use of com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.TypedSet in project presto by prestodb.
the class MultimapFromEntriesFunction method multimapFromEntries.
public Block multimapFromEntries(@TypeParameter("map(K,array(V))") MapType mapType, @SqlType("array(row(K,V))") Block block) {
Type keyType = mapType.getKeyType();
Type valueType = ((ArrayType) mapType.getValueType()).getElementType();
RowType rowType = RowType.anonymous(ImmutableList.of(keyType, valueType));
int entryCount = block.getPositionCount();
IntList[] entryIndicesList = new IntList[entryCount];
for (int i = 0; i < entryIndicesList.length; i++) {
entryIndicesList[i] = new IntArrayList();
TypedSet keySet = new TypedSet(keyType, entryCount, NAME);
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
if (block.isNull(i)) {
throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, "map entry cannot be null");
Block rowBlock = rowType.getObject(block, i);
if (rowBlock.isNull(0)) {
throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, "map key cannot be null");
if (keySet.contains(rowBlock, 0)) {
entryIndicesList[keySet.positionOf(rowBlock, 0)].add(i);
} else {
keySet.add(rowBlock, 0);
entryIndicesList[keySet.size() - 1].add(i);
BlockBuilder multimapBlockBuilder = mapType.createBlockBuilder(null, keySet.size());
BlockBuilder singleMapWriter = multimapBlockBuilder.beginBlockEntry();
for (int i = 0; i < keySet.size(); i++) {
keyType.appendTo(rowType.getObject(block, entryIndicesList[i].getInt(0)), 0, singleMapWriter);
BlockBuilder singleArrayWriter = singleMapWriter.beginBlockEntry();
for (int entryIndex : entryIndicesList[i]) {
valueType.appendTo(rowType.getObject(block, entryIndex), 1, singleArrayWriter);
return mapType.getObject(multimapBlockBuilder, multimapBlockBuilder.getPositionCount() - 1);
use of com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.TypedSet in project presto by prestodb.
the class ArrayDistinctFunction method distinct.
public static Block distinct(@TypeParameter("E") Type type, @SqlType("array(E)") Block array) {
int arrayLength = array.getPositionCount();
if (arrayLength < 2) {
return array;
if (arrayLength == 2) {
if (TypeUtils.positionEqualsPosition(type, array, 0, array, 1)) {
return array.getSingleValueBlock(0);
} else {
return array;
TypedSet typedSet = new TypedSet(type, arrayLength, "array_distinct");
BlockBuilder distinctElementBlockBuilder;
if (array.mayHaveNull()) {
int firstDuplicatePosition = 0;
// Keep adding the element to the set as long as there are no dupes.
while (firstDuplicatePosition < arrayLength && typedSet.add(array, firstDuplicatePosition)) {
if (firstDuplicatePosition == arrayLength) {
// All elements are distinct, so just return the original.
return array;
int position = 0;
distinctElementBlockBuilder = type.createBlockBuilder(null, arrayLength);
while (position < firstDuplicatePosition) {
type.appendTo(array, position, distinctElementBlockBuilder);
while (position < arrayLength) {
if (typedSet.add(array, position)) {
type.appendTo(array, position, distinctElementBlockBuilder);
} else {
int firstDuplicatePosition = 0;
while (firstDuplicatePosition < arrayLength && typedSet.addNonNull(array, firstDuplicatePosition)) {
if (firstDuplicatePosition == arrayLength) {
// All elements are distinct, so just return the original.
return array;
int position = 0;
distinctElementBlockBuilder = type.createBlockBuilder(null, arrayLength);
while (position < firstDuplicatePosition) {
type.appendTo(array, position, distinctElementBlockBuilder);
while (position < arrayLength) {
if (typedSet.addNonNull(array, position)) {
type.appendTo(array, position, distinctElementBlockBuilder);