use of com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class LinkedObjectsFunctions method findLinkedTargets.
// Should be used after assignment evaluation!
<T extends AssignmentHolderType> List<T> findLinkedTargets(String linkTypeName) throws CommunicationException, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, SecurityViolationException, ConfigurationException, ExpressionEvaluationException {
OperationResult currentResult = midpointFunctions.getCurrentResult();
LensFocusContext<?> focusContext = (LensFocusContext<?>) midpointFunctions.getFocusContext();
if (focusContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No focus context");
LinkTypeDefinitionType definition = focusContext.getTargetLinkTypeDefinition(linkTypeName, linkManager, currentResult);
if (definition == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No definition for target link type " + linkTypeName + " for " + focusContext);
Class<?> expectedClasses = getExpectedClass(definition.getSelector());
Set<PrismReferenceValue> membership = getMembership();
List<PrismReferenceValue> assignedWithMatchingRelation = -> relationMatches(ref, definition.getSelector()) && objectTypeMatches(ref, expectedClasses)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// TODO deduplicate w.r.t. member/manager
// TODO optimize matching
List<T> objects = new ArrayList<>(assignedWithMatchingRelation.size());
for (PrismReferenceValue reference : assignedWithMatchingRelation) {
ObjectReferenceType ort = new ObjectReferenceType();
T object = midpointFunctions.resolveReferenceInternal(ort, true);
if (objectMatches(object, definition.getSelector())) {
return objects;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class OrgStructFunctionsImpl method getParentOrgs.
public Collection<OrgType> getParentOrgs(ObjectType object, QName relation, @NotNull Predicate<OrgType> predicate, boolean preAuthorized) throws SchemaException, SecurityViolationException {
List<ObjectReferenceType> parentOrgRefs = object.getParentOrgRef();
List<OrgType> parentOrgs = new ArrayList<>(parentOrgRefs.size());
for (ObjectReferenceType parentOrgRef : parentOrgRefs) {
if (!prismContext.relationMatches(relation, parentOrgRef.getRelation())) {
OrgType parentOrg;
try {
parentOrg = getObject(OrgType.class, parentOrgRef.getOid(), preAuthorized);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Org " + parentOrgRef.getOid() + " specified in parentOrgRef in " + object + " was not found: " + e.getMessage(), e);
// but do not rethrow, just skip this
} catch (CommunicationException | ConfigurationException | ExpressionEvaluationException e) {
// This should not happen.
throw new SystemException(e.getMessage(), e);
if (predicate.test(parentOrg)) {
return parentOrgs;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ClockworkAuthorizationHelper method authorizeAssignmentRequest.
private <F extends ObjectType, O extends ObjectType> void authorizeAssignmentRequest(LensContext<F> context, String operationUrl, String assignActionUrl, ItemName assignmentElementQName, PrismObject<O> object, OwnerResolver ownerResolver, ObjectSecurityConstraints securityConstraints, PlusMinusZero plusMinusZero, boolean prohibitPolicies, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SecurityViolationException, SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException {
// This is *request* authorization. Therefore we care only about primary delta.
ObjectDelta<F> focusPrimaryDelta = context.getFocusContext().getPrimaryDelta();
if (focusPrimaryDelta == null) {
ContainerDelta<AssignmentType> focusAssignmentDelta = focusPrimaryDelta.findContainerDelta(assignmentElementQName);
if (focusAssignmentDelta == null) {
String operationDesc = assignActionUrl.substring(assignActionUrl.lastIndexOf('#') + 1);
Collection<PrismContainerValue<AssignmentType>> changedAssignmentValues = determineChangedAssignmentValues(context.getFocusContext(), assignmentElementQName, focusAssignmentDelta, plusMinusZero);
for (PrismContainerValue<AssignmentType> changedAssignmentValue : changedAssignmentValues) {
AssignmentType changedAssignment = changedAssignmentValue.getRealValue();
ObjectReferenceType targetRef = changedAssignment.getTargetRef();
if (targetRef == null || targetRef.getOid() == null) {
// This may still be allowed by #add and #modify authorizations. We have already checked these, but there may be combinations of
// assignments, one of the assignments allowed by #assign, other allowed by #modify (e.g. MID-4517).
// Therefore check the items again. This is not very efficient to check it twice. But this is not a common case
// so there should not be any big harm in suffering this inefficiency.
AccessDecision subitemDecision = securityEnforcer.determineSubitemDecision(securityConstraints, changedAssignmentValue, operationUrl, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), null, plusMinusZero, operationDesc);
if (subitemDecision == AccessDecision.ALLOW) {
LOGGER.debug("{} of policy {} to {} allowed with {} authorization", operationDesc, assignmentElementQName.getLocalPart(), object, operationUrl);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("{} of non-target {} not allowed", operationDesc, assignmentElementQName.getLocalPart());
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Denied request for object {}: {} of non-target {} not allowed", object, operationDesc, assignmentElementQName.getLocalPart());
securityEnforcer.failAuthorization(operationDesc, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObject(object), result);
PrismObject<ObjectType> target;
try {
// We do not worry about performance here too much. The target was already evaluated. This will be retrieved from repo cache anyway.
target = objectResolver.resolve(targetRef.asReferenceValue(), "resolving " + assignmentElementQName.getLocalPart() + " target", task, result);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Object {} referenced as {} target in {} was not found", targetRef.asReferenceValue().getOid(), assignmentElementQName.getLocalPart(), object);
target = null;
ObjectDelta<O> assignmentObjectDelta = object.createModifyDelta();
ContainerDelta<AssignmentType> assignmentDelta = assignmentObjectDelta.createContainerModification(assignmentElementQName);
// We do not care if this is add or delete. All that matters for authorization is that it is in a delta.
QName relation = targetRef.getRelation();
if (relation == null) {
relation = prismContext.getDefaultRelation();
List<OrderConstraintsType> orderConstraints = determineOrderConstraints(assignmentElementQName, changedAssignment);
AuthorizationParameters<O, ObjectType> autzParams = new AuthorizationParameters.Builder<O, ObjectType>().oldObject(object).delta(assignmentObjectDelta).target(target).relation(relation).orderConstraints(orderConstraints).build();
if (prohibitPolicies) {
if (changedAssignment.getPolicyRule() != null || !changedAssignment.getPolicyException().isEmpty() || !changedAssignment.getPolicySituation().isEmpty() || !changedAssignment.getTriggeredPolicyRule().isEmpty()) {
// This may still be allowed by #add and #modify authorizations. We have already checked these, but there may be combinations of
// assignments, one of the assignments allowed by #assign, other allowed by #modify (e.g. MID-4517).
// Therefore check the items again. This is not very efficient to check it twice. But this is not a common case
// so there should not be any big harm in suffering this inefficiency.
AccessDecision subitemDecision = securityEnforcer.determineSubitemDecision(securityConstraints, changedAssignmentValue, operationUrl, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), null, plusMinusZero, operationDesc);
if (subitemDecision == AccessDecision.ALLOW) {
LOGGER.debug("{} of policy assignment to {} allowed with {} authorization", operationDesc, object, operationUrl);
} else {
securityEnforcer.failAuthorization("with assignment because of policies in the assignment", getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), autzParams, result);
if (securityEnforcer.isAuthorized(assignActionUrl, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), autzParams, ownerResolver, task, result)) {
LOGGER.debug("{} of target {} to {} allowed with {} authorization", operationDesc, target, object, assignActionUrl);
if (relationRegistry.isDelegation(relation)) {
if (securityEnforcer.isAuthorized(ModelAuthorizationAction.DELEGATE.getUrl(), getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), autzParams, ownerResolver, task, result)) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("{} of target {} to {} allowed with {} authorization", operationDesc, target, object, ModelAuthorizationAction.DELEGATE.getUrl());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("{} of target {} to {} denied", operationDesc, target, object);
securityEnforcer.failAuthorization("with " + assignmentElementQName.getLocalPart(), getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), autzParams, result);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class MissingShadowContextRefresher method reloadFocusAndFindMatchingLink.
private boolean reloadFocusAndFindMatchingLink(OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, ExpressionEvaluationException {
PrismObject<F> reloadedFocusObject = reloadFocus(result);
if (reloadedFocusObject == null) {
// reason already logged
return false;
FocusType reloadedFocus = (FocusType) reloadedFocusObject.asObjectable();
// TODO shouldn't we put the reloaded focus back into the focus context? Beware that it was fetched as read-only.
LensFocusContext<F> focusContext = context.getFocusContextRequired();
for (ObjectReferenceType linkRef : reloadedFocus.getLinkRef()) {
if (linkRef.getOid().equals(projectionContext.getOid())) {
if (projectionContext.isReaping()) {
LOGGER.trace("Not deleting linkRef for {} because the shadow is being reaped", projectionContext.getOid());
} else {
// The deleted shadow is still in the linkRef. This should not happen, but it obviously happens sometimes.
// Maybe some strange race condition? Anyway, we want a robust behavior and this linkRef should NOT be there.
// So simply remove it.
LOGGER.warn("The OID {} of deleted shadow still exists in the linkRef after discovery ({}), removing it", projectionContext.getOid(), reloadedFocusObject);
swallowUnlinkDelta(focusContext, linkRef);
boolean found = context.getProjectionContexts().stream().anyMatch(pCtx -> linkRef.getOid().equals(pCtx.getOid()));
if (found) {
// Continue searching.
// This linkRef is new, it is not in the existing lens context. Is it matching?
PrismObject<ShadowType> newLinkRepoShadow;
try {
// Consider read-only option later (but now the object is inserted into projection context, so using R/W mode).
newLinkRepoShadow = beans.cacheRepositoryService.getObject(ShadowType.class, linkRef.getOid(), null, result);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
LoggingUtils.logExceptionAsWarning(LOGGER, "Couldn't resolve {}, unlinking it from the focus {}", e, linkRef.getOid(), reloadedFocus);
swallowUnlinkDelta(focusContext, linkRef);
if (!ShadowUtil.matches(newLinkRepoShadow, projectionContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator())) {
LOGGER.trace("Found new link: {}, but skipping it because it does not match the projection context", newLinkRepoShadow);
LOGGER.trace("Found new matching link: {}, updating projection context", newLinkRepoShadow);
// MID-3317
LOGGER.trace("Applying definition from provisioning first.");
beans.provisioningService.applyDefinition(newLinkRepoShadow, task, result);
// The "exists" information in the projection context can be obsolete - reflecting the fact that
// resource object couldn't be found.
return true;
LOGGER.trace(" -> no suitable link found");
return false;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestConsistencySimple method cleanUpBeforeTest.
private void cleanUpBeforeTest(Task task, OperationResult result) throws Exception {
PrismObject<UserType> jack = getUser(USER_JACK_OID);
display("Jack on start", jack);
if (!jack.asObjectable().getAssignment().isEmpty()) {
unassignAccountFromUser(USER_JACK_OID, RESOURCE_DUMMY_OID, SchemaConstants.INTENT_DEFAULT, task, result);
jack = getUser(USER_JACK_OID);
display("Jack after initial unassign", jack);
if (!jack.asObjectable().getLinkRef().isEmpty()) {
for (ObjectReferenceType ref : jack.asObjectable().getLinkRef()) {
deleteObject(ShadowType.class, ref.getOid());
ObjectDelta<UserType> killLinkRefDelta = deltaFor(UserType.class).item(UserType.F_LINK_REF).replace().asObjectDelta(USER_JACK_OID);
executeChanges(killLinkRefDelta, executeOptions().raw(), task, result);
List<PrismObject<ShadowType>> jacksShadows = getJacksShadows(result);
for (PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow : jacksShadows) {
deleteObject(ShadowType.class, shadow.getOid());