectorSecurityException. But that will get addressed by the
// lookForKnownCause(..) before
// Maybe we need special exception for security?
Exception newEx = new SecurityViolationException(createMessageFromAllExceptions("Security violation", connIdException));
connIdResult.recordFatalError("Security violation: " + connIdException.getMessage(), newEx);
return newEx;
// Fallback
Exception newEx = new GenericFrameworkException(createMessageFromAllExceptions(null, connIdException));
return newEx;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AbstractIntegrationTest method repoAddObjectsFromFile.
protected <T extends ObjectType> List<PrismObject<T>> repoAddObjectsFromFile(File file, Class<T> type, OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, IOException {
OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(AbstractIntegrationTest.class.getName() + ".addObjectsFromFile");
result.addParam("file", file);
LOGGER.trace("addObjectsFromFile: {}", file);
List<PrismObject<T>> objects = (List) PrismTestUtil.parseObjects(file);
for (PrismObject<T> object : objects) {
try {
repoAddObject(object, result);
} catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(e.getMessage() + " while adding " + object + " from file " + file, e);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
new SchemaException(e.getMessage() + " while adding " + object + " from file " + file, e);
} catch (EncryptionException e) {
new EncryptionException(e.getMessage() + " while adding " + object + " from file " + file, e);
return objects;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TaskQuartzImpl method finishHandler.
// @Override
// public void replaceCurrentHandlerUri(String newUri, ScheduleType schedule) {
// checkHandlerUriConsistency();
// setHandlerUri(newUri);
// setSchedule(schedule);
// }
public void finishHandler(OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException {
// let us drop the current handler URI and nominate the top of the other
// handlers stack as the current one
LOGGER.trace("finishHandler called for handler URI {}, task {}", this.getHandlerUri(), this);
UriStack otherHandlersUriStack = getOtherHandlersUriStack();
if (otherHandlersUriStack != null && !otherHandlersUriStack.getUriStackEntry().isEmpty()) {
UriStackEntry use = popFromOtherHandlersUriStack();
setRecurrenceStatus(use.getRecurrence() != null ? TaskRecurrence.fromTaskType(use.getRecurrence()) : recurrenceFromSchedule(use.getSchedule()));
if (use.getBinding() != null) {
} else {
for (ItemDeltaType itemDeltaType : use.getExtensionDelta()) {
ItemDelta itemDelta = DeltaConvertor.createItemDelta(itemDeltaType, TaskType.class, taskManager.getPrismContext());
LOGGER.trace("Applying ItemDelta to task extension; task = {}; itemDelta = {}", this, itemDelta.debugDump());
} else {
//setHandlerUri(null); // we want the last handler to remain set so the task can be revived
// as there are no more handlers, let us close this task
taskManager.closeTaskWithoutSavingState(this, parentResult);
try {
} catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) {
throw new SystemException(ex);
LOGGER.trace("finishHandler: new current handler uri = {}, new number of handlers = {}", getHandlerUri(), getHandlersCount());