use of com.facebook.presto.spi.QueryId in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestQueues method testBasic.
@Test(timeOut = 240_000)
public void testBasic() throws Exception {
String dbConfigUrl = getDbConfigUrl();
H2ResourceGroupsDao dao = getDao(dbConfigUrl);
try (DistributedQueryRunner queryRunner = createQueryRunner(dbConfigUrl, dao)) {
QueryManager queryManager = queryRunner.getCoordinator().getQueryManager();
// submit first "dashboard" query
QueryId firstDashboardQuery = createQuery(queryRunner, newDashboardSession(), LONG_LASTING_QUERY);
// wait for the first "dashboard" query to start
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, firstDashboardQuery, RUNNING);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getRunningQueries(), 1);
// submit second "dashboard" query
QueryId secondDashboardQuery = createQuery(queryRunner, newDashboardSession(), LONG_LASTING_QUERY);
// wait for the second "dashboard" query to be queued ("dashboard.${USER}" queue strategy only allows one "dashboard" query to be accepted for execution)
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, secondDashboardQuery, QUEUED);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getRunningQueries(), 1);
// Update db to allow for 1 more running query in dashboard resource group
dao.updateResourceGroup(3, "user-${USER}", "1MB", 3, 4, null, null, null, null, null, 1L);
dao.updateResourceGroup(5, "dashboard-${USER}", "1MB", 1, 2, null, null, null, null, null, 3L);
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, secondDashboardQuery, RUNNING);
QueryId thirdDashboardQuery = createQuery(queryRunner, newDashboardSession(), LONG_LASTING_QUERY);
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, thirdDashboardQuery, QUEUED);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getRunningQueries(), 2);
// submit first non "dashboard" query
QueryId firstNonDashboardQuery = createQuery(queryRunner, newSession(), LONG_LASTING_QUERY);
// wait for the first non "dashboard" query to start
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, firstNonDashboardQuery, RUNNING);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getRunningQueries(), 3);
// submit second non "dashboard" query
QueryId secondNonDashboardQuery = createQuery(queryRunner, newSession(), LONG_LASTING_QUERY);
// wait for the second non "dashboard" query to start
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, secondNonDashboardQuery, RUNNING);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getRunningQueries(), 4);
// cancel first "dashboard" query, the second "dashboard" query and second non "dashboard" query should start running
cancelQuery(queryRunner, firstDashboardQuery);
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, firstDashboardQuery, FAILED);
waitForQueryState(queryRunner, thirdDashboardQuery, RUNNING);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getRunningQueries(), 4);
assertEquals(queryManager.getStats().getCompletedQueries().getTotalCount(), 1);
use of com.facebook.presto.spi.QueryId in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestingTaskContext method createTaskContext.
public static TaskContext createTaskContext(Executor executor, Session session, DataSize maxMemory) {
MemoryPool memoryPool = new MemoryPool(new MemoryPoolId("test"), new DataSize(1, GIGABYTE));
MemoryPool systemMemoryPool = new MemoryPool(new MemoryPoolId("testSystem"), new DataSize(1, GIGABYTE));
QueryContext queryContext = new QueryContext(new QueryId("test_query"), maxMemory, memoryPool, systemMemoryPool, executor);
return createTaskContext(queryContext, executor, session);
use of com.facebook.presto.spi.QueryId in project presto by prestodb.
the class SqlQueryManager method removeExpiredQueries.
* Remove completed queries after a waiting period
private void removeExpiredQueries() {
DateTime timeHorizon =;
// we're willing to keep queries beyond timeHorizon as long as we have fewer than maxQueryHistory
while (expirationQueue.size() > maxQueryHistory) {
QueryInfo queryInfo = expirationQueue.peek().getQueryInfo();
// first query that's too young to expire
if (queryInfo.getQueryStats().getEndTime().isAfter(timeHorizon)) {
// only expire them if they are older than minQueryExpireAge. We need to keep them
// around for a while in case clients come back asking for status
QueryId queryId = queryInfo.getQueryId();
log.debug("Remove query %s", queryId);
use of com.facebook.presto.spi.QueryId in project presto by prestodb.
the class SqlQueryManager method createQuery.
public QueryInfo createQuery(SessionSupplier sessionSupplier, String query) {
requireNonNull(sessionSupplier, "sessionFactory is null");
requireNonNull(query, "query is null");
checkArgument(!query.isEmpty(), "query must not be empty string");
QueryId queryId = queryIdGenerator.createNextQueryId();
Session session = null;
QueryExecution queryExecution;
Statement statement;
try {
session = sessionSupplier.createSession(queryId, transactionManager, accessControl, sessionPropertyManager);
if (query.length() > maxQueryLength) {
int queryLength = query.length();
query = query.substring(0, maxQueryLength);
throw new PrestoException(QUERY_TEXT_TOO_LARGE, format("Query text length (%s) exceeds the maximum length (%s)", queryLength, maxQueryLength));
Statement wrappedStatement = sqlParser.createStatement(query);
statement = unwrapExecuteStatement(wrappedStatement, sqlParser, session);
List<Expression> parameters = wrappedStatement instanceof Execute ? ((Execute) wrappedStatement).getParameters() : emptyList();
validateParameters(statement, parameters);
QueryExecutionFactory<?> queryExecutionFactory = executionFactories.get(statement.getClass());
if (queryExecutionFactory == null) {
throw new PrestoException(NOT_SUPPORTED, "Unsupported statement type: " + statement.getClass().getSimpleName());
if (statement instanceof Explain && ((Explain) statement).isAnalyze()) {
Statement innerStatement = ((Explain) statement).getStatement();
if (!(executionFactories.get(innerStatement.getClass()) instanceof SqlQueryExecutionFactory)) {
throw new PrestoException(NOT_SUPPORTED, "EXPLAIN ANALYZE only supported for statements that are queries");
queryExecution = queryExecutionFactory.createQueryExecution(queryId, query, session, statement, parameters);
} catch (ParsingException | PrestoException | SemanticException e) {
// This is intentionally not a method, since after the state change listener is registered
// it's not safe to do any of this, and we had bugs before where people reused this code in a method
URI self = locationFactory.createQueryLocation(queryId);
// if session creation failed, create a minimal session object
if (session == null) {
session = Session.builder(new SessionPropertyManager()).setQueryId(queryId).setIdentity(sessionSupplier.getIdentity()).build();
Optional<ResourceGroupId> resourceGroup = Optional.empty();
if (e instanceof QueryQueueFullException) {
resourceGroup = Optional.of(((QueryQueueFullException) e).getResourceGroup());
QueryExecution execution = new FailedQueryExecution(queryId, query, resourceGroup, session, self, transactionManager, queryExecutor, metadata, e);
QueryInfo queryInfo = null;
try {
queries.put(queryId, execution);
queryInfo = execution.getQueryInfo();
} finally {
// execution MUST be added to the expiration queue or there will be a leak
return queryInfo;
QueryInfo queryInfo = queryExecution.getQueryInfo();
queryExecution.addFinalQueryInfoListener(finalQueryInfo -> {
try {
QueryInfo info = queryExecution.getQueryInfo();
} finally {
queries.put(queryId, queryExecution);
// start the query in the background
queueManager.submit(statement, queryExecution, queryExecutor);
return queryInfo;
use of com.facebook.presto.spi.QueryId in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSourcePartitionedScheduler method createSqlStageExecution.
private SqlStageExecution createSqlStageExecution(StageExecutionPlan tableScanPlan, NodeTaskMap nodeTaskMap) {
StageId stageId = new StageId(new QueryId("query"), 0);
SqlStageExecution stage = new SqlStageExecution(stageId, locationFactory.createStageLocation(stageId), tableScanPlan.getFragment(), new MockRemoteTaskFactory(executor), TEST_SESSION, true, nodeTaskMap, executor, new SplitSchedulerStats());
stage.setOutputBuffers(createInitialEmptyOutputBuffers(PARTITIONED).withBuffer(OUT, 0).withNoMoreBufferIds());
return stage;