use of com.facebook.FacebookRequestError in project facebook-android-sdk by facebook.
the class TestUserManager method createTestAccount.
private JSONObject createTestAccount(List<String> permissions, Mode mode, String uniqueUserTag) {
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("installed", "true");
parameters.putString("permissions", getPermissionsString(permissions));
parameters.putString("access_token", getAppAccessToken());
// to delete it at the end.
if (mode == Mode.SHARED) {
parameters.putString("name", String.format("Shared %s Testuser", getSharedTestAccountIdentifier(permissions, uniqueUserTag)));
String graphPath = String.format("%s/accounts/test-users", testApplicationId);
GraphRequest createUserRequest = new GraphRequest(null, graphPath, parameters, HttpMethod.POST);
GraphResponse response = createUserRequest.executeAndWait();
FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
JSONObject testAccount = response.getJSONObject();
if (error != null) {
return null;
} else {
assert testAccount != null;
// it later.
if (mode == Mode.SHARED) {
// the create request.
try {
testAccount.put("name", parameters.getString("name"));
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not set name", e);
return testAccount;
use of com.facebook.FacebookRequestError in project facebook-android-sdk by facebook.
the class AppEventQueue method handleResponse.
private static void handleResponse(final AccessTokenAppIdPair accessTokenAppId, GraphRequest request, GraphResponse response, final SessionEventsState appEvents, FlushStatistics flushState) {
FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
String resultDescription = "Success";
FlushResult flushResult = FlushResult.SUCCESS;
if (error != null) {
if (error.getErrorCode() == NO_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR_CODE) {
resultDescription = "Failed: No Connectivity";
flushResult = FlushResult.NO_CONNECTIVITY;
} else {
resultDescription = String.format("Failed:\n Response: %s\n Error %s", response.toString(), error.toString());
flushResult = FlushResult.SERVER_ERROR;
if (FacebookSdk.isLoggingBehaviorEnabled(LoggingBehavior.APP_EVENTS)) {
String eventsJsonString = (String) request.getTag();
String prettyPrintedEvents;
try {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(eventsJsonString);
prettyPrintedEvents = jsonArray.toString(2);
} catch (JSONException exc) {
prettyPrintedEvents = "<Can't encode events for debug logging>";
Logger.log(LoggingBehavior.APP_EVENTS, TAG, "Flush completed\nParams: %s\n Result: %s\n Events JSON: %s", request.getGraphObject().toString(), resultDescription, prettyPrintedEvents);
appEvents.clearInFlightAndStats(error != null);
if (flushResult == FlushResult.NO_CONNECTIVITY) {
// We may call this for multiple requests in a batch, which is slightly inefficient
// since in principle we could call it once for all failed requests, but the impact is
// likely to be minimal. We don't call this for other server errors, because if an event
// failed because it was malformed, etc., continually retrying it will cause subsequent
// events to not be logged either.
FacebookSdk.getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
AppEventStore.persistEvents(accessTokenAppId, appEvents);
if (flushResult != FlushResult.SUCCESS) {
// We assume that connectivity issues are more significant to report than server issues.
if (flushState.result != FlushResult.NO_CONNECTIVITY) {
flushState.result = flushResult;
use of com.facebook.FacebookRequestError in project facebook-android-sdk by facebook.
the class FacebookAppLinkResolver method getAppLinkFromUrlsInBackground.
* Asynchronously resolves App Link data for multiple URLs
* @param uris A list of Uri objects to resolve into App Links
* @return A Task that, when successful, will return a Map of Uri->AppLink for each Uri that was
* successfully resolved into an App Link. Uris that could not be resolved into App Links will
* not be present in the Map. In the case of general server errors, the task will be completed
* with the corresponding error.
public Task<Map<Uri, AppLink>> getAppLinkFromUrlsInBackground(List<Uri> uris) {
final Map<Uri, AppLink> appLinkResults = new HashMap<Uri, AppLink>();
final HashSet<Uri> urisToRequest = new HashSet<Uri>();
StringBuilder graphRequestFields = new StringBuilder();
for (Uri uri : uris) {
AppLink appLink;
synchronized (cachedAppLinks) {
appLink = cachedAppLinks.get(uri);
if (appLink != null) {
appLinkResults.put(uri, appLink);
} else {
if (!urisToRequest.isEmpty()) {
if (urisToRequest.isEmpty()) {
return Task.forResult(appLinkResults);
final Task<Map<Uri, AppLink>>.TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = Task.create();
Bundle appLinkRequestParameters = new Bundle();
appLinkRequestParameters.putString("ids", graphRequestFields.toString());
appLinkRequestParameters.putString("fields", String.format("%s.fields(%s,%s)", APP_LINK_KEY, APP_LINK_ANDROID_TARGET_KEY, APP_LINK_WEB_TARGET_KEY));
GraphRequest appLinkRequest = new GraphRequest(// token
AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), /* Access Token */
"", /* Graph path */
appLinkRequestParameters, /* Query parameters */
null, /* HttpMethod */
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
/* Callback */
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
if (error != null) {
JSONObject responseJson = response.getJSONObject();
if (responseJson == null) {
for (Uri uri : urisToRequest) {
String uriString = uri.toString();
if (!responseJson.has(uriString)) {
JSONObject urlData;
try {
urlData = responseJson.getJSONObject(uri.toString());
JSONObject appLinkData = urlData.getJSONObject(APP_LINK_KEY);
JSONArray rawTargets = appLinkData.getJSONArray(APP_LINK_ANDROID_TARGET_KEY);
int targetsCount = rawTargets.length();
List<AppLink.Target> targets = new ArrayList<AppLink.Target>(targetsCount);
for (int i = 0; i < targetsCount; i++) {
AppLink.Target target = getAndroidTargetFromJson(rawTargets.getJSONObject(i));
if (target != null) {
Uri webFallbackUrl = getWebFallbackUriFromJson(uri, appLinkData);
AppLink appLink = new AppLink(uri, targets, webFallbackUrl);
appLinkResults.put(uri, appLink);
synchronized (cachedAppLinks) {
cachedAppLinks.put(uri, appLink);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// The data for this uri was missing or badly formed.
return taskCompletionSource.getTask();
use of com.facebook.FacebookRequestError in project facebook-android-sdk by facebook.
the class GraphObjectPagingLoader method requestCompleted.
private void requestCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
GraphRequest request = response.getRequest();
if (request != currentRequest) {
loading = false;
currentRequest = null;
FacebookRequestError requestError = response.getError();
FacebookException exception = (requestError == null) ? null : requestError.getException();
if (response.getJSONObject() == null && exception == null) {
exception = new FacebookException("GraphObjectPagingLoader received neither a result nor an error.");
if (exception != null) {
nextRequest = null;
if (onErrorListener != null) {
onErrorListener.onError(exception, this);
} else {
use of com.facebook.FacebookRequestError in project edx-app-android by edx.
the class FacebookProvider method notifyIfError.
* returns true if there was an error. The callback will be notified
private boolean notifyIfError(Response response, Callback callback) {
if (response.getError() != null) {
FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
callback.onError(new SocialError(error.getException()));
return true;
return false;