use of com.facebook.presto.spi.FixedSplitSource in project presto by prestodb.
the class RedisSplitManager method getSplits.
public ConnectorSplitSource getSplits(ConnectorTransactionHandle transaction, ConnectorSession session, ConnectorTableLayoutHandle layout) {
RedisTableHandle redisTableHandle = convertLayout(layout).getTable();
List<HostAddress> nodes = new ArrayList<>(redisConnectorConfig.getNodes());
checkState(!nodes.isEmpty(), "No Redis nodes available");
ImmutableList.Builder<ConnectorSplit> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
long numberOfKeys = 1;
// splits by splitting zset in chunks
if (redisTableHandle.getKeyDataFormat().equals("zset")) {
try (Jedis jedis = jedisManager.getJedisPool(nodes.get(0)).getResource()) {
numberOfKeys = jedis.zcount(redisTableHandle.getKeyName(), "-inf", "+inf");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
long stride = REDIS_STRIDE_SPLITS;
if (numberOfKeys / stride > REDIS_MAX_SPLITS) {
stride = numberOfKeys / REDIS_MAX_SPLITS;
for (long startIndex = 0; startIndex < numberOfKeys; startIndex += stride) {
long endIndex = startIndex + stride - 1;
if (endIndex >= numberOfKeys) {
endIndex = -1;
RedisSplit split = new RedisSplit(connectorId, redisTableHandle.getSchemaName(), redisTableHandle.getTableName(), redisTableHandle.getKeyDataFormat(), redisTableHandle.getValueDataFormat(), redisTableHandle.getKeyName(), startIndex, endIndex, nodes);
return new FixedSplitSource(;