use of com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder in project presto by prestodb.
the class FloatBatchStreamReader method readBlock.
public Block readBlock() throws IOException {
if (!rowGroupOpen) {
if (readOffset > 0) {
if (presentStream != null) {
// skip ahead the present bit reader, but count the set bits
// and use this as the skip size for the data reader
readOffset = presentStream.countBitsSet(readOffset);
if (readOffset > 0) {
if (dataStream == null) {
throw new OrcCorruptionException(streamDescriptor.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is not null but data stream is not present");
if (dataStream == null && presentStream != null) {
Block nullValueBlock = RunLengthEncodedBlock.create(REAL, null, nextBatchSize);
readOffset = 0;
nextBatchSize = 0;
return nullValueBlock;
BlockBuilder builder = REAL.createBlockBuilder(null, nextBatchSize);
if (presentStream == null) {
if (dataStream == null) {
throw new OrcCorruptionException(streamDescriptor.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Value is not null but data stream is not present");
dataStream.nextVector(REAL, nextBatchSize, builder);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nextBatchSize; i++) {
if (presentStream.nextBit()) {
REAL.writeLong(builder, floatToRawIntBits(;
} else {
readOffset = 0;
nextBatchSize = 0;
use of com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder in project presto by prestodb.
the class MapFlatBatchStreamReader method getIntegerKeyBlockTemplate.
private Block getIntegerKeyBlockTemplate(Collection<DwrfSequenceEncoding> sequenceEncodings) {
Type keyType;
switch(keyOrcType) {
case BYTE:
keyType = TinyintType.TINYINT;
case SHORT:
keyType = SmallintType.SMALLINT;
case INT:
keyType = IntegerType.INTEGER;
case LONG:
keyType = BigintType.BIGINT;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported flat map key type: " + keyOrcType);
BlockBuilder blockBuilder = keyType.createBlockBuilder(null, sequenceEncodings.size());
for (DwrfSequenceEncoding sequenceEncoding : sequenceEncodings) {
keyType.writeLong(blockBuilder, sequenceEncoding.getKey().getIntKey());
use of com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestPinotBrokerPageSourcePql method testPopulateFromPql.
@Test(dataProvider = "pqlResponses")
public void testPopulateFromPql(String pql, String pqlResponse, List<PinotColumnHandle> actualHandles, List<Integer> expectedColumnIndices, List<PinotColumnHandle> expectedColumnHandles, Optional<Class<? extends PrestoException>> expectedError) throws IOException {
PqlParsedInfo pqlParsedInfo = getBasicInfoFromPql(pqlResponse);
PinotQueryGenerator.GeneratedPinotQuery generatedPql = new PinotQueryGenerator.GeneratedPinotQuery(pinotTable.getTableName(), pql, PinotQueryGenerator.PinotQueryFormat.PQL, expectedColumnIndices, pqlParsedInfo.groupByColumns, false, false);
PinotBrokerPageSourcePql pageSource = new PinotBrokerPageSourcePql(pinotConfig, new TestingConnectorSession(ImmutableList.of(booleanProperty("mark_data_fetch_exceptions_as_retriable", "Retry Pinot query on data fetch exceptions", pinotConfig.isMarkDataFetchExceptionsAsRetriable(), false))), generatedPql, actualHandles, expectedColumnHandles, new MockPinotClusterInfoFetcher(pinotConfig), objectMapper);
PinotBrokerPageSourceBase.BlockAndTypeBuilder blockAndTypeBuilder = pageSource.buildBlockAndTypeBuilder(actualHandles, generatedPql);
validateExpectedColumnIndices(expectedColumnIndices, expectedColumnHandles);
List<BlockBuilder> columnBlockBuilders = blockAndTypeBuilder.getColumnBlockBuilders();
List<Type> columnTypes = blockAndTypeBuilder.getColumnTypes();
assertEquals(columnTypes.size(), columnBlockBuilders.size());
int numNonNullTypes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < columnTypes.size(); i++) {
Type type = columnTypes.get(i);
BlockBuilder builder = columnBlockBuilders.get(i);
assertEquals(type == null, builder == null);
if (type != null) {
assertEquals(numNonNullTypes, actualHandles.size());
Optional<? extends PrestoException> thrown = Optional.empty();
int rows = -1;
try {
rows = pageSource.populateFromQueryResults(generatedPql, columnBlockBuilders, columnTypes, pqlResponse);
} catch (PrestoException e) {
thrown = Optional.of(e);
Optional<? extends Class<? extends PrestoException>> thrownType = -> e.getClass());
Optional<String> errorString = -> Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e));
assertEquals(thrownType, expectedError, String.format("Expected error %s, but got error of type %s: %s", expectedError, thrownType, errorString));
if (!expectedError.isPresent()) {
assertEquals(expectedColumnIndices.size(), pqlParsedInfo.columns);
assertEquals(rows, pqlParsedInfo.rows);
use of com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder in project presto by prestodb.
the class PinotBrokerPageSourcePql method buildBlockAndTypeBuilder.
public BlockAndTypeBuilder buildBlockAndTypeBuilder(List<PinotColumnHandle> columnHandles, PinotQueryGenerator.GeneratedPinotQuery brokerPql) {
// When we created the PQL, we came up with some column handles
// however other optimizers post-pushdown can come in and prune/re-order the required column handles
// so we need to map from the column handles the PQL corresponds to, to the actual column handles
// needed in the scan.
List<Type> expectedTypes =;
PageBuilder pageBuilder = new PageBuilder(expectedTypes);
checkState(brokerPql.getExpectedColumnIndices().size() >= expectedHandles.size());
checkState(expectedHandles.size() >= columnHandles.size());
// The expectedColumnHandles are the handles corresponding to the generated PQL
// However, the engine could end up requesting only a permutation/subset of those handles
// during the actual scan
// Map the handles from planning time to the handles asked in the scan
// so that we know which columns to discard.
int[] handleMapping = new int[expectedHandles.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < handleMapping.length; ++i) {
handleMapping[i] = columnHandles.indexOf(expectedHandles.get(i));
ArrayList<BlockBuilder> columnBlockBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Type> columnTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int expectedColumnIndex : brokerPql.getExpectedColumnIndices()) {
// columnIndex is the index of this column in the current scan
// It is obtained from the mapping and can be -ve, which means that the
// expectedColumnIndex'th column returned by Pinot can be discarded.
int columnIndex = -1;
if (expectedColumnIndex >= 0) {
columnIndex = handleMapping[expectedColumnIndex];
columnBlockBuilders.add(columnIndex >= 0 ? pageBuilder.getBlockBuilder(columnIndex) : null);
columnTypes.add(columnIndex >= 0 ? expectedTypes.get(columnIndex) : null);
return new BlockAndTypeBuilder(pageBuilder, columnBlockBuilders, columnTypes);
use of com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder in project presto by prestodb.
the class PinotBrokerPageSourceSql method buildBlockAndTypeBuilder.
public BlockAndTypeBuilder buildBlockAndTypeBuilder(List<PinotColumnHandle> columnHandles, GeneratedPinotQuery brokerSql) {
// When we created the SQL, we came up with some column handles
// however other optimizers post-pushdown can come in and prune/re-order the required column handles
// so we need to map from the column handles the PQL corresponds to, to the actual column handles
// needed in the scan.
List<Type> expectedTypes =;
PageBuilder pageBuilder = new PageBuilder(expectedTypes);
// The expectedColumnHandles are the handles corresponding to the generated SQL
// However, the engine could end up requesting only a permutation/subset of those handles
// during the actual scan
// Map the handles from planning time to the handles asked in the scan
// so that we know which columns to discard.
int[] handleMapping = new int[expectedHandles.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < handleMapping.length; ++i) {
handleMapping[i] = columnHandles.indexOf(expectedHandles.get(i));
ArrayList<BlockBuilder> columnBlockBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Type> columnTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int expectedColumnIndex : brokerSql.getExpectedColumnIndices()) {
// columnIndex is the index of this column in the current scan
// It is obtained from the mapping and can be -ve, which means that the
// expectedColumnIndex'th column returned by Pinot can be discarded.
int columnIndex = -1;
if (expectedColumnIndex >= 0) {
columnIndex = handleMapping[expectedColumnIndex];
columnBlockBuilders.add(columnIndex >= 0 ? pageBuilder.getBlockBuilder(columnIndex) : null);
columnTypes.add(columnIndex >= 0 ? expectedTypes.get(columnIndex) : null);
return new BlockAndTypeBuilder(pageBuilder, columnBlockBuilders, columnTypes);