use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConfigurationExceptionHandler method handleError.
public <T extends ShadowType> T handleError(T shadow, FailedOperation op, Exception ex, boolean doDiscovery, boolean compensate, Task task, OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException, GenericFrameworkException, CommunicationException, ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ConfigurationException {
if (!doDiscovery) {
if (ex instanceof ConfigurationException) {
throw (ConfigurationException) ex;
} else {
throw new ConfigurationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
ObjectDelta delta = null;
switch(op) {
case ADD:
delta = ObjectDelta.createAddDelta(shadow.asPrismObject());
case DELETE:
delta = ObjectDelta.createDeleteDelta(shadow.getClass(), shadow.getOid(), prismContext);
case MODIFY:
Collection<? extends ItemDelta> modifications = null;
if (shadow.getObjectChange() != null) {
ObjectDeltaType deltaType = shadow.getObjectChange();
modifications = DeltaConvertor.toModifications(deltaType.getItemDelta(), shadow.asPrismObject().getDefinition());
delta = ObjectDelta.createModifyDelta(shadow.getOid(), modifications, shadow.getClass(), prismContext);
case GET:
OperationResult operationResult = parentResult.createSubresult("com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.consistency.impl.ConfigurationExceptionHandler.handleError." +;
operationResult.addParam("shadow", shadow);
operationResult.addParam("currentOperation", op);
operationResult.addParam("exception", ex.getMessage());
for (OperationResult subRes : parentResult.getSubresults()) {
operationResult.recordPartialError("Could not get " + ObjectTypeUtil.toShortString(shadow) + " from the resource " + ObjectTypeUtil.toShortString(shadow.getResource()) + ", because of configuration error. Returning shadow from the repository");
return shadow;
if (op != FailedOperation.GET) {
// Task task = taskManager.createTaskInstance();
ResourceOperationDescription operationDescription = createOperationDescription(shadow, ex, shadow.getResource(), delta, task, parentResult);
changeNotificationDispatcher.notifyFailure(operationDescription, task, parentResult);
if (shadow.getOid() == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
Collection<ItemDelta> modification = createAttemptModification(shadow, null);
try {
cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(shadow.asPrismObject().getCompileTimeClass(), shadow.getOid(), modification, parentResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
//this should not happen. But if it happens, we should return original exception
LOGGER.error("Unexpected error while modifying shadow {}: {}", shadow, e.getMessage(), e);
if (ex instanceof SchemaException) {
throw ((SchemaException) ex);
} else if (ex instanceof GenericFrameworkException) {
throw ((GenericFrameworkException) ex);
} else if (ex instanceof CommunicationException) {
throw ((CommunicationException) ex);
} else if (ex instanceof ObjectNotFoundException) {
throw ((ObjectNotFoundException) ex);
} else if (ex instanceof ObjectAlreadyExistsException) {
throw ((ObjectAlreadyExistsException) ex);
} else if (ex instanceof ConfigurationException) {
throw ((ConfigurationException) ex);
parentResult.recordFatalError("Configuration error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ObjectUpdater method deleteObjectAttempt.
public <T extends ObjectType> void deleteObjectAttempt(Class<T> type, String oid, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException {
LOGGER_PERFORMANCE.debug("> delete object {}, oid={}", new Object[] { type.getSimpleName(), oid });
Session session = null;
OrgClosureManager.Context closureContext = null;
try {
session = baseHelper.beginTransaction();
closureContext = closureManager.onBeginTransactionDelete(session, type, oid);
Criteria query = session.createCriteria(ClassMapper.getHQLTypeClass(type));
query.add(Restrictions.eq("oid", oid));
RObject object = (RObject) query.uniqueResult();
if (object == null) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object of type '" + type.getSimpleName() + "' with oid '" + oid + "' was not found.", null, oid);
closureManager.updateOrgClosure(null, null, session, oid, type, OrgClosureManager.Operation.DELETE, closureContext);
if (LookupTableType.class.equals(type)) {
lookupTableHelper.deleteLookupTableRows(session, oid);
if (AccessCertificationCampaignType.class.equals(type)) {
caseHelper.deleteCertificationCampaignCases(session, oid);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
baseHelper.rollbackTransaction(session, ex, result, true);
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
baseHelper.handleGeneralException(ex, session, result);
} finally {
cleanupClosureAndSessionAndResult(closureContext, session, result);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ObjectUpdater method modifyObjectAttempt.
public <T extends ObjectType> void modifyObjectAttempt(Class<T> type, String oid, Collection<? extends ItemDelta> modifications, RepoModifyOptions modifyOptions, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SerializationRelatedException {
// clone - because some certification and lookup table related methods manipulate this collection and even their constituent deltas
// TODO clone elements only if necessary
modifications = CloneUtil.cloneCollectionMembers(modifications);
//modifications = new ArrayList<>(modifications);
LOGGER.debug("Modifying object '{}' with oid '{}'.", new Object[] { type.getSimpleName(), oid });
LOGGER_PERFORMANCE.debug("> modify object {}, oid={}, modifications={}", type.getSimpleName(), oid, modifications);
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Modifications:\n{}", DebugUtil.debugDump(modifications));
Session session = null;
OrgClosureManager.Context closureContext = null;
try {
session = baseHelper.beginTransaction();
closureContext = closureManager.onBeginTransactionModify(session, type, oid, modifications);
Collection<? extends ItemDelta> lookupTableModifications = lookupTableHelper.filterLookupTableModifications(type, modifications);
Collection<? extends ItemDelta> campaignCaseModifications = caseHelper.filterCampaignCaseModifications(type, modifications);
if (!modifications.isEmpty() || RepoModifyOptions.isExecuteIfNoChanges(modifyOptions)) {
// JpegPhoto (RFocusPhoto) is a special kind of entity. First of all, it is lazily loaded, because photos are really big.
// Each RFocusPhoto naturally belongs to one RFocus, so it would be appropriate to set orphanRemoval=true for focus-photo
// association. However, this leads to a strange problem when merging in-memory RFocus object with the database state:
// If in-memory RFocus object has no photo associated (because of lazy loading), then the associated RFocusPhoto is deleted.
// To prevent this behavior, we've set orphanRemoval to false. Fortunately, the remove operation on RFocus
// seems to be still cascaded to RFocusPhoto. What we have to implement ourselves, however, is removal of RFocusPhoto
// _without_ removing of RFocus. In order to know whether the photo has to be removed, we have to retrieve
// its value, apply the delta (e.g. if the delta is a DELETE VALUE X, we have to know whether X matches current
// value of the photo), and if the resulting value is empty, we have to manually delete the RFocusPhoto instance.
// So the first step is to retrieve the current value of photo - we obviously do this only if the modifications
// deal with the jpegPhoto property.
Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options;
boolean containsFocusPhotoModification = FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && containsPhotoModification(modifications);
if (containsFocusPhotoModification) {
options = Collections.singletonList(SelectorOptions.create(FocusType.F_JPEG_PHOTO, GetOperationOptions.createRetrieve(RetrieveOption.INCLUDE)));
} else {
options = null;
// get object
PrismObject<T> prismObject = objectRetriever.getObjectInternal(session, type, oid, options, true, result);
// apply diff
LOGGER.trace("OBJECT before:\n{}", prismObject.debugDumpLazily());
PrismObject<T> originalObject = null;
if (closureManager.isEnabled()) {
originalObject = prismObject.clone();
ItemDelta.applyTo(modifications, prismObject);
LOGGER.trace("OBJECT after:\n{}", prismObject.debugDumpLazily());
// Continuing the photo treatment: should we remove the (now obsolete) focus photo?
// We have to test prismObject at this place, because updateFullObject (below) removes photo property from the prismObject.
boolean shouldPhotoBeRemoved = containsFocusPhotoModification && ((FocusType) prismObject.asObjectable()).getJpegPhoto() == null;
// merge and update object
LOGGER.trace("Translating JAXB to data type.");
RObject rObject = createDataObjectFromJAXB(prismObject, PrismIdentifierGenerator.Operation.MODIFY);
rObject.setVersion(rObject.getVersion() + 1);
updateFullObject(rObject, prismObject);
LOGGER.trace("Starting merge.");
if (closureManager.isEnabled()) {
closureManager.updateOrgClosure(originalObject, modifications, session, oid, type, OrgClosureManager.Operation.MODIFY, closureContext);
// we have to remove the photo manually.
if (shouldPhotoBeRemoved) {
Query query = session.createQuery("delete RFocusPhoto where ownerOid = :oid");
query.setParameter("oid", prismObject.getOid());
LOGGER.trace("Focus photo for {} was deleted", prismObject.getOid());
if (LookupTableType.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
lookupTableHelper.updateLookupTableData(session, oid, lookupTableModifications);
if (AccessCertificationCampaignType.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
caseHelper.updateCampaignCases(session, oid, campaignCaseModifications, modifyOptions);
LOGGER.trace("Before commit...");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
baseHelper.rollbackTransaction(session, ex, result, true);
throw ex;
} catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) {
handleConstraintViolationException(session, ex, result);
baseHelper.rollbackTransaction(session, ex, result, true);
LOGGER.debug("Constraint violation occurred (will be rethrown as ObjectAlreadyExistsException).", ex);
//todo improve (we support only 5 DB, so we should probably do some hacking in here)
throw new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(ex);
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
baseHelper.rollbackTransaction(session, ex, result, true);
throw ex;
} catch (DtoTranslationException | RuntimeException ex) {
baseHelper.handleGeneralException(ex, session, result);
} finally {
cleanupClosureAndSessionAndResult(closureContext, session, result);
LOGGER.trace("Session cleaned up.");
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestOrgStruct method executeDeleteJack.
protected void executeDeleteJack(String TEST_NAME) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, PolicyViolationException, SecurityViolationException {
Task task = taskManager.createTaskInstance(TestOrgStruct.class.getName() + "." + TEST_NAME);
OperationResult result = task.getResult();
ObjectDelta<UserType> userDelta = ObjectDelta.createDeleteDelta(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, prismContext);
Collection<ObjectDelta<? extends ObjectType>> deltas = MiscSchemaUtil.createCollection(userDelta);
modelService.executeChanges(deltas, null, task, result);
try {
PrismObject<UserType> user = getUser(USER_JACK_OID);"Jack survived!");
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
// This is expected
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class PrimaryChangeAspectHelper method resolveRolesAndOrgUnits.
public void resolveRolesAndOrgUnits(PrismObject<UserType> user, OperationResult result) {
for (AssignmentType assignmentType : user.asObjectable().getAssignment()) {
if (assignmentType.getTargetRef() != null && assignmentType.getTarget() == null) {
QName type = assignmentType.getTargetRef().getType();
if (RoleType.COMPLEX_TYPE.equals(type) || OrgType.COMPLEX_TYPE.equals(type)) {
String oid = assignmentType.getTargetRef().getOid();
try {
PrismObject<ObjectType> o = repositoryService.getObject(ObjectType.class, oid, null, result);
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Resolved {} to {} in {}", new Object[] { oid, o, user });
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't resolve reference to {} in {}", e, oid, user);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't resolve reference to {} in {}", e, oid, user);