use of com.facebook.presto.common.type.SqlDecimal in project presto by prestodb.
the class RcFileTester method decodeRecordReaderValue.
private static Object decodeRecordReaderValue(Type type, Object actualValue) {
if (actualValue instanceof LazyPrimitive) {
actualValue = ((LazyPrimitive<?, ?>) actualValue).getWritableObject();
if (actualValue instanceof BooleanWritable) {
actualValue = ((BooleanWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof ByteWritable) {
actualValue = ((ByteWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof BytesWritable) {
actualValue = new SqlVarbinary(((BytesWritable) actualValue).copyBytes());
} else if (actualValue instanceof DateWritable) {
actualValue = new SqlDate(((DateWritable) actualValue).getDays());
} else if (actualValue instanceof DoubleWritable) {
actualValue = ((DoubleWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof FloatWritable) {
actualValue = ((FloatWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof IntWritable) {
actualValue = ((IntWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof LongWritable) {
actualValue = ((LongWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof ShortWritable) {
actualValue = ((ShortWritable) actualValue).get();
} else if (actualValue instanceof HiveDecimalWritable) {
DecimalType decimalType = (DecimalType) type;
HiveDecimalWritable writable = (HiveDecimalWritable) actualValue;
// writable messes with the scale so rescale the values to the Presto type
BigInteger rescaledValue = rescale(writable.getHiveDecimal().unscaledValue(), writable.getScale(), decimalType.getScale());
actualValue = new SqlDecimal(rescaledValue, decimalType.getPrecision(), decimalType.getScale());
} else if (actualValue instanceof Text) {
actualValue = actualValue.toString();
} else if (actualValue instanceof TimestampWritable) {
TimestampWritable timestamp = (TimestampWritable) actualValue;
if (SESSION.getSqlFunctionProperties().isLegacyTimestamp()) {
actualValue = new SqlTimestamp((timestamp.getSeconds() * 1000) + (timestamp.getNanos() / 1000000L), UTC_KEY);
} else {
actualValue = new SqlTimestamp((timestamp.getSeconds() * 1000) + (timestamp.getNanos() / 1000000L));
} else if (actualValue instanceof StructObject) {
StructObject structObject = (StructObject) actualValue;
actualValue = decodeRecordReaderStruct(type, structObject.getFieldsAsList());
} else if (actualValue instanceof LazyBinaryArray) {
actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((LazyBinaryArray) actualValue).getList());
} else if (actualValue instanceof LazyBinaryMap) {
actualValue = decodeRecordReaderMap(type, ((LazyBinaryMap) actualValue).getMap());
} else if (actualValue instanceof LazyArray) {
actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((LazyArray) actualValue).getList());
} else if (actualValue instanceof LazyMap) {
actualValue = decodeRecordReaderMap(type, ((LazyMap) actualValue).getMap());
} else if (actualValue instanceof List) {
actualValue = decodeRecordReaderList(type, ((List<?>) actualValue));
return actualValue;