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the class ThriftArtifactCache method fetchImpl.
public CacheResult fetchImpl(RuleKey ruleKey, LazyPath output, HttpArtifactCacheEvent.Finished.Builder eventBuilder) throws IOException {
BuckCacheFetchRequest fetchRequest = new BuckCacheFetchRequest();
com.facebook.buck.artifact_cache.thrift.RuleKey thriftRuleKey = new com.facebook.buck.artifact_cache.thrift.RuleKey();
BuckCacheRequest cacheRequest = new BuckCacheRequest();
LOG.verbose("Will fetch key %s", thriftRuleKey);
final ThriftArtifactCacheProtocol.Request request = ThriftArtifactCacheProtocol.createRequest(PROTOCOL, cacheRequest);
Request.Builder builder = toOkHttpRequest(request);
try (HttpResponse httpResponse = fetchClient.makeRequest(hybridThriftEndpoint, builder)) {
if (httpResponse.statusCode() != 200) {
String message = String.format("Failed to fetch cache artifact with HTTP status code [%d:%s] " + " to url [%s] for rule key [%s].", httpResponse.statusCode(), httpResponse.statusMessage(), httpResponse.requestUrl(), ruleKey.toString());
return CacheResult.error(name, message);
try (ThriftArtifactCacheProtocol.Response response = ThriftArtifactCacheProtocol.parseResponse(PROTOCOL, httpResponse.getBody())) {
BuckCacheResponse cacheResponse = response.getThriftData();
if (!cacheResponse.isWasSuccessful()) {
LOG.warn("Request was unsuccessful: %s", cacheResponse.getErrorMessage());
return CacheResult.error(name, cacheResponse.getErrorMessage());
BuckCacheFetchResponse fetchResponse = cacheResponse.getFetchResponse();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Debug info for cache fetch request: request=[%s] response=[%s]", ThriftUtil.thriftToDebugJson(cacheRequest), ThriftUtil.thriftToDebugJson(cacheResponse));
if (!fetchResponse.isArtifactExists()) {
LOG.verbose("Artifact did not exist.");
return CacheResult.miss();
LOG.verbose("Got artifact. Attempting to read payload.");
Path tmp = createTempFileForDownload();
ThriftArtifactCacheProtocol.Response.ReadPayloadInfo readResult;
try (OutputStream tmpFile = projectFilesystem.newFileOutputStream(tmp)) {
readResult = response.readPayload(tmpFile);
LOG.verbose("Successfully read payload: %d bytes.", readResult.getBytesRead());
ArtifactMetadata metadata = fetchResponse.getMetadata();
if (LOG.isVerboseEnabled()) {
LOG.verbose(String.format("Fetched artifact with rule key [%s] contains the following metadata: [%s]", ruleKey, ThriftUtil.thriftToDebugJson(metadata)));
if (!metadata.isSetArtifactPayloadMd5()) {
String msg = "Fetched artifact is missing the MD5 hash.";
} else {
if (!readResult.getMd5Hash().equals(fetchResponse.getMetadata().getArtifactPayloadMd5())) {
String msg = String.format("The artifact fetched from cache is corrupted. ExpectedMD5=[%s] ActualMD5=[%s]", fetchResponse.getMetadata().getArtifactPayloadMd5(), readResult.getMd5Hash());
return CacheResult.error(name, msg);
// This makes sure we don't have 'half downloaded files' in the dir cache.
projectFilesystem.move(tmp, output.get(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
return CacheResult.hit(name, ImmutableMap.copyOf(fetchResponse.getMetadata().getMetadata()), readResult.getBytesRead());
use of in project buck by facebook.
the class CachingBuildEngine method tryToFetchArtifactFromBuildCacheAndOverlayOnTopOfProjectFilesystem.
private CacheResult tryToFetchArtifactFromBuildCacheAndOverlayOnTopOfProjectFilesystem(final BuildRule rule, final RuleKey ruleKey, final ArtifactCache artifactCache, final ProjectFilesystem filesystem, final BuildEngineBuildContext buildContext) {
if (!rule.isCacheable()) {
return CacheResult.ignored();
// Create a temp file whose extension must be ".zip" for Filesystems.newFileSystem() to infer
// that we are creating a zip-based FileSystem.
final LazyPath lazyZipPath = new LazyPath() {
protected Path create() throws IOException {
return Files.createTempFile("buck_artifact_" + MoreFiles.sanitize(rule.getBuildTarget().getShortName()), ".zip");
// TODO(bolinfest): Change ArtifactCache.fetch() so that it returns a File instead of takes one.
// Then we could download directly from the remote cache into the on-disk cache and unzip it
// from there.
CacheResult cacheResult = fetchArtifactForBuildable(ruleKey, lazyZipPath, artifactCache);
return unzipArtifactFromCacheResult(rule, ruleKey, lazyZipPath, buildContext, filesystem, cacheResult);
use of in project buck by facebook.
the class CachingBuildEngine method unzipArtifactFromCacheResult.
private CacheResult unzipArtifactFromCacheResult(BuildRule rule, RuleKey ruleKey, LazyPath lazyZipPath, BuildEngineBuildContext buildContext, ProjectFilesystem filesystem, CacheResult cacheResult) {
// We only unpack artifacts from hits.
if (!cacheResult.getType().isSuccess()) {
LOG.debug("Cache miss for '%s' with rulekey '%s'", rule, ruleKey);
return cacheResult;
Preconditions.checkArgument(cacheResult.getType() == CacheResultType.HIT);
LOG.debug("Fetched '%s' from cache with rulekey '%s'", rule, ruleKey);
// It should be fine to get the path straight away, since cache already did it's job.
Path zipPath = lazyZipPath.getUnchecked();
// We unzip the file in the root of the project directory.
// Ideally, the following would work:
// Path pathToZip = Paths.get(zipPath.getAbsolutePath());
// FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(pathToZip, /* loader */ null);
// Path root = Iterables.getOnlyElement(fs.getRootDirectories());
// MoreFiles.copyRecursively(root, projectRoot);
// Unfortunately, this does not appear to work, in practice, because MoreFiles fails when trying
// to resolve a Path for a zip entry against a file Path on disk.
ArtifactCompressionEvent.Started started = ArtifactCompressionEvent.started(ArtifactCompressionEvent.Operation.DECOMPRESS, ImmutableSet.of(ruleKey));
try {
// First, clear out the pre-existing metadata directory. We have to do this *before*
// unpacking the zipped artifact, as it includes files that will be stored in the metadata
// directory.
Path metadataDir = BuildInfo.getPathToMetadataDirectory(rule.getBuildTarget(), rule.getProjectFilesystem());
Unzip.extractZipFile(zipPath.toAbsolutePath(), filesystem, Unzip.ExistingFileMode.OVERWRITE_AND_CLEAN_DIRECTORIES);
// We only delete the ZIP file when it has been unzipped successfully. Otherwise, we leave it
// around for debugging purposes.
// Also write out the build metadata.
for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : cacheResult.getMetadata().entrySet()) {
Path dest = metadataDir.resolve(ent.getKey());
filesystem.writeContentsToPath(ent.getValue(), dest);
} catch (IOException e) {
// In the wild, we have seen some inexplicable failures during this step. For now, we try to
// give the user as much information as we can to debug the issue, but return CacheResult.MISS
// so that Buck will fall back on doing a local build.
buildContext.getEventBus().post(ConsoleEvent.warning("Failed to unzip the artifact for %s at %s.\n" + "The rule will be built locally, " + "but here is the stacktrace of the failed unzip call:\n" + rule.getBuildTarget(), zipPath.toAbsolutePath(), Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e)));
return CacheResult.miss();
} finally {
return cacheResult;
use of in project buck by facebook.
the class CachingBuildEngine method performManifestBasedCacheFetch.
// Fetch an artifact from the cache using manifest-based caching.
private Optional<BuildResult> performManifestBasedCacheFetch(final BuildRule rule, final BuildEngineBuildContext context, BuildInfoRecorder buildInfoRecorder, RuleKeyAndInputs manifestKey) throws IOException {
final LazyPath tempFile = new LazyPath() {
protected Path create() throws IOException {
return Files.createTempFile("buck.", ".manifest");
CacheResult manifestResult = fetchArtifactForBuildable(manifestKey.getRuleKey(), tempFile, context.getArtifactCache());
if (!manifestResult.getType().isSuccess()) {
return Optional.empty();
Path manifestPath = getManifestPath(rule);
// Clear out any existing manifest.
// Now, fetch an existing manifest from the cache.
try (OutputStream outputStream = rule.getProjectFilesystem().newFileOutputStream(manifestPath);
InputStream inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(tempFile.get())))) {
ByteStreams.copy(inputStream, outputStream);
// Deserialize the manifest.
Manifest manifest;
try (InputStream input = rule.getProjectFilesystem().newFileInputStream(manifestPath)) {
manifest = new Manifest(input);
// Lookup the rule for the current state of our inputs.
Optional<RuleKey> ruleKey = manifest.lookup(fileHashCache, pathResolver, manifestKey.getInputs());
if (!ruleKey.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
CacheResult cacheResult = tryToFetchArtifactFromBuildCacheAndOverlayOnTopOfProjectFilesystem(rule, ruleKey.get(), context.getArtifactCache(), // TODO(shs96c): This should be shared between all tests, not one per cell
rule.getProjectFilesystem(), context);
if (cacheResult.getType().isSuccess()) {
fillMissingBuildMetadataFromCache(cacheResult, buildInfoRecorder, BuildInfo.MetadataKey.DEP_FILE_RULE_KEY, BuildInfo.MetadataKey.DEP_FILE);
return Optional.of(BuildResult.success(rule, BuildRuleSuccessType.FETCHED_FROM_CACHE_MANIFEST_BASED, cacheResult));
return Optional.empty();
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the class MultiArtifactCacheTest method cacheFetchPushesMetadataToHigherCache.
public void cacheFetchPushesMetadataToHigherCache() throws Exception {
InMemoryArtifactCache cache1 = new InMemoryArtifactCache();
InMemoryArtifactCache cache2 = new InMemoryArtifactCache();
MultiArtifactCache multiArtifactCache = new MultiArtifactCache(ImmutableList.of(cache1, cache2));
LazyPath output = LazyPath.ofInstance(tmp.newFile());
ImmutableMap<String, String> metadata = ImmutableMap.of("hello", "world");, new byte[0]);
multiArtifactCache.fetch(dummyRuleKey, output);
CacheResult result = cache1.fetch(dummyRuleKey, output);
assertThat(result.getType(), Matchers.equalTo(CacheResultType.HIT));
assertThat(result.getMetadata(), Matchers.equalTo(metadata));