use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.PolicyViolationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class Projector method projectProjection.
private <F extends ObjectType> void projectProjection(LensContext<F> context, LensProjectionContext projectionContext, PartialProcessingOptionsType partialProcessingOptions, XMLGregorianCalendar now, String activityDescription, Task task, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException {
if (projectionContext.getWave() != context.getProjectionWave()) {
// Let's skip accounts that do not belong into this wave.
String projectionDesc = getProjectionDesc(projectionContext);
OperationResult result = parentResult.createMinorSubresult(OPERATION_PROJECT_PROJECTION);
result.addParam(OperationResult.PARAM_PROJECTION, projectionDesc);
try {
if (projectionContext.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN || projectionContext.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.IGNORE) {
result.recordStatus(OperationResultStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE, "Skipping projection because it is " + projectionContext.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision());
if (projectionContext.isThombstone()) {
result.recordStatus(OperationResultStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE, "Skipping projection because it is a thombstone");
LOGGER.trace("WAVE {} PROJECTION {}", context.getProjectionWave(), projectionDesc);
// Some projections may not be loaded at this point, e.g. high-order dependency projections
contextLoader.makeSureProjectionIsLoaded(context, projectionContext, task, result);
if (consistencyChecks)
if (!dependencyProcessor.checkDependencies(context, projectionContext, result)) {
result.recordStatus(OperationResultStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE, "Skipping projection because it has unsatisfied dependencies");
// TODO: decide if we need to continue
LensUtil.partialExecute("projectionValues", () -> {
// This is a "composite" processor. it contains several more processor invocations inside
projectionValuesProcessor.process(context, projectionContext, activityDescription, task, result);
if (consistencyChecks)
if (consistencyChecks)
}, partialProcessingOptions::getProjectionValues);
LensUtil.partialExecute("projectionCredentials", () -> {
projectionCredentialsProcessor.processProjectionCredentials(context, projectionContext, now, task, result);
if (consistencyChecks)
LensUtil.traceContext(LOGGER, activityDescription, "projection values and credentials of " + projectionDesc, false, context, true);
if (consistencyChecks)
}, partialProcessingOptions::getProjectionCredentials);
LensUtil.partialExecute("projectionReconciliation", () -> {
reconciliationProcessor.processReconciliation(context, projectionContext, task, result);
LensUtil.traceContext(LOGGER, activityDescription, "projection reconciliation of " + projectionDesc, false, context, false);
if (consistencyChecks)
}, partialProcessingOptions::getProjectionReconciliation);
LensUtil.partialExecute("projectionLifecycle", () -> {
activationProcessor.processLifecycle(context, projectionContext, now, task, result);
if (consistencyChecks)
// LensUtil.traceContext(LOGGER, activityDescription, "projection lifecycle of "+projectionDesc, false, context, false);
if (consistencyChecks)
}, partialProcessingOptions::getProjectionLifecycle);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException | CommunicationException | SchemaException | ConfigurationException | SecurityViolationException | PolicyViolationException | ExpressionEvaluationException | ObjectAlreadyExistsException | RuntimeException | Error e) {
ResourceType resourceType = projectionContext.getResource();
if (resourceType == null) {
throw e;
} else {
ErrorSelectorType errorSelector = null;
if (resourceType.getConsistency() != null) {
errorSelector = resourceType.getConsistency().getConnectorErrorCriticality();
if (errorSelector == null) {
if (e instanceof CommunicationException) {
// Just continue evaluation. The error is recorded in the result.
// The consistency mechanism has (most likely) already done the best.
// We cannot do any better.
} else {
throw e;
} else {
if (ExceptionUtil.isSelected(errorSelector, e)) {
throw e;
} else {
// Just continue evaluation. The error is recorded in the result.
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.PolicyViolationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ContextLoader method getOrCreateAccountContext.
private <F extends FocusType> LensProjectionContext getOrCreateAccountContext(LensContext<F> context, PrismObject<ShadowType> projection, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException {
ShadowType accountType = projection.asObjectable();
String resourceOid = ShadowUtil.getResourceOid(accountType);
if (resourceOid == null) {
throw new SchemaException("The " + projection + " has null resource reference OID");
LensProjectionContext projectionContext = context.findProjectionContextByOid(accountType.getOid());
if (projectionContext == null) {
String intent = ShadowUtil.getIntent(accountType);
ShadowKindType kind = ShadowUtil.getKind(accountType);
ResourceType resource = LensUtil.getResourceReadOnly(context, resourceOid, provisioningService, task, result);
intent = LensUtil.refineProjectionIntent(kind, intent, resource, prismContext);
boolean thombstone = false;
if (ShadowUtil.isDead(accountType)) {
thombstone = true;
ResourceShadowDiscriminator rsd = new ResourceShadowDiscriminator(resourceOid, kind, intent, thombstone);
projectionContext = LensUtil.getOrCreateProjectionContext(context, rsd);
if (projectionContext.getOid() == null) {
} else if (projection.getOid() != null && !projectionContext.getOid().equals(projection.getOid())) {
// slightly inefficient here and check for existing shadow existence
try {
GetOperationOptions rootOpt = GetOperationOptions.createPointInTimeType(PointInTimeType.FUTURE);
Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> opts = SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpt);
LOGGER.trace("Projection conflict detected, exsting: {}, new {}", projectionContext.getOid(), projection.getOid());
PrismObject<ShadowType> existingShadow = provisioningService.getObject(ShadowType.class, projectionContext.getOid(), opts, task, result);
// Maybe it is the other way around
try {
PrismObject<ShadowType> newShadow = provisioningService.getObject(ShadowType.class, projection.getOid(), opts, task, result);
// Obviously, two projections with the same discriminator exists
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Projection {} already exists in context\nExisting:\n{}\nNew:\n{}", new Object[] { rsd, existingShadow.debugDump(1), newShadow.debugDump(1) });
throw new PolicyViolationException("Projection " + rsd + " already exists in context (existing " + existingShadow + ", new " + projection);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
// This is somehow expected, fix it and we can go on
// We have to create new context in this case, but it has to have thumbstone set
projectionContext = LensUtil.getOrCreateProjectionContext(context, rsd);
// We have to mark it as dead right now, otherwise the uniqueness check may fail
markShadowDead(projection.getOid(), result);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
// This is somehow expected, fix it and we can go on
String shadowOid = projectionContext.getOid();
projectionContext = LensUtil.getOrCreateProjectionContext(context, rsd);
// We have to mark it as dead right now, otherwise the uniqueness check may fail
markShadowDead(shadowOid, result);
return projectionContext;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.PolicyViolationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class DependencyProcessor method determineProjectionWaveProvision.
private <F extends ObjectType> LensProjectionContext determineProjectionWaveProvision(LensContext<F> context, LensProjectionContext projectionContext, ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType inDependency, List<ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType> depPath) throws PolicyViolationException {
if (depPath == null) {
depPath = new ArrayList<ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType>();
int determinedWave = 0;
int determinedOrder = 0;
for (ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType outDependency : projectionContext.getDependencies()) {
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("DEP: {}", outDependency);
if (inDependency != null && isHigerOrder(outDependency, inDependency)) {
// otherwise we can end up in endless loop even for legal dependencies.
checkForCircular(depPath, outDependency);
ResourceShadowDiscriminator refDiscr = new ResourceShadowDiscriminator(outDependency, projectionContext.getResource().getOid(), projectionContext.getKind());
LensProjectionContext dependencyProjectionContext = findDependencyTargetContext(context, projectionContext, outDependency);
// }
if (dependencyProjectionContext == null || dependencyProjectionContext.isDelete()) {
ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType outDependencyStrictness = ResourceTypeUtil.getDependencyStrictness(outDependency);
if (outDependencyStrictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.STRICT) {
throw new PolicyViolationException("Unsatisfied strict dependency of account " + projectionContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() + " dependent on " + refDiscr + ": Account not provisioned");
} else if (outDependencyStrictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.LAX) {
// independent object not in the context, just ignore it
LOGGER.debug("Unsatisfied lax dependency of account " + projectionContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() + " dependent on " + refDiscr + "; dependency skipped");
} else if (outDependencyStrictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.RELAXED) {
// independent object not in the context, just ignore it
LOGGER.debug("Unsatisfied relaxed dependency of account " + projectionContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() + " dependent on " + refDiscr + "; dependency skipped");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dependency strictness " + outDependency.getStrictness() + " in " + refDiscr);
} else {
dependencyProjectionContext = determineProjectionWave(context, dependencyProjectionContext, outDependency, depPath);
if (dependencyProjectionContext.getWave() + 1 > determinedWave) {
determinedWave = dependencyProjectionContext.getWave() + 1;
if (outDependency.getOrder() == null) {
determinedOrder = 0;
} else {
determinedOrder = outDependency.getOrder();
LensProjectionContext resultAccountContext = projectionContext;
if (projectionContext.getWave() >= 0 && projectionContext.getWave() != determinedWave) {
// Wave for this context was set during the run of this method (it was not set when we
// started, we checked at the beginning). Therefore this context must have been visited again.
// therefore there is a circular dependency. Therefore we need to create another context to split it.
ResourceShadowDiscriminator origDiscr = projectionContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator();
ResourceShadowDiscriminator discr = new ResourceShadowDiscriminator(origDiscr.getResourceOid(), origDiscr.getKind(), origDiscr.getIntent(), origDiscr.isThombstone());
if (!projectionContext.compareResourceShadowDiscriminator(discr, true)) {
resultAccountContext = createAnotherContext(context, projectionContext, discr);
// LOGGER.trace("Wave for {}: {}", resultAccountContext.getResourceAccountType(), wave);
return resultAccountContext;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.PolicyViolationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class DependencyProcessor method checkDependencies.
* Check that the dependencies are still satisfied. Also check for high-ordes vs low-order operation consistency
* and stuff like that.
public <F extends ObjectType> boolean checkDependencies(LensContext<F> context, LensProjectionContext projContext, OperationResult result) throws PolicyViolationException {
if (projContext.isDelete()) {
// It is OK if we depend on something that is not there if we are being removed ... for now
return true;
if (projContext.getOid() == null || projContext.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.ADD) {
// Check for lower-order contexts
LensProjectionContext lowerOrderContext = null;
for (LensProjectionContext projectionContext : context.getProjectionContexts()) {
if (projContext == projectionContext) {
if (projectionContext.compareResourceShadowDiscriminator(projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), false) && projectionContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getOrder() < projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getOrder()) {
if (projectionContext.getOid() != null) {
lowerOrderContext = projectionContext;
if (lowerOrderContext != null) {
if (lowerOrderContext.getOid() != null) {
if (projContext.getOid() == null) {
if (projContext.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.ADD) {
// This context cannot be ADD. There is a lower-order context with an OID
// it means that the lower-order projection exists, we cannot add it twice
if (lowerOrderContext.isDelete()) {
for (ResourceObjectTypeDependencyType dependency : projContext.getDependencies()) {
ResourceShadowDiscriminator refRat = new ResourceShadowDiscriminator(dependency, projContext.getResource().getOid(), projContext.getKind());
LOGGER.trace("LOOKING FOR {}", refRat);
LensProjectionContext dependencyAccountContext = context.findProjectionContext(refRat);
ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType strictness = ResourceTypeUtil.getDependencyStrictness(dependency);
if (dependencyAccountContext == null) {
if (strictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.STRICT) {
// This should not happen, it is checked before projection
throw new PolicyViolationException("Unsatisfied strict dependency of " + projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().toHumanReadableDescription() + " dependent on " + refRat.toHumanReadableDescription() + ": No context in dependency check");
} else if (strictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.LAX) {
// independent object not in the context, just ignore it
LOGGER.trace("Unsatisfied lax dependency of account " + projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().toHumanReadableDescription() + " dependent on " + refRat.toHumanReadableDescription() + "; dependency skipped");
} else if (strictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.RELAXED) {
// independent object not in the context, just ignore it
LOGGER.trace("Unsatisfied relaxed dependency of account " + projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().toHumanReadableDescription() + " dependent on " + refRat.toHumanReadableDescription() + "; dependency skipped");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dependency strictness " + dependency.getStrictness() + " in " + refRat);
} else {
// We have the context of the object that we depend on. We need to check if it was provisioned.
if (strictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.STRICT || strictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.RELAXED) {
if (wasProvisioned(dependencyAccountContext, context.getExecutionWave())) {
// everything OK
} else {
// We do not want to throw exception here. That will stop entire projection.
// Let's just mark the projection as broken and skip it.
LOGGER.warn("Unsatisfied dependency of account " + projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() + " dependent on " + refRat + ": Account not provisioned in dependency check (execution wave " + context.getExecutionWave() + ", account wave " + projContext.getWave() + ", dependency account wave " + dependencyAccountContext.getWave() + ")");
return false;
} else if (strictness == ResourceObjectTypeDependencyStrictnessType.LAX) {
// TODO why return here? shouldn't we check other dependencies as well? [med]
return true;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dependency strictness " + dependency.getStrictness() + " in " + refRat);
return true;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.PolicyViolationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestDependencies method test300SortToWavesXYZCircular.
public void test300SortToWavesXYZCircular() throws Exception {
final String TEST_NAME = "test300SortToWavesXYZCircular";
TestUtil.displayTestTile(this, TEST_NAME);
Task task = taskManager.createTaskInstance(TestDependencies.class.getName() + "." + TEST_NAME);
OperationResult result = task.getResult();
LensContext<UserType> context = createUserLensContext();
fillContextWithUser(context, USER_ELAINE_OID, result);
fillContextWithDummyElaineAccount(context, "x", task, result);
fillContextWithDummyElaineAccount(context, "y", task, result);
fillContextWithDummyElaineAccount(context, "z", task, result);
display("Context before", context);
try {
dependencyProcessor.sortProjectionsToWaves(context);"Unexpected success");
} catch (PolicyViolationException e) {
// This is expected
display("Expected exception", e);