use of com.facebook.buck.testutil.integration.ProjectWorkspace.ProcessResult in project buck by facebook.
the class PythonTestIntegrationTest method testPythonTestEnv.
public void testPythonTestEnv() throws IOException {
// Test if setting environment during test execution works
ProcessResult result = workspace.runBuckCommand("test", "//:test-env");
use of com.facebook.buck.testutil.integration.ProjectWorkspace.ProcessResult in project buck by facebook.
the class PythonTestIntegrationTest method testRunPythonTest.
public void testRunPythonTest() throws IOException {
ProcessResult result = workspace.runBuckCommand("run", "//:test-success");
assertThat(result.getStderr(), containsString("test_that_passes (test_success.Test) ... ok"));
use of com.facebook.buck.testutil.integration.ProjectWorkspace.ProcessResult in project buck by facebook.
the class ShBinaryRuleIntegrationTest method testShBinaryCannotOverwriteResource.
public void testShBinaryCannotOverwriteResource() throws IOException {
// sh_binary is not available on Windows. Ignore this test on Windows.
assumeTrue(Platform.detect() != Platform.WINDOWS);
ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, "sh_binary_with_overwrite_violation", temporaryFolder);
ProcessResult buildResult = workspace.runBuckCommand("build", "//:overwrite");
assertThat(buildResult.getStderr(), containsString("/ Permission denied"));
use of com.facebook.buck.testutil.integration.ProjectWorkspace.ProcessResult in project buck by facebook.
the class GenruleIntegrationTest method testIfCommandExitsZeroThenGenruleFails.
public void testIfCommandExitsZeroThenGenruleFails() throws IOException {
assumeTrue("This genrule uses the 'bash' argument, which is not supported on Windows. ", Platform.detect() != Platform.WINDOWS);
ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, "genrule_failing_command", temporaryFolder);
ProcessResult buildResult = workspace.runBuckCommand("build", "//:fail", "--verbose", "10");
/* We want to make sure we failed for the right reason. The expected should contain something
* like the following:
* BUILD FAILED: //:fail failed with exit code 1:
* (cd /tmp/junit12345/buck-out/gen/fail__srcs && /bin/bash -e -c 'false; echo >&2 hi')
* We should match all that, except for the specific temp dir.
// "(?s)" enables multiline matching for ".*". Parens have to be escaped.
String outputPattern = "(?s).*BUILD FAILED: //:fail failed with exit code 1:(?s).*" + "\\(cd .*/buck-out/gen/fail__srcs && " + "/bin/bash -e .*/buck-out/tmp/genrule-[0-9]*\\.sh\\)(?s).*";
assertTrue("Unexpected output:\n" + quoteOutput(buildResult.getStderr()), buildResult.getStderr().matches(outputPattern));
use of com.facebook.buck.testutil.integration.ProjectWorkspace.ProcessResult in project buck by facebook.
the class DefaultJavaLibraryIntegrationTest method testAnnotationProcessorFileChangeThatDoesNotModifyCodeDoesNotCauseRebuild.
public void testAnnotationProcessorFileChangeThatDoesNotModifyCodeDoesNotCauseRebuild() throws IOException {
workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, "annotation_processors", tmp);
// Run `buck build` to create the dep file
BuildTarget mainTarget = BuildTargetFactory.newInstance("//:main");
// Warm the used classes file
ProcessResult buildResult = workspace.runBuckCommand("build", mainTarget.getFullyQualifiedName());
buildResult.assertSuccess("Successful build should exit with 0.");
// Edit a source file in the annotation processor in a way that doesn't change the ABI
workspace.replaceFileContents("", "false", "false /* false */");
// Run `buck build` again.
ProcessResult buildResult2 = workspace.runBuckCommand("build", "//:main");
buildResult2.assertSuccess("Successful build should exit with 0.");
// If all goes well, we'll rebuild //:annotation_processor because of the source change,
// and then rebuild //:main because the code of the annotation processor has changed