use of com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ItemDeltaType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class DeltaConvertor method createItemDelta.
public static <IV extends PrismValue, ID extends ItemDefinition> ItemDelta<IV, ID> createItemDelta(ItemDeltaType propMod, PrismContainerDefinition<?> pcDef, boolean allowRawValues) throws SchemaException {
ItemPathType parentPathType = propMod.getPath();
ItemPath parentPath = null;
if (parentPathType != null) {
parentPath = parentPathType.getItemPath();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Path argument in the itemDelta HAVE TO BE specified.");
if (propMod.getValue() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No value in item delta (path: " + parentPath + ") while creating a property delta");
ItemDefinition containingPcd = pcDef.findItemDefinition(parentPath);
PrismContainerDefinition containerDef = null;
if (containingPcd == null) {
containerDef = pcDef.findContainerDefinition(parentPath.allUpToLastNamed());
if (containerDef == null) {
if (allowRawValues) {
return null;
throw new SchemaException("No definition for " + parentPath.allUpToLastNamed().lastNamed().getName() + " (while creating delta for " + pcDef + ")");
QName elementName = parentPath.lastNamed().getName();
Item item = RawTypeUtil.getParsedItem(containingPcd, propMod.getValue(), elementName, containerDef);
ItemDelta<IV, ID> itemDelta = item.createDelta(parentPath);
if (propMod.getModificationType() == ModificationTypeType.ADD) {
} else if (propMod.getModificationType() == ModificationTypeType.DELETE) {
} else if (propMod.getModificationType() == ModificationTypeType.REPLACE) {
if (!propMod.getEstimatedOldValue().isEmpty()) {
Item oldItem = RawTypeUtil.getParsedItem(containingPcd, propMod.getEstimatedOldValue(), elementName, containerDef);
return itemDelta;
use of com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ItemDeltaType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class DeltaConvertor method toItemDeltaTypes.
public static Collection<ItemDeltaType> toItemDeltaTypes(ItemDelta delta, DeltaConversionOptions options) throws SchemaException {
if (InternalsConfig.consistencyChecks) {
if (!delta.isEmpty() && delta.getPrismContext() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Non-empty ItemDelta with no prismContext cannot be converted to ItemDeltaType.");
Collection<ItemDeltaType> mods = new ArrayList<>();
ItemPathType path = new ItemPathType(delta.getPath());
if (delta.getValuesToReplace() != null) {
ItemDeltaType mod = new ItemDeltaType();
try {
addModValues(delta, mod, delta.getValuesToReplace(), options);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new SchemaException(e.getMessage() + " while converting property " + delta.getElementName(), e);
addOldValues(delta, mod, delta.getEstimatedOldValues(), options);
if (delta.getValuesToAdd() != null) {
ItemDeltaType mod = new ItemDeltaType();
try {
addModValues(delta, mod, delta.getValuesToAdd(), options);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new SchemaException(e.getMessage() + " while converting property " + delta.getElementName(), e);
addOldValues(delta, mod, delta.getEstimatedOldValues(), options);
if (delta.getValuesToDelete() != null) {
ItemDeltaType mod = new ItemDeltaType();
try {
addModValues(delta, mod, delta.getValuesToDelete(), options);
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new SchemaException(e.getMessage() + " while converting property " + delta.getElementName(), e);
addOldValues(delta, mod, delta.getEstimatedOldValues(), options);
return mods;
use of com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ItemDeltaType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class XPathTest method xpathTest.
* This is now a proper test yet.
* It does some operations with XPath. If it does not die, then the
* code some somehow consistent.
* It should be improved later.
public void xpathTest() throws JAXBException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SchemaException {
ObjectModificationType objectModification = PrismTestUtil.parseAtomicValue(new File(FILENAME_CHANGETYPE), ObjectModificationType.COMPLEX_TYPE);
for (ItemDeltaType change : objectModification.getItemDelta()) {
ItemPathType pathType = change.getPath();
System.out.println(" path=" + pathType + " (" + pathType.getClass().getName() + ") " + pathType.toString());
// NamedNodeMap attributes = path.getAttributes();
// for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
// Node n = attributes.item(i);
// System.out.println(" A: " + n.getClass().getName() + " " + n.getNodeName() + "(" + n.getPrefix() + " : " + n.getLocalName() + ") = " + n.getNodeValue());
// }
// List<Object> any = change.getValue().getAny();
// for (Object e : any) {
// if (e instanceof Element) {
// System.out.println(" E: " + ((Element) e).getLocalName());
// }
// }
ItemPath path = pathType.getItemPath();
XPathHolder xpath = new XPathHolder(path);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("c:extension/piracy:ship[2]/c:name", xpath.getXPathWithoutDeclarations());
System.out.println("XPATH: " + xpath);
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder loader = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = loader.newDocument();
Element xpathElement = xpath.toElement("http://elelel/", "path", doc);
Attr nsC = xpathElement.getAttributeNodeNS("", "c");
Attr nsPiracy = xpathElement.getAttributeNodeNS("", "piracy");
System.out.println("c: " + nsC);
System.out.println("piracy: " + nsPiracy);
// AssertJUnit.assertEquals("", nsC.getValue());
// AssertJUnit.assertEquals("", nsPiracy.getValue());
System.out.println("XPATH Element: " + xpathElement);
XPathHolder xpathFromElement = new XPathHolder(xpathElement);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(xpath, xpathFromElement);
// attributes = xpathElement.getAttributes();
// for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
// Node n = attributes.item(i);
// System.out.println(" A: " + n.getNodeName() + "(" + n.getPrefix() + " : " + n.getLocalName() + ") = " + n.getNodeValue());
// }
List<XPathSegment> segments = xpath.toSegments();
System.out.println("XPATH segments: " + segments);
XPathHolder xpathFromSegments = new XPathHolder(segments);
System.out.println("XPath from segments: " + xpathFromSegments);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("c:extension/piracy:ship[2]/c:name", xpathFromSegments.getXPathWithoutDeclarations());
use of com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ItemDeltaType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ObjectTypeUtil method isModificationOf.
//TODO: refactor after new schema
public static boolean isModificationOf(ItemDeltaType modification, QName elementName, ItemPathType path) {
// if (path == null && XPathHolder.isDefault(modification.getPath())) {
// return (elementName.equals(ObjectTypeUtil.getElementName(modification)));
// }
ItemPathType modificationPath = modification.getPath();
if (ItemPathUtil.isDefault(modificationPath)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path in the delta must not be null");
if (path == null) {
return false;
// XPathHolder modPath = new XPathHolder(modification.getPath());
ItemPath full = new ItemPath(path.getItemPath(), elementName);
ItemPathType fullPath = new ItemPathType(full);
return fullPath.equivalent(modificationPath);
// if (fullPath.equals(modificationPath)) {
// return (elementName.equals(getElementName(modification)));
// }
// return false;
use of com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ItemDeltaType in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanity method test040UnlinkDerbyAccountFromUser.
* Unlink account by removing the accountRef from the user.
* The account will not be deleted, just the association to user will be broken.
public void test040UnlinkDerbyAccountFromUser() throws FileNotFoundException, JAXBException, FaultMessage, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, DirectoryException, SQLException {
ObjectDeltaType objectChange = new ObjectDeltaType();
ItemDeltaType modificationDeleteAccountRef = new ItemDeltaType();
ObjectReferenceType accountRefToDelete = new ObjectReferenceType();
RawType modificationValue = new RawType(((PrismContextImpl) prismContext).getBeanMarshaller().marshall(accountRefToDelete), prismContext);
modificationDeleteAccountRef.setPath(new ItemPathType(new ItemPath(UserType.F_LINK_REF)));
displayJaxb("modifyObject input", objectChange, new QName(SchemaConstants.NS_C, "change"));
// WHEN ObjectTypes.USER.getTypeQName(),
OperationResultType result = modifyObjectViaModelWS(objectChange);
displayJaxb("modifyObject result", result, SchemaConstants.C_RESULT);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("modifyObject has failed", result);
// Check if user object was modified in the repo
OperationResult repoResult = new OperationResult("getObject");
PrismObject<UserType> uObject = repositoryService.getObject(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, null, repoResult);
UserType repoUser = uObject.asObjectable();
display("User (repository)", repoUser);
List<ObjectReferenceType> accountRefs = repoUser.getLinkRef();
// only OpenDJ account should be left now
assertEquals(1, accountRefs.size());
ObjectReferenceType ref = accountRefs.get(0);
assertEquals("Wrong OID in accountRef in " + repoUser, accountShadowOidOpendj, ref.getOid());